HPU Recruitment 2022 through GATE, apply Online
HPU Recruitment for Assistant Engineers through GATE 2022
Haryana Power Utilities
Recruitment of Assistant Engineers through GATE 2022
Haryana Power Utilities (HPUs), i.e., Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited (HVPNL), Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited (HPGCL), Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (UHBVNL) and Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (DHBVNL) are carrying out the work of Transmission and Distribution of electricity in the State of Haryana. As per the latest HPU Notification 2022, Haryana Power Utilities (HPUs) have decided to undertake the recruitment of Assistant Engineer (Electrical cadre), and Assistant Engineer (Civil cadre) against the available vacant posts meant for direct recruitment based on the GATE 2022 Result and Socio-Economic Criteria and experience. Therefore, the respective department has announced the acceptance of new candidates via the HPU Recruitment 2022 apply online procedure.
Haryana Power Utilities (HPUs) viz. Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited (HVPNL), Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited (HPGCL), Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (UHBVNL) and Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (DHBVNL) invite applications for several posts. It includes the post of Assistant Engineer (Electrical Cadre), Assistant Engineer (Mechanical under Electrical Cadre), and Assistant Engineer (Civil cadre) from the eligible candidates, who have qualified/cleared the GATE-2022 exam as per the respective case. It fulfills the qualification criteria of the HPUs as given in para-3 below.
Vacancy Details
The essential qualification of various disciplines with respective codes of GATE- 2022 paper are as follows:-
Post Code | Name of Post | No. of Posts | Essential Qualification | Code of PayScale GATE- 2022 paper | PayScale |
1. | Assistant Engineer (Electrical discipline) | 88 |
a) Full-Time Bachelor’s of Engineering Degree or equivalent Degree* from a university duly recognized by the Central Government or a State Government with a minimum of 60% marks in respect of General category/ other category candidates and 55% marks in respect of SC category candidates of Haryana domicile, in any one of the following disciplines: i) Electrical/Electrical and Electronics Engineering. OR Full-time Master of Engineering Degree or equivalent Degree from a University duly recognized by Central Government or a State Government with a minimum of 60% marks in respect of General category/other category candidates. In the case of the SC category, the concerned authorities accept the 55% marks in respect of SC category candidates of Haryana domicile. This is applicable in the case of the Electrical/ Electrical and Electronics Engineering disciplines. Apart from this, if a candidate has a full-time Bachelor’s of Engineering degree or equivalent Degree in Electrical/Electrical and Electronics Engineering with marks less than 60% for General/other candidates and less than 55% for SC category candidates of Haryana domicile. b) Must have passed Hindi/Sanskrit up to matric standard or in Higher Education.
Electrical Engineering (EE) | Rs.53100- 167800 in pay matrix level-9 |
2. | Assistant Engineer (Mechanical discipline) | 41 | a) Full-Time Bachelor’s of Engineering degree or equivalent degree* from a university duly recognized by the Central Government or a State Government with a minimum of 60% marks in respect of General category/other category candidates and 55% marks in respect of SC category candidates of Haryana domicile, in any one of the following disciplines:
i) Mechanical Engineering.
Full-time Master of Engineering Degree or equivalent Degree from a University duly recognized by Central Government or a State Government with a minimum of 60% marks in respect of General category/other category candidates and 55% marks in respect of SC category candidates of Haryana domicile, in the Mechanical Engineering disciplines, in the case of candidate having a full-time Bachelor’s of Engineering Degree or equivalent Degree in Mechanical Engineering with marks less than 60% for General/Other candidates & less than 55% for SC category candidates of Haryana domicile.
b) Must have passed Hindi/ Sanskrit up to matric standard or in Higher Education. |
Mechanical Engineering (ME) | Rs.53100- 167800 in pay matrix level-9 |
3. | Assistant Engineer (Civil discipline) | 14 | a) Full-Time Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent Degree* from a university duly recognized by the Central Government or a State Government with a minimum of 60% marks in respect of General category/ other category candidates. In the case of the SC category candidates, the 55% marks in respect of the SC category candidates of Haryana domicile.
