HPSC Recruitment 2024 for 91 Various Posts, Apply Online
Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)
Bays No. 1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula
Advt. No. 15/2024
HPSC Recruitment 2024 for 91 Various Posts, Apply Online
In the Skill Development and Industrial Training Department, Haryana. The Commission is accepting online applications from qualified candidates for the following positions: Assistant Director, (Technical)/Senior Apprenticeship Supervisor/Principal/Vice Principal/Principal (Footwear)/Training Officer/Apprenticeship and Placement Officer (Group B). Below find the HPSC Job Notification.
Name of Post and Category Wise Bifurcation of the Posts:
General | SC | BC-A | BC-B | EWS | Total | ESM | PwBD of Hry |
50 |
18 | 09 | 05 | 09 | 91 | Gen-02 SC-01 Total 03 |
Note: – 01 post shall be allocated to the disabled candidate who is on the top of merit list among the above categories of PwBD subject to minimum one post to each category and not more than 2 post to any category.
Note 1. Abbreviations used:
Gen/UR | General/Unreserved |
SC | Scheduled Castes of Haryana |
BC (A) | Backward Classes (A) of Haryana |
BC (B) | Backward Classes (B) of Haryana |
EWS | Economically Weaker Sections of Haryana |
ESM | Ex-servicemen of Haryana |
PwBD | Persons with Benchmark Disabilities of Haryana. |
Note 2. The number of posts given against each category is liable to variation.
Item (s) | Timeline |
Date of publication | 18.05.2024 |
Opening date for submission of online applications (Opening Date) | 22.05.2024 |
Closing date for submission of online applications (Closing Date) | 05.06.2024 |
(The Commission’s Website: www.hpsc.gov.in)
Table of Contents
- Online Application Process
- Important
- Candidates to ensure their eligibility for the post
- How to apply?
- Last date for receipt of applications
- Facilitation counter for guidance of candidates
- Essential Qualifications
- Scale of pay
- Service rules of the post/s
- Eligibility conditions (nationality)
- Age Limits
- Reservation
- Definition of Ex-Serviceman (ESM)
- Certificate by the candidates belonging to Economically Weaker Section (EWS) of Haryana
- Evidence of age
- Application fee
- Special Instructions Regarding Submission of Applications
- Regarding No Objection Certificate by The Employer
- Scribe/Extra Time for PWBD Category Candidates
- Penalty for Certain Acts
- Correspondence with The Commission
- General Instructions
- Withdrawal of Applications
- FAQs
Online Application Process:
- Candidates have to compulsorily register online by visiting regn.hpsc.gov.in directly OR through http://hpsc.gov.in for submitting their online application form.
- Following registration, a login ID will be generated, and candidates must use this ID to finish the registration process.
- Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP), Aadhar & Virtual ID (VID) is required for Aadhar authentication during Biometric attendance.
- After completion of registration, the candidates can apply against the respective advertisement as per their qualifications.
- Duly filled application form can be submitted only after payment of requisite fee.
- After making payment, the candidates have to take a printout of their application form and upload the same after duly checking & signing it.
- The candidates would complete application process only after uploading of duly signed downloaded application form.
For more information, log on to http://hpsc.gov.in
1. Candidates to ensure their eligibility for the post:
The Candidates applying for the post should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions for the post. Their admission to the recruitment process will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issuance of e-Admit Card to the candidate will not imply that the Commission has finally cleared his /her candidature. The eligibility of a candidate with reference to the documents submitted by him/her is assessed only after the candidate has qualified for the interview.
Note: The decision of the Commission with regards to the eligibility of a candidate shall be final.
2. How to apply?
Candidates are required to apply online on the website http://hpsc.gov.in/en- us/detailed instructions for filling up online applications are available on the above-mentioned website. No other means / mode of submission of application will be accepted.
3. Last date for receipt of applications:
The online Applications can be submitted up to the Closing Date till 11:55 PM. The eligible candidates shall be issued an e-Admit Card well before the commencement of the written test, if any. The e-Admit Card will be made available on the website http://hpsc.gov.in/en-us/ for downloading by the candidates. No Admit Card will be sent by post.
