HPCL Recruitment 2024-25 for Engineers | HPCL Careers
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL)
Regd. Office: 17, Jamshedji Tata Road, Mumbai – 400020
HPCL Recruitment 2024-25 for 158 Engineering Posts, Apply Now
JOB ALERT engineers! HPCL is recruiting young and talented skilled engineers who are seeking career opportunities in the energy sector and willing to contribute for India’s future energy. Eligible and interested candidates are invited to apply for the HPCL recruitment 2024-25 for 158 engineering posts.
*Keep reading further to get an overview of the HPCL vacancies.
Company Profile
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) was formed on July 15, 1974. HPCL is a Maharatna Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) with annual gross sales of Rs. 4,59,815 Crore during 2023- 24.
HPCL is committed to conducting business to preserve the environment, sustainable development, being a safe workplace, and enriching the quality of life of employees, customers, and the community. HPCL’s CSR reaffirms the continuing commitment of the corporation toward societal development. The key focus areas are Childcare, Education, Health Care, Skill Development, Sports, Environment & Community Development, and Contribution to Incubators/R&D and Public- funded Universities.
Important Dates
- Commencement of online application- 5th June 2024
- Last date of online application- 30th June 2024
Table of Contents
- Position, Vacancy and Eligibility Criteria
- Relevant Engineering/ Technology Disciplines
- Shortlisting and Selection Process
- Emoluments
- Pre- Medical Examination
- Placements/ Positions
- Probation & Retention
- Reservations, Concessions & Relaxations
- Abbreviations
- Application Process
- Application Fees
- General Instructions
Position, Vacancy and Eligibility Criteria
Position | Vacancy | Educational Qualification | Max Age | Pay Scale (Rs.) |
Mechanical Engineer |
93 | 4-years full time regular engineering course in Mechanical Engineering | 25 |
(50,000 – 1,60,000)
Electrical Engineer | 43 | 4-years full time regular engineering course in Electrical Engineering | 25 |
(50,000 – 1,60,000)
Instrumentation Engineer |
5 | 4-years full time regular engineering course in Instrumentation Engineering | 25 |
(50,000 – 1,60,000) |
Civil Engineer | 10 | 4-years full time regular engineering course in Civil Engineering | 25 |
(50,000- 1,60,000) |
Chemical Engineer | 7 | 4-years full time regular engineering course in Chemical Engineering | 25 | (50,000 – 1,60,000) |
Relevant Engineering/ Technology Disciplines
Below is the list of engineering/ technology disciplines that are eligible for the positions:
Core Branches | Eligible Degree mentioned in degree certificate |
Mechanical |
Electrical |
Instrumentation |
Civil |
Chemical |
Important:- Marks required In qualifying degree is minimum 60% marks for UR/OBCNC/EWS and 50% for SC/ST/PwBD candidates.
Shortlisting and Selection Process
- The selection process would comprise of various shortlisting and selection tools like Computer Based Test, Group Task, Personal Interview, etc. which would be administered depending upon the position requirement.
- All the candidates claiming to fulfill requisite eligibility criteria may be called for Computer Based Test.
- Computer Based Test (wherever applicable) will consist of objective questions and will comprise of two parts.
- General Aptitude consisting of English Language, Quantitative Aptitude Test & Intellectual Potential test (Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation).
- Technical / Professional Knowledge comprising questions related to Qualifying degree / Educational background required for the applied position.
- Candidates qualifying in the Computer Based Test (wherever applicable) in order of merit & predetermined ratio will be advised to upload the supporting documents for certain positions.
- Basis scrutiny of the application, uploaded documents and category-wise & discipline-wise merit list in Computer Based Test, shortlisted candidates will be called for Group Task and/or Personal Interview.
- Candidates must secure minimum qualifying marks in each of the applicable selection process stages i.e. Computer Based Test, Group Task and Personal Interview to be considered for further selection process.
- A category & discipline-wise merit list will be drawn for all the candidates who qualify in all the applicable stages. Computer Based Test + Group Task + Personal and (or) Technical Interviews + Work Experience (wherever applicable) & offer of appointment would be as per the category & discipline-wise vacancies available.
Note: The details related to syllabus for Computer Based Test, Shortlisting methodology (if applicable), Selection process will be uploaded on the official website prior to commencement of selection process.
Pay Scale* | Cost to Company [CTC] |
50,000-1,60,000 | Rs 17.33 Lakh |
*A candidate will be inducted at the minimum of the pay scale.