Full-time Master Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent Degree from a University duly recognized by the Central Government or a State Government with a minimum of 60% marks in respect of General category/other category candidates and 55% marks in respect of SC category candidates of Haryana domicile. In the case of the candidate, having full-time Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent Degree in Civil Engineering with marks less than 60% for General/other candidates & less than 55% for SC category candidates of Haryana domicile.
b) Must have passed Hindi/Sanskrit up to matric standard or in Higher Education. |
Civil Engineering (CE) | Rs.53100- Rs. 167800 in pay matrix level-9 |
- HPUs reserves its right to increase/decrease the total number of posts against various categories.
- b.*ln case of equivalent qualification, the equivalency of qualification shall be checked by HPUs at the time of verification/checking of documents. The decision that HPU takes in this case will be final in this regard.
- The Assistant Engineers (AE) selected in HPUs will be posted all over Haryana and any other place in India where the respective HPUs is located.
Table of Contents
- Reservation/Relaxation/Concession, wherever applicable, apply to Haryana domicile candidates only, subject to the reservation policy.
- The concerned authorities offer the benefit of reservation to those SC/BC/PwD/ESM & EWS candidates who comprise the State of Haryana’s domicile.
- The State Government notification issued from time to time specifies the criteria for exclusion of persons within the Backward Classes as Creamy Layer in the case of the reservation in services.
- The women candidates seeking reservation under SC/BC-A/BC-B category are required to submit the Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority from Parental Side (Father’s side) only. It should be noted that the certificate from in-laws (Husband’s Side) will not be entertained in any case.
- It is important for the applicants to note that the candidates belonging to the reserved categories of states other than Haryana will be considered as General category candidates and treated for the unreserved vacancies at HPU.
- The reservation of posts for different categories is governed by the instructions of the State Government of Haryana as issued from time to time.
- Reservation/Relaxation/Concession wherever applicable is subject to uploading of attested copies of certificates in the format prescribed by the Government of Haryana and issued by the Competent Authority, during the submission of the online application form. The concerned authorities check the original certificates at the time of verification/checking of documents.
Age Limit
Eligibility of age limit is as on the last date of submission/receipt of the application form i.e., 23-01-2023. The age limit for the post of Assistant Engineer is 20 to 42 years.
The relaxation in the age limit is admissible to candidates of Haryana Domicile only. The upper age limit is relaxable as admissible under rules/registrations/instructions of HPUs/Haryana Government. Relaxation in the age in different categories, subject to the condition that the candidate is meeting other eligibility criteria for the post, is as given below:
Category | Maximum Age Relaxable by | Max. Age |
Candidates of Haryana Domicile | ||
General, EWS | NA | 42 Years |
SC, BC-A, BC-B | 05 Years | 42+5= 47 Years |
PwD- General | 10 Years | 42+10= 52 Years |
PwD- SC, BC-A, BC-B & EWS | 10+05 Years | 42+10+5= 57 Years subject to maximum 52 Years |
Wives of military personnel who are disabled while in military service | 05 Years | 42+5= 47 Years |
Widowed or legally divorced women | 05 Years | 42+5= 47 Years |
Judicially separated women residing separately for more than two years from the date as prescribed for the purpose of age for candidates of other categories | 05 Years | 42+5= 47 Years |
Unmarried women | 05 Years | 42+5= 47 Years |
Ex-Serviceman including Short Service Commissioned Officers and Emergency Commissioned Officers. |
42 years and relaxation in age to the extent of his military service added by three years provided the candidate fulfills the following criteria: – (a) He has rendered continuous military service for a period of not less than six months before his release; and (b) He was released otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency. |
Persons who have already worked or presently working on Adhoc/contract/ work-charged/ daily wages basis in any Department/Board/Corporation of the Haryana Government including Government-aided institutions under the Haryana Government. | Relaxation in age equal to the number of completed years only on an sequivalent post on Adhoc/contract/work-charged/daily wages basis excluding the period of break, if any, including any other age relaxation admissible, if any, subject to attaining the maximum age of 52 years and also subject to the condition that if once a person has been appointed on regular basis in any Department/Board/Corporation, etc. associated with the Haryana Government with the benefit of relaxation in age, he will not be entitled to avail the same again for any subsequent appointment.