4. Facilitation counter for guidance of candidates:
In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding their applications, candidature etc, candidates can contact over Helpline No (Technical) -1800- 1800-431, Helpdesk Email ID (Technical Queries) [email protected] on any working day, between 10.00 hrs and 16.00 hrs.
5. Essential Qualifications:
- Full time Regular Mode AICTE recognized Bachelor degree in Information Technology / Mechanical / Automobile / Production / Industrial / Electrical / Electronics / Mechatronics / Computer / Civil Engineering and Technology awarded by any recognized University, institute recognized by AICTE or any Institute established by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
- Three years Industrial/teaching experience in a technical institute recognized by National Council of Vocational Training / All India Council of Technical Education or supervisory experience in relevant field after passing Bachelor Degree, in a company establishment covered / registered under the Companies Act, 2013 (Central Act 18 of 2013) Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Central Act 21 of 1860) Haryana Societies Registration Act, 2012 (1 of 2012)/Indian Trust Act, 1882 (Central Act 2 of 1882), Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous, Provisions Act, 1952 (Central Act 19 of 1952) and having annual turnover of more than ten crores rupees in last three financial years.
- Hindi or Sanskrit as one of the subjects in Matric or Higher Education.
Notes 1:- A person having educational qualification higher than the above said minimum qualifications in the same line, as prescribed in the minimum qualification applicable to a particular post, then he will be considered as eligible for that post, as per Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana notification no. 10/4/2015-3GSII dated 25.03.2016.
Notes 2:-
- The eligibility of the candidate with regard to educational qualifications, experience etc. shall be determined on the Closing Date fixed for submission of online application forms.
- All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement on the Closing Date. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualifications laid down for the posts. No enquiry asking for advice regarding eligibility will be entertained.
- The candidates on or before the Closing Date should possess the certificates / documents in support of educational qualifications, experience, domicile, caste, category etc. The certificates issued after the Commission will not accept the Closing Date. The Commission will not take the qualification, which is not claimed/mentioned by the candidate in the online application form, into consideration.
- The improvement in marks done by a candidate after the Closing Date shall not be considered for any purpose in this recruitment.
- The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview.
- The Experience Certificate in respect of experience gained in Govt. sector should contain the details of post held, pay scale & salary drawn, period of appointment, nature of appointment, duties performed, place of posting etc. The Experience Certificate submitted in respect of the experience gained in private organizations should contain information as per proforma at Annexure-I to prove its genuineness. The relevant supporting documents as mentioned in the footnote of Annexure-the candidates should upload me along with the Experience Certificate. The Commission based on the certificates will decide the relevance and genuineness of the experience and documents submitted by the candidate only and, therefore, the candidate should upload all the relevant documents to prove the genuineness of his experience certificate.
Part time experience will not be considered. The experience acquired after the minimum essential qualification will only be considered. No experience other than claimed in the online application form, will be considered. - In the event of number of applications being large, Commission will adopt shortlisting criteria to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable number by any or more of the following methods:-
- Based on percentage of marks of the candidates in the minimum educational qualification prescribed in the advertisement.
- On the basis of percentage of marks of the candidates in different educational qualifications, with weightage as decided by the Commission.
- Based on desirable qualifications or any one or all of the desirable qualifications if more than one desirable qualification is prescribed.
- Based on higher educational qualifications than the minimum/essential qualification prescribed in the advertisement.
- Based on higher experience in the relevant field than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
- By counting experience before or after the acquisition of minimum/essential qualifications
- By holding a Recruitment Test.
The candidate should, therefore, mention all his/her qualifications and experience in the relevant field over and above the minimum qualifications.
6. Scale of pay:
FPL-7 Cell-1 Rs. 44900/-
7. Service rules of the post/s:
The HPSC Recruitment 2024 will be made strictly in accordance with the relevant Service Rules Haryana Skill Development and Industrial Training (Group-B) Directorate and Field Offices Rules, 2023 as amended from time to time and as per existing Govt. instructions issued by the Govt. upto the date of issuance of this Advertisement. The relevant Service Rules are available on the website of https://itiharyana.gov.in
8. Eligibility conditions (nationality):
For this recruitment, a candidate must be either:
- A citizen of India, or
- A subject of Nepal, or
- A subject of Bhutan, or
- A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1″January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
- A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
If a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary, may be admitted to the examination but the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him/her by the Government of India.
