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CIL Recruitment for Management Trainees through GATE 2024 Score


(A Govt. of India Undertaking)

Advertisement No.: 04/2024

CIL Recruitment for Management Trainees through GATE 2024 Score

Coal India Limited (CIL) is a Schedule ‘A’ Maharatna Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Coal, Government of India. With its corporate headquarters in Kolkata, CIL stands as the world’s largest coal producer, employing approximately 2.25 lakh people. The company is responsible for around 79% of India’s total coal production.

CIL is evolving from a single-product entity into a diversified business organization in the coming years. To realize this vision, CIL, an equal opportunity employer, is inviting applications from young, energetic, and dynamic individuals for recruitment as MANAGEMENT TRAINEES in E-2 Grade. Applications are accepted only through the online application mode, as specified in Short Advertisement No. 02/2023, for candidates qualified in GATE-2024, across the following disciplines:

CIL Recruitment through GATE 2024

Sl. No. Discipline Post Code Total Vacancy GATE Paper Code
01 Mining 11 263 MN
02 Civil 12   91 CE
03 Electrical 13 102 EE
04 Mechanical 14 104 ME
05 System 15  41 CS
06 E&T 16  39 EC
Total 640


NOTE: Application if submitted by GATE 2024 unqualified candidates will be rejected.

1. Important Dates

Activity Important Dates
Opening date for Online Registration of Applications 29-Oct-2024 :10.00 A.M
Last date of Online Submission of Application 28-Nov-2024 :18.00 P.M


  1. Detailed instructions available on page of login portal on CIL website may please be referred at the time of filling online application.
  2. Candidates are strongly encouraged to complete their registration and submit their application well in advance before the deadline. CIL will not be responsible for any difficulties in submission caused by last-minute congestion.
  3. Candidates should read the instructions in the advertisement & FAQs carefully before making any entry or selecting options for filling online applications.

2. Qualification And Eligibility Criteria

Post Code Discipline Minimum Qualification
11 Mining Degree in Mining Engineering with a minimum of 60% marks
12 Civil Degree in the relevant branch of Engg. with a minimum of 60% marks
13 Electrical Degree in the relevant branch of Engg. with a minimum of 60% marks
14 Mechanical Degree in the relevant branch of Engg. with a minimum of 60% marks
15 System Recognized 1st Class Degree in BE/ B.Tech/ B.Sc (Engg.) in Computer Science / Computer Engineering / I.T or any 1st Class Degree with MCA
16 E&T BE/ B.Tech/ B.Sc (Engg.) in relevant branch of Engineering with minimum 60% marks.



  1. Candidates must have a B.E., B.Tech, B.Sc (Engg.), or MCA degree from a university or institute recognized by the appropriate statutory authority in India. The course must be a full-time, regular program.
  2. Minimum qualifying marks:
  • General (UR), OBC (Non-Creamy Layer), and EWS categories: 60%
  • SC, ST, and PwBD candidates: Relaxation of 5%, with a minimum of 55%
  1. If marks are given in CGPA/GPA, candidates must attach a percentage conversion certificate issued by their university/institute.
  1. Appearing Candidates:
  • Candidates in the final semester/year/trimester of the 2023-24 session for the required qualification who have appeared in GATE 2024 and are listed among qualified candidates by the Organizing Institute are eligible to apply. They must submit final passing results for the required qualification before final selection or during document verification. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of their candidature without further notice.
  • Candidates must pass all subjects in the final year/semester/trimester for the academic year 2023-24 in a single attempt and must have cleared all previous years/semesters/trimester requirements by the date of final result declaration.
  • Final-year candidates for the 2023-24 academic year must upload the most recent marks sheet or transcript of their qualifying educational program along with other required documents.

