BARC Recruitment 2025 for Scientist (Scientific Officers) | OCES/DGFS
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Training Schools
Invite Engineering Graduates and Science Postgraduates
Training Schemes and Employment Description
BARC Training Schools provide two Training programme (OCES-2025 & DGFS-2025) to the deserving candidates ambitious of pursuing a rewarding career in Nuclear Science, Engineering and Technology and
- Individuals who are passionate about tackling challenges in the emerging fields of Science and Technology.
- Those who wish to contribute to the growth of programs in Nuclear Power, Research Reactors, Accelerators, and Nuclear Fuel Cycle Technologies.
- Individuals excited by the opportunity to engage in innovative research across diverse fields like Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biosciences, and Geology.
These two training programs include:
- Orientation Course for Engineering Graduates and Science Postgraduates (OCES)
- DAE Graduate Fellowship Scheme for Engineering Graduates (DGFS)Bottom of Form
- Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai*,
- Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam,
- Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore,
- Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata,
- Heavy Water Board (HWB), Mumbai*,
- Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC), Hyderabad*,
- Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT), Mumbai*,
- Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL), Mumbai*,
- Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Ltd (BHAVINI), Kalpakkam*,
- Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research (AMD), Hyderabad*,
- Uranium Corporation of India Ltd (UCIL), Jaduguda*,
- Directorate of Construction, Services and Estate Management (DCSEM), Mumbai*
*These units have their Head Office at the indicated locations. Placement can be at the Head Office or at other facilities of these units located in different parts of India.
The allocation of a successful OCES TSO (Technical Services Officer) to a DAE (Department of Atomic Energy) unit is based on the specific needs of the programs and the TSO’s performance during the OCES program. DAE reserves the right to assign TSOs to any of its units, including the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB). Appointments within DAE units are made as “Group A” Gazetted Officers of the Government of India, except in organizations like BHAVINI, NPCIL, and UCIL, which follow the service rules of their respective corporations.
The DAE Graduate Fellowship Scheme for Engineering Graduates (DGFS-2025) is a two-year program starting in the academic session of 2025. This scheme is for Engineering Graduates who have performed well in the selection interviews for BARC Training Schools’ programs and have independently secured admission for an M. Tech. in select institutes and specializations.
After completing one year of coursework at the institute, DGFS Fellows will undertake a project assigned by DAE, which will be jointly supervised by a DAE guide and the institute’s guide. During the M. Tech. program, candidates must participate in a Teaching Apprenticeship (TA) as per the DGFS institute’s terms and conditions. Upon successful completion of the M. Tech., DGFS Fellows are appointed as Scientific Officer “C” in DAE, with the appointment made as a Group “A” Gazetted Officer of the Government of India.
**Placement can be at any of the BARC facilities located in different parts of India. Selected candidates are required to execute an agreement and a Personal Indemnity Bond to serve DAE for at least three years after completion of Training. Indemnity Bond would consist of stipend, tuition fees paid to DGFS institute and contingency grant along with additional funding up to a sum of ₹ 4,00,000 under the BRNS Fast Track Project scheme to purchase equipment/consumables deemed necessary for completion of M.Tech. project, as per actual paid. No third-party surety is required.
Table of Contents
Grade and Pay Scale On Appointment
Appointment in all the units shall be as a Scientific Officer “C ‟ (SO/C) in the Level 10 – ₹ 56,100 of the 7th Central Pay Commission Pay Matrix.
Appointment will be at the beginning of the pay scale with OCES TSOs getting two or three increments depending on their performance during the OCES programme and the DGFS Fellows# getting three or four increments depending on their performance in M. Tech. and four-month Orientation Course for DGFS Fellows (OCDF).
At the time of joining, the monthly emoluments (with three increments), including Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, and Transport Allowance at the current Mumbai rates, will be approximately ₹1,34,000/-.
Selection Process
- Selection to OCES/DGFS-2025 programme is a two-step process: Screening to short-list candidates followed by Selection Interviews of the short-listed candidates. There is a separate two stage selection process
- screening- on the basis of online exam/ GATE Score/ CEBS or NISER CGPA score &
- Selection Interview for each of the Exam disciplines.
Screening for Selection Interview is through three alternative channels:
(a) Online Screening Examination:
- Online Examination will be conducted in March, 2025 in each of the eight Engineering disciplines OCES discipline (Codes 21 – 28) and four Science disciplines OCES discipline (Codes 41, 42, 43 and 45) in more than forty cities spread across India.