For serving employees of HPUs | The age relaxation to the employees of HPUs is given to the extent of a number of years of regular service rendered by them in any of the Power Utility firms subject to maximum of 5 years. Candidates need to make sure that they apply through the proper channels. |
- If the benefit of age relaxation is admissible to a candidate for more than one of the categories mentioned above, then the respective authorities will consider the benefit only for one of those categories, which allows maximum age relaxation to the candidates.
- The upper age limit of an applicant of any category (except Ex-servicemen) shall not exceed 52 years who is entitled to avail the benefit of relaxation in the age of one or more categories mentioned above.
- The age concession to SC/BC-A/BC-B/ESM is admissible only where the posts are reserved for these categories.
The candidates/students appearing in the final year/semester having essential qualifications as on 23-01-2023 will only be eligible to be appointed as Assistant Engineer/Electrical & Assistant Engineer /Mechanical under Electrical cadre and Assistant Engineer/Civil cadre in Haryana Power Utilities, i.e., HVPNL, HPGCL, UHBVN, and DHBVN.
Selection Process
- The respective authorities will consider the candidates who have acquired the essential qualifications as mentioned at Sr.No.3 above and must have qualified for the GATE-2022 (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2022) as the case may be, conducted by IIT Kharagpur in the corresponding paper at the time of the final selection. This includes Electrical Engineering (EE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), and Civil Engineering (CE).
- The concerned authorities select the candidates from the eligible candidates as given in para-(i) above, based on the result of the GATE-2022 (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering- 2022) and Socio-Economic Criteria and Experience, in the respective discipline as per the requirement of HPUs.
- The qualifying marks in respect of GATE-2022 (minimum cut-off) shall be as declared by GATE-2022 Organizing Institute i.e., IIT Kharagpur in the year 2022 for respective GATE paper/discipline/category given as under:-
Category as per GATE-2022 score Card | Categories covered for the purpose of determining qualifying marks (Minimum Cut-off marks) |
General | General and ESM-Gen Category candidates of Haryana Domicile only and General/Reserved Category candidates of States other than the state of Haryana. |
SC/ST/PwD | SC, ESM-SC, and PwD Category candidates of Haryana Domicile only. |
OBC (NCL)/ EWS | BC-A, BC-B, ESM-BC-A&B, and EWS Category candidates of Haryana Domicile only. |
- The scheme of marks in respect of selection to Assistant Engineer (Group B) post shall comprise of total 100 marks, which is detailed below:-
- Weightage of GATE Exam: 80 marks [The normalized GATE Marks (out of 100) would be converted/scaled out of 80 Marks by multiplying with 0.8].
- Socio-economic criteria and Experience: < Total 20 marks> The marks for experience and some objective socio-economic criteria are to be allocated as follows:-
- If neither the applicant nor any person from among the applicant’s family viz. father, mother, spouse, brother, and Son is, wasm or has been a regular employee in any Department/Board/Corporation/Company/Statutory Body/Commission/Authority of Government of Haryana or any other State Government or Government of India. (10 marks)
- If the applicant is:-
- a Widow; or
- the first or the second child and his father had died before attaining the age of 42 years; or
- the first or the second child and his father had died before the applicant had attained the age of 15 years. (10 marks)
- If the applicant belongs to such a denotified tribe (Vimukt Jatis and Tapriwas Jatis) or Nomadic tribe of the State of Haryana which is neither a Scheduled Caste nor a Backward Class. (10 marks)
- Experience: One mark for each year or part thereof exceeding six months of experience, out of a maximum of sixteen years, on the same or a higher post in any Department/ Board/ Corporation/Company/Statutory Body/Commission/Authority of Government of Haryana. The candidates will not receive any marks for a period that is less than six months. (Maximum of 16 marks)
Note: No applicant shall be given more than 20 marks for Socio-economic criteria and Experience under any circumstances.
