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Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) Recruitment 2024

Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL)

Advt. No. Estt. /1/2019/2023-24

HCL Recruitment 2024 for Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) through GATE Score, Apply Online

Alert! A new job opportunity for the budding engineers. Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) invites applications from Indian Nationals for Graduate Engineering Trainee Posts in various branches/cadres.

Eligible and interested candidates must apply online on the official HCL website.

1. The opening and closing schedule for submission of online applications is given below:

Date of opening for online application submission29/01/2024 (11.00 AM Onwards)
Date of closing for online application submission19/02/2024 (Till Midnight)


2. Discipline / Cadre wise vacancy break-up with reservation: 

A. Discipline / Cadre wise vacancies with category:

SNCadre / Disciplines Total SCST OBC


    *BL – Backlog vacancy.

B. Discipline / Cadre wise reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs)

i. Disablement categories identified for appointment in various disciplines/cadres are as under:

Cadre/DisciplineIdentified Categories of PwBD
  1. HH
  2. OL, SD/SI (Without), SD/SI (With)- OL, LC, Dw, AAV, MD
  3. ASD, SLD, MI
  4. Multiple disabilities amongst above
  1. B, LV
  2. HH
  3. OL, SD/SI (Without), SD/SI (With)- OL, LC, Dw, AAV, MD
  4. ASD, SLD, MI
  5. Multiple disabilities amongst above
  1. HH
  2. OA, OL, SD/SI (Without), SD/SI (With)- OA/OL, LC, Dw, AAV, MD) SLD, MI
  3. Multiple disabilities amongst above
  1. HH
  2. OL, SD/SI (Without), SD/SI (With)- OL, LC, Dw, AAV, MD
  3. SLD, MI
  4. Multiple disabilities amongst above
  1. LV
  2. HH
  3. OA, OL, BL, OAL, SD/SI (Without), SD/SI (With)- OA/OL/BL/OAL, LC, Dw, AAV, MD
  4. ASD, SLD, MI
  5. Multiple disabilities amongst above


Abbreviations used:

  • B-Blind
  • LV-Low Vision
  • HH-Hard of Hearing
  • OA-One Arm
  • OL-One Leg
  • BL-Both Leg
  • OAL-One Arm and One Leg
  • LC-Leprosy cured
  • MD- Muscular Dystrophy
  • Dw- Dwarfism
  • AAV- Acid Attack Victims
  • SD/SI (Without)- Spinal Deformity/
  • Spinal Injury without any associated neurological/limb dysfunction
  • SD/SI (With)- Spinal Deformity/
  • Spinal Injury with associated neurological/ limb dysfunction
  • ASD- Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • SLD- Specific Learning Disabilities
  • MI- Mental Illness


ii. Vacancies reserved for PwBDs are as follows:

CategoryNumber of Post/s
Visually Handicapped (VH)1
Hard of Hearing (HH)2*


*One post to be filled-up by Inter se exchange, as enumerated at Para 2B(v).

iii. The PwBDs appointed will be adjusted against the vacancy of respective categories, viz., UR/SC/ST/OBC/EWS.

iv. Only those persons with at least 40% disability can be covered under PwBDs.

v. If one HH position remains unfilled due to the absence of a person with a disability, it will be filled by switching between the identified categories or with a person other than a person with a disability.

3. Eligibility Criteria

A.  Applicants should have qualified for the GATE Examination in either of the year 2021/2022/2023 and have a valid GATE score of 2021/2022/2023 in the same discipline as the qualifying degree discipline mentioned in the essential qualification table under Para [3(B)(ii)].

B. Qualification

i. Applicants should have 60% marks (55% for SC/ST) in aggregate in the qualifying degree mentioned in the essential qualification table for each cadre / discipline from University / Institutions recognized by Government / UGC / AIU/ AICTE.

ii. Essential Qualification for the post of Graduate Engineering Trainee in different cadres/disciplines is as under:

SNCadre / DisciplinesEssential Qualification with 60% marks (55% for SC/ST) in the qualifying degree
1ElectricalFull time Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Technology (Electrical).
2InstrumentationFull time Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Technology (Instrumentation / Electronics & Telecommunication / Electronics & Communication).
3CivilFull time Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering.
4MechanicalFull time Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering / Mining Machinery.
5SystemFull time Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Technology (Information Technology / Computer Science) or MBA with specialization in Systems / IT or MCA.


iii. For each category /specialization, students in the last year of the aforementioned qualification degree, whose results are awaited, but who otherwise meet the qualification requirements (all qualification conditions) can also apply. However, the applicant should not have an incomplete paper at the end of the prescribed course and must submit the result/grade by 30.06.2024.

C. Age Limit (as on 01/01/2024)

Maximum Age required as on 01/01/2024 for the post of Graduate Engineer Trainee is 28 years. However, relaxation in age for the candidates belonging to SC / ST / OBC / PWD / Ex-servicemen categories shall be as under.

