HCL Recruitment 2024 for Junior Manager Posts
Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL)
A Govt. of India Enterprise
Advt. No. Estt. /1/2020/2023-24
Hindustan Copper Limited 2024 for 56 Junior Manager Posts, Apply Online
1. Notification for appointment on Supervisory (E0 Grade) posts
Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) invites applications from Indian Nationals for appointment to the post of Junior Manager in various disciplines / cadres. Interested and qualified applicants must apply online at HCL.com. Below is a schedule of the online application submission opening and closing dates.
Opening date for submission of online application |
Last date of submission of online application |
01/07/2024 (11.00 AM Onwards) | 21/07/2024 (Till Midnight) |
2. Discipline / Cadre wise vacancy break-up with reservation:
- Discipline / Cadre wise vacancies with category –
SN | Cadre / Disciplines | Total | SC | ST | OBC (NCL) | EWS | UR |
1 | Mining | 46 | 6 | 3 | 13 | 4 | 20 |
2 | Electrical | 6 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | |
3 | Company Secretary | 2 | 1 | 1 | |||
4 | Finance | 1 | 1 | ||||
5 | HR | 1 | 1 | ||||
Total | 56 | 7 | 3 | 15 | 5 | 26 |
- Discipline / Cadre wise reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBDs)
- Disablement categories identified for appointment in various disciplines / cadres are as under.
Cadre/Discipline | Identified Categories of PwBD |
Mining | a) LV,
b) OA, OL, SD/SI (Without), SD/SI (With)- OA/OL, LC, Dw, AAV, MD, c) ASD, SLD, MI d) Multiple disabilities amongst above |
Electrical | a) HH.
b) OL, SD/SI (Without), SD/SI (With)- OL, LC, Dw, AAV, MD, c) ASD, SLD, MI. d) Multiple disabilities amongst above |
HR | a) B, LV.
b) HH c) OL, BL, OA, OAL, SD/SI (Without), SD/SI (With)- OL/BL/ OA/OAL, LC, Dw, AAV, MD. d) ASD, SLD, MI. e) Multiple disabilities amongst above |
Finance | a) HH.
b) OA, OL, BL, OAL, SD/SI (Without), SD/SI (With)- OA/OL/BL/OAL, LC, Dw, AAV, MD. c) ASD, SLD, MI. d) Multiple disabilities amongst above |
Abbreviations used:
B – Blind | SD/SI (With)-Spinal Deformity/ Spinal Injury with associated neurological/ limb dysfunction |
LV – Low Vision | ASD-Autism Spectrum Disorder |
HH – Hard of Hearing | SLD-Specific Learning Disabilities |
OA – One Arm | MI-Mental Illness |
OL – One Leg | MD- Muscular Dystrophy |
OAL – One Arm and One Leg | AAV – Acid Attack Victims |
SD/SI (Without)-Spinal Deformity/ Spinal Injury without any associated neurological/ limb dysfunction | LC – Leprosy cured |
Dw – Dwarfism |
- Vacancies reserved for PwBDs are as follows.
Category | Number of Post/s |
Visually Handicapped (VH) | 1 |
Hard of Hearing (HH) | 1 |
Orthopedically Handicapped | 1 |
- The PwBDs appointed will be adjusted against the vacancy of respective categories, viz., UR/SC/ST/OBC/EWS.
- Only such persons, who suffer from not less than 40% of relevant disability will be eligible to be considered under PwBDs.
3. Eligibility Criteria:
Qualification & Experience
- For the position of Junior Manager in various cadres and disciplines, the following are the needed qualifications and the year of experience (obtained after obtaining the essential qualifications).
Sr. No. | Cadre | Minimum Essential Qualification with Year of Experience |
1. | Mining | (i) Diploma in Mining with 5 years of experience in the relevant field.