Note: – The CTC mentioned has been calculated at minimum base level of pay grade and includes Base Pay, Retirement Benefits, Dearness Allowance, HRA and Cafeteria Allowance and also includes Performance Related Pay (calculated at maximum), which is dependent upon multiple factors and payable as per the Corporation’s policy. It may please be noted that the retirement benefits are admissible upon separation /retirement as per the Corporation policy prevailing at that time. CTC is for candidates posted in metro cities and may vary for other locations.
Pre- Medical Examination
Appointment to the above posts will be subject to the candidate being medically fit as per the standards prescribed for the post by the company. Shortlisted candidates shall be required to get their Pre-Employment Medical Examination done in HPCL nominated/ empanelled hospitals. The decision on medical fitness by HPCL’s Chief Medical Advisor would be final and binding on the candidate. Reference for a medical examination does not mean final selection.
The Pre-Employment Medical Examination Standards are available on HPCL Corporate Website (www.hindustanpetroleum.com/careers ). Candidates are advised to ensure that they are Medically Fit as per HPCL’s Pre-Employment Medical Examination Standards before commencing filling the ONLINE application.
Placements/ Positions
Posting/ Assignment can be in any SBU/ Division/ Department of the Corporation at any place in the country and the services thereafter will be transferable as per the requirement of the Corporation. These positions may involve working in shift duties. Selected candidates may also be posted / assigned to any of the subsidiaries/ Joint Ventures or any department of Government of India.
Probation & Retention
Probation: The Selected Officers will be on Probation for one year from the Date of Joining. Upon successful completion of the Probation period, the officer will be considered for confirmation as per company policy.
Retention Amount (Applicable only for Pay Scale of 50,000-1,60,000): An amount of Rs. 5,000/- per month will be deducted as retention amount from the total emoluments for the first six months during the probation period for officers in Pay Scale of 50,000-1,60,000. The amount will be refunded to the officers only after their confirmation. The retention amount will be forfeited, in case the employee leaves the Corporation or on termination of service before the confirmation.
Reservations, Concessions & Relaxations
Category-wise vacancy distribution is as given below:
Pay- Scale | SC | ST | OBC NC | EWS | UR |
50,000-1,60,000 | 30 | 17 | 45 | 19 | 85 |
- Candidates seeking reservation as SC/ST/OBC NC/EWS, shall have to produce a certificate in the prescribed proforma (the format can be downloaded from HPCL Website) meant for appointment to posts under the Government of India from the designated authority indicating clearly the candidate’s caste, the Act/Order under which the caste is recognised as SC/ST/OBC NC and the Village/Town the candidate is ordinarily a resident of. They must also ensure that the name of their caste/ community and its spelling in their caste/ community certificate should be exactly as mentioned in the lists notified by the central government from time to time (for OBC NC category list of castes recognized by the Govt. of India as OBC castes in the central list is available on the site http://www.ncbc.nic.in, for ST category the list of castes for each state is available on the site www.ncst.nic.in and for SC category the list of castes for each state is available on the site http://www.socialjustice.nic.in). A certificate containing any variation in the caste name will not be accepted. Further the OBC certificate should also clearly indicate that the candidate does not belong to the creamy layer as defined by the Government of India for applying to posts and services under the Central Government.
- The OBC claim of a candidate will be determined in relation to the State (or part of the State) to which his/ her father originally belongs. A candidate who has migrated from one State (or part of the State) to another should, therefore, produce an OBC certificate, which should have been issued to him/ her based on his/ her father’s OBC certificate from the State to which he (father) originally belongs.
- A person who wants to avail the relaxed standards of PwBD reservation will have to submit a disability certificate issued by a Competent Authority as prescribed in RPwBD Act, 2016. Further to this, according to Notification No: 38-16/2020-DD-III-DT.04/01/2021 by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, list of positions/ disciplines in which PwBD candidates are eligible to apply for this recruitment drive are given against the vacancies. Appointment in these vacancies will be offered to PwBD candidates after considering the nature of duties & responsibilities of the job, location, hazard, strain & other factors, also considering that the condition is not likely to interfere with the performance of duties of the post with reasonable efficiency and without possible deterioration of his/ her health. The final appointment would be based on the candidate’s medical fitness with respect to the job profile of the identified post.