Category Age Relaxation (in years)
SC / ST5
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)3
PWD – General / EWS10
PWD – OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)13
PWD – SC / ST15
Ex. ServicemenAs per Govt. Guideline


3. Selection Process

 i. The selection process for the post of Trainee Engineer is a two-stage process where each stage is assigned the weightage given below.

StepsWeightage in %
1. GATE Score / Marks70%
2. Personal Interview 30%


ii. Candidates will be called for Personal Interview in the ratio of 1:5; i.e., for each advertised vacancy, 05 candidates will be called for Personal Interview. In case there is a single vacancy, then 10 candidates will be shortlisted for a Personal Interview. However, in case the number of applications received are less than the ratio prescribed above for conducting an interview, a decision in respect of conducting a personal interview with the less number of candidates will be taken by HCL separately.

iii. Shortlisting of candidates for Personal Interview for the post of Graduate Engineer Trainee will be done in the order of merit drawn on the basis of valid GATE – 2021, GATE-2022 and GATE-2023 scores.

GATE Score of GATE 2021 / 2022 / 2023 shall be considered with equal weightage for each year. Therefore, applicants may apply with the best score from either GATE – 2021 or GATE – 2022 or GATE – 2023 score.

In case two or more candidates have secured the same marks in the same discipline and category which eventually would result in the increase of 1:5 ratio, then all such candidates will be called for Personal Interview, irrespective of the above-mentioned ratio.

iv. Further, in case, candidates are not available in the mentioned ratio for conducting Personal Interview due to less turn-up in the Interview or Non-availability of candidates in the Merit list for issuing Offer of Appointment, HCL may further shortlist the candidate in order of merit to call for interview to fill-up the post/s.

v. Candidates must upload the same GATE score card based on which (highest GATE score from GATE-2021 / GATE-2022 / GATE-2023 marks as applicable) candidates submit their application while applying online on HCL website.

 vi. GATE Score prior to 2021 shall not be considered.

 vii. The final merit list will be prepared for the candidates actually shortlisted by the selection committee on the date specified by HCL.

viii. Tie breaking principle:

In the event of a tie in two or more two candidates on the merit list, the following criteria will be adopted for deciding the position in the merit list.

  1. GATE Score (higher the marks, higher the rank in the merit), if tie not broken then
  2. Qualifying Examination Marks (Higher the percentage, higher the rank in the merit), if tie not broken then
  3. 12th Marks (Higher the percentage, higher the rank in the merit), if tie not broken then
  4. 10th Marks (Higher the percentage, higher the rank in the merit), if tie not broken then
  5. Age (Older the age, higher the rank in the merit)

5. Compensation Package

  1. Selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of Rs.40000-3%-140000/- during one year of training with starting basic pay of Rs.40,000/- irrespective of their previous experience or last drawn basic pay in the previous organization. There won’t be any protection of pay. Upon successful completion of training, they will be absorbed as Assistant Manager at E-1 grade on Probation in the pay scale of Rs. 40000-3%-140000/-
  2. Based on performance during the training/probation phase, the HCL Management may opt to prolong the duration of the program for a certain amount of time.
  3. Upon successful completion of probation, appointment as Assistant Manager at E-1 grade in the pay scale of Rs. 40000-3%-140000/- shall be confirmed by the HCL Management as per prevailing rule from time to time
  4. In addition to Basic Pay, the chosen GET candidates will receive IDA, HRA, Bachelor’s housing in the units, perks and allowances, gratuity, and medical benefits for themselves only during the training period, per the company.

6. Training details

During the one-year training period, the selected candidate has to undergo induction training in various departments/units/job training in his/her discipline.

7. Service Agreement Bond

Appointed candidates are required to serve the company for a minimum period of 03 years from the date of joining the company. The candidates will be required to execute a service agreement bond of Rs.3 Lakhs (Rupees Three Lakhs) at the time of joining.

If the employee/trainee is unable to work in the company for at least 03 years, he would be required to deposit the security amount.