- Candidates who register for the Online Examination will be allotted to one of the preferred examination centres chosen by them. A link will be provided to all the valid registered candidates to confirm their participation in online exam. Once they confirm their participation the allotment will be done on first come, first served basis. Confirmation for their participation in BARC online exam (CBT) is mandatory for issuing the admit card.
- Travel Allowance is not paid for appearing in Online Examination.
- All candidates appearing for the BARC Online Examination will be awarded a BARC Online Examination Score. Candidates will be screened in for Selection Interview on the basis of Online Examination Score.
(b) GATE Score:
- Candidates, who meets all the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the Section-4, will be screened in for Selection Interview based on a GATE-2023 and/or GATE-2024 and/or GATE-2025 score in the applicable GATE subject.
(c) On the basis of CGPA score of CEBS/ NISER :
- Students who graduate or are graduating with a Master’s Degree in Physics, Chemistry, and Biosciences from the University of Mumbai – Department of Atomic Energy Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences (CEBS) or the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar, in the academic years 2023-2024 or 2024-2025, and who have a Cumulative Grade Performance Average (CGPA) of 7.5 or higher on a scale of 10, will be directly screened into the Selection Interview stage, provided they meet all other eligibility requirements for the OCES/DGFS-2025 program. It is important to note that this CGPA-based screening option can only be used once. Students who have already been screened in previous years through this option (i.e., based on their CEBS/NISER CGPA) will not be considered for screening again. Final Selection is solely on the basis of performance in Selection Interview, subject to medical fitness.
Other Opportunities: Candidates applying for OCES/DGFS-2025 may be considered for direct recruitment in Institute for Plasma Research (IPR), Gandhinagar. Such candidates will be governed by stipendiary norms of Institute of Plasma Research (IPR) and terms and service conditions IPR on absorption.
Eligibility Criteria
A. Qualifying Degrees and Other Academic Requirements for OCES/DGFS-2025
a. For Engineering OCES Disciplines (Exam Discipline Codes ME (21), CH (22), MT(23) EE(24), EC(25), CS(26), IN(27), CE(28),)
- E. / B.Tech / B.Sc. (Engineering) / 5-year Integrated M. Tech. with a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) in one of the above mentioned eight engineering disciplines.
- Applicants, who meets above mentioned educational criteria, opting to be considered on the basis of a GATE Score must have GATE-2023 / GATE-2024 /GATE-2025 score in the same GATE paper/subject as the qualifying degree discipline. The applicable GATE paper
b. For Physics Discipline (OCES Screening discipline Code PH (41))
- Sc. or Integrated M. Sc. in Physics (Physical Science) / Applied Physics with Physics and Mathematics at B.Sc. / B. Tech./ B.Sc. (Engg.) or at subsidiary and/or ancillary level in case of 5-year integrated M.Sc. or B.E./ B.Tech. / B. Sc. (Engg.) / Integrated M. Tech in “Engineering Physics” with a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) in the qualifying degree.
- Sc. or Integrated M. Sc. candidates (other than those applying with a 5-year integrated M. Sc. degree) must additionally have a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) in B. Sc / B.E. / B. Tech. / B. Sc. (Engg.).
- Physics postgraduate applicants, who meets above-mentioned educational criteria, opting to be considered based on a GATE Score should have GATE-2023/ GATE-2024 /GATE-2025 score in “Physics‟ GATE paper.
- Applicants having B.E./ B. Tech / B. Sc (Engg.) in “Engineering Physics‟ as qualifying degree & who meets above mentioned educational criteria, can apply on the basis of GATE-2023/GATE-2024/GATE-2025 score either in Sciences ‟ GATE paper .
- Those having M.Sc. with specialization in Nanoscience & Technology, Medical Physics, Chemical Physics., Astronomy, Geophysics, M. Tech. in physics (Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology) etc. are NOT eligible.
c. For Chemistry Discipline (Exam Discipline Code CY (42))
- Candidates must have an M.Sc. or Integrated M.Sc. in Chemistry with Physics (up to B.Sc. or as subsidiary/ancillary in case of a 5-year integrated program) and Mathematics (up to Std. XII/B.Sc./subsidiary/ancillary level in case of a 5-year integrated program), with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks (or 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10).
- Candidates (except those with a 5-year integrated M.Sc.) must have a minimum of 60% aggregate marks (or 6.0 CGPA) in B.Sc.