3. Clarification on the relevant branch of Engineering :

Discipline (Post Code) Eligible Branches Not Eligible Branches
Civil (12) Civil Engineering Civil with Architecture or Structural Engineering or any other combinations with Civil Engineering.
Electrical (13)
  • Electrical; Electrical & Electronics
  • Engineering;
  • Electronics
  • Electrical Engineering
Instrumentation & Control, Power System, Power Electronics, Power Engineering and combination of Electrical Engineering with any of these or similar branches.
Mechanical (14) Mechanical Engineering Production, Industrial, Automation, Thermal, Manufacturing Engineering and Combination of Mechanical Engineering with any of these or similar branches.

Electronics & Telecommunication (16)

  • Electronics &
  • Telecommunication;
  • Electronics &
  • Communication

Instrumentation, Instrumentation &

Control, Electrical, Instrumentation & Control and Electronics Engineering in combination with any other branch.


Note: In case of any dispute arising about admissibility of any particular qualification in Mining, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, System & E&T disciplines the decision of Chairman, Coal India Limited shall be final and binding.

4. Tentative Vacancy

Discipline GEN (UR) EWS SC ST OBC-NCL Fresh Vacancies Backlog Vacancies Total Vacancies
including Backlog
Category of disability
suitable for the post
including PWBD
backlog vacancies
Mining 106 26 39 20 71 262 ST-1 263 None
Civil 30 7 11 5 20 73 OBC-NCL –
09, SC-04
Total -18
91 (a) HH-4 (b) OA,
OL, Dw-4 (c) SLD &
(d) MD involving
(a) to (c)-04
Electrical 24 5 8 5 15 57 OBC-NCL – 15,
Total -45
102 (a) HH – 3 (b) OH
(OL, Dw) – 3 (c) SLD
& (d) MD involving
(a) to (c) – 3
Mechanical 7 1 1 0 3 12 OBC-NCL – 41,
Total -92
104 (a) HH – 1 (b) OH

(OL, Dw) – 1 (c) SLD
& (d) MD involving
(a) to (c) – 1

System 12 2 4 2 8 28 OBC-NCL – 07,
Total -13
41 (a) LV-16 (b) HH-2
(c) OA,OL,OAL, Dw-
2 (d) ASD(M) (e)
MD involving (a) to
E&T 11 2 4 2 7 26 OBC-NCL – 08,
Total -13
39 (a) HH-2 (b) OL,
Dw-1 (c) SLD & (d)
MD involving (a)
to (c)-2
Total 190 43 67 34 124 458* 182 640*



*The above vacancy is tentative and may increase or decrease as per requirement.

ABBREVIATIONS: HH=Hard of Hearing, OH = Orthopaedically Handicapped, OA=One Arm, OL=One Leg, OAL=One Arm and One Leg, Dw=Dwarfism, LV= Low Vision, SLD=Specific Learning Disability, MD=Multiple Disabilities, ASD=Autism Spectrum Disorder (M=Mild).

Against Mining discipline, there is no suitable posts identified for PwBDs  for executives in CIL. As such, 12 PwBD backlog vacancies of Mining discipline of GATE-2023 & 11 PwBD fresh vacancies against Mining discipline totalling 23 are reallocated in other disciplines where suitable posts are identified for PwBDs.

03 Visually Handicapped (VH) vacancies against the disciplines in which there are no identified posts for VH (Visually Handicapped) sub-category of disability from GATE-2023, are also reallocated in the VH sub-category of disabilities totalling 16 VH PwBD vacancies.

As per DoPT guideline, whenever in any recruitment year any vacancy earmarked for EWS cannot be filled due to non-availability of a suitable candidate belonging to EWS, such vacancy for that particular recruitment year shall not be carried forward to the next recruitment year as backlog.