8. Interview Schedule and Document Verification

  1. Intimation of interview date / time / venue will be communicated to shortlisted candidates through email. Call letters for appearing in Interview will be made available for shortlisted candidates for downloading through their registered account on HCL website.
  2. HCL will not accept requests to alter the interview date, time, or location if the details have already been sent to candidates through their call letter for Personal Interview.
  3. The following original documents will be checked during the interview. Failure to submit original documents will prevent candidates from appearing for interviews.

a) Date of Birth proof –

  • Xth Standard Passing Certificate indicating Date of Birth OR
  • School Leaving Certificate

b) XIIth Standard Marksheet / Passing Certificate

c) Mark Sheet of Graduate Degree and / or Post Graduate Degree as applicable.

d) Final Graduate Degree / Post Graduate Degree Certificate as applicable (Provisional in case Final Degree Certificate is not available).

e) Applicants, who have awarded CGPA / GPA / SGPA or letter grades, should provide the documentary evidence of converting CGPA / GPA / SGPA to percentage duly issued by the University / Institute.

f) GATE – 2021 / GATE – 2022 / GATE – 2023 Admit Card and Score Card, as the case may be.

g) Applicants appearing in the final year/semester examination should bring their identity card of the Institute/College/University at the time of appearing for the interview.

h) Caste Category Certificates –

  • Candidates who are SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) must present their caste or category certificate in the format that the Indian government specifies.
  • The necessary certificate, issued by a competent authority, must be submitted by EWS applicants in the format specified by the Government of India and be valid for the years 2023–2024.
  • The OBC applicants have to indicate their status as “Creamy Layer” or “Non-Creamy Layer” as the case may be while filling online applications. The applicants who belong to “Creamy Layer” are not entitled for relaxations & concessions admissible to OBC Category (Non-Creamy Layer). The OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) applicants are required to submit requisite certificates in prescribed format of Government of India, from a competent authority issued on or after 01.04.2023. Further, OBC applicants, if called for interview will have to give an undertaking indicating that they belong to OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) Category at the time of reporting for interview.
  • PwBD candidates will not be considered for the position if they do not provide the Disability Certificate issued by an authority in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017.
  • If the EWS/SC/ST/OBC/PwBD certificate is issued in a language other than English/Hindi, candidates must submit their self-attested translation copy either in English or Hindi.

9. Medical Fitness

Applicants appointment to the post of Graduate Engineer Trainee is subject to being found medically fit by such Medical Authority as may be prescribed by the HCL Management.

10. Application Fee

The General, OBC & EWS Candidates are required to pay a non-refundable application processing fee of Rs.500/- (Five Hundred Only), and all other candidates are exempted from paying fees including PwBDs.

The application processing fee plus applicable Bank charges shall be paid by the applicant using the Payment Gateway / NEFT Online Transfer through HCL’s website only. No other form of remittance shall be accepted.

 11. Amendments / Modification / Corrigendum

Any amendment/modification/corrigendum in respect of recruitment through this Advertisement shall only be communicated through the Company’s website ( and not through publication in newspapers. Hence, candidates are advised to keep themselves updated by visiting the website from time to time for updates, etc.

12. How to Apply?

  1. To apply for the Graduate Engineer Trainee posts, candidates who meet the eligibility criteria must register on the HCL website ( under the career section (from the online application link on the page).
  2. Before completing the electronic application, we recommend applicants to carefully read the instructions on the website in the section “How to fill the Online Application form”. They can click on the “Career” button for instructions on how to submit an online application.
  3. It is mandatory to put in all the relevant information such as GATE 2021 / GATE 2022 / GATE 2023 Registration Number as mentioned on GATE Admit Card of the candidate, qualifying degree details, percentage of marks, GATE Marks out of 100 as given in GATE score card, email address and mobile no., address for correspondence, soft copy of scanned photograph and signature (JPEG) to complete the online application process and get the Application number. Therefore, applicants are advised to keep such information ready before applying online.
  4. The appropriate percentage of marks should be mentioned in the elective table and the marks should not be rounded up to.
  5. After submitting the online application, applicants should print the Computer-Generated Online Application and Acknowledgment Slip and keep a copy for their reference and records. Copy of Online Application and Acknowledgement Slip need to be submitted at the time document verification.
  6. Since all the applications will be screened based on the data furnished in the online application and without any documentary evidence / proof, the candidate should ensure that they meet all the prescribed eligibility criteria and other conditions as mentioned in this advertisement.
  7. Candidates should note that the details provided by them in their application form are taken on their face value and the onus of proving the correctness and authenticity of the same as and when required lies with the applicant.