(ii) Foreman’s Certificate of Competency for Metalliferous Mines (Unrestricted) or i. Bachelor Degree in Mining Engineering with 2 years of experience in the relevant field. ii. Foreman’s Certificate of Competency for Metalliferous Mines (Unrestricted) or Second-Class Manager’s Certificate of Competency for Metalliferous Mine (Unrestricted). |
2. | Electrical | Diploma in Electrical Engg. with 5 years’ experience in the relevant field.
or Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering with 2 years of experience in the relevant field. |
3. | Company Secretary | Graduate with 5 years’ experience in the relevant field.
or Passed Final Examination of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India / UK. |
4. | Finance | Graduate with 5 years’ experience in the relevant field.
or Intermediate Examination of Institute of Chartered Accountants or Institute of Cost & Works Accountant with five years’ experience in the relevant field. or PG Degree in Finance/PG Diploma in Finance/MBA in Finance with 2 years of experience in the relevant field. |
5. | HR | Graduate with 5 years’ experience in the relevant field.
or PG Degree in HR/PG Diploma in HR/MBA in HR with 2 years of experience in the relevant field. |
- After obtaining the required minimum essential educational qualification, work experience must be obtained in a full-time capacity on a regular basis.
- Applicant working in Government / Semi-Government / PSU / Other Govt. Organization shall submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of document verification.
- Experience acquired in Training / Consultancy Experience / Teaching / Fellowship / Internship / Apprenticeship / Academic Project shall not be taken in to consideration as Experience.
Age Limit (as on 01/06/2024)
The maximum age requirement for the Junior Manager position starting of June 1, 2024, is 40 years old. However, the following age relaxation will apply to candidates who fall under the categories of SC, ST, OBC, PWD, or ex-servicemen.
Category | Age Relaxation (in years) |
SC / ST | 5 |
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) | 3 |
PWD – General / EWS | 10 |
PWD – OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) | 13 |
PWD – SC / ST | 15 |
Ex. Servicemen | As per Govt. Guideline |
4. Selection Process
- The written test results will determine which candidate or candidates are chosen for the position, and document verification will be a requirement.
- Details of Written Test shall be shared with the call letter for Written Test.
- Written Test under Notification Estt./1/2018/2023-24 for filling-up of post on immediate absorption basis and No. Estt./1/2020/2023-24 shall be conducted on same day in separate sessions.
5. Qualifying Marks
The minimum qualifying marks out of aggregate marks prescribed in CBT for short-listing candidates for Document Verification shall be 30% for candidates belonging to General (Unreserved) / OBC categories and 20% for those belonging to SC / ST / PwD categories.
6. Compensation Package –
Selected candidates for the posts of Junior Manger will be placed in the initial of basic pay in the scale of Rs 30000-3%-120000/-.
7. Service Agreement Bond
Candidates that are appointed must work for the organization for at least three years after joining it. At the time of joining, the candidates will have to sign a ₹ 3 Lakhs (Rupees Three Lakhs) service agreement bond.
In the event of failure to serve the Company by the Employee / Trainee for the minimum period of 03 years, he / she would be liable to deposit the bond amount.
8. Document Verification
- Document Verification date / time / venue will be communicated to shortlisted candidates through e-mail. Call letter for appearing in document verification will be made available for shortlisted candidates for downloading through their registered account on HCL website.
- HCL will not accept requests for a change in date, time, or location after it has informed candidates via call letters regarding the document verification date, time, and location.
- At the time of document verification, the original documents listed below will be checked. The candidates shall be excluded from the screening process if the original documents are not produced.
- Date of Birth proof –
- Xth Standard Passing Certificate indicating Date of Birth OR
- School Leaving Certificate
- XIIth Standard Passing Certificate
- Mark Sheet of Diploma / Graduate Degree and / or Post Graduate Degree as
- Final Diploma / Graduate Degree / Post Graduate Degree Certificate as applicable (Provisional in case Final Degree Certificate is not available).
- Experience Certificate/s for establishing the Post Qualification Years of Experience.
- Caste Category Certificates –
- SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates must produce caste/category certificate, as per the format prescribed by the Government of India.
- The EWS applicants are required to submit requisite certificate in the format prescribed by Government of India valid for the year 2024-25, from a competent authority.
