TSSPDCL Recruitment 2022 for the post of Sub-Engineer (Electrical)
(A Govt. of Telangana Undertaking)
The Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited (TSSPDCL) with Headquarters at Hyderabad is carrying out electricity distribution business as part of the unbundling of erstwhile A.P.S.E.B & Re-organization of the state of Andhra Pradesh and formation of the state of Telangana is catering to the electricity requirements of districts in Telangana State. The districts include Mahabubnagar, Wanaparthy, Nagarkurnool, Jogulamba-Gadwal, Narayanpet, Nalgonda, Bhongir-Yadadri, Suryapet, Medak, Siddipet, Sangareddy, Vikarabad, Rangareddy, Medchal-Malkajgiri and Hyderabad Districts.
Vacancy Details of TSSPDCL Recruitment 2022
The candidates who possess requisite qualification may apply On-line by satisfying themselves about the terms and conditions of this recruitment. The details of vacancies are given below:
Name of the Post | No. of vacancies | Age as on 01.01.2022 | Pay Scale of the Post (in Rs.) | ||
LR | GR | Total | |||
Sub-Engineer (Electrical) | 19 | 182 | 201 | 18 yrs. – 44 yrs. | Rs.45205-2225-56330-2655-69605-3100-85105-3560-88665 |
Note* LR: Limited Recruitment; GR: General Recruitment. (The details of vacancies for Sub-Engineer (Electrical) Community-wise and Gender wise (General/Women) may be seen at Annexure-I. IMPORTANT NOTE: The number of vacancies are subject to variation. |
Age Relaxation
The age limit for this post is 44 years. The age is reckoned as on 01.01.2022.
The upper age limit is raised up to 10 years i.e., from 34 to 44 years as per the G.O.Ms.No.42, General Administration (Services-A) Department Dt: 19.03.2022.
The upper age limit of 44 years is relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/ BC/EWS candidates and up to 10 years in respect of physically handicapped candidates.
Educational Qualifications
Applicants must possess the qualifications from a recognized Institution/BOARD as detailed below.
Name of the Post | Educational Qualification |
Sub Engineer/ Electrical |
Must have a Diploma in Electrical Engineering (DEE) (or) Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (DEEE) or Graduation in Electrical Engineering in addition to Diploma in Electrical Engineering (or) Graduation in Electrical & Electronics Engineering in addition to Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering or any other equivalent qualification recognized by the Board/University of State/India/ UGC/DEC/AICTE as the case may be. NOTE: If there is any deviation from the above qualification for the above post, the candidate needs to produce the equivalency certificate from the authority of issuing the qualification certificate viz., Registrar of the University or Secretary of the Institute, for accepting his/her application.
Application and Examination Fee
Each applicant must pay Rs.200/- (RUPEES TWO HUNDRED ONLY) towards Online Application Processing Fee. This apart, the applicants have to pay Rs.120/-(RUPEES ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONLY) towards examination fee. However, the applicants belonging to SC/ST/BC Communities, PH and applicants belonging to Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) are exempted from payment of examination fee.
Note: Applicants belonging to other States are not exempted from payment of examination fee.
The fee once remitted shall not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances. Failure to pay the examination fee, application fee wherever applicable will entail the total rejection of application.
How to apply?
Please read the following Annexures appended to the Notification before filling the application form.
Annexure-I: Breakup of Vacancies
Annexure-II: Scheme & Syllabus of written examination
Annexure-III: Proformas of School Study Certificate and Certificate of Residence (If not studied in school through regular mode)
Application Submission and Payment Process
Step (I): – Payment of Fee: The candidate has to visit the website http://tssouthernpower.cgg.gov.in to view the detailed notification and user guide. The prescribed fee mentioned at Para-I (5) is to be paid online by visiting the link MAKE PAYMENT in the website duly following online instructions and obtaining paid fee receipt with Journal Number.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The applicant must ensure that the certificates viz., SSC, and Community are available on hand while filling up the particulars at the time of payment of fee. The Name and Date of Birth should be filled as per SSC Certificate and Community i.e., SC/ST/BC-A/BC-B/BC-C/BC-D/BC-E and OC or OC-EWS as per the Certificate issued by Govt. of Telangana. The particulars which are filled at the time of payment of fee will be carried over to the online application form and cannot be altered later. The candidate needs to add information in the respective sections as asked in the online application form.