13. General Instructions

  1.  Only Indian citizens who have reached the age of 18 (eighteen) years can apply.
  2. The candidates are advised to submit the Online Recruitment Application well in advance without waiting for the closing date. No manual / paper application will be entertained.
  3. Candidates working in Central Government/State Government/ CPSEs/State PSEs/ other Govt. bodies should forward a copy of the online application with acknowledgement slip routed through proper channel or produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of interview.
  4. The internal candidates are eligible to apply as per HCL Rules.
  5. The travel allowance is reimbursed only to those candidates who are actually interviewed.
  6. The candidates will have the option to opt out of the disclosure scheme provided under Right to Information Act, 2005. The option of opting out shall be taken at the time of filling the application.
  7. vii. In case of variation in name / surname / name spelling mentioned in the application with that in the respective certificates pertaining to Qualification / Caste, etc., the applicant shall be required to submit an affidavit sworn-in before a First-Class Judicial Magistrate / appropriate authority to this effect along with the respective documents at the time of interview failing which the candidature shall be canceled.
  8. HCL may reject any application at any stage of the recruitment process or after the candidate selection process if the candidate does not fulfill the position applied for.
  9. HCL reserves the right to fill or not fill or partly fill any of the above positions without assigning any reason whatsoever. HCL also reserves the right to cancel / restrict / modify / alter the recruitment process, if required, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason whatsoever. The Company reserves the right to shortlist candidates depending upon the number of vacancies and applications received, etc., and also to decide the modalities for recruitment.
  10. The selected candidate will be required to serve the company anywhere in India / abroad where it may have business interests.
  11. Appointment of the candidate in HCL is provisional and subject to verification of Character & Antecedents by the prescribed authorities.
  12. The candidate’s appointment will remain provisional subject to caste/category certificates being verified from appropriate authorities and verification of other testimonials. The candidate’s services will be liable to be terminated forthwith without assigning any reason in case the above verification reveals that her/his claim for belonging to EWS/SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBD category and other testimonials is found false. HCL also reserves its right to take such further action against the candidate as it may deem proper, for production of such a false caste certificate/testimonials.
  13. Category [SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWS/PwBD] once filled in the online application form will not be changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible during the process of recruitment / selection.
  14. At the time of the personal interview, you will need to present original documentation (for verification), self-attested copies as specified in the advertisement, and a properly signed hard copy of the online application.
  15. Mere fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria will not entitle any applicant to be called for an interview/appointment.
  16. Until the hiring process is over, the email address and mobile number provided in the online application form should be active. Once entered, the email address cannot be changed. In the future, email would be used for all correspondence.
  17. Only the latest application submitted will be taken into consideration when there are numerous submissions made under the same GATE Registration number.
  18. HCL shall not be liable for any delay or loss in postal transit for any reason whatsoever or non-receipt of HCL’s communication due to wrong email address provided by the applicant / any other reason.
  19. In case of any doubt or discrepancy or conflict or confusion or ambiguity that may arise in the Hindi version, the content of the English version shall prevail.
  20. Any canvassing directly or indirectly by the applicant shall disqualify his / her candidature from any post.
  21. Legal jurisdiction in case of any dispute arising out of this recruitment shall be Kolkata only.
  22. HCL promotes diversity in the workplace and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

*Eligible and interested candidates are advised to read the official notification carefully before filling up the online application form to avoid any errors.

HCL Official Job Notification 2024


Dear Aspirants,

Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).

So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.




1. What is the full form of HCL?

Ans: HCL full form is Hindustan Copper Limited.


2. Is HCL a PSU?

Ans: Yes, HCL is a category-1 Central Public Sector Enterprise that functions under the Ministry of Mines, Government of India.


3. When was Hindustan Copper Limited incorporated?

Ans: Hindustan Copper Limited was incorporated on 9th November 1967.


4. Where are the Hindustan Copper Limited headquarters located?

Ans: The HCL headquarters are located in Kolkata.


5. What is the vision of Hindustan Copper Limited?

Ans: The vision of Hindustan Copper Limited is to be the leading metal mining company. It also aims to sustainably find, develop, and mine copper ore and other geologically associated minerals, thus maximizing total shareholder return.


6. Who is the chairman of Hindustan Copper Limited?

Ans: Mr. Arun Kumar Shukla is the chairman of Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL).


7. Is HCL a profitable organization?

Ans: Yes. In the concluding financial year of 2022-23, the Company has earned a net profit (PAT) of Rs 295.31 crore against a sales turnover of Rs 1660.63 crore.


8. What are the achievements of Hindustan Copper Limited?

Ans: Achievements like Malanjkhand copper mine have been declared Winner of the National Safety Award in the large open cast metalliferous mine’s category for Longest Injury Free Period. Third prize in Occupational health, safety, welfare amenities, vocational training & first aid, Overall performance and Publicity & Propaganda.


9. Where are the Hindustan Copper Limited plants and offices located in India?

Ans: The plants associated with Hindustan Copper Limited are located in Khetri (Rajasthan), Malanjkhand (Madhya Pradesh), Ghatsila (Jharkhand), Taloja (Maharashtra) and Jhagadia (Gujarat).


10. What are the plants associated with HCL?

Ans: The plants that come under the Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) include Indian Copper Complex, Khetri Copper Complex, Malanjkhand Copper Project, Taloja Copper Project, and Gujarat Copper Project.



Dear Aspirants,

Take your GATE, ESE, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).

So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

MADE EASY : ESE, GATE & PSUs Youtube Channel


MADE EASY is a structured institution complete in all aspects which provides quality guidance for written & personality test. MADE EASY has produced top rankers in IES, GATE & Various Public Sector Examination.

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