5. Selection Process

  1. Eligible candidates must have appeared and qualified for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE – 2024). Based on the GATE – 2024 Scores/Marks and requirement, candidates will be shortlisted discipline-wise and category-wise, in the ratio of 1:3 in order of merit for further selection process.
  2. In case of tie in GATE Score, following norms will be adhered to for finalizing the merit panel :
  1. Applicant scoring higher percentage mark / CGPA in minimum eligible qualification will be placed higher in the merit list.
  2. If there is still a tie after considering Sl.No (i) above, applicant who is senior in age will be placed higher.
  1. The final merit list will be prepared for each discipline on the basis of GATE2024 Scores/Marks. GATE Scores/Marks of 2024 will only be valid and the scores prior to or after GATE-2024 is not valid for this recruitment activity and hence will not be considered.
  2. Candidates employed by Government, PSUs, or Autonomous bodies must submit a No Objection Certificate (NOC) or a receipted copy of the NOC request to their employer when filling out the online application form. Applications without this will be rejected.
  3. If candidates join a Government/PSU/Autonomous body after applying, they must provide an NOC at the time of document verification upon final selection; failure to do so will result in disqualification from the process.
  4. The final list of selected candidates against the vacancies will be uploaded on the CIL website only. These Candidates will be intimated about Documents Verification (DV) & Initial Medical Examination (IME) on CIL website and also on their registered E-mail Id only.
  5. Offer of Appointment will be issued only after successful completion of DV & IME and submission of relieving letter from present employer if working in Govt. Sector / PSUs / Autonomous body.

6. Application Fee

  1. Candidates belonging to GENERAL (UR) / OBC (Creamy Layer & Non Creamy Layer) / EWS category are required to pay a Non-Refundable fee of ₹. 1000/- plus applicable GST – ₹.180/- totalling ₹. 1180/- (Rupees One Thousand One Hundred Eighty only).
  2. SC / ST / PwBD / Employees of Coal India Limited and its Subsidiaries are exempted from payment of application fee.
  3. Application fee will be paid through online mode only. There will be no other mode for payment of application fee. CIL will not be responsible in case a candidate deposits the fee in any wrong account. Candidates are therefore advised to verify their eligibility before applying.

7. Upper Age Limit

The Upper Age Limit is 30 Years as on 30th-Sept-2024 for General (UR) & EWS category candidates.

Category-wise relaxation in Upper Age Limit is mentioned below:

  1. OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) – 3 Years
  2. SC / ST – 5 Years
  3. For Persons with Disabilities
  • General (UR) -10 Years
  • OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) – 13 Years
  • SC / ST – 15 Years
  1. Relaxation for Ex-Servicemen (ESM) category candidates is as per extant Govt. of India guidelines.

Note :

The Upper Age Limit is relaxed subject to the condition that maximum age of the applicant on the crucial date i.e. 30th-Sept-2024 shall not exceed 56 years.

