Some Misconceptions Regarding GATE
GATE is a national-level examination that provides all engineering graduates an opportunity to live their dreams of specializing in their area of expertise or work in PSUs with the most talented and intelligent minds of the country. While many students start preparing for the exam right from college time, some of them are sucked into the whirlpool of misconceptions that surrounds this exam and start to procrastinate their way towards failure. Today for all the students who know they can clear this exam but fear it due to the delusion created, we would like to clear the air and provide you a clear path towards cracking this exam.
- The one common misconception we all have is that being an all-India level exam GATE is not that easy to crack and the preparation requires you to be a topper in college or someone who has been very serious and studious during the 4 years of college.
Well, we cannot doubt the fact that it is an ALL-India Level exam, but that doesn’t make It impossible for anyone to clear it. Every year lakhs of students appear for the GATE exam and hundreds of them qualify which belong to different colleges, having different CGPA, have different backgrounds this versatility of the exam is what makes it so popular among engineering graduates.
- During the GATE preparation one needs to remember the concepts and formulae of all subjects, on their fingertips.
On average every engineering branch syllabus for GATE has around 9-10 subjects and some branches have even more up to 12 subjects, followed by some 6 topics in engineering mathematics and then we cannot forget the General aptitude and English section. If we begin to master all these subjects it may take about 3 years and that too may not be sufficient for some. So we need to understand that we have to study all the subjects with key focus on the high weight-age subjects and what is the most important is to understand the underlying concept instead of mugging up everything under the sun. That doesn’t mean you should not give attention to less weightage subjects, in the growing competition it is important to study everything and leave nothing.
To know the key subjects of your branch visit us at:
- One needs to devote day in and day out for 14+ hours to study for the GATE exam
Every exam has a syllabus that GATE too provides along with the notification, which nowhere talks about the time you need to spend or the hours of sleep that you need to sacrifice. It’s not the quantity but the quality that matters. The diagram below shows the Golden Rule to ace any exam.
- Maximum questions must be attempted to get a good score and thus a good rank.
A higher number of questions generally converts to more negative markings, thus resulting in lesser marks than you expected. More questions are to be done but with a high level of accuracy. Thus, make sure you put your best foot forward and attempt questions which you are sure about so that your own mistakes (of attempting more) don’t throw you out of the race.
- LUCK plays an important role in the GATE exam.
A writer once said ‘Shallow men believe in luck, strong men believe in cause and effect’
So always remember Luck is nothing but opportunity meeting preparation. One should believe in the hard work you have put in for GATE exam and you will surely get the output.
- Only a Coaching Institution will clear your exam
Coaching is an institution that acts as a guiding light in your preparation but first you must have the zeal and the dedication towards the exam and only then coaching can help you. While every year there have been students who cleared the exam without coaching, but if you are someone who thinks he would need some expert guidance, you must opt for a good coaching institute.
- The questions are tough and you must be a mastermind to solve them:
This isn’t totally wrong, there are some questions which are tough and lengthy, but then there are 65 questions in the paper and one has to act smart and try attempting the easy questions first and then attempt the difficult ones. The exam is not about attempting maximum questions; it is about attempting questions correctly whether easy or difficult. With the help of practice, test series and previous year papers you will get to know which questions to attempt and which to leave.
- Always have a plan B
Many students start to prepare for the GATE exam with Plan B like CAT, GRE, GMAT. Before doing that you must not forget that the other exams have a competitive nexus of their own and thus will not be a piece of cake for you to crack. It is extremely necessary that you choose one path for yourself and walk on that with full dedication, if you try to walk two paths at the same time, you may end up going nowhere at all.
- One needs to study lot of standard books
Gate is a concept-based exam and requires being clear with the concepts and their application. Reading standard books will help only if you read the topics that are required based on the syllabus of the exam. Standard books are not GATE based and thus have various concepts and theories which are not needed, thus one must do directed studies focusing on the syllabus.
We hope we have cleared your misconceptions regarding the GATE exam. But always remember that before you start the preparation you must have a clear idea about the syllabus of the exam, be sure which books or notes you will be referring to as there are hundreds of them available in the market so choose the one which is best suited for you. Also, you must make notes of what you are reading so that you can easily revise before the exam. If you are clear of all the above points misconceptions will not be generated in your mind and with a free and clear mind you will approach the exam with full potential and hard work.
Now that the air has been cleared and you are all pumped up for the exam we would want to give you a brief on how you must start your preparation.
- Syllabus must always be near you.
- Choose your Books and notes wisely.
- Prepare short notes for future ease.
- Revision is the key to this exam.
- Practice as it always helps makes you perfect.
- Limited usage of social media and WhatsApp so that it does not hamper your study routine
The misconception is like a termite, which can’t be seen at the first stage but will slowly and steadily conquer your mind completely and hamper your preparation further. Thus it was necessary for us to clear the misconceptions about the exam and provide you a perfect preparation strategy so that you can now gain your confidence back. All the best for your exam!
Dear Aspirants,
Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).
So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

Can you suggest standard books for gate mechanical branch.