How to Do Effective Answer Writing Practice for UPSC ESE Main 2025?
The Engineering Services Examination (ESE) is a national-level exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to recruit skilled and deserving engineers to serve as Class-1 officers under the Government of India (GoI). These engineers manage key areas of the public sector economy, including the Defence Services of Engineers, Telecommunications, Indian Railways, Power, Central Water Engineering, and Central Engineering Services.
The nature of the work for these officers largely depends on the engineering branch from which they attempt the ESE. Candidates from specific disciplines such as Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering are eligible to apply for the ESE Main 2025. Based on the marks and rank obtained in the ESE Prelims, selected candidates are assigned to different cadres across the country. The entry-level position is Assistant Executive Engineer, while the highest position in this hierarchy is Chairman or Managing Director. This career progression makes the engineering path one of the most appealing for government exam aspirants.
Table of Contents
ESE Pattern:
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the ESE in three phases:
This is the first stage of the ESE , which comprises two papers and the total marks are 500.
Paper 2: ENGINEERING DISCIPLINE (one of the four engineering streams — CE/ME/EE/E&T)
The concerned authorities grant permission to appear for the stage-II exam to those candidates who qualify the stage-I of the ESE.
Phase-II: MAIN EXAMINATION (Conventional Papers)
The second stage of the ESE also consists of two papers and the total marks are 600.
All the candidates who qualify in the stage-I and stage-II exams move on to appear in stage-III of the examination.
Phase-III: Personal Interview (200 marks)
The final merit list in terms of departments and cadres is prepared based on the marks secured in all three phases. Based on this final list, selected candidates receive the departments and cadres associated with the Engineering Services.
While several content pieces exist in each of the mentioned sections of the Engineering Services, it is important to have a keen focus on the phase 2 stage, which is the ESE Main. The higher maximum marks of this stage makes it important for the candidates to emphasize more on the Main examination right from the start of the exam preparation. The Main examination is a subjective type of paper in which both papers require the exam takers to answer the question in the form of written answers. This is one of the prime reasons why we would like to discuss the importance, and steps to follow for effective answer writing practice for the highly competitive Engineering Services Examination (ESE).
Writing Practice for ESE Main 2025
Though the maximum number of students start with the preparation of the ESE right after finishing their college/graduation degree, some possess years of professional working experience as well. Irrespective of the aspirants’ current phase of life, the ESE Main 2025 exam is one intensive part of the entire ESE, which creates the actual challenge for the aspirants. Firstly, because of the vast syllabus associated with the Main examination and secondly due to the written format of this examination. The UPSC ESE Main 2025 answer writing forms a critical part of this competitive exam’s consistent preparation.
While the preliminary examination is objective, the main examination requires the students to be very fluent with writing skills to secure one of the best ranks in this all-India level examination. The UPSC conducts both the Main exam papers on the same day. Exam takers have to complete the first paper within 3 hours, so that they have sufficient time to revise for the next paper.
Answer writing is one of the most crucial and unavoidable aspects linked with the popular ESE Preparation. A well-written and structured series of answers reflect the aspirants’ subject knowledge with his/her ability to tailor and present the concept in impressive and concise content.
Expert-recommended strategies for ESE Main 2025 effective answer writing practice include:
Notes: Firstly, making notes is one of the most effective ways to practice answer witting that provides the required scores in the examination. If you are wondering ‘how to write answers in UPSC Main 2025 exam?’ then you must learn the notes-making skill like a topper. Whether you are studying in the classroom, e-learning, or studying on your own with the help of recommended books, ensure that you make proper notes on the subjects present in the official syllabus. Making notes does not mean copying the exact content present in the book; instead, make it a point to write the concept in your notes in your reading style. As an ESE aspirant, you must take special care to create syllabus-oriented notes in a well-planned and easy-to-revise format. While making notes take special care that you write the notes in a very well-planned and neat format. This way, you can perform the required ESE Main 2025 answer writing practice and have the handy last month/week’s notes prepared for steady and effective revision sessions.
Therefore, the first step, which you must adopt to practice Main answer writing right from the initial phase of ESE preparation, is making notes of each subject in a very neat and clean way for future reference. These notes will act as a great source of learning for you, whenever you plan to read subject concepts and important points again.