8. Reservations and Relaxations

  1. Reservations and relaxations for SC / ST / OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) / PwBD (Percentage of Disability – 40% or above) / EWS / ESM candidates will be provided as per guidelines of Govt. of India for the purpose. The reservation for PwBD / ESM is on horizontal basis.
    SC, ST  & OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) category candidates applying against General (UR) category post shall be considered in the General (UR) category for the purpose of availing relaxation in Upper Age Limit and application fee.
  2. Age relaxation to Ex-servicemen/Dependants of those who died in riots of 1984 (Dependants 1984/Dependants of Defence Persons killed in Action (DODPKIA) as per the DoPT guidelines.
  3. Relaxations for employees of Coal India Limited or its Subsidiary companies applying online against the advertisement will be as per the rules of the company i.e. no age limit and no application fee.
  4. For getting benefits of reservation under OBC-NCL category:
  • The candidate’s caste must appear in the Central List of Other Backward Classes (OBC) for their state, as notified by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, for appointments under the Central Government and its PSUs. The caste name in the certificate must match the spelling in the central list.
  • Candidates must provide a caste certificate from a competent authority in the latest prescribed format for reservations in appointments under the Government of India/Central Government PSUs.
  • OBC candidates from the “Creamy Layer” are not eligible for OBC (NCL) reservation and must apply as General category candidates.
  1. For getting benefits of reservation under SC/ ST Category:
  • The candidate’s caste must be listed in the Central List of SC/ST for their respective state, as notified by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India.
  • The caste certificate must include the date of issue and the name of the caste.
  • Candidates are required to provide their SC/ST certificate in the latest format prescribed by the Government of India.
  1. For getting benefits of reservation under EWS category, the candidates:
  1. Should not be covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs and whose family has gross annual income below Rs. 8.00 Lakhs (Rupees Eight Lakhs Only). Income shall include income from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc. for the financial year prior to the year of application.
    Also persons whose family owns or possesses any of the following assets                      shall be excluded from being identified as EWS, irrespective of the family           income:-
  1. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;
  2. Residential Flat of 1000 Sq Ft and above;
  3. Residential Plot of 100 Sq Yards and above in notified municipalities;
  4. Residential Plot of 200 Sq yards and above in areas other than the Notified Municipalities.
  1. The property held by a “Family” in different locations or different places/ cities would be clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS Status.
  2. The term “Family” for this purpose will include the person who seeks benefits of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years and also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years.
  3. The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an Income and Asset Certificate issued by Competent Authority. The income and Asset Certificate and Caste Certificate issued by any one of the following authorities in the prescribed format as given in Annexure-I, shall only be accepted as proof of candidate’s claim as belonging to EWS/Caste.
  1. District Magistrate/ Additional District magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/ 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub Divisional Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner.
  2. Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate.
  3. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar and Sub-Divisional Officer of the Area where the candidate and /or his family normally resides.
  1. The crucial date for submitting income and asset certificate by the candidate may be treated as the closing date for receipt of application for the post.

This will be regulated as per Govt. of India Guidelines.

  1. For getting the benefit of reservation under PwBD category: The candidate should meet following criteria to claim relaxation/reservation under PwBD category-
  1. Degree of Disability – Minimum 40%
  2. PwBD certificate as per latest format applicable to relevant category of disability.

 9. Other Details:

A. Compensation / Pay

Selected candidates will be placed as Management Trainee in E-2 Grade in the scale of pay of ₹. 50,000 – 1, 60,000/- at the initial Basic of ₹. 50,000/- per month during the training period. On successful and satisfactory completion of 1-year training period and passing the test conducted for the purpose, regularization will be in E-3 Grade in the scale of pay of ₹. 60,000 – 1, 80,000/- at the initial Basic of ₹.60,000/- with probation for 1 year, if not extended. Besides Basic pay, candidates will also be entitled to Dearness Allowance, HRA, perquisites and allowances under cafeteria approach including Performance Related Pay (PRP) as applicable for the post. Benefits such as Leave, Medical facilities, CMPF, CMPS, Gratuity, CIL Executive Defined Contribution Pension Scheme etc. will be admissible as per extant rules of the company. The actual remuneration may vary depending on place of posting, financial performance of the Company and also performance rating of individual.

B. Posting:

Candidates may be posted anywhere in Subsidiary companies including Coalfield areas. Only candidates willing to serve anywhere in India need to apply. However candidates will be required to submit three preference /choice for posting, but the final posting will be as per the availability of vacancy and decision of CIL Management in this regard will be final and binding.

C. Service Agereement Bond

Appointed candidates are required to serve the company for a minimum period of 60 months from the date of joining the company. The candidates will be required to execute a service agreement bond of ₹. 3 Lakhs (Rupees Three Lakhs) as applicable for the same at the time of joining. A deduction of Rs. 5000/- per month from the salary will be done towards this bond money which will be refunded without interest after successful completion of 60 months of service.

D. Medical Examination

Before appointment, the selected candidates will have to undergo Initial Medical Examination (IME) by the company’s Medical Committee, as per the Medical Attendance Rules of the company. The decision of the Medical Committee will be final and binding. The candidates are advised to go through the CIL’s Medical Attendance Rule available on CIL’s website and ensure that they meet the medical / physical standard to avoid any disappointment in IME.

