If you are looking for the answer of ‘what is mock test’ and why it is important for the GATE exams, then you have arrived at the right place. A Mock Test is a test that is meant for practice and practice done in the right manner is sure to make one perfect. GATE or Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is conducted annually. It is jointly organized by IISC Bengaluru and the seven IITs. It serves as a gateway to PSU Jobs, Master’s and Doctoral level courses across the country, and CSIR Junior Research Fellowships.
So how do you start the practice for GATE? The aspirants who appear in GATE are graduates or going to be graduates. As the name suggests, it is the test in engineering so almost every topic of your engineering syllabus is in the GATE Exam Syllabus.
However, only studying from books is not enough. Solving practice papers and mock tests are equally important. Books comprise of particular chapters as well as questions from them whereas, mock tests are compiled by experienced senior faculties from premier institutes, and coaching institutes along with inputs by toppers. Abundant GATE Mock Test papers are available online and offline. You can find them easily online by typing mock tests followed by the name of your stream, for example, GATE mock test for mechanical, GATE mock test for computer science, etc. GATE has now become an online exam and practicing mock tests in the same medium will be advantageous. Choosing a mock test series that has a low reputation and rating can turn out to be utterly useless and do precisely the opposite of what it is supposed to do. So when you select the mock test make sure to be very careful.
Aspirants mostly go for online mock tests to develop their brain and body for the real exam. A very reputed online test series for the GATE exam is MADE EASY Test Series. It has been well known to prepare students brilliantly for the GATE exam. The questions have also been observed to be very close or the same as the actual questions that come in the GATE exam later.
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Mock tests are taken before the actual exam and play a significant role in the preparation. They not only help you practice questions and revise the syllabus, but they also help you identify your weaknesses. GATE mock tests are in high demand. Every aspirant appears for several tests before appearing for GATE. A mock test helps you in evaluating lots of factors. Some of the main factors that the GATE mock test helps you to evaluate are:
- Are you prepared enough for the exam?
- Subject or topics in which you are weaker?
- Are you managing your time efficiently?
- Will you be able to revise in case you want to?
- Which strategies should you adopt to overcome the area you are weak in?
- Where do you stand on All India Basis?
For all these, a good test series that gives you complete performance analysis will surely help like MADE EASY Online test series. Almost every GATE aspirant of the nation opts for it and you have a good competition similar to GATE.
Revisions are vital factors in any preparation. They not only help you recapitulate the data but also keeps your brain active and make you more efficient with the section being revised. Mock tests help the aspirants by letting them revise the entire syllabus while appearing for the tests. This also improves the ability of the brain to recollect the answers when required. This makes the actual exam quite a few notches easier. When you train your brain for the process, then the process comes out to be as a routine for the brain, thereby it will save time for the GATE exam.
Nearly all mock tests are a mirror that shows you where you truly stand. This helps any aspirant in understanding the direction of the extra efforts that he/ she has to put in. Moreover, mock tests provide you with high-quality questions which prepare you for your best. Many of the questions that are asked in the mock tests actually appear in the GATE Exam itself. Thus, appearing for mock tests is a huge advantage for the aspirant.
“Practice makes a man perfect.” It is not only a saying but truth in itself. Practice makes you perfect as well as increases your confidence level. It helps you improve time management and perform well.
Mock tests are also the answer to phobias. They help in overcoming the fear of exams. Also, the reactions of the mind and body like over-excitement, nervousness, and panic during the exam get eliminated. The more tests you practice, the better it is for you. Mock tests also help you in developing a positive attitude. This is very necessary for the real exam when the stress levels of the aspirants are usually very high.
To crack a tough exam like GATE, one has to be extremely focused and dedicated. People have been literally seen to be obsessed with the GATE Examination. The only path to success is a continuous effort. One must keep trying and trying till he/ she gets the success that he/she wants. But, being burdened with the preparation is not at all healthy. It will only spoil the preparation and increase the unproductive time as well as the idle time. One must enjoy the preparation. If one starts enjoying it, then one loves doing it, and when that happens, everything becomes more comfortable. The aspirant should also take the competition in a healthy manner. Getting stressed will only reduce your chance of performing well during the examination.
Most of the students often hear that they must opt for practicing mock tests throughout their exam preparation. Here are some of the benefits of taking GATE mock tests while preparing for GATE examination.
- Get familiar with the real exam: The GATE mock tests are created in such a way that they simulate the real exam experience for the students preparing for the GATE exam. In this way, students who have practiced a sufficient number of mock tests can perform well in the real GATE exam.
- Understand strengths and weaknesses: The scores of mock tests help students to find out their strong and weak topic or subject areas. This aids to work on the required areas and improve the test performance in the next mock tests. The best part is that students can reevaluate their exam preparation strategy and bring the desired changes in this strategy. The ultimate goal is to strike a balance while preparing for the favorite and less preferred subjects or topics.