- For getting the benefits of reservation under EWS category, the Income and Asset Certificate shall be valid for the financial year 2024-25 and should have been prepared on the basis of income and asset verification for the financial year 2023-24. The name of the caste should be clearly mentioned in the aforesaid certificate. Caste name like “General/Samanya etc.” will not suffice. Applicant’s photo on the certificate should be duly pasted, signed and stamped by issuing authority. ‘Income and Asset Certificate’ shall be submitted by such candidates at the time of interview (if called for interview). No request for extension of time for production of ‘Income & Asset Certificate’ beyond the said date shall be entertained. In case candidates fail to produce the same at the time of interview, they will not be allowed to appear for the interview. Further, their request for an interview under General category will also not be entertained.
- Maximum age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC & ST, 3 years for OBC NC, 10 years for PwBD (UR), 13 years for PwBD (OBC NC) and 15 years for PwBD (SC/ST) candidates.
- Maximum age limit is relaxed by 5 years for candidates domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir between 01.01.1980 and 31.12.1989.
- The OBC candidates who belong to “Creamy Layer” are not entitled for concession admissible to OBC NC candidates and such candidates will have to indicate their category as Unreserved (UR)
- Further the OBC NC candidates will have to give a self-undertaking, at the time of Personal Interviews in terms of DOPT memo No. 36012/22/93-Extt. (SCT) dt. 08.09.1993 if called for, indicating that they belong to OBC-Non-Creamy Layer.
- Relaxed standards in assessment/ selection, Computer Based Test, Group Task, Personal Interview and overall (Test, Group Task and Personal Interview as applicable) will be applied for SC, ST, OBC NC, PwBD candidates.
- If the SC/ ST/ OBC NC/ PwBD certificate has been issued in a language other than English/ Hindi, the candidates will be required to submit a self-certified translated copy of the same either in English or Hindi.
- Any request for change in Category (UR/ EWS/ SC/ ST/ OBC NC/ PwBD) once filled in the online application form, will not be considered and accordingly concession/ relaxation applicable will not be extended. Hence, candidates are advised to fill the application with utmost care while mentioning category.
- Any request for change in Category (UR/ EWS/ SC/ ST/ OBC NC/ PwBD) once filled in the online application form, will not be considered and accordingly concession/ relaxation applicable will not be extended. Hence, candidates are advised to fill the application with utmost care while mentioning category.
Position | PwBD Eligibility |
Mechanical | LV.D.HH.OA.BA.OL. LC. Dw. AAV. ASD (M). SLD. MI.MD (any of the combinations above) |
Electrical | D. HH. OL. LC. Dw. AAV.SLD.MI.MD (any of the combinations above) |
Instrumentation | D. HH. OL. CP. LC. Dw. AAV.ASD(M). SLD. MI.MD (any of the combinations above) |
Civil | LV.D.HH.OA. BA. OL. BL. Dw. AAV. SLD. MI. MD (any of the combinations above) |
Chemical | HH. OA. OL. CP. Dw. AAV. SLD. MI. MD (any of the combinations above) |
B=Blind, D= Deaf, LV=Low Vision, HH= Hard of Hearing, OA=One Arm, OL=One Leg, BA=Both Arms, BL=Both Leg, OAL=One Arm and One Leg, BLOA=Both Leg & One Arm, BLA=Both Legs Arms, CP=Cerebral Palsy, LC=Leprosy Cured, Dw=Dwarfism, AAV=Acid Attack Victims, ASD(M)= Autism Spectrum Disorder (M= Mild, MoD= Moderate), SLD= Specific Learning Disability, MI= Mental Illness, MDy=Muscular Dystrophy, MD=Multiple Disabilities.
- For Engineering positions: The Apprentices who had successfully completed the period of apprenticeship training in HPCL would be accorded relaxation in the Recruitment norms. Such relaxation would be accorded in two stages i.e. (i) with regard to relaxation in age (up to maximum of 1 year) while computing the eligibility of a candidate (Graduate Apprentice Trainee) to the extent of the period for which the concerned applicant Graduate Apprentice Trainee had undergone Graduate Apprenticeship training in any of the HPCL’s establishment, not exceeding one year and (ii) additional 5% of the total CBT marks, which apprentice secures in the Computer Based Test (CBT), and reckoning such grace marks along with the marks secured by the candidates in the CBT exam for the purpose of shortlisting the candidates for subsequent stages of selection.
- Additionally, up to 20% of vacancies of respective engineering branch candidates would also be selected for engagement as Graduate Engineering Trainees for Engineering positions. On the basis of their satisfactory performance [minimum 85% attendance (out of the total working days) and qualifying Technical Competency Test (min 60% marks) post completion of one year training period] during the Training period, they may be absorbed in the pay scale Rs 50000-160000.