 10. Other Details

  1. The candidates shall apply only through online mode through the link available on CIL website only under
  2. While applying online, candidate needs to upload copies of the following self attested documents. Please note that scanned documents should be clear and legible failing which candidature may be cancelled:
  1. Digital/Scanned copy of the recent passport size colour photograph (not older than 3 weeks in jpg/jpeg format).
  2. Scanned copy of signature with Black ink pen (in jpg/jpeg format).
  3. Scanned copies of the documents (in jpg/jpeg and pdf format), as follows:
  1. Matriculation / Secondary Board level certificate /Admit Card in support of age.
  2. Mark sheet of graduation /post-graduation to establish the eligibility of the candidate
  3. Final / Provisional Degree / Certificate for Graduation and Post Graduation, as applicable.
  4. Apart from the other required documents, the candidates of final year / semester / trimester in the academic year 2023-2024 will have to upload self-attested copy of their latest year / semester / trimester mark sheet / marks transcript of relevant minimum educational qualification. In case of CGPA/GPA, conversion in percentage certificate issued by University/Institute should be attached without fail.
  5. Candidates belonging to OBC (Non-Creamy Layer), SC / ST will have to upload self attested copy of valid caste certificate in prescribed format, as mentioned above.
  6. For PwBD category, self-attested copy of certificate in the prescribed format of Govt. of India duly issued by the competent authority, has to be uploaded.
  7. Candidates belonging to Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) will have to upload self attested copy of valid Income & Asset certificate issued by the competent authority as per OM No.36039/1/2019Estt (Res) dated 31.01.19 of DoPT, Ministry of PPG&P, Govt. of India for the year 2023-2024, as mentioned above.
  8. Discharge / Service Certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen.
  9. Candidates presently employed in Government / Semi-Govt. / Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous body to upload the document of No Objection Certificate (NOC) or proper receipted copy of application to employer seeking NOC, as mentioned in the point No. 5(d) of this advertisement.
  10. Any information submitted by candidate, if found false/wrong, will lead to cancellation of candidature of the candidate without any reference.
  11. Candidate can submit online application for one discipline (post) only.
  12. The applicants, who submit multiple online applications, should note that only the online application with higher “Application Sequence Number” shall be entertained by the CIL and fee paid against one “Application Sequence Number” shall not be adjusted against any other “Application Sequence Number”.
  13. Non-attachment of required/legible documents in the online application will be treated as incomplete application and will be rejected forthright.
  14. For foreign degree holders, the documents recognizing the same by the statutory body for appointment in government jobs to be attached.

Note: In case any additional document is required to be uploaded, candidate is advised to upload it as merged pdf file in any tab given in online application portal.

11. General Information and Instructions

  • Eligibility: Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply.
  • Qualifications: All qualifications must be recognized by AICTE/UGC/appropriate Indian statutory authorities. Degrees from foreign universities must be recognized by the relevant statutory body for government jobs; candidates must attach this recognition document as a merged PDF file in their online application.
  • Provisional Candidature: CIL will not conduct detailed scrutiny of applications for eligibility during shortlisting, making all applications provisional. Candidates should ensure they meet all eligibility criteria before applying. If any claims are found unsubstantiated during later scrutiny, candidature will be cancelled.
  • No Modifications: No changes are allowed after submitting the online application. Any discrepancies between the online data and original documents may result in rejection.
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC): Candidates employed by Government/PSUs/Autonomous bodies must submit an NOC or a proper receipted copy of the application seeking NOC when filling out the online application. Those who join after applying must submit the NOC at document verification; failure to do so will lead to disqualification.
  • Offer of Appointment: Appointment offers will be issued only after obtaining a relieving letter from the current employer if working in the government sector/PSUs/Autonomous bodies.
  • Contact Information: Candidates must maintain an active email ID and mobile number for at least one year. All communications will be sent to the registered email. No changes to these contact details will be allowed.
  • Queries: Candidates should check the FAQs section on CIL’s website for queries.
  • Recruitment Process: CIL reserves the right to cancel, restrict, modify, or alter the recruitment process without providing reasons.
  • Advertisement Modifications: Any changes or corrections to the advertisement will be posted on CIL’s website only.
  • Authenticity of Advertisements: Candidates should disregard any unauthorized advertisements and verify the authenticity on CIL’s website.
  • Communication: All announcements regarding the recruitment process will occur via email and notices on CIL’s website. Candidates must keep their email and mobile active, as the company will not be responsible for lost emails due to incorrect details provided.
  • Help Desk: For issues with the online application, candidates can use the Help Desk option in their login portal. For other queries, they may email
  • Verification: After appointment, candidates will undergo verification of character and antecedents. Any discrepancies will result in cancellation of candidature.
  • Canvassing: Any form of canvassing by a candidate will disqualify their application.
  • Disqualification Criteria: If, at any stage of the recruitment process or subsequently, it is found that, the applicant:
    1. has provided wrong information or submitted false documents or
    2. has suppressed relevant information or
    3. does not meet the eligibility criteria for this recruitment or
    4. has resorted to unfair means during selection process or
    5. is found guilty of impersonation.