9. Age Limits:
Candidates should not be less than 25 years and not more than 42 years, on or before the closing date.
(1) The relaxation in maximum age for various categories is available as under:
Sr. No. | Categories where relaxation is admissible | No. of years for age relaxation |
(i) | Schedules Castes of Haryana | 5 years |
(ii) | Backward Classes of Haryana | 5 years |
(iii) | Disabled persons who are covered under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. | 10 year’s relaxation in age (+5 years if PwBD applicant belongs to S/Castes, S/Tribe, B/Classes, EWS category) subject to maximum of 52 years where recruitment is made otherwise than through open examination. competitive |
(iv) | Wife of military personnel who are disabled while in military service; | 5 years |
(v) | Widowed or legally divorced woman; | 5 years |
(vi) | Judicially separated women residing separately for more than two years from the date as prescribed for the purpose of age for applicants of other categories. | 5 years |
(vii) | Unmarried woman. | 5 years |
(viii) | Ex-serviceman including Short Service Commissioned Officers and Emergency Commissioned Officers. | Relaxation in age to the extent of his military service added by three years provided:
(ix) | Persons who have already worked or presently working adhoc/contract/work-charged/ daily wages basis in any Department/Board/ Corporation of Haryana Government including Government-aided Institutions under Haryana Government. | Relaxation in age equal to the on number of completed years only on equivalent post on adhoc/ contract/ work- charged/ daily wages basis excluding the period of break, if any, including any other age relaxation admissible, if any, subject to maximum age of 52 years and also subject to the condition that if once a person has been appointed on regular basis in any Department / Board Corporation etc. of Haryana Government with the benefit of relaxation in age he will not be entitled to avail the same again for any subsequent appointment. |
Note 1: Relaxation in the maximum age to the candidates belonging to the SC/ST/BC-A/BC-B/EWS & ESM categories candidates of Haryana shall be admissible only where the posts are reserved for these categories.
Note 2: For appointment of an ex-serviceman to a post of Group A & B, his age will be calculated keeping in view the actual age minus (actual period of military service plus upto three years of break, if any, between military and civil service). If the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit, including the number of years of any other relaxation of age admissible to him, prescribed for the post for which he is seeking appointment, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit.
Note 3: The upper age limit for an applicant of any category (except Ex- servicemen) shall not exceed 52 years who is entitled to avail the benefit of relaxation in age of one or more of the categories mentioned above
Note 4: The experience certificate (s) of equivalent post issued by the Appointing Authority of respective Department/Board/Corporation / Government- aided Institution only shall be valid. Before grant of benefit of relaxation in age, the experience certificate(s) shall be verified by the HPSC from the concerned Appointing Authority.
10. Reservation:
- The benefit of reservation will be given only to those SC/BC-A/BC-B/EWS/ PwBD/ESM category candidates who are domiciles of Haryana State.
- The women candidates seeking reservation under SC/BC-A/BC-B category are required to submit the Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority from Parental Side (Father’s side) only. It should be noted that Certificates from in-laws (Husband Side) would not be entertained.
- It is clarified that the State Government has decided to specify the criteria for exclusion of persons with the Backward Classes as Creamy Layer, regarding reservation in Service and Admission as per notification No. 491-SW(1) 2021 dated 17.11.2021. Therefore, the candidates belonging to BC-A/BC-B category of Haryana are required to attach the latest/updated Certificate as per notification No. 491-SW(1) 2021 dated 17.11.2021 & Govt. instruction No. 22/132/2013-1GS-III dated 22.03.2022 (available on the website of C.S. Haryana i.e. http://csharyana.gov.in) issued by the Competent Authority during 2024-25 only.
- Candidates who have in possession of OBC certificate are advised to submit BC-A/BC-B certificate as per instructions detailed above.