- The selection process consists of marks obtained (80% normalized marks out of 100) – 80 marks in the corresponding paper of GATE-2022 and 20 marks of Socio-economic criteria and experience. No interviews are conducted for the posts advertised in the HPUs advertisements. Appointments will be made based on the GATE-2022 result and socio-Economic criteria and experience. The GATE result of 2021 or prior will not be valid.
- The applicant is required to fill up the normalized marks (out of 100) obtained in the GATE 2022, during the online submission of the application.
- vii. Besides this, the educational qualifications must be from a recognized Institution/University/Board.
- In case, the total marks out of 100 (including weightage of 80 marks rationalize from Normalized marks of GATE-2022 and 20 marks of Socio-Economic Criteria and Experience) of two or more candidates are equal then the candidate older in age would be considered higher in merit. Further, in case, the age is also equal, then the candidate with more marks in essential qualification will receive the higher merit.
- The shortlisted eligible candidates numbering 2 times of advertised posts for a particular category (subject to a minimum of 4 nos.) would be called for verification/checking of original documents/certificates in order of merit prepared based on the selection criteria mentioned above. The Nigam at its sole discretion may give extended chances to a candidate who could not appear on the scheduled date and time fixed for verification of original documents and certificates due to some genuine constraints.
- The waiting list equivalent to 10% (subject to minimum 2) of the posts advertised for a particular category will be prepared. The persons from the waiting list will be offered appointments against all vacancies falling vacant for any reason. It can include the resignation/death of newly selected/appointed incumbents during the period of validity of the waiting list. The waiting list would be valid for one year from the date of declaration of result in terms of instruction issued vide memo No. 42/43/84-5GSI dated 20.01.1988 and amended from time to time.
- The respective HPUs issue the offer of appointment to the selected candidates according to the category-wise merit. It is prepared based on the GATE 2022 result and socio-economic criteria and experience along with the candidate’s preference and HPUs requirements.
- The selected candidates for the post of Assistant Engineer will produce the Medical Fitness certificate required for first entry into service from the Civil Surgeon of any district in Haryana State before joining the services.
Application Fee
The candidate is required to deposit the fee separately for each post applied for as per the details given below:-
Sr. No | Categories of Candidates | Fees |
1. | (i.) For Male Candidates of General Category including Dependent Son of Ex-Servicemen of Haryana.
(ii.) For Male Candidates of all reserved categories of other States. |
Rs.500/- |
2. | For Female candidates of all categories of all states including General and Reserved categories. | Rs.125/- |
3. | For Male candidates of SC/BC-A/BC-B/ESM/EWS categories of Haryana only. | Rs.125/- |
4. | For all persons with disabilities (Candidates of Haryana only). | NIL |
- The application fees are to be paid online through electronic mode i.e., Debit card/Credit card/Net banking.
- Fees once paid are neither transferable nor refundable/adjustable.
- No concession of fees is admissible to candidates belonging to States other than Haryana.
- PwD candidates of Haryana Domicile only are exempted from payment of fees.
- Dependents of Ex-servicemen (DESM) & Dependents of Freedom Fighter (DFF) are required to pay the fees as General and SC, BC-A & BC-B candidates of Haryana Domicile as the case may be.
General Information
- Only eligible candidates are required to apply.
- Before applying online, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in this advertisement, as of the cutoff date i.e., 23-01-2023. The candidates are advised to fill out their online application form carefully. The details related to the GATE-2022 result (i.e., GATE Enrolment ID, GATE Registration Number, GATE Marks (Out of 100), GATE score & All India Rank) must be filled up with utmost care and any mistake/ambiguity found in GATE details would attract rejection of application straightway without any prior notice.