- Boost confidence: Confidence is key to achieving success in a tough competitive exam like GATE. Students can build confidence and take their test performance to the next level with routine practice of quality mock tests like MADE EASY mock tests.
Help in the revision times: Revision is a key aspect of GATE Exam Preparation. Practicing mock tests regularly aids in routine revision of all the subjects included in the GATE
It is a crucial question. Many aspirants either end up taking too many tests and mentally exhausting themselves or end up appearing for too little, thus, remain underprepared. It is essential for any aspirant of GATE 2023 to know how many mock tests he/she should take and what should be the interval between the two tests. Here are some guidelines to help you understand this:
- In the very beginning take only one test a week to start off with; you can start with topic-wise tests, then proceed to subject-wise tests. This way your subject will get prepared thoroughly.
- 5 months before the examination, start taking 2 tests per week.
- 3 months before the GATE examination take 3 tests a week
- When only 2 months remain for the GATE exam, take about 4- 5 tests per week.
- One month before the main GATE exam take 1-2 tests every day. Make sure that some of these tests are topic-wise tests, some are subject-wise, and some are full syllabus tests.
- 10 days before the main GATE exam stop taking tests. This is the time to revise formulae/concepts and solve questions in a non-test mode
- The day before the main GATE exam only revises and forget about any more tests. Write and revise formulae so that it gets revised very well and you can recollect them in the examination hall.
Now that we know the benefits of taking GATE mock tests, let us understand the recommended ways to prepare for a mock test.
- Study regularly: It is advised to read and know the subject to a decent level before creating a plan and attempting mock tests such as MADE EASY mock tests. This requires dedicated routine study of the subjects throughout the preparation schedule.
- Clarify your doubts: If you are studying a new topic, you ought to have doubts related to the topic. Most of the students shy away from clarifying the doubts, but it is highly significant to clear your doubts from a subject expert.
- Stay focused: If you want to secure a top rank in the GATE exam, then you need to build a laser focus during your GATE exam preparation. Initially, you might find it difficult to build the required level of focus, but if you put your best efforts, you will create a laser focus in your studies.
- Take breaks: If you want to prepare for the examination to your fullest potential, you must take routine breaks during the respective hours of preparation. These breaks offer a boost to your productivity in proper intervals.
- Have a healthy lifestyle: Students preparing for competitive exams like GATE must build healthy habits that will be helpful in the crucial times of GATE exam preparation. Also, students must focus on staying away from stress-inducing sources to have the right mindset for exam preparation.
No. All the GATE mock tests are in the written format.
Experts in this field emphasize on guiding students to take GATE mock tests at regular intervals throughout the preparation and increase the frequency a few weeks before the final GATE exam. Here are some of the most discussed reasons which reflect the importance of taking mock tests before the final exam.
- Taking regular mock tests helps to understand the exam pattern, marks distribution, and types of questions that can be asked in the real GATE exam.
- Students can perform an in-depth self-analysis and dedicate more effort in the respective subject areas that require more attention and practice.
- The time management skill can be learnt and taken to the next level with extensive mock test attempts. If you are lacking behind in time management, then mock tests will help you to allocate required time slots to particular sections during the tests.
- Extensive practice of expert created mock tests such as MADE EASY mock tests helps students receive the required practice for best possible performance in the GATE examination. The above-mentioned information will help you in creating a test schedule for yourself, thus helping you in your GATE exam preparation.
It is essential for any aspirant to select the mock test series (if online) or papers (if offline) that are known to prepare the aspirants well for the GATE exam. These mock tests should follow the GATE 2023 Syllabus as well as the standard. There are many such tests available, which are just a waste of time. If you fall into the trap of these tests, then you are bound to suffer. Thus, an aspirant must be very sure about the productivity of the mock test before he/she invests valuable money, time, and effort into it.
Here are some of the points that you should consider seriously before selecting the mock tests (both online and offline):
- The test papers should be developed by experienced senior faculties from the premier institutes in India. Former GATE toppers also should have had a hand in developing these tests.
- The mock test should cover all three types of tests namely: Topic-wise test, Subject-wise test, and Full syllabus test.
- The tests should be designed ensuring that it systematically covers the entire syllabus.
- The mock tests should be designed based on the upcoming GATE syllabus. The design should also consider the trend of the question appearing in GATE over the past years.
- The Test Series should include Basic as well as Advanced level tests. This will enable concept building, and the performance of the aspirant will increase.
- The mock test result should not just be a number or grade. It must have a full analysis of the aspirant’s performance. This analysis should be done by experienced senior faculty only.
- The Online Test Series should be available for all the major streams included in the GATE.
- The institution which is conducting the mock test should be research-driven. This assures that the questions are standard. Moreover, this also assures that the question forecasting is near accurate.
There are many test series available. You will have to decide which test series will guide you to the way ahead giving the taste of the actual GATE Exam. Choosing the best and most opted test series like MADE EASY Online Test Series will be surely beneficial for every aspirant.
Dear Aspirants,
Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).
So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.