Last-Minute Strategy to Succeed in the GATE Exam
Strategy in the last phase of preparation for GATE Exam
In the last phase of preparation for the GATE Exam with near about 45 days left for ESE 2018 and 75 days left for GATE 2018, tension along with dilemma may be piling up in minds of all aspirants whether to focus on GATE or on ESE or on Both exams. The decision can be taken by self-analysis based on the level of preparation made in the past few months. There is no doubt that the syllabus is exhaustive but note that it is for everyone.
ESE is all about the combination of technical, GS, and engineering aptitude syllabus. For qualifying in ESE Prelims, you should be comfortable in both & if you are prepared enough then you should definitely go for ESE and you can fully focus on GATE once ESE is over. But if the non-tech portion is still untouched /unprepared then stick to the GATE syllabus, and prepare nicely & go-ahead for GATE as the prime target.
GATE opens a wide window of opportunities by catering to many PSUs and it is also a doorway of further studies; with a large number of seats and vacancies.
The desired result is always a direct consequence of time management, revision, self-motivation, and stress management on tough days. One of the key requisites to achieve this is proper PLANNING. Try to manage your study plans weekly, and constantly motivate yourself to achieve the fixed target by the end of the week.
Self-study time may be divided into three parts:
- Reading new concepts
- Revision time
- Writing Tests
(1) Reading new concepts:
- Concentrate in class and grasp the concepts then and there, read again after coming back home, and try to retain them. Read from self-handwritten notes, and mark and highlight important formulae and concepts. Making short notes helps a lot in the last moment of revision.
- Practice the previous year & workbook questions related to topics newly studied so that it solidifies in your memory cells and mark the questions which you were unable to attempt in the first practice.
(2) Revision plan:
- Fix daily schedule of revision, what so ever is the available time for self-study takeout some time for revision on daily basis. Class notes and short notes are the best sources of revision. Highlight the difficult areas for future revision.
- Don’t get muddled with your own concepts, read one chapter write all the formulae; consolidate them in memory by writing and practicing. Often there are formulae-based questions that should not be left just because of recall issues.
- Keep pasting sticky notes and prepare short notes or highlight in existing notes consisting only of those points which are repeatedly slipping out of your brain and revise them multiple times.
- Make groups of 2-3 students, discuss and revise concepts clarifying doubts, and strengthening concepts.
- Practice more questions, previous years’ questions should be thoroughly practiced, and then practice a new set of questions from the test series.
(3) Writing Tests:
- Take out time for writing tests. Tests are very essential for self-progress tracking. Write tests regularly and with full seriousness and in an examination environment, then analyze your performance and mark your weak areas and then make efforts to rectify them.
“Humans are creatures of habit, if you quit when things get tough, it gets much easier to quit next time. On the other hand, if you force yourself to push through it, the grit begins to grow”.
Astronauts before going to space simulate their body and mind by the pre-living in-space environment. Similarly, start solving questions as if you are solving in the exam with the same accuracy and speed so that out of habit you can achieve the same in the exam.
- Questions of NDT pattern should be solved in one attempt taking care of units and using proper values. Don’t waste time solving them again and again. Though there is no negative marking if you get it correct then it will be a beneficial gain.
- Practice virtual calculator nicely and keep a good command over its functions so that you don’t make calculation blunders.
- Try to solve calculations with a pen on paper as it was done in school days and use a calculator only for complex calculations, this will definitely increase your speed.
- Give Online Tests & CBT seriously, in the simulation of an exam environment, under the same pressure check your speed and accuracy.
- Maths and aptitude contribute near about 20 to 25 marks in GATE which is a huge part of devoting time on a daily basis will surely help you in Preparation for GATE Exam without burdening you much.
What to study and what not to study?
Divide subjects into three categories of MOST IMPORTANT, MEDIUM IMPORTANT, and LEAST IMPORTANT depending on weightage in GATE examination and revise the most important subjects rigorously as they contribute majorly.
Make Stress Management and Maintain Self-Motivation
Don’t get disappointed seeing the performance of your friends and fellow mates, comparison should be with your own performance. Compare your last performance with your present one and identify your weak areas and then put sincere efforts into improving and rectifying your mistakes. Motivate yourself and keep up the spirits till last, sincere efforts and hard work are always rewarded. In case still, you don’t perform in exam then consider “You are not failed your success is just postponed “.
Best Wishes to all aspirants.
Dear Aspirants,
Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).
So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.