Step (II): – Submission of Application: After payment of fee, the candidate has to visit the website http://tssouthernpower.cgg.gov.in to view the detailed notification and User Guide. The applicants have to click on the link SUBMIT APPLICATION and provide payment details (Journal number and date) and Date of Birth details. Then the candidate needs to fill all the relevant fields in the respective application along with uploading the scanned copy of passport size photograph with signature (see instructions for scanning and uploading photograph with signature). On submission of application, the applicant will immediately receive an acknowledgement in the form of a downloadable pdf document.
- TSSPDCL is not responsible for any discrepancy in bio-data particulars while submitting the application form via online mode. Therefore, the applicants are advised to strictly follow the instructions and understand the user guide before submitting the application.
- The particulars furnished by the applicant in the Application Form will be taken as final and data is processed based on these particulars. Therefore, candidates must be very careful at the time of submitting the online application form.
- Incomplete/Incorrect application form will be summarily rejected. The information furnished by the candidate subsequently in any form will not be entertained by TSSPDCL under any circumstances. Applicants should be careful while adding information and submitting the application form. If any lapse is detected during the scrutiny, the candidature will be rejected even though he comes to the final stage of recruitment process or even at a later stage.
- Before submission of application form, the candidates are required to go through the detailed notification and carefully ensure his eligibility for this examination. No relevant column of the application form should be left blank, otherwise the application form will be rejected.
- Handwritten/typed/photostat copies/printed application forms will not be accepted.
- Candidates are required to retain a copy of the filled-in application form with Reference ID for future reference.
- Candidates must submit applications only through online mode much before the last submission date to avoid last day rush.
- Only applicants willing to serve anywhere in the TSSPDCL jurisdiction should apply.
Centres for the written examination
The written examination for recruitment of Sub-Engineer (Electrical) will be held at different centers located in the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) area.
Important Provisions Governing The Recruitment Process
- Vacancies: The recruitment will be made to the vacancies notified subject to variation and orders in force.
- Recruitment: The recruitment will be processed as per this notification. The rules and regulations/orders of TSSPDCL existing as on date will also be considered during recruitment.
- Rules: All are informed that various conditions and criterion prescribed herein are governed by the rules and regulations/orders existing in TSSPDCL.
- Transparency in Recruitment: The whole recruitment and selection process is carried out with utmost secrecy to ensure that the principle of merit is scrupulously followed. A candidate shall be disqualified for appointment, if he himself or through relations or friends or any others has endeavored to enlist for his candidature, extraneous support, whether from official or non-official sources for appointment to this service.
- Employed: The individuals already in Government service/Power Utilities/Autonomous bodies/Govt. Aided Institutions whether in permanent or temporary capacity are required to inform in writing to the Head of Office/respective department. This is because the case may be required to submit “No Objection” from the concerned Head of Office/Department to apply for this position and produce the same as and when required.
- Caste & Community: The Community Certificate issued by the competent authority (obtained from the Government of Telangana) should be submitted at appropriate time in case of SC & ST candidates. Candidates belonging to backward classes are required to produce a Community Certificate (BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D & BC-E) from competent authority i.e., from Tahsildar in the State of Telangana and not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar.
No person who professes a religion different from Hinduism shall be deemed a member of Scheduled Caste.
Note: The applicants belonging to other states are not entitled for any kind of reservation.
- Reservations:
The following percentages of reservations are applicable subject to the orders of the Government from time to time.