- The candidates of reserved categories of Haryana for which no post is available/reserved, if any, can apply for the posts of General category, if he/ she fulfills all the eligibility conditions as meant for General category candidates, except fee. Such candidates must attach a scanned copy of their caste certificate for claiming fee concession.
- The reserved category candidates belonging to other States will compete against the posts meant for General/Unreserved Category and will be considered as General/Unreserved category candidates.
- Reservation for Freedom Fighters (FF) and their children/grandchildren (Dependants of Freedom Fighters) (DFF) of Haryana will be admissible @ 2% of total advertised posts subject to the condition that out of these the posts remain vacant due to non-availability of suitable candidates for selection against the posts vertically reserved for Backward Classes or horizontally reserved for Ex-servicemen excluding the posts horizontally reserved for Ex-servicemen of Scheduled Caste category. The overall benefit of reservation for children/grand-children of Freedom Fighters either from the unfilled vacancies of Ex-Servicemen or from the Backward Classes will remain limited to 2% only. This benefit will be admissible to one of the children/grandchildren i.e. sons and daughter of sons and daughters (parental as maternal) of the freedom fighters.
- The reservation for Ex-servicemen of Haryana will be given as per instructions issued vide No. 12/15/2019-4GS-II dated 09.03.2022 and further clarified vide letter even No. dated 13.04.2022 by the Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana.
(A) An ex-serviceman who himself/herself or his/her family members has already secured employment in civil service on a regular basis in any Department/ Board/ Corporation/ University etc. under the State Government with the benefit of reservation.
- He/she himself/herself shall not be entitled to avail the benefit of reservation in civil service for any subsequent appointment in any Department/Board/Corporation / University etc. under the State Government. However, the benefit of age relaxation for securing another employment in a higher pay scale or post shall remain continue; and
- His/her family member shall also not be entitled to avail the benefit of reservation against the posts reserved for ex-servicemen.
- An ex-servicemen who himself herself has already secured employment in civil services on regular basis in any Department / Board/ Corporation/University etc. under the State Government without availing the benefit of reservation in such case he / she himself / herself or one of his/her family members (son, daughter or spouse) will be entitled to avail the benefit of reservation;
- Where an ex-servicemen who himself/herself is eligible to avail the benefit of reservation under these instructions but he / she does not want re-employment in civil service in such case on of his / her family members (son, daughter or spouse) will be entitled to avail the benefit of reservation.
(C) If ex-servicemen applies for various vacancies before joining any civil employment, he/she can avail the benefit of reservation as ex- servicemen for any one of the subsequent employment. However, to avail of this benefit, an ex-servicemen as soon as he / she joins any civil employment, should give self-declaration / undertaking to the concerned employer about the date-wise details of application for various vacancies for which he / she had applied for before joining the initial civil employment. Further, this benefit would be admissible only in respect of vacancies which are filled by direct recruitment and wherever reservation is applicable to the ex-servicemen.
(D) The family members of martyr military personnel shall be entitled to exercise an option either:
- To avail the benefit of reservation upto two family members; or
- To avail the benefit of compassionate appointment to one of the family members under the Ex-gratia Policy namely Compassionate Appointment to family members of Martyr Armed forces Personnel Policy notified by Government from time to time.
(E) The priority list for recruiting agency for preparation of final list of selection/ appointment of ex-servicemen of their family members against the posts reserved for ex-servicemen shall be as under:
- Disabled ex-servicemen, the post(s) for which they are physically fit;
- Failing i), family member of disabled ex-servicemen;
- Failing ii), other ex-servicemen who are eligible to get the benefit of reservation under these instructions;
- Failing iii), family members of other ex-servicemen who are eligible to get the benefit of reservation under these instructions.
(F) ‘Disabled ex-serviceman’ means a person who has been released from military service due to disability attributable or aggravated due to military service. An ex-serviceman shall not be treated disabled one who has been released from military service not on account of his/her disability but has been released in the normal course after the completion of his/her term or retired from military service voluntarily.
(G) Both the reservations are horizontal, therefore, a disabled Ex-servicemen who is selected against the post reserved for Ex-servicemen will not be counted against the post reserved for PwBD.