- Essential Qualification should be from a University/Institution duly recognized by the Central Government or State Government. The Candidates who have obtained Degrees/Diplomas / Certificates for the various courses from any institution declared fake by the University Grants Commission shall not be eligible for being considered for recruitment to the post advertised.
- The mere holding of prescribed essential qualifications does not entitle a candidate to selection.
- Candidates must specify their preference for joining organizations under HPUs during the submission of the online application form.
- All computations of the upper age limit shall be as on the cutoff date for the said purpose.
- The concerned officials will take the date of issuance of the final marks sheet as the date of acquisition of qualification.
- The authorities will not consider the correspondence/part-time degree.
- Candidates are required to fill their online application form completely in all respects and upload necessary documents in support of their claim until the last date of the online submission of the application form i.e., 23rd January 2023 (midnight). The concerned department will not consider any application received after the closing date.
- The respective HPU officials will check the original documents/certificates at the time of verification/checking of documents for the preparation of the selection/merit list.
- The certificates pertaining to Domicile/SC/BC/EWS/ESM/DESM and DFF must be as per the prescribed format of the State Government. The certificates/documents claiming weightage/marks under Socio-Economic Criteria and Experience along with Haryana domicile Certificate issued by the competent authority must also be as under: –
- Certificate for an applicant whose father has died issued by Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar: Refer Annexure A -I.
- Widow Certificate issued by Tehsildar/ NaibTehsildar: Refer Annexure B- I.
- Vimukt Jati and Tapriwas Jati Certificate issued by Tehsildar: Refer to Saralharyana.gov.in or Antyodaya Saral Centers at the District level or Tehsildar office.
- The concerned appointing authority issues the experience certificate: Refer to the Annexure D-I.
- Affidavit attested by Executive Magistrate in prescribed format: Refer to the Annexure E-l. The above-mentioned documents as applicable are required to be uploaded during the submission of the online application form and brought at the time of verification/checking of documents.
- The selected candidates are required to submit original documents for verification along with character and antecedents verification forms (which will be supplied with the offer of appointment) to the respective Utility in which he/she has been selected.
- The candidates appearing for the verification/checking of documents will not receive any TA payment.
- Candidates must have a valid e-mail ID and Mobile Number that they must enter in the online application form. The e-mail ID and Mobile Number entered in the online application form must remain valid (active) throughout the whole selection process. However, in case of a change in e-mail ID and Mobile Number candidate must inform to HPUs. If candidates fail to do so, HPUs will not be responsible for bouncing backs any email/message sent to the candidates (if any).
- The necessary information relating to recruitment, if any, will be made available to all candidates only on the websites of the respective HPUs.
- The concerned officials will only consider the percentage of marks in essential qualifications as awarded by the University/Institute. Candidates must indicate the equivalent percentage of marks in the online application form in the case of the CGPA/OGPA/DGPA or Letter Grade in a degree/diploma. Apart from this, candidates must also submit the required proof of norms adopted by the University/Institute to convert CGPA/OGPA/DGPA at the time of verification or checking of documents.
- In case the University/Institution does not have any scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks or in the absence of any proof of norms/formula, the equivalent percentage would be established by dividing the candidate’s CGPA by the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result with 100.
- Candidates working in Government departments/PSUs/Autonomous bodies other than HPUs are required to produce a “No Objection Certificate” at the time of verification/checking of documents. No past service benefit to the candidates working in Government Departments/PSUs/Autonomous bodies will be admissible.
- Competent courts at Panchkula shall have exclusive jurisdiction with respect to any cause/dispute.