EWS-10% – Economically Weaker Sections include the individuals who are not covered under the scheme of reservations for the SCs, STs and BCs and whose family has gross annual income below Rs.8.00 Lakh (Rupees eight lakh only) are identified as Economically Weaker Sections for the benefit of reservation. The persons seeking benefit of reservation under EWS category shall obtain the necessary Certificate from the Tahsildar concerned, as per the orders issued by the Government. The EWS certificate has to be produced at an appropriate time. In case of failure to produce the same on the day of verification of certificates, the candidature against EWS will be rejected and will be considered against OC (General) category as per his eligibility.
BC-25% + 4% Reservation to BC-E group will be subject to the adjudication of the litigation before the Hon’ble Courts including final orders in Civil Appeal No.(a) 2628-2637 of 2010 in SLP.No.7388-97 of 2010 dated 25.03.2010 and orders from the Government.
SC- 15%
ST- 6%
PH- 4% – Reservation will be applicable for candidates with requisite percentages specified by the Government/existing Rules of TSSPDCL
Women- 33 1/3% reservation is applicable as per rules.
Note: If eligible persons from VH(W)/HH(W)/OH(W)/AMD(W) category are not available in the initial recruitment, the same shall be filled up by the eligible Male candidates with same category of disability respectively as per G.O.Ms.No.96, GAD (Ser. D) Department, Dt.22.07.2019. Hence, eligible male candidates of VH/ HH/ OH/AMD disabled category can also apply for the post meant for Women categories.
- Creamy Layer: In terms of G.O.Ms.No.8, Backward Classes Welfare (OP) Department, dt.13.11.2014, Govt. of Telangana, as adopted by TSTRANSCO vide T.O.O.(CGM-HRD-Per) Ms.No.188, dt.22.09.2015 and subsequently adopted by TSSPDCL, the candidates claiming reservation belonging to backward classes have to produce a certificate regarding their exclusion from the Creamy Layer from the Competent Authority (Tahsildar). This certificate has to be produced at an appropriate time. The B.C. candidates whose parent’s income is less than the limit prescribed by the Government of Telangana fall under the non-creamy layer. In case of failure to produce the same on the day of verification of certificates, the candidature will be rejected without further correspondence.
- The candidates who have obtained Diploma in Engineering through distance mode of education are required to have recognition by the relevant Statutory Authorities. Unless such Diplomas have been recognized by the relevant statutory authority, they will not be accepted for the purpose of educational qualification. The onus of proof of recognition by the relevant Statutory authority that their Diplomas/Institutions have been recognized rests with the candidates.
The decision of TSSPDCL on equivalency and relevant qualification shall be final.
Reservation to District Candidates
Reservation to the district candidates is applicable as provided in the rules in TSSPDCL and as amended from time to time in force as on the date of notification. The candidates claiming reservation as district candidates should obtain the required study certificates (from class I to VII) or Residence Certificate in the proforma only for those candidates who have not studied in any educational institutions. The relevant certificates issued by the competent authority must be ready and kept with the candidates for furnishing, as and when required.
- A candidate for direct recruitment to any post shall be regarded as a district candidate in relation to the district on the following conditions:
(i.) Where a candidate has studied in an educational institution(s) recognized by the State Government or any competent authority in such District area for a period of not less than four consecutive academic years from 1st Class to Seventh Class examination or an examination declared by the State Government to be equivalent to the Seventh Class Examination.
(ii.) Where a candidate has studied in an Educational Institution(s) recognized by the State Government or any competent authority up to Seventh Class in two or more Districts which are equal, the district where the candidate has studied last will be considered as District area for the candidate in such equal periods.
(iii.) In cases where the candidate has studied in an Educational Institution(s) recognized by the State Government or any competent authority in various districts from first class to seventh class, the District where he/she has studied for the maximum time period is considered as the district of that candidate.
(iv.) Similarly, if the candidate has not studied up to seventh class in any Educational Institution, but acquired higher educational qualification, the place where the candidate resided from the age of 5 years to 12 years will be taken into consideration. The district candidature is determined with reference to the maximum period of residence or in the case of equal periods of residence where the candidate has resided last in such periods.
