Important Instructions: ESE Prelims 2025
Union Public Service Commission will conduct the Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination – 2025 (ESE Prelims 2025) at various centers/venues all over India on 8th June, 2025 (Sunday). The admitted candidates are advised to download their e-admit cards for the examination and take a printout thereof. The candidates will have to produce the printout of their e-admit card at the allotted venue for appearing at the examination along with the proof of identity (as entered in Online Application) such as Aadhaar Card/Voter Card/PAN Card/ Passport/Driving Licence/Any other Photo ID Card issued by the State/Central Government.
The eligible candidates shall be issued an e-Admission Certificate three weeks before the commencement of the Examination. The e-Admission Certificate will be made available on the UPSC website [] for downloading by candidates. No Admission Certificate will be sent by post. All the applicants are requested to provide valid & active e-mail i.d. while filling up the online application form as the Commission may use electronic mode for contacting them.
Candidates are advised to read carefully “Special Instructions to the Candidates for Conventional Type Tests and Objective Type Tests”. For both writing and marking answers in the OMR sheet [answer sheet] in objective-type papers, candidates must use a black ball pen only. Pens with any other colors are prohibited. Do not use a Pencil or ink pen.
Candidates should note that any omission/mistake/discrepancy in encoding/filling of details in the OMR answer sheet, especially with regard to Roll Number and Test Booklet Series code, will render the answer sheet liable for rejection.
The use of any mobile phone (even in switched off mode), pager or any electronic equipment or programmable device or storage media like pen drive, smart watches, etc. or camera or Bluetooth devices or any other equipment or related accessories either in working or switched off mode capable of being used as a communication device during the examination is strictly prohibited. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action including a ban from future examinations.
The Commission has introduced a time frame of 7 days (a week) i.e. from the next day of the Examination Date to 6.00 p.m. of the 7th day is fixed for the candidates to make representations to the Commission on the questions asked in the Papers of the Examination. Such representation must be submitted through the “Online Question Paper Representation Portal (QPRep)” only by accessing the URL http://upsconline/nic/in/miscellaneous/QPRep/. No representation by email/post/hand or by any other mode shall be accepted and the Commission shall not involve into any correspondence with the candidates in this regard. No representation shall be accepted under any circumstances after this window of 7 days is over.
No candidate will ordinarily be allowed to take the examination unless he/she holds an e-admission certificate for the examination. On receipt of the e-admission certificate, check it carefully and bring discrepancies/errors, if any, to the notice of UPSC immediately.
Articles permitted inside Examination Hall:- Battery-operated pocket calculators of “non-programmable” type only, mathematical/engineering/ drawing instruments, including a flat rule divided on the edges into inches and tens of an inch and into centimeters and millimeters, a slide rule, set squares, a protractor and a pair of compasses, pencils, coloured pencils, mapping pens, eraser, T-square and drawing board for use wherever necessary. Candidates are not allowed to bring with them any “Tables or Charts” for use in the Examination Hall.
Answers to be written in your own hand. Write the answers in your own hand in ink, a pencil may be used for maps, mathematical drawings, or rough work
Check the Answer Book:- The candidate must write his/her roll number (and not his/her name) only in the space provided for the purpose of every answer book used by him/her. Before writing in the answer book, please see that it is complete. In case there are any missing pages, it should be replaced. Do not tear out any pages from the answer book. If you use more than one answer book, indicate on the cover of the first answer book the total number of answer books used. Do not leave any blank, unused spaces between answers. If such spaces are left, score them out.
Answers in excess of the prescribed numbers will be ignored:- The candidate must attempt questions strictly in accordance with the directions given on each question paper. If questions are attempted in excess of the prescribed number, only the questions attempted first up to the prescribed number shall be valued and the remaining answers will be ignored.
Questions relating to graph/precis should be attempted only on graph/precis sheets to be supplied on demand by the invigilators. All loose sheets such as precis sheets, drawing papers, graph sheets, etc. whether used or not, should be placed inside the answer books and fastened along with the additional answer book(s), if any. Candidates who fail to observe this instruction will be penalized. Do not write your roll number on these sheets.
Unfair means strictly prohibited:- Do not copy from the papers of any other candidate nor allow your papers to be copied nor give nor attempt to give nor obtain or attempt to obtain irregular assistance of any description. It will be the responsibility of every candidate to ensure that his/her answers are not copied by another candidate. Failure to do so will invite a penalty, as may be awarded by the commission for the adoption of unfair means.