(H) In all circumstances the benefit of reservation against the posts reserved for Ex-servicemen shall be admissible at the time of final selection list only and not at the time of preliminary test, main test or interview.
(I) An ex-serviceman who has been discharged from military service by way of dismissal, misconduct or inefficiency neither he/she himself/herself nor his/her family members shall be entitled to avail the benefit of reservation in civil service.
11. Definition of Ex-Serviceman (ESM)
(As per Haryana Govt. Instructions No. 36034/5/85-Estt. (SCT) dated 14.04.1987, No. 12/99/8-2GSII dated 08.11.1988 and No. 12/18/2006-4GSII dated 08.01.2008) is as under:-
“An ex-serviceman’ means a person, who has served in any rank whether as a combatant or non-combatant in the Regular Army, Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union and
- Who retired from such service after earning his/her pension; or
- Who has been released from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or other disability pension; or
- Who has been released otherwise than on his own request from such service as a result of reduction in establishment; or
- Who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagements, otherwise than at his own request or by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, and has been given a gratuity’; and includes personnel of the Territorial Army of the following categories namely:-
- Pension holders for continuous embodied service,
- Persons with disability attributable to military service; and
- Gallantry award winners.
- ESM candidates of Haryana claiming benefit under this category must have valid Ex-Serviceman Certificate issued by Zila Sainik Board showing the date of entry into military and date of release, on the Closing Date fixed for submission of online applications and will have to produce the same as and when required by the Commission.
- Dependents of Ex-serviceman (DESM) candidates will be considered as General/SC/BC-A/BC-B Category (their own category) candidates for all intents and purposes. However, in case of non-availability of suitable Ex-Servicemen (ESM) of Haryana, their dependent sons and daughters of the same category who fulfill all the conditions of qualifications, age etc. prescribed for the posts in question will also be considered on merit against the reserved posts for ESM and this entitlement would be available to one dependent child only. Dependents of Ex-serviceman (DESM) of Haryana claiming benefit must have valid eligibility certificate issued by Zila Sainik Board on the last date of submission of online application form.
12. Certificate by the candidates belonging to Economically Weaker Section (EWS) of Haryana:
- The candidates belonging to EWS category of Haryana are required to attach necessary CERTIFICATE as per Haryana Govt. Instructions issued vide No. 22/12/2019-1GS-III dated 25.02.2019 (Available on the website of CS Haryana i.e. http://csharyana.gov.in/) issued by the Competent Authority.
- The EWS certificates should be valid for the year 2024-25 showing annual income of the family less than Rs. 6 Lacs.
13. Evidence of age:
The Matriculation certificate or equivalent academic certificate thereto is the only acceptable document for evidence of age.
14. Application fee:
The category wise application fee payable through Net Banking, Debit Card and Credit Card upto 11:55 PM of the Closing Date is as under:
Sr. No. | Categories of candidates | Fee (Rs.) |
1. |
1000/- |
2. |
250/- |
3 |
250/- |
4 | For all Persons with Disabilities category candidates (with at least 40% disability) of Haryana only. | NIL |
Note 1: Fee will not be refunded to those candidates who did not appear in the HPSC Recruitment test.
Note 2: Applications without the prescribed fee (unless remission of fee is claimed) shall be summarily rejected.
Note 3: Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
15. Special Instructions Regarding Submission of Applications:
- The candidates should read the instructions and procedures carefully before starting filling the Online Application Form and check, all the particulars filled up in application form after getting the printout to ensure the correctness of information and upload all documents before finally submitting the application. All the candidates have to submit/upload the scanned copy of duly signed application form after checking their particulars.The candidates should fill all details while
- filling the Online Application Form. Due care should be taken by the candidates while filling up the online application form. Incomplete or defective application form shall be summarily rejected. No representation or correspondence regarding such rejection shall be entertained under any circumstances.Candidates are advised to fill their application forms carefully such as Name, Father’s/Mother’s name, Date of Birth, Category, Aadhar Card, Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP),
- Qualification, marks obtained, passing year, photo, Signature, details & fee etc. The candidate should mention the Category to which he belongs, in the application form. After final submission of application form, no change will be allowed and the Commission shall entertain no request for change of any particular/s in the online application form after submission of application form.