(v.) In cases, where Visually Handicapped and Hearing Handicapped persons studied in the special schools meant for them, the ordinarily residing place of the parents of such Visually Handicapped and Hearing Handicapped persons shall be taken into consideration for determining the district candidature.
- The following are the districts falling within the jurisdiction of TSSPDCL.
Discom | Districts covered |
TSSPDCL | Mahabubnagar, Wanaparthy, Nagarkurnool, Jogulamba-Gadwal, Narayanpet, Nalgonda, BhongirYadadri, Suryapet, Medak, Siddipet, Sangareddy, Vikarabad, Rangareddy, Medchal-Malkajgiri and Hyderabad Districts. |
NOTE: Residence certificate will not be accepted, if a candidate has studied in any Educational Institution up to 7th Class or equivalent examination, such candidates have to produce study certificates as and when required.
Preference to the district Candidates
1. For 95% of the posts, preference shall be given to the District/Circle Candidates.
2. The candidates belonging to Hyderabad, Rangareddy and Medchal-Malkajgiri Districts will have to give order of preference to all the Circles falling in the jurisdiction of the respective Districts while submitting application online.
a. In Hyderabad District jurisdiction, there are 5 TSSPDCL Circles/Units of appointment for Sub-Engineer (Electrical).
- Banjara Hills
- Secunderabad
- Hyderabad Central
- Hyderabad South
b. In Rangareddy District jurisdiction, there are 3 TSSPDCL Circles/Units of appointment for Sub-Engineer/Electrical.
- Cybercity
- Rajendranagar
- Saroornagar
c. In Medchal-Malkajgiri District jurisdiction, there are 2 TSSPDCL Circles/Units of appointment for Sub-Engineer/Electrical.
- Medchal
- Habsiguda
3. The candidates will be selected and allotted to the circles as per their rank in the merit list and as per preference.
4. However, in so far as the operation circles in Hyderabad/Ranga Reddy/Medchal-Malkajgiri districts, the candidates shall give preference of operation circles, falling in the respective Revenue Districts and they shall be considered for all the operation circles in the respective districts.
5. While the company calls for preference of candidates in respect of circle in the application form, it is hereby clarified that the said preferences are only indicative for being considered to the possible extent. Mere claim of preference for any circle for allotment against vacancy does not confer a right to selection for that circle in particular or any circle in general.
NOTE: Candidate should acquaint himself with the present district in which jurisdiction the school he studied from 1st class to 7th class is falling i.e. after reorganization & formation of new districts. After ensuring the above, the candidate should enter the school study particulars in the online application form. Based on the school study particulars, the district to which he belongs to is arrived. If he chooses the district/circle to which he belongs, he will be considered against the 95% vacancies district/circle. If the candidate chooses other than the District/Circle to which he belongs, then he will be considered in the 5% vacancies of the District/Circle chosen and will not be considered against the 95% vacancies to the District/Circle he belongs to. The candidate’s application to the Sub-Engineer/Electrical post will be considered to any one Circle/District either in 5% vacancies or against 95% vacancies depending on the respective case.
For Example (i): If a candidate has studied from Class-I to Class-VII in Kothur Mandal which was in Mahabubnagar District before reorganization of districts in Telangana State, now falling in Ranga Reddy District, he should fill up the study particulars in the online application form as studied in Ranga Reddy District.
Further, while choosing the District/Circle for submission of application, if he opts for the District/Circle selection as Ranga Reddy, he is eligible for 95% vacancies in Ranga Reddy district vacancies and if he chooses any other District/Circle, he will fall under 5% vacancies of such district. The candidates may be noted that, only one application is invited for any one of the District/Circle in TSSPDCL against 5% vacancies/95% vacancies, as the case may be according to their choice of selection. However, as far as the operation circles in Hyderabad/Ranga Reddy/Medchal-Malkajgiri Districts are concerned, the candidates shall give preference to operation circles, falling in the respective Revenue Districts and they shall be considered for all the Operation Circles in the respective districts. If the candidate has not studied up to 7th class in any Educational Institution, the place where the candidate resided from the age of 5 years to 12 years as per the present districts i.e., after reorganization & formation of new districts will be taken into consideration for arriving the district to which he belongs and to choose the District/Circle Selection accordingly.