Write and learn
Certain studies have proven that one is more likely to remember a particular thing/point/concept/subject that they write as compared to something that they have read (keeping the frequencies the same). It is also one of the reasons that scholars always preferred learning through writing, instead of just copy-pasting the studied topic in a digital folder. If you are an ESE Main 2025 exam aspirant, you must build a habit of writing about the topics or subjects regularly during the ESE preparation phase. You can build a habit of answer writing sessions right from the start of your full-fledged exam preparation. This will get you in the groove of writing, thus helping you commit to the effective ESE Main answer writing practice sessions throughout the exam preparation journey.
Here are some specific ESE answer writing practice:
- If you want to remember a formula, keep writing it in your notebook regularly (at least a few times every week) and before you are aware, the formulas practiced consistently will be engraved in your brain.
- If you are trying to understand a concept, try using a pen and paper. Utilize the infographics to help yourself understand the respective concept. Such infographics will bring you a polished picture of the concept, thus helping you in the result-oriented ESE Main 2025 answer writing practice sessions.
- Even if you want to save a particular topic/concept that, you are presently reading online, do not copy and paste the exact lines/paragraph. Try to write it in your notebook/digital notepad, so that you are in regular touch and practice your writing skills.
- Joining test series: Before the ESE Main, various test series are available in the market for preparation. These test series are a must for all the students who are preparing for the ESE Main 2025. While joining the test series after the prelims exam will not be feasible due to lack of sufficient time, you must try to join the course well in advance. If possible, join the course right from the start of your exam preparation.
- The benefits of joining the ESE Main test series include the following:
- Effective answer writing practice for the ESE Main.
- Significant practice in attempting the ESE similar to the actual exam attempt.
- The UPSC ESE test series’ takers receive a decent idea of the competition that they will face during the actual examination.
- One can improve his/her writing speed and skills with the help of the results, which will be helpful to perform better in the actual exam.
- Use infographics: If you feel that you are not someone who wants to write a lot of content in your answers, then you need to choose the infographics form of answer representation. The best part is that if you answer a question with different infographics like pie charts, tree diagrams, and similar forms in the ESE Main 2025 Answer Writing Practice sessions, instead of writing long paragraphs, you are more likely to secure better marks in the test series and actual exam. Therefore, while making notes and revising subjects; make it a point to add infographics in your answers for better representation. Apart from this, you will also make it easier for the ESE paper checkers to understand your knowledge level and provide you with the deserving scores accordingly.
- Write and revise: You can opt to practice revising through dedicated writing sessions along with reading sessions. Instead of just holding your notes in your hand and going through every word, try to write the answers properly, and use them in your revision sessions. This activity works both as a technique to retain concepts and revise effectively.
- Opt for hand exercises: The above-mentioned options are associated with writing. You need to understand that consistent writing can lead to excessive stress and pain in the hands after intensive writing sessions. Therefore, you must perform certain hand exercises to avoid tiredness while writing answers in the UPSC ESE 2025. This way, you will write the best quality answers at the right speed without stressing your mind or hands. Move your wrist in the clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. This will help in building stronger muscles around the wrist, which are mainly engaged while writing. If your wrist muscles are not strong, you may find it difficult to sustain writing the descriptive papers for 6 hours (3 hours + 3 hours for both papers) and may end up getting tired halfway through or experience a lack of focus and energy. Therefore, you need to ensure that you have exercised your muscles well and prepared yourself for this examination like a pro.
- Learn answer structuring: Before you start writing in the examination, write down all the points that you think must be included in that particular answer. After completing the pointers, you need to choose an answer-structuring format that aligns with your UPSC ESE 2025 examination answering style. Once pointers with the structure are completed, you need to create the answer that comprises the details associated with the respective topic/subject. If you immediately start dumping everything, then you might miss out on significant points crucial for that particular question’s answer.
- Avoid redundant writing: You need to remind yourself that this is the ESE. Unnecessary long answers will not fetch you the desired marks; instead, you will have to attempt the questions with short, and to-the-point answers. Therefore, you must stick to the important concepts and aspects of the subject. If you can answer a particular question with a formula or simple infographics, prefer to write answers with such easy-to-understand elements.
Writing is an art, and one cannot perfect it without practice. Therefore, before you appear for the ESE Main 2025 ensure that you have practiced specific writing for a significant period. If you avoid this exercise, you will face several problems while appearing for the actual ESE Main, including proper attempts during the actual exam.
The above points will prove to be highly beneficial in an intensive and detail-oriented ESE preparation. This way, you will secure the marks you always aimed to achieve during your exam preparation journey.
If you are preparing for the ESE, then you need to ensure that you give equal importance to all the three stages associated with the exam. Most of the students concentrate more on the Preliminary part of the exam, avoiding the Main examination stage. Such an approach towards your exam preparation backfires at the most unexpected times. Therefore, right from the first day of your exam preparation, keep practicing the art of answer writing, so that you know the subject-related concepts well until the final examination.