- iii. M.Sc. or Integrated M.Sc. in fields like Nanoscience, Industrial Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, etc., are NOT eligible.
d) For Biosciences Discipline (Exam Discipline code 43)
- M.Sc. or Integrated M. Sc. in Biosciences, Biology, Life Sciences, Agriculture, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Genetics, Botany, Zoology, Plant Science, Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Food Technology, Food Science, , Animal Science, Biomedical Sciences, Bioinformatics /Computational Biology, Food Sc. & Technology, Plant Molecular Biology & Biotechnology, Nutrition Biology and Biophysics & Molecular Biology ; or BSMS in Biosciences with a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) in M.Sc. as well as in B.Sc. (except for 5-year integrated M.Sc.); or B.E. / B.Tech. in Food Technology with minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent).
- M.Sc. applicants should have studied one out of Physics or Chemistry or Biochemistry or Agriculture Chemistry as a subject at the B.Sc. stage or at subsidiary and / or ancillary level in case of 5- year integrated M.Sc.
- Applicants, who meets above mentioned educational criteria, opting to be considered on the basis of a GATE Score should have GATE-2023 / GATE-2024 / GATE-2025 score in “ Life Sciences ‟ or in “ Biotechnology ‟.
e) For Geology Discipline (Exam Code 45)
- M.Sc. or equivalent M. Tech. in Geology, Applied Geology, Applied Geochemistry with Geology at B.Sc. or up to subsidiary and / or ancillary level in case of 5 or 6 year integrated M.Sc. or 5 or 6 year integrated M.Tech. in Geological Technology.
- Eligible candidates must have two subjects out of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry up to B.Sc. or at subsidiary and/or ancillary level in case of 5 or 6-year integrated M.Sc./ 5-year integrated M. Tech., with a minimum of 60%* aggregate marks (or minimum of 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) in M.Sc./ M. Tech.
- iii. All eligible candidates (except those applying with a 5-year integrated M.Sc. / M.Tech. degree) must have a minimum of 60% aggregate marks (or 6.0 CGPA on a scale of 10 or equivalent) in their B.Sc. as well.
- Additionally, eligible candidates must have passed Mathematics in Std. XII.
- All applicants, who meets above mentioned educational criteria, opting to be considered on the basis of a GATE Score should GATE-2023 / GATE-2024 / GATE 2025 score in GATE Paper/subject “Geology & Geophysics”.
- Candidates with a B. Tech in Geology, Mining Engineering, M.Sc. in Geo-informatics, Environmental Science with specialization in Remote Sensing and GIS, etc., are NOT eligible.
*A minimum of 60% marks means the marks as per the ordinances of the respective university.
B. Admission to DGFS:
- Candidates having a qualifying degree in Mechanical Engineering., Chemical Engineering, Metallurgy, Electrical Engineering Electronics Engineering, Computer Science, Instrumentation Engineering & Civil Engineering. And who meet the corresponding eligibility criteria listed above are eligible to apply for DGFS provided they are selected for OCES-2025 and additionally secure admission for M.Tech. Starting in the academic year 2025-26 in one of the selected DGFS Institutes and in specializations listed in Table-3.
- Confirmation of M.Tech. Admission should be communicated by 14th July 2025.
- Securing admission in one of the valid M. Tech. specializations at one of the DGFS Institutes along with selection for OCES, make candidate eligible for DGFS program and DGFS Fellowship will be awarded as per the needs of DAE programmes and only to the most meritorious candidates as per Selection Interview performance.
Age Limit (Age as on August 1, 2022)
- General Category-26 years,
- OBC-29 years,
- SC/ST – 31 years,
- Dependents of those who died in the riots of 1984 (Dep1984)-31 years,
- Persons domiciled in Kashmir Division of Jammu & Kashmir State from 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989 (Dom Kashmir) – 31 years. Physically Challenged persons of all categories are eligible for age relaxation of 10 years.
Applicant must be a citizen of India.
Applicants working in Central/ State Government Units/ PSUs / Aided Institutes should produce a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their organization at the time of Selection Interview, failing which they may not be interviewed.
Application Fee
- A non-refundable Application Fee of ₹ 500 is chargeable from the male applicants belonging to General and OBC categories.
- Women candidates, candidates belonging to SC/ST, Dependents of Defence Personnel Killed in Action (DODPKIA) and Physically Challenged candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee.