Example (ii): If a candidate has obtained a school study bonafide from a school in Nalgonda District (prior to reorganization & formation of new districts) bearing the stamp of the school indicating as Nalgonda District and if the said school is falling in the jurisdiction of Suryapet District after reorganization of the districts, such of these candidates shall enter the school study particulars as studied in Suryapet District.
In the same analogy, the school study particulars have to be entered in the online application form based on the school’s jurisdiction, now falling in the districts after reorganization and formation of new districts.
Examination Pattern
The written test comprises 100 multiple choice questions and each question carrying 1 mark. The total marks of this examination is 100 marks. Section A consists of 80 questions on core technical subjects and Section B consists of 20 questions on General Awareness and Numerical Ability and History related to Telangana Culture & Movement.
The duration of the written examination will be 2 hours, i.e., 120 minutes.
Details of Written Examination:
i) Syllabus: The syllabus for the written examination for Sub-Engineer (Electrical) is placed at Annexure-II.
ii) Hall Tickets: The hall tickets will be made available on the website well before the date of examination. The candidate has to download the hall ticket from the website only. Candidates need to keep a note that hall tickets will not be sent to the candidates by post. The hall ticket has to be preserved till the final selection.
iii) Date of examination: The written examination for Sub-Engineer (Electrical) will be held on 31.07.2022.
Note: Any change in the scheduled date of written examination will be published on the website.
iv) Examination Centers: The written examination for recruitment of Sub Engineer (Electrical) will be held at different centers located in the GHMC area.
v) Instructions to Candidates at the time of Written Examination:
- The examination is of two hours duration. The date, time and venue will be indicated on the Hall ticket. Candidates should reach the test center in time. The candidates have to report 60 Minutes before the examination time at the examination venue. Candidates will not be allowed into the examination hall after the exam has started and will not be permitted to leave examination hall before the closure of examination time under any circumstances. The candidates shall appear for written examination at their own cost.
- The test will be of objective type with multiple-choice questions with only one answer being correct among the four alternatives suggested.
- A separate O M R (Optical mark Reader) answer sheet will be provided to the candidates. The candidate has to indicate his response to each question by darkening the appropriate bubble with a Black Ball Point pen. No corrections with white fluid or any will be permitted.
- The candidate has to bring a good quality Black Ball Point pen to the examination hall.
- The candidate has to handover the original OMR Sheet to the invigilators in the examination center and is however permitted to take away the question paper after the examination. If any candidate in violation of the above instructions takes away the original OMR Sheet, his candidature to the recruitment will be rejected besides invocation of penal provisions including debarment of the candidature for all future recruitments to be conducted by the TSSPDCL.
- The candidate has to meticulously follow all the instructions given on the question paper booklet and OMR Answer Sheet, otherwise, the answer sheet will not be evaluated.
- Usage of Calculators/mathematical tables is not permitted. Candidates should not bring cell phones or any other electronic gadgets to the examination hall.
- The provisional key will be placed on the website within 7 days of written examination.
- If there are any objections on the provisional key, the same can be raised within 3 days from the date of placing of the provisional key to email: [email protected].
- The objections (if any) would be examined and the decision of the TSSPDCL in this regard shall be final. Any objection filed after expiry of specified time from the date of publication of key / revised key would not be entertained.
Selection Process
- The selection of candidates for appointment will be made only according to the performance of the written examination.
- In the event of tie in written exam marks, the candidate whose age is higher will be ranked high. In the event of tie, the marks obtained in Part-A will form the basis for deciding the rank.
- Only those candidates who qualify in the written examination with higher ranks, community wise will be called for verification of Original Certificates in 1:1 ratio.
