Most Expected DBMS GATE Questions
Database Management Systems also known as DBMS is an important topic associated with the GATE 2023 in the computer science stream. Most students feel overwhelmed once they come across questions from topics such as DBMS, but if the concepts are built at the right time, then you can fetch the desired marks in the respective GATE exam session. If you are planning for the GATE 2023 or 2024 exam session you must have the required concepts clear for a smooth attempt in the upcoming or the next GATE sessions.
If you are a Computer Science Engineering student or recent passout planning to prepare for the GATE 2023 exam, then this blog post is for you. The best part is that you can use these questions as GATE Practice Questions for CSE.
Database Management Systems (DBMS) for a critical part of the GATE Question Paper for the Computer Science and Information Technology paper. In the recent GATE exam sessions, GATE DBMS questions comprise an appreciating 8% – 12% weightage in the complete GATE Question Paper. Therefore, as a GATE exam aspirant, you must prioritize learning the concepts well and practicing the GATE Practice Questions for CSE properly. Talking about the most expected GATE questions on DBMS, here are the questions that you can include in your GATE exam preparation tenure with the GATE preparation books for Computer Science.
Q.1.) A case is given – Relational scheme R (A, B, C) is given with distinct values for the attribute A. Can you tell that ‘A’ is a candidate key for ‘R’?
a) True b) False
Q.2.) How many superkeys are possible – Consider the Relational Schema R (A1, A2, A3, … Am), n attributes, and m?
a) (2n – 1) m b) 2n . 2n-m c) 2m (2n-m – 1) d) (2m – 1) . 2n-m
Q.3.) R (A, B, C, D, E, F) with {A, BC, CD} candidate keys. How many superkeys are possible?
Q.4.) Which of the following statement is true about views?
- View allowed to update if defined over single relation and all non-null attributes included in view without aggregation.
- Views allowed to update if defined over multiple relations without aggregation.
- Queries run slower if the query is used to view access data.
- Views used to reduce I/O cost to data from DB.
Q.5.) Which of the following relation is not possible to decompose into BCNF with lossless join dependency preserving decomposition?
- R (ABCDEF) {AB -> C, BC -> A, AC -> B, B -> D, D -> E}
- R (A B C D) {A -> B, C -> D}
- R (A B C D) {AB -> C, C->AD}
- R (ABCDE) {AB -> C, C -> D, D -> E, E -> A}
Q.6.) Consider given Relational Schema R (X, Y) which is used to store graph edges. Each directed edge (x,y) of the graph is recorded in Relation R.
Which of the given RA query cannot express in constant length?
- Retrieve vertices that form self-loop.
- Retrieve vertices that form a loop with at most two vertices.
- Retrieve vertices that form a loop.
- Retrieve all vertices that can be reachable from a given vertex.
Q.7) Consider B Tree with order P:5 (maximum possible block pointers in B Tree node)
If keys 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . . . inserted into initially empty B Tree in sequence order.
Which key insertion leads to level-4 B Tree?
Q.8) How many minimum internal nodes are required for 1000 leaf nodes of B + Tree with order P:8 (Assume Order P: maximum pointer per node)?
Q.9) Consider the given schedule:–
S: r1 (A) r3 (B) r2 (A) r4 (C) r3 (C) w1 (A) w3 (B) C1 W3 (C) W2 (D) C3 W2 (C) r4 (C) C2 C4
Which is true for the given schedule?
- S is an irrecoverable schedule
- S is a recoverable but not cascadeless rollback
- S is cascadeless recoverable but not a strict recoverable schedule
- S is a strict recoverable schedule.
Q.10) Which of the given Relational Schema is not possible to decompose into BCNF with Lossless Join and Dependency preserving decomposition?
- a) R (A B C D E) {A -> B, B ->C, C -> A}
- b) R (A B C D E) {AB -> C, C -> AD, D -> E}
- c) R (A B C D E) {AB -> C, C -> AD, D -> BE}
- d) R (A B C D E) {A -> C, B -> D}
Q.11) Which is true regarding Foreign Key?
- a) Each record of Referencing relation related to exactly one record of referenced relation.
- b) Each record of Referencing relation related to at most one record of referenced relation.
- c) Each record of Referenced relation related by some record of referencing relation.
- d) Each record of Referenced relation related by many records of referencing relation.
Q.12) A B+ Tree of order d is a tree in which each internal node has between d and 2d keys values. The Root has between 1 and 2d keys values.
What is the maximum, minimum, number of internal nodes in a B+ Tree of Order 9 with 2048 leaves?
Thus, you will find these GATE questions on DBMS beneficial in your GATE exam preparation journey. You can practice these questions and ensure that you improve your DBMS scores consistently.
Now, let us find out the answers to some important queries associated with the GATE question paper in the Database Management Systems (DBMS).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1. What is DBMS?
Ans: DBMS is Database Management Systems (DBMS). In simpler words, DBMS are software systems that are used largely to store, retrieve, and run queries on data. This crucial component forms an interface between the respective database and the end user.
2. How should I prepare for DBMS for the GATE 2023?
Ans: If you want to score the best possible marks in the GATE questions on DBMS you must follow the following steps to prepare for this subject of GATE CS.
- First, find out the important topics present in the Database Management Systems (DBMS).
- Build the concepts well with the GATE preparation books for Computer Science.
- Practice the previous years’ question papers including the GATE 2022 Question Paper with Solution PDF keeping the GATE 2022 Answer Key You can refer to the highly reviewed MADE EASY’s GATE-2023: Computer Science-IT Solved Papers.
- Do not forget to revise from your notes and trusted resources.
- The most important aspect is that you must ensure that you get the resolution to your doubts without any delay.
- Lastly, trust yourself and the complete process. You will surely reach your GATE-oriented goals.
3. What is the syllabus of DBMS in the GATE 2023?
Ans: DBMS has a dedicated section in the GATE 2023 syllabus. The important topics included in this section are as follows:
- ER-model
- Relational model: relational algebra
- Tuple calculus
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Integrity constraints
- Normal forms
- File organization
- Indexing (eg. B and B+ Trees)
- Transactions and concurrency control.
4. What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS?
Ans: Database Management Systems (DBMS) and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) might sound the same but there is a specific difference between the two systems. DBMS stores the available data in the file and RDBMS stores the available data in the form of tables.
5. What are the best GATE preparation books for Computer Science and Information Technology Engineering paper?
Ans: Although there are several books available across different platforms, you must understand that it is important to choose the best GATE preparation books for Computer Science and Information Technology Engineering paper. Along with this, you must also choose the trusted previous years’ solved papers such as GATE 2023: Computer Science-IT Solved Papers. Some of the best GATE preparation books for Computer Science include Digital Logic and Number representation by Morris Mano, Theory of Computer Science – Automata, Languages, and Computation by Mishra KLP, and Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach by Pressman.
6. Is it possible to prepare for the GATE 2023 exam without coaching?
Ans: Although it is possible to prepare for the GATE 2023 exam without coaching, but with the guidance of top faculty at coaching institutes, you can get the desired results in the specific period.
7. Where can I find the latest updates related to the GATE 2023 exam?
Ans: We at MADE EASY ensure that the GATE aspirants receive the relevant and latest updates on the website and social media handles of MADE EASY.
As a GATE aspirant, you must be on the search for GATE practice questions from trusted sources right from the start of your preparation journey.
Want to polish your DBMS concepts? Learn GATE through questions from the top faculties at MADE EASY.
Watch the videos now!
Hope you found this blog post useful!
Feel free to let us know your feedback, doubts, or queries in the comments section below.
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