- The OBC applicants have to indicate their status as “Creamy Layer” or “Non-Creamy Layer” as the case may be while filling online application. The applicants who belong to “Creamy Layer” are not entitled for relaxations & concessions admissible to OBC Category (Non-Creamy Layer). The OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) applicants are required to submit requisite certificate in prescribed format of Government of India, from a competent authority issued on or after 01-04-2024. Further, OBC applicants, if called for Document Verification will have to give an undertaking indicating that they belong to OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) Category at the time of reporting for Document Verification.
- PwBD candidates are required to submit Disability Certificate issued by an authority as prescribed in the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules, 2017, failing which their candidature as PwBD candidate will not be considered.
- If the EWS/SC/ST/OBC/PwBD certificate has been issued in a language other than English/Hindi, then the candidates will be required to submit a self-certified translated copy of the same in either English or Hindi.
9. Medical Fitness
The HCL Management may require that an applicant be found medically fit before they may be appointed to the Junior Manager position.
10. Application Fee
The General, OBC & EWS Candidates are required to pay non-refundable application processing fee of Rs.500/- (Five Hundred Only) and all other candidates are exempted from paying fees including PwBDs.
The applicant must use the Payment Gateway / NEFT Online Transfer via HCL’s website exclusively to pay the application processing fee and any relevant bank fees. Other remittance forms won’t be accepted.
11. Amendments / Modification / Corrigendum
Any amendment / modification / corrigendum in respect of recruitment through this Advertisement shall only be communicated through the Company’s website (www.hindustancopper.com) and not through publication in newspaper. Hence, candidates are advised to keep themselves updated by visiting the website from time-to- time for updates, etc.
12. How to apply?
- To apply for the posts of Junior Manager, candidates fulfilling eligibility criteria must register themselves on HCL website (www.hindustancopper.com) under career section (on the link provided for online application on the page).
- Applicants are urged to carefully study the directions found in the website’s “How to fill the Online Application form” before completing the online application. They can obtain the instructions for submitting an online application by clicking the ‘Career’ option.
- After submitting the online application, the candidates should print the Computer-Generated Online Application and the Acknowledgement Slip and keep a copy for their reference and records. Copy of Online Application and Acknowledgment Slip need to be submitted at the time document verification.
- The candidate should make sure they match all the requirements listed in this advertisement, including the prescribed eligibility criteria, since all applications will be screened solely on the information provided in the online application and without the need for any documentary evidence or proof.
- Candidates should note that the details provided by them in their application forms are taken on their face value and the onus of proving the correctness and authenticity of the same as and when required lies with the applicant.
13. Candidature of candidate shortlisted for Written Test (Mining and Electrical discipline) against the HCL Notification No. Estt./1/2018/2023-24 dated 14/08/2023 (on Immediate Absorption basis) for posts advertised in this notification would be considerable subject to receipt of online application and fulfillment of eligibility criteria as the Written test for both advertisements will be conducted in separate sessions.
Therefore, candidate willing to consider his/her candidature against notification No. Estt./1/2020/2023-24 shall submit online application.
14. General Instructions
- Only Indian Nationals of 18 (Eighteen) years of age and above are eligible to apply.
- It is recommended that applicants submit their online recruitment applications well in advance, rather than waiting until the deadline. We will not accept manual or paper applications.
- Candidates working in Central Government/State Government/ CPSEs/State PSEs/ other Govt. bodies should produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of Document
- The internal candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria mentioned at Para [3(A)] are eligible to apply as per HCL However, internal employees must have minimum 2 years of service left before superannuation on the date of reckoning.
- Only candidates who are determined to be eligible for document verification will get reimbursement for their travel expenses related to their participation in the process. For attending the written exam, there would be no reimbursement for travel expenses.
- The candidates will have the option to opt out the disclosure scheme provided under Right to Information Act, 2005. The option of opting out shall be taken at the time of filling the application.
- In case of variation in name / surname / name spelling mentioned in the application with that in the respective certificates pertaining to Qualification / Caste, etc., the applicant shall be required to submit an affidavit sworn-in before a First-Class Judicial Magistrate / appropriate authority to this effect along with the respective document s at the time of Document Verification failing which the candidature shall be cancelled.