Application Process
- Online Application will be accepted from 0900 hrs on 5th June 2024 till 2359 hrs on 30th June 2024.
- Candidates are requested to apply online only on www.hindustanpetroleum.com Careers → Current Openings, after reading detailed advertisement. No other mean / mode of the application shall be accepted.
- Applications with incomplete / wrong particulars or not in the prescribed format will not be considered.
- The email id and mobile number provided in the online application should remain valid for at least one year. Candidates must use proper email ids created in their names. Applications with pseudo / fake email ids will attract appropriate action under the law.
- All the details given in the online form will be treated as final and no changes will be entertained.
- In the event of submission of incomplete application along with application fees for reasons whatsoever, his / her candidature will stand cancelled and Application fee will be forfeited. No further communication/ consideration on the same shall be entertained.
- Candidates will be required to submit documentary evidence of eligibility during the shortlisting/ selection process within stipulated time as advised by HPCL. Any mismatch in name, qualification, other criteria’s of documents from the data given in application form will lead to disqualification at any stage.
- CBT/ Interviews for different positions may be conducted on the same day/ different venues for all the positions.
- Any request for change of venue/ date for CBT / interviews will not be entertained.
Application Fees
- The application fees is applicable for all positions.
- SC, ST & PwBD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
- UR, OBC NC and EWS candidates are required to pay a Non-Refundable Amount of ₹1180/- + payment gateway charges if any (Application fee of ₹1000/- + GST@18% i.e. ₹180/- + payment gateway charges if applicable).
- Payment Mode: Debit / Credit card/ UPI/ Net Banking: On paying application fee online, the payment status will automatically change to “Your Transaction is successfully completed”, on successful receipt of fees.
- All the candidates must ensure that the payment status is “Completed” as the transaction will be considered “incomplete” in case of any other payment status. Once the payment is done, candidates are required to take a print of acknowledgment of payment and preserve the same for future reference.
- No other mode of payment than those mentioned above will be accepted.
- Application fee once paid will not be refunded under any Also, chargeback cannot be claimed for any reason.
- The fee being paid is only towards the submission of application and does not in any way guarantee issuance of interview call letter etc.
General Instructions
- Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
- All computations of age and qualification shall be done with respect to the last date of receipt of online application i.e. 30th June 2024.
- All the qualifications should be full time regular course/s from AICTE approved/ UGC recognized University/ Deemed University. The courses offered by Autonomous Institutions should be equivalent to the relevant courses approved/ recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU/ UGC/ AICTE).
- Wherever CGPA/ OGPA or letter grade in a qualifying degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by University/ Institute. Please also obtain a certificate to this effect from University/ Institute which shall be required at the time of interview
- The candidature of the shortlisted applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certificate/ testimonials, medical fitness, etc.
- All the details mentioned in the online form will be treated as final and no request for changes will be entertained later on. Therefore, candidates are advised to fill the ONLINE form with utmost care making correct entries in the respective fields. An application once submitted shall not be considered for any editing later on.
- Selected candidates will have to join the organization on the date mentioned in their offer of appointment failing which the organization reserves the right to cancel/withdraw the offer of appointment without any further correspondence/reference to the candidates.
- Admit Card for Computer Based Test, Group Task and/or Interview Call Letters etc. will not be sent to candidates in hard copy. Candidates will be required to download the same from HPCL website.
- All the candidates are requested to remain updated at each step of the selection process by visiting our website www.hindustanpetroleum.com. Candidates may please note that personal calls and/or interaction with any of the HPCL’s officials during recruitment drive is discouraged, except when absolutely necessary/critical.
- Candidates are advised to submit only one application. In case of multiple applications from a candidate, the latest one shall be considered as final and the earlier applications shall be rejected without any notice.
- Candidates (except final year degree students) must be in possession of all applicable Degree Certificates and mark sheets at the time of application and ensure that they fulfill all eligibility criteria. For the positions where experience is mandatory, the relevant work experience will be counted post completion of qualifying degree as per advertisement.
- Candidates who are in their final year can also apply. However, the appointment shall be subject to meeting the eligibility criteria as per this notification.
- Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online before the closing date and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability / failure to log on to the website on account of heavy load on the internet or website jam.
*Interested candidates are highly advised to read the detailed official notification link below to avoid any confusion:
All You Need to know about HPCL
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