- The candidates’ eligibility can be checked at any stage during/after the selection process. The candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of the recruitment/selection process or after joining if any information provided by the candidate is not found in conformity with the eligibility criteria notified. Apart from this, candidature rejection can occur if any of the HPUs comes across any evidence/knowledge that the qualification, experience, and any other particulars indicated in the application/other forms/formats are not recognized/false/misleading and/or amounts to suppression of information/particulars, which the candidate must have brought to the notice of the respective HPUs.
- If the respective HPU officials find that the candidates are engaged in the canvassing activity in any form during any stage of the recruitment, then they hold the right to cancel the respective candidature.
- Candidates must keep in mind that mere submission of online applications to HPUs via the official website does not guarantee the adequacy of candidature.
- Applicants must submit their applications via online mode only. The respective officials hold the right to reject the applications that are not in conformity with the requirements mentioned above/incomplete/unsigned/without Photograph/without fees/received through e-mail/Fax.
- Candidates can submit only one application for a particular category of post. It is important to note that the concerned officials will consider the latest application as final. All other previously submitted applications will be rejected without any prior notice.
- The concerned authorities will not entertain complaints attributable to any aspect beyond the direct control of HPUs.
- No request for a change of place for verification/ checking of documents will be entertained. However, HPUs reserve the right to cancel or add any place for verification/ checking of documents depending on the requirement.
- Candidates will receive the exact date and venue for verification/checking of documents through the websites of HVPNL/HPUs. Therefore, candidates must keep a check on the respective HPU websites regularly.
- HPUs reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify/alter the recruitment/selection process, if the need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason.
- The candidate’s candidature at all stages of the selection process shall be provisional in nature.
- Candidates must ensure that all the documents regarding the essential qualification/age/caste etc., must have been issued before the cutoff date i.e., 23-01-2023.
- Note: No telephone call handling system shall be maintained for this recruitment by HPUs.
- For any queries regarding this recruitment please send an e-mail to ushr2(S)hvpn.org.in clearly mentioning “Recruitment through GATE-2022 – HPUs:……….” in the subject line.
- For any RTI query, the same may be addressed to SPIO-cum-AE/RTI, HVPNL, Panchkula –[email protected].
- All information regarding this recruitment process would be made available in the career section of the HVPNL/HPUs website i.e., www.hvpn.org.in, www.hpgcl.org.in, www.uhbvn.org.in, and www.dhbvn.org.in. Candidates are advised to check the above websites regularly for further updates.
- The contents of this advertisement are full and final.
Application Process
- Please read the instructions and procedures carefully before filling out the online application form as per the HPU recruitment 2022 apply online guidelines. Candidates do not have the facility to change against any entry in the online application form.
- For submission of online applications, candidates have to visit the website of HPUs i.e., www.hvpn.org.in, www.hpgcl.org.in, www.uhbvn.org.in, and www.dhbvn.org.in.
- Candidates must pay the application fees via electronic modes of payment, i.e., Debit card/Credit card/Net banking.
- Online application complete in all respects should be submitted within the stipulated period starting from 23-12-2022 to 23-01-2023. The application form received through courier or any other means will not be entertained in any case and will be rejected.
- Candidates need not submit the hard copy of the online application form is not required to be submitted.
- The job notification has made it quite clear that it is the sole responsibility of the candidate in case of any delay in the submission of the online application form.
- The candidate should retain a printout of the online application form for future reference. The candidate must bring the online application form’s printout at the time of verification/checking of the documents.
- The concerned officials will straight away reject online applications that are incomplete and do not have the prescribed fee. Further, they will not consider any correspondence in this regard.
- Candidates are advised to apply online well in time without waiting for the last date of submission of the application.
The scanned copy of the following documents/certificates in the format prescribed in “Instructions for filling up of Online Application” have to be uploaded during the submission of the online application form as per the HPU Notification 2022. The online application form submitted without uploading of prescribed enclosures will be liable for rejection.
- Proof of Date of Birth as per the Matriculation Certificate/Birth Certificate.
- Proof of Essential Qualification – Degree/mark sheet of the Final year/semester.