- If an applicant is determined to be ineligible for the applied position, HCL retains the right to reject any application at any point throughout the recruiting process or after the candidate has been selected.
- HCL reserves the right to fill or not fill or partly fill any of the above positions without assigning any reason whatsoever. HCL also reserves the right to cancel / restrict / modify / alter the recruitment process, if required, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason whatsoever. The Company reserves the right to shortlist candidates depending upon the number of vacancies and application received, etc., and also to decide the modalities for recruitment.
- The selected candidate shall be liable to serve the Company anywhere in India / abroad where it may have business
- Appointment of the candidate in HCL is provisional and subject to verification of Character & Antecedents by the prescribed authorities.
- The candidate’s appointment will remain provisional subject to caste/category certificates being verified from appropriate authorities and verification of other The candidate’s services will be liable to be terminated forthwith without assigning any reason in case the above verification reveals that her/his claim for belonging to EWS/SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBD category and other testimonials is found false. HCL also reserves its right to take such further action against the candidate as it may deem proper, for production of such a false caste certificate/testimonial.
- Category (SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWS/PwBD) once filled in the online application form will not be changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible during the process of recruitment.
- At the time of document verification, a properly signed hard copy of the online application, original papers (for verification), and self-attested copies as specified in the advertisement must be presented.
- Mere fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria will not entitle any applicant to be called for.
- The email id and mobile number entered in the online application form should remain active till the process of recruitment is complete. No change in the email id will be allowed once entered. All future correspondence would be sent via email.
- As the Written Test for all the disciplines shall be conducted on same day, candidates are advised to apply against a single discipline.
- HCL shall not be liable for any delay or loss in postal transit for any reason whatsoever or non-receipt of HCL’s communication due to wrong email address provided by the applicant / any other.
- In case of any doubt or discrepancy or conflict or confusion or ambiguity that may arise in Hindi version the content of English version shall prevail.
- Any canvassing directly or indirectly by the applicant shall disqualify his / her candidature from any post.
- Kolkata will be the exclusive venue for legal disputes originating from this recruiting.
- HCL promotes diversity in the workplace and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
What is the full form of HCL?
Ans. HCL full form is Hindustan Copper Limited.
Ans. Yes, HCL is a category-1 Central Public Sector Enterprise that functions under the Ministry of Mines, Government of India.
When was Hindustan Copper Limited incorporated?
Ans. Hindustan Copper Limited was incorporated on 9th November 1967.
Where are the Hindustan Copper Limited headquarters located?
Ans. The HCL headquarters are located in Kolkata.
What is the vision of Hindustan Copper Limited?
Ans. The vision of Hindustan Copper Limited is to be the leading metal mining company. It also aims to sustainably find, develop, and mine copper ore and other geologically associated minerals, thus maximizing total shareholder return.
Who is the chairman of Hindustan Copper Limited?
Ans: Mr. Arun Kumar Shukla is the chairman of Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL).
Is HCL a profitable organization?
Ans: Yes. In the concluding financial year of 2022-23, the Company has earned a net profit (PAT) of Rs 295.31 crore against a sales turnover of Rs 1660.63 crore.
What are the achievements of Hindustan Copper Limited?
Ans: Achievements like Malanjkhand copper mine have been declared Winner of the National Safety Award in the large open cast metalliferous mine’s category for Longest Injury Free Period. Third prize in Occupational health, safety, welfare amenities, vocational training & first aid, Overall performance and Publicity & Propaganda.
Where are the Hindustan Copper Limited plants and offices located in India?
Ans: The plants associated with Hindustan Copper Limited are located in Khetri (Rajasthan), Malanjkhand (Madhya Pradesh), Ghatsila (Jharkhand), Taloja (Maharashtra) and Jhagadia (Gujarat).
What are the plants associated with HCL?
Ans: The plants that come under the Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) include Indian Copper Complex, Khetri Copper Complex, Malanjkhand Copper Project, Taloja Copper Project, and Gujarat Copper Project.
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Dear Aspirants,
Take your GATE, ESE, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).
So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

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