- The application form will finally be submitted only after paying the requisite application fee. After final submission of application form, no change will be allowed and no request for change of any particular(s) in the online application form will be considered / entertained by the Commission at any stage.
- After successful submission of application, candidates should take print out of application form. The hard copy of application form along with all uploaded documents must be brought at the time when called upon to do so by the Commission. No document/s, which have not been uploaded, shall be entertained.
- The candidates must take printout of their finally submitted online application form and retain a copy of the same for future references.
- Candidate will be responsible for any mistake in the application form and fees paid by him/her. In case a candidate feels that he/she has filled up the form erroneously, he/she should fill up a fresh online application form along with a fresh requisite fee before the Closing Date.
- The applicants are advised to submit only a single application. However, if due to any unavoidable situation, if he/she submits another/multiple applications, then he/she must ensure that application with the Highest Application Number is complete in all respects like applicant’s details, examination centre, photograph, signature, fee etc. The applicants who submit multiple applications should note that only the application with Highest/Latest Application Number shall be entertained by the Commission, and also that the fee paid against one Application Number shall not be adjusted against any other Application Number.
- The application of the candidates, who do not fulfill the qualifications/eligibility conditions on the Closing Date, shall not be accepted by the online application system.
- Documents to be uploaded with Application Form:
- Scanned Photo duly signed by the Candidate.
- Scanned Signatures of the Candidate.
- Scanned copies of degrees and mark sheets of Educational Qualifications.
- Scanned copy of SC certificate of Haryana.
- Scanned copy of BC-A & BC-B certificate should be issued for the year 2024-25 as per Govt. instructions dated 17.11.2021.
- Scanned copy of EWS certificate valid for year 2024-2025 as per Govt. instruction dated 25.02.2019.
- Scanned copy of DESM certificate for the year 2024-25.
- Scanned copy of ESM/DFF certificate.
- Scanned copy of PwBD Certificate. (For PwBD).
- Scanned copy of Aadhar card.
- Scanned copy of Parivar Pehchan Patra (if a candidate availing benefits of reservation).
- Scanned copy of Haryana Domicile Certificate.
- Scanned copy of NOC from Department (For Haryana Govt. Employees who have signed Bond)
- Scanned copy of proof of having worked on adhoc/contract/work-charged/ daily wages basis in any Department / Board / Corporation of Haryana Government (For candidates claiming benefit of age relaxation).
- Scanned copy of Experience certificate in Annexure – I.
16. Regarding No Objection Certificate by The Employer
- The employees of Haryana Government who have not executed any bond with the State Government, may forward their application without NOC from the Department. However, self-declaration of such Government employees is required to be submitted to the effect that the employee is not facing any disciplinary proceedings. In case of employees who have executed bonds with the State Government (e.g. Doctors), the NOC of Head of the Department (HOD) shall, however, be required. If the candidate resigns after sending the application, then such candidate will be interviewed only if he / she produces, a letter from the HOD to the effect that he/she has resigned from the post and his/her resignation has been accepted. The NOC or the letter, as the case may be, shall be submitted on or before the date of his/her interview failing which he/she will not be interviewed.
- The candidate who joins service under any Government, Quasi- Government Organisation, Public Sector Undertaking after the submission of application and has executed a bond, will have to produce No Objection Certificate from the employer, on or before the date of his/her interview failing which he or she will not be interviewed.
Persons in private employment are not required to submit their application forms through their employer or to produce the employer’s NOC/ permission at the time of interview.
17. Scribe/Extra Time for PWBD Category Candidates
- An extra / compensatory time @ 20 minutes per hour will be allowed in each paper to the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (Blind and Low vision or Locomotor Disability), only on production of a Medical Certificate issued by Medical Board constituted by the Chief Medical Officer of concerned district, and after issuing permission by the Commission in this regard.
- The PwBD (Blindness and Low vision) candidates who want the help of a scribe to write his/her paper will have to apply to the Commission for the permission of a scribe separately well in time i.e. at least 10 days prior to the commencement of the Examination.
- The candidate has to make his/her own arrangement of a scribe.