Application Process
Only Online Applications will be accepted. Candidates are required to visit the website for updates. in the period January 2, 2025, to January 26, 2025, and submit an Online Application by following the instructions therein. Candidates are advised to read the ‘Information Brochure’ before applying.
Name of Eligible Qualifying degree for engineering discipline
GATE* SUBJECT/ PAPER (GATE Paper Code) | OCES/ DGFS Screening Discipline CODE |
Mechanical | 21 |
Chemical | 22 |
Metallurgy | 23 |
Electrical | 24 |
Electronics | 25 |
Computer Sc / Computer Engg / Computer Sc & Engg | 26 |
Instrumentation | 27 |
Civil | 28 |
Physics† | 41 |
Chemistry‡ | 42 |
Life Sciences or Biotechnology | 43 |
Geology | 45 |
Exercising Authority:
In all matters concerning the OCES/DGFS-2025 recruitment, the decision taken by the Competent Authority in BARC, Mumbai shall be final and binding on the Applicants and they shall abide by the decision in totality. The Applicants while representing the matter shall not directly approach the Courts and will wait till the outcome of the decision by the Competent Authority in BARC.
In case of any claims or disputes arising with respect to the OCES/DGFS-2025 recruitment, the venue of such proceedings, suit, action, or proceedings arising out of or related thereto will be governed/maintained in accordance with the laws of the Republic of India subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Mumbai, India.
Training Schools, Eligible Disciplines, Orientation of Training.
Training School | Disciplines (refer Table-1) | Orientation of Training |
BARC, Mumbai (Since 1957) |
21 to 28 & 41 to 43 |
AMD, Hyderabad (Since 2010) | 45 |
Discipline of Qualifying degree, M. Tech. Specializations and DGFS Institutes
Name of Dept./ Centre at the DGFS Institute | Relevant M.Tech. Programme/ Specialisation | Admissible GATE Subjects & GATE Subject Code | Details of Qualifying Degree* (Disciplines) | Institutes** |
Mechanical Engineering | Thermal & Fluids Engineering | Mechanical Engg. (ME) | B.E./B.Tech. /B.Sc. (Engg.) in Mechanical Engineering | IITB |
Mechanical Engineering | Thermal Engineering | Mechanical Engg. (ME) | B.E./B.Tech. /B.Sc. (Engg.) in Mechanical Engineering | IITM |
Mechanical Engineering | Design Engineering | Mechanical Engg. (ME) | B.E./B.Tech../B.Sc. (Engg.) in Mechanical Engineering | IITB |
Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Design | Mechanical (ME) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. (Engg.) in Mechanical Engineering | IITM |
Applied Mechanics | Computational and Experimental Mechanics | Mechanical Engineering (ME) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. (Engg.) in Mechanical Engineering | |
Chemical Engineering | Chemical Engineering | Chemical Engg. (CH) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. (Engg.) in Chemical Engineering | IITB, IITM |
Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science | Materials Science | Metallurgical Engg. (MT) | B.E./B.Tech /B. Sc. (Engineering) in Metallurgy / Metallurgical Engineering / Materials Engineering / Metallurgy & Materials Engineering / Metallurgy & Materials Science / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering / Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science / Materials Science & Engineering | IITB |
Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, | Process Engineering | Metallurgical Engg. (MT) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering) in Metallurgy / Metallurgical Engineering / Materials Engineering / Metallurgy & Materials Engineering / Metallurgy & Materials Science / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering / Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science / Materials Science & Engineering | IITB |
Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science | Corrosion Science & Engineering | Metallurgical Engg. (MT) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering) in Metallurgy / Metallurgical Engineering / Materials Engineering / Metallurgy & Materials Engineering / Metallurgy & Materials Science / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering / Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science / Materials Science & Engineering | IITB |
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Metallurgical and Materials Engineering | Metallurgical Engg. (MT) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering) in Metallurgy / Metallurgical Engineering / Materials Engineering / Metallurgy & Materials Engineering / Metallurgy & Materials Science / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering / Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science / Materials Science & Engineering | IITM |
Physics | Functional Materials and Nanotechnology | Metallurgical Engg. (MT) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering) in Metallurgy / Metallurgical Engineering / Materials Engineering / Metallurgy & Materials Engineering / Metallurgy & Materials Science / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering / Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science / Materials Science & Engineering | IITM |
Civil Engineering | Structural Engineering | Civil Engg. (CE) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. (Engg.) in Civil Engineering | IITB |
Civil Engineering | Geotechnical Engineering | Civil Engg. (CE) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. (Engg.) in Civil Engineering | IITB |
Civil Engineering | Construction Technology & Management | Civil Engg. (CE) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. (Engg.) in Civil Engineering | IITB |
Environmental Science & Engineering | Environmental Science & Engineering | Civil Engg. (CE) | B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. (Engg.) in Civil Engineering | IITB |