Conduct in Examination Hall:- Do not misbehave in any manner create disorderly scenes in the examination hall or harass or bodily harm the staff deployed for the conduct of the examination. You will be severely penalized if you attempt to do so.
Please read carefully and abide by the instructions printed on the question paper and on the answer book supplied in the examination hall.
The candidates are not allowed to leave the Examination Hall before the expiry of the prescribed time period of the examination.
Articles permitted inside the Examination Hall:- Clipboard or hardboard (on which nothing is written), a good quality black ball pen for making responses on the answer sheet. An answer sheet and sheet for rough work will be supplied by the invigilator.
Articles not permitted inside Examination Hall:- Do not bring into the Examination Hall any article other than those specified above e.g. books, notes, loose sheets, electronic or any other type of calculators, mathematical and drawing instruments, Log Tables, stencils of maps, slide rules, Test Booklets, rough sheets pertaining to earlier session(s), etc
Penalty for wrong Answers (in Objective Type Papers) there will be a penalty (negative marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the Objective Type question papers.
Candidates should note that any omission/mistake/discrepancy in encoding/filling of details in the OMR answer sheet, especially with regard to roll number and test booklet series code, will render the answer sheet liable for rejection.
Immediately after commencement of the examination please check that the test booklet supplied to you does not have any unprinted or torn or missing pages or items etc. If so, get it replaced by a complete Test Booklet of the same series and subject.
Do not write your name or anything other than the specific items of information asked for, on the answer sheet/test booklet/sheet for rough work.
Do not fold mutilate damage or put any extraneous markings in the answer sheet. Do not write anything on the reverse of the answer sheet.
Since the answer sheets will be evaluated on computerized machines, candidates should exercise due care in handling and filling up the answer sheets. They should use black ball pins only to darken the circles. For writing in boxes, they should use a black ball pen. Since the entries made by the candidates by darkening the circles will be taken into account while evaluating the answer sheet on computerized machines, they should make these entries very carefully and accurately. The candidate must mark responses in the answer sheet with a good quality black ball pen.
Please read and abide by the instructions on the cover of the test booklet. If any candidate indulges in disorderly or improper conduct, he will render himself liable for disciplinary action and/or imposition of a penalty as the commission may deem fit.
The candidates are not allowed to leave the examination hall before the expiry of the prescribed time period of the examination.
Mobile phones (even in switched-off mode), pagers, or any electronic equipment, programmable device, or storage media like pen drives, smart watches, etc., cameras, Bluetooth devices, or any other equipment or related accessories either in working or switched off mode capable of being used as a communication device are banned inside the examination hall (ESE Prelims 2025 examination hall). Any infringement of these instructions shall entail disciplinary action against the concerned candidates, including debarment from future examinations and selections. Valuable or costly items and bags are also not allowed inside the examination venue.
Dear ESE Aspirants,
The clock is moving fast, and the time for ESE Prelims 2025 is coming near with every second passing by. At MADE EASY we have always ensured that no stone is left unturned to impart quality education to aspirants.
We have shared several blogs and videos regarding ESE preparation, which we believe will certainly help the aspirants during the preparation phase and even after. In further continuation, MADE EASY has come up with a new initiative, i.e., Prelims through Questions (PTQ). Under this program, we will provide 500 of the most important questions with solutions for ESE Prelims 2025.
UPSC ESE Prelims 2025 Exam Preparation Books
- ESE 2025 Books for CE, ME, EE, E&T
- ESE 2025 Book for General Studies and Engineering Aptitude
- ESE 2025 Book for Standard and Quality Practices
- ESE 2025 Book for Basics of Project Management
- Postal Books Package
Must Read:
- Understanding the Brain of an ESE/IES Topper: Master the Game
- How to Do Effective Answer Writing Practice for ESE?
- What makes ESE Toppers different from others?
- ESE 2025 Preparation: Common Mistakes Made by Students
- How to Study Effectively for Exams?
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. When will the ESE Prelims 2025 examination be held?
Ans. The ESE Prelims 2025 is scheduled to take place on Sunday, 8th June 2025.
2. How many vacancies are available for recruitment through ESE 2025?
Ans. A total of 457 vacancies are available in the Indian Railways Management Services through ESE 2025 and the Civil Services exams.
3. When will the e-Admission Certificate be issued?
Ans. The e-Admission Certificate will be available three weeks before the exam date on the UPSC website. No admission certificates will be sent by post.
MADE EASY wishes all the aspirants appearing for the ESE Prelims 2025 the best of luck.
Stay tuned to our blog for more updates.
Dear Aspirants,
Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).
So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.