- The minimum qualifying marks in the written examination for the above selection process shall be as follows:
OC & EWS – 40%
BC – 35%
SC/ST – 30%
PH – 30%
Note: Mere securing minimum qualifying marks doesn’t provide any right to a candidate for being called for verification of original certificates or for appointment.
NOTE: The selection list in the district/circle will be drawn into two parts. The first part will comprise 5% of the posts consisting of combined merit list and the remaining second part will comprise the balance 95% of the posts consisting of candidates belonging to that District/Circle only. The posts will be filled following the existing rules and rule of reservation.
The whole recruitment and selection process is carried out with utmost secrecy and confidentiality, so as to ensure that the principle of merit is followed properly. A candidate shall be disqualified for appointment, if he himself or through relatives or friends or any others has canvassed or endeavored to enlist for his candidature, extraneous support, whether from official or non-official sources for appointment to this service. Conviction in criminal case involving moral turpitude declared insolvent.
Terms and Conditions of service:
- Scale of Pay: Rs.45205-2225-56330-2655-69605-3100-85105-3560-88665
- Training cum Probation: The candidates appointed to the post shall be placed on training cum probation for a period of 2 years which includes one (1) year training. At the time of joining, they shall have to deposit their original certificates such as Date of Birth (SSC), Diploma Certificate, Caste and Study / Residence Certificates etc. During the training cum probation period, they will be paid initial scale of pay of Sub-Engineer (Electrical) with usual allowances admissible at the place of posting.
- Place of posting: The candidates appointed shall be required to work wherever posted for a minimum period of 3 years.
- The candidate will be governed by the rules and regulations applicable or as framed by the TSSPDCL that can be amended from time to time.
- Execution of Service Bond: At the time of joining, the candidate shall have to execute a bond to serve TSSPDCL for a minimum period of FIVE (5) years in addition to two-year training cum probation period. The candidate who leaves the company during the training period of one year shall refund the emoluments received by him in the specific period plus Rs. 30,000/- (Rupees Thirty thousand only) by way of liquidated damages. The candidate who leaves the company without serving a minimum period of six years after completion of training, shall pay to the company a sum of Rs. 60,000/- (Rupees Fifty thousand only) by way of liquidated damages.
- Candidates should make sure of their eligibility to the post applied for and that the declaration made by them in the format of application regarding their eligibility is correct in all respects. Any candidate furnishing incorrect information or making false declaration regarding his eligibility at any stage or suppressing any information, is liable to be debarred from appearing in any examinations conducted by the Telangana Power Utilities and summarily rejecting their candidature for this role and opportunities available in the future.
- Any candidate is or has been found impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or resorting to any other irregular or improper means in-connection with his candidature for selection or obtaining support of candidature by any means. In addition to rendering himself liable to Criminal Prosecution such a candidate will also be liable to be debarred permanently from any exam or selection held by TSSPDCL and other TS power utilities.
Special Instructions to Candidates
Eligible candidates are advised to follow the website (www.tssouthernpower.cgg.gov.in) regularly to know the latest developments of this recruitment and any changes/ Modifications/ Addendum/Corrigendum, dates of Examination, calling candidates for verification of Certificates/Results. Candidates must note that individual communication is not possible. Hence, they must regularly visit the website for updates. Candidates are requested to go through the User Guide before filling up the online application form.
Important Dates
Starting date for Payment of Fee | 15.06.2022 |
Starting date of submission of Online application | 15.06.2022 |
Last date for payment of Fee Online | 05.07.2022 (up to 05.00 pm) |
Last date for submission of Online Application | 05.07.2022 (up to 11.59 pm) |
Downloading of Hall tickets from | 23.07.2022 |
Date of examination | 31.07.2022 |
For any problems related to Online submission and downloading of hall tickets, please contact Help Desk No. 040-23120303 (Call Timings: 10:30 A.M to 1:00 P.M & 2:00 P.M to 5:00 P.M) or log on to http://tssouthernpower.cgg.gov.in and click on to complaint box.