Check More ESE Links:
Now, let us dive into the crucial aspects associated with the ESE in the form of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1. Who conducts ESE Main 2025?
Ans. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the ESE Main 2025.
2. Is there any further stage after clearing ESE Main 2025?
Ans. Yes. Once you will clear the ESE Main 2025 stage, you need to appear for the Personal Interview round. Only the shortlisted candidates can appear in the Personal Interview round associated with the ESE Main.
3. What is the weightage of the ESE Main 2025 Paper?
Ans. The total weightage of the ESE Main 2025 paper is 600 Marks (Paper – I and Paper–II marks weightage is 300 marks each).
4. How many papers are there in ESE Main 2025?
Ans. ESE Main 2025 comprise two papers, i.e., Paper – I and Paper – II.
5. Is ESE Main 2025 an objective or descriptive paper?
Ans. ESE Main 2025 paper comprises a descriptive nature.
6. How to start answer writing practice for UPSC ESE 2025 Exam?
Ans. Main answer writing practice is a crucial part of the UPSC ESE 2025 exam preparation. Some benefits associated with this exercise include understanding the exam syllabus, improving speed in the actual exam, and peer-to-peer learning. Aspirants also receive the right guidance on the ESE Main practice questions. Experts recommend that every candidate must allot specific time to the UPSC ESE Main answer writing.
To get started, you can opt for trusted sources such as MADE EASY workbooks that offer aspirants the set of questions to practice for the ESE. These workbooks also comprise faculty-created answers for each of these questions. This helps UPSC ESE aspirants perform answer writing practice in their study routine. Experienced faculties advise candidates to create a dedicated routine that will include particular slots for such writing sessions. You must attempt the questions you are confident about and avoid attempting the doubtful questions. In this way, you will save a lot of time in your exam preparation. Later, once you have read the topics related to the doubtful questions, you can go ahead with attempting the respective Main practice questions.
7. How to write an answer in UPSC ESE Main 2025?
Ans. Before starting with the UPSC ESE Main 2025 answer writing, it is important to understand the items essential to attempt this exam. The best pens for UPSC ESE Main mainly include the black ball pens. Aspirants must try writing with different pens (brands) to understand which one suits the best for them for the Main answer writing exercises. Here are some of the tips that aspirants must consider during their entrance exam preparation.
- Once you get the question paper in your hand, you must read the question paper thoroughly and understand the types of questions that have come in the exam.
- Choose a multi-dimensional approach during the UPSC ESE Main answer writing practice. In this way, you can experiment with attempting answers and find your writing style for the UPSC ESE Main.
- Experts recommend that you must include important keywords in each of your answers to help examiners quickly understand that you have the required knowledge regarding the respective topic.
- You must check the total word count required for answers in both papers present in the UPSC ESE Main 2025.
- You must ensure that you create unique answers according to the exam syllabus.
- Read newspapers and online news resources regularly to keep yourself aware of the latest happenings around you.
- Avoid using already published or very common jargon or quotes in your answers. Be unique with your answers.
- Use question papers from different sources, including free or paid online sources, books, and test series. In this way, you will receive exposure to different types of Main practice questions during the exam preparation.
- Lastly, stay consistent with your answer writing practice during your exam preparation. This will help you gain the confidence required for the actual UPSC ESE Main 2025 exam.
Bonus tip: Use a lightweight ballpoint pen that comprises a rubber grip, and soft tip. These best pens for are useful to prevent candidate fatigue during the exam, thus improving the exam attempting speed and experience greatly.
We hope this piece of content helps you in your dedicated exam preparation.
Feel free to let us know if you have any queries. Until then keep reading and stay motivated towards your exam-oriented professional goals.
All the best!
Boost your performance in the ESE Main 2025 with MADE EASY Conventional Practice Programme, which is specifically developed to help aspirants gain an advantage in their preparation. The classes will be led by MADE EASY’s most experienced senior faculty members, who have extensive teaching experience in the engineering services industry and have helped hundreds of aspirants achieve their goals.
Dear Aspirants,
Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).
So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

Dear Aspirants,
While preparing for competitive engineering exams such as GATE, ESE, SES, and various PSU exams, the MADE EASY YouTube channel offers well-researched content to boost your exam preparation. Subscribe to the YouTube channel for latest job notifications, strategic tips and tricks for preparation, proper knowledge on the key concepts, and current affairs.
So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.