- The scribe should be a studying-student upto 10+2 and his/her photo & the Principal of the Institution in which the student is studying should duly verify other particulars. The Commission will accept no online request for a scribe.
The PwBD (Blindness and Low vision) candidates who want only extra time (without the help of a scribe) will have to apply to the Commission for the permission for extra time well in time.
- PwBD candidates suffering from Locomotors Disability who want extra/ compensatory time will have to apply to the Commission for permission. Such candidates will be allowed extra time @ 20 minutes per hour for Examination, on production of medical certificate issued by a Medical Board, clearly stating therein that the candidate’s writing ability is severely affected due to his/her disability.
- It should be noted that the Centre Supervisor would grant no such permission in the above cases.
18. Penalty for Certain Acts
A candidate who is or has been declared by the Commission to be guilty of:
- Obtaining support for his candidature by the following means, namely:-
- offering illegal gratification to; or
- applying pressure on; or
- blackmailing, or threatening to blackmail any person connected with the conduct of the examination; or
- Impersonation; or
- Procuring impersonation by any person; or
- Submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered with; or
- Uploading irrelevant photos in the application form in place of actual photo/signature.
- Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material or
- Resorting to the following means in connection with his candidature for the examination, namely:-
- obtaining copy of question paper through improper means;
- finding out the particulars of the persons connected with secret work relating to the examination;
- influencing the examiners; or
- Being in possession of or using unfair means during the examination; or
- Writing obscene matter or drawing obscene sketches or irrelevant matter in the scripts; or
- Misbehaving in the examination hall including tearing of the scripts, provoking fellow examinees to boycott examination, creating a disorderly scene and the like; or
- Harassing or doing bodily harm to the staff employed by the Commission for the conduct of their examination; or
- being in possession of or using any mobile phone, (even in switched off mode), pager or any electronic equipment or programmable device or storage media like pen drive, smart watches etc. or camera or Bluetooth devices or any other equipment or related accessories either in working or switched off mode capable of being used as a communication device during the examination; or
- Violating any of the instructions issued to candidates along with their admission certificates permitting them to take the examination; or
- attempting to commit or, as the case may be, abetting the commission of all or any of the acts specified in the foregoing clauses; may in addition to rendering himself liable to criminal prosecution, be liable :-
- To be disqualified by the Commission from the Examination for which he is a candidate; and/or
- To be debarred either permanently or for a specified period:-
- by the Commission, from any examination or selection held by them;
- by the Government from any employment under them; and
- To disciplinary action under the appropriate rules if he is already in service under Government:
If no penalty under this rule shall be imposed, except after-
- giving the candidate an opportunity of making such representation in writing as he may wish to make in that behalf; and
- taking the representation, if any, submitted by the candidate within the period allowed to him into consideration.
19. Correspondence with The Commission:
The Commission will not enter into any correspondence with the candidates about their candidature except in the following cases:
- If a candidate is not able to download his/her e-Admit Card or does not receive any other communication regarding his/her candidature for the examination well before the commencement of the examination, he/she should at once contact the Commission. Information in this regard can also be obtained over Helpline No (Technical) 1800-1800-431, Helpdesk – Email ID (Technical Queries) [email protected]. In case no communication is received in the Commission’s Office from the candidate regarding non-receipt of his/her e-Admit Card well before the examination, he/she himself/herself will be solely responsible for non-receipt of his/her e- Admit Card. No candidate will ordinarily be allowed to take the examination unless he/she holds an e-Admit Card for the examination. On downloading an e-Admit Card, the candidates should check it carefully and discrepancies/errors, if any, should be brought to the notice of the Commission immediately.
- Candidates should note that the name in the Admit Card in some cases might be abbreviated due to technical reasons.
- Candidates must ensure that their Mobile No. & Emails IDs given in their online application are valid and active.
- All communications to the Commission should invariably contain the following particulars:-
- Name and year of the examination.
- Application Number
- Roll Number (if received)
- Name of candidate (in full and in block letters)
- Complete postal address as given in the application.
Communication not containing the above particulars may not be attended to.
- Candidates should note down their Application Number for future reference. They may be required to indicate the same in connection with their candidature in future.