She/he will be liable to be disqualified, prosecuted and debarred for all appointments in CIL and her/his application/appointment will be cancelled/rejected forthwith.

  • Hindi Version: The Hindi version of the detailed advertisement will be uploaded shortly.
  • Jurisdiction: Any disputes related to recruitment under this advertisement will be settled exclusively within the jurisdiction of Kolkata.

12. For downloading the detailed advertisement, accessing FAQs, and submitting online applications, candidates can use the WhatsApp Chat Bot “Coal Mitra” at phone number 94770 11383.


Q.1. What is the start date and deadline for the online application?

Ans: The online application starts on 29th October 2024, 10:00 A.M. and the deadline is 28th November 2024, 6:00 P.M.

Q.2. Where can I apply for this recruitment?

Ans: Applications are accepted only through the official CIL website at

Q.3. Can I submit an application if I haven’t qualified in GATE 2024?

Ans: No, applications from candidates who haven’t qualified in GATE 2024 will be rejected.

Q.4. What is the minimum educational qualification required for applying?

Ans: You must have a full-time, regular degree in the relevant field of engineering with a minimum of 60% marks. 55% for SC/ST/PwBD candidates.

Q.5. How many total vacancies are there for this recruitment?

Ans: There are a total of 640 vacancies across different disciplines.

Q.6. What documents do I need to upload with my application?

Ans: Required documents include your most recent marks sheet, GATE scorecard, and relevant certificates. Final-year candidates must upload the latest mark sheet.

Q.7. Is there an application fee?

Ans: Yes, candidates from General, OBC, and EWS categories need to pay ₹1,180 (including GST). SC/ST/PwBD candidates and CIL employees are exempt from the fee. Only online payment is accepted.

Q.8. What documents must I upload with my online application?


  • Recent passport-sized photograph
  • Scanned signature in black ink
  • Proof of age (Matriculation/Secondary Board Certificate)
  • Mark sheets and certificates for graduation/post-graduation
  • Category certificates (if applicable)
  • NOC if employed in Government/PSUs
  • Income & Asset certificate for EWS (if applicable)
  • Additional documents as per specified eligibility criteria

Q.9. Who can I contact for assistance with the application?

Ans. For help with the online application, candidates can use the Help Desk option in the login portal, email specific queries to or Candidates can access “Coal Mitra” WhatsApp Chat Bot at 94770 11383.

Q.10. What is the pay scale for the Management Trainee position?

Ans. Management Trainees start in E-2 Grade with a pay scale of ₹50,000 – ₹1,60,000 per month. After successfully completing training, they are promoted to E-3 Grade with a pay scale of ₹60,000 – ₹1,80,000, including a one-year probation period.

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Dear Aspirants,

Take your GATE, ESE, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).

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