Electrical Engineering | Communication Engineering | Electrical Engg. (EE)/ Electronics & communication Engg. (EC) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering) in Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering /Electronics & Controls Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering | IITB |
Electrical Engineering | Control & Computing | Electrical Engg. (EE)/ Electronics & communication Engg. (EC) / Instrumentation Engg. (IN) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering) in Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering /Electronics & Controls Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering / Instrumentation & Controls Engineering | IITB |
Electrical Engineering | Electronic Systems | Electrical Engg. (EE)/ Electronics & communication Engg. (EC) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering) in Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering /Electronics & Controls Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering | IITB |
Electrical Engineering | Integrated Circuit & Systems | Electrical Engg. (EE)/ Electronics & communication Engg. (EC) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering in Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering /Electronics & Controls Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering | IITB |
Electrical Engineering | Integrated Circuit & Systems | Electronics & communication Engg. (EC) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering in Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering /Electronics & Controls Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering | IITM |
Electrical Engineering | Communication & Signal Processing | Electronics & communication Engg. (EC)/ Instrumentation Engg. (IN) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering in Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering /Electronics & Controls Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering | IITM |
Electrical Engineering | Microelectronics and VLSI Design | Electronics & communication Engg. (EC) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering in Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering /Electronics & Controls Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering | IITM |
Electrical Engineering | Electronic System Design and Instrumentation | Electronics & communication Engg. (EC)/ Instrumentation Engg. (IN) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering in Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering /Electronics & Controls Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering | IITM |
Electrical Engineering | Control and Optimization | Electronics & communication Engg. (EC)/ Instrumentation Engg. (IN) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering in Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering /Electronics & Controls Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering | IITM |
Interdisciplinary Group for System & Controls Engineering | System & Controls Engineering | Electrical Engg.(EE) / Electronics & communication Engg. (EC)/ Instrumentation Engg. (IN) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc. (Engineering in Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering /Electronics & Controls Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering | IITB |
Computer Science & Engineering | Computer Science & Engineering | Computer Sc. & Information Technology (CS) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc (Engineering) in Computer Science / Computer Engineering/ Computer Science & Engineering | IITB |
Computer Science & Engineering | Computer Science & Engineering | Computer Sc. & Information Technology (CS)/ Electronics & communication Engg. (EC) | B.E./B.Tech /B.Sc (Engineering) in Computer Science / Computer Engineering/ Computer Science & Engineering / Electronics Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Communication Engineering / Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering /Electronics & Controls Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering | IITM |
Important Dates
Events | Dates |
Publishing Print media Advertisement in Employment Newspaper / Daily News paper | 1st January 2025 |
Commencement of Online Application Process | 2nd January 2025 |
Last date for Registration for Online Application | 26th January 2025 |
Online Test | 8th & 9th March 2025 |
Upload of GATE Score – 2025 for candidates to applied on the basis of GATE-2025 | 17th March – 24th March 2025 |
Display of List of candidates short-listed for Interview on Online Application Portal | First week of April 2025 |
Availability based option on Online Application Portal to select Interview Slot for qualified candidates | 17th April – 24th April 2025 |
Selection Interviews | 19th May- 13th June 2025 |
Display of List of Candidates finally selected for OCES-2025 on Online Application Portal | Last week of June 2025 |
Last Date for Selected OCES-2025 Candidates desirous of DGFS to give details of M. Tech admission in the selected DGFS institute | 1st week of July 2025 |
Declaration of List of Applicants Selected for DGFS-2025 on Online Application Portal | 2nd week of July 2025 |
Pre-employment Medical Test for Selected Candidates OCES/DGFS-2025 | 24th July – 31st July 2025 |
Commencement of OCES-2025 | 1st August, 2025 |
Note* Persons desiring to apply for the OCES / DGFS – 2025 programs may visit the website ( for updates. |
Must Read: All about Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
For more details, click on the link below: BARC Recruitment 2025 Official Notification
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So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

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