- Candidates will be informed of the final result in due course through the HPSC website/ Newspaper and the interim enquiries about the result are, therefore, unnecessary and will not be attended to. The Commission does not enter into correspondence with the candidates about reasons for their non-selection for interview/appointment.
- All correspondence with the Commission should be addressed to the Secretary, Haryana Public Service Commission, Bays No. 1-10, Block B, Sector-4, Panchkula, Haryana
20. General Instructions:
- The use of any mobile phone (even in switched-off mode), pager or any electronic equipment or programmable device or storage media like pen drive, smart watches etc. or camera or Bluetooth devices or any other equipment or related accessories either in working or switched-off mode capable of being used as a communication device during the examination is strictly prohibited. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including ban from future examinations.
- If a candidate smudges/scratches any place in any manner with Eraser, Nail, Blade, White Fluid/Whitener etc. then in such circumstances OMR Sheet/Answer Sheet and candidature of the candidate shall be cancelled. The candidate herself/himself will be solely responsible for this.
- Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned items including mobile phones/pagers to the venue of the written test/ examination as arrangement for safe-keeping cannot be assured. The Commission will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.
- Candidates are also advised not to bring any valuable/costly items to the venue of the written test/examination as safe-keeping of the same cannot be assured. The Commission will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.
- Candidates should ensure that the signatures appended by them at all the places viz. The uploaded application form, attendance list, and in other documents as well as in all the correspondence with the Commission should be identical. If any variation is found in the signatures appended by a candidate, his/her candidature will be liable for cancellation by the Commission.
- No candidate shall be admitted to the written test/examination unless she/he holds a certificate of Admission/Admit Card issued by the Commission.
- Success in the written test/examination confers no right to appointment unless Government is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary, that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment.
- Candidates must ensure that information provided by them is true. If at any subsequent stage or at the time of interviews any information given by them or any claim made by them in their online applications is found to be false, their candidature will be liable to be rejected and they may also be debarred either permanently or for a specified period by the Commission from any examination or selection held by them.
- The decision of the Commission in all matters relating to acceptance or rejection of an application, eligibility/suitability of the candidates, mode and criteria for selection etc. will be final and binding on the candidates. No inquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
21. Withdrawal of Applications:
No request for withdrawal of candidature received from a candidate after he/she has submitted his/her application will be entertained under any circumstances.
1. What is the HPSC HCS exam 2024?
Ans. The State Civil Service Examination of Haryana, administered by the Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC), is known as the HPSC HCS test 2024.
2. What are the criteria to be eligible for the 2024 HPSC HCS exam?
Ans. A bachelor’s degree in any field is required for candidates to appear for the HPSC HCS exam. Additionally, candidates have to be within the commission’s age range.
3. What is the selection criteria for the HPSC HCS exam 2024?
Ans. There are three phases to the HPSC HCS selection process:
- Preliminary Test
- Main Test
- Interview
4. What documents are required to support the application?
Ans. Candidates must have the necessary certificates/documents supporting their educational qualifications, experience, domicile, caste, and category on or before the closing date. Certificates issued after the closing date will not be accepted.
5. How can I get assistance regarding my application?
Ans. For any guidance, information, or clarification, candidates can contact the Helpline No (Technical) – 1800-1800-431 or email the Helpdesk at [email protected] on any working day between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
6. What is the last date for submitting the application?
Ans. Applications can be submitted online until the closing date (05.06.2024) at 11:55 PM. Candidates are advised to apply well before the deadline to avoid last-minute issues.
7. How will I receive my e-Admit Card?
Ans. Eligible candidates will get an e-Admit Card before the commencement of the written test. The e-Admit Card will be available for download on the HPSC official website.
8. Can reserved category candidates from other states apply?
Ans. Yes, but they will be considered as General/Unreserved category candidates.
9. Are candidates allowed to withdraw their applications after submission?
Ans. No, requests to withdraw an application will not be considered after it has been submitted.
10. What is the pay scale for these posts?
Ans. The pay scale for these posts is FPL-7, Cell-1, with a starting salary of Rs. 44,900.
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