- Proof of norms adopted by the University/Institute to convert CGPA/OGPA/DGPA into a percentage.
- GATE-2022 scorecard issued by the Organizing committee, i.e., IIT Kharagpur.
- SC/BC/PwD Category Certificate, if applicable. The BC certificate must be as per State Government instructions dated 17.11.2021 & 22.03.2022. The BC-A and BC-B certificates should be for the year 2022-2023. Some candidates submit OBC certificates. Candidates must submit a BC-A/BC-B certificate as per the instructions detailed above in the HPU notification 2022. The EWS certificate should be valid for FY 2022-2023.
- Domicile Certificate of Haryana, if claiming relaxation benefits under SC/BC/PwD/ESM/EWS category.
- Disability Certificate in case of Person with Disabilities (PwD) candidate.
- Discharge Certificate in case of Ex-serviceman (ESM) candidate.
- Latest eligibility certificate issued by Secretary, Zila Sainik Board, Haryana in case of Dependent of ESM candidate,
- EWS Income and Asset Certificate in case of Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) candidate, Scanned copy of certificate/documents claiming weightage/marks under Socio-Economic criteria and experience issued by the competent authority.
Apart from this, candidates must also keep the printout of the completed application form handy throughout the application process to avoid any hassles later.
Important Dates
Opening date for submission of online application form on the website of HPUs i.e., www.hvpn.orq.in, www.hpqcl.orq.in, www.uhbvn.orq.in, & www.dhbvn.orq.in | 23-12-2022 (10:00 A.M) |
Closing date for submission of online Application Form | 23-01-2023 (Up to midnight) |
Cut-off date for the purpose of Upper Age Limit/Reservation/Essential Qualification, etc. | 23-01-2023 |
- Detailed advertisement and instructions for filling up of Online Application are available at the website of HPUs (www.hvpn.orq.in, www.hpqcl.orq.in, www.uhbvn.orq.in, and www.dhbvn.orq.in) may be referred at the time of making online application.
- Candidates in their own interest are advised, not to wait until the last date and time and submit their online application well within the time. HVPNL/HPUs shall not be responsible if the candidates are not able to submit their online application due to congestion of the internet or any other reason, any of the HPUs shall not be responsible.
Now, let us check out some crucial questions asked regarding the vacancies at this government firm.
Q.1) What are the different entities associated with the HPU?
Ans: The Haryana Power Utilities (HPU) comprise Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited (HVPNL), Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited (HPGCL), Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (UHBVNL), and Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (DHBVNL).
Q.2) How do I join HPU after completing graduation in engineering?
Ans: You can get into a decent post at HPU via competitive exams such as the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE). Once you decide to prepare for these competitive exams, you must keep a check on the notifications. For instance, the latest HPU notification 2022 (explained above) has given the required details associated with the HPU recruitment 2022 apply online steps for successful application submission.
Q.3) Can final year students apply for the vacancies for Assistant Engineer vacancies at Haryana Power Utilities (HPUs)?
Ans: No. Check out the essential qualification section above to get better clarity regarding the eligibility criteria to secure the respective position with the Haryana Power Utilities (HPU).
Q.4) Which engineering stream has the highest number of vacancies for the post of Assistant Engineer with HPU?
Ans: The electrical engineering stream has the highest number of vacancies for the post of Assistant Engineer with HPU as per the HPU Notification 2022.
Q.5) What is the pay scale of Assistant Engineers at HPU?
Ans: The pay scale of Assistant Engineers at HPU ranges from Rs. 53,100 to Rs. 1,67,000. The concerned officials follow the matrix level-9 for the calculation of the respective salaries.
Thus, these are the important details that one must know to apply and appear for the recruitment rounds for the post of Assistant Engineers at Haryana Power Utilities (HPU).
Hope you found the blog post informative!
For more such useful info, keep a check on the https://blog.madeeasy.in
All the best for your exam attempt!
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