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NMDC Recruitment for Executive Trainees Through GATE

National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)

(A Government of India Enterprise)

NMDC Recruitment for Executive Trainees: NMDC Limited is a Navaratna Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Steel, Government of India and a Multi locational, multi product and consistently profit making Mining & Mineral Exploration Organization with large turnover. NMDC is in the process of massive expansion and diversification both in India and abroad. NMDC is setting up a 3.0 MTPA Integrated Steel Plant at Nagarnar near Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh State. NMDC is now inviting applications from eligible & willing, promising, dedicated energetic young Graduate Engineers to fill up the post of Executive Trainee in the following disciplines through GATE 2021:

NMDC Recruitment Details

Sl. NoDisciplineNo. of Posts
2.Materials Management25

Educational Qualification

  1. Full time Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Technology. Final year/Semester students, are also eligible to apply, subject to production of the final pass certificate of eligible qualification at the time of Group Discussion (GD) & Interview, otherwise their candidature will not be entertained. A candidate with the prescribed degree identified for the disciplines as given below can only apply for the post of Executive Trainee in the respective disciplines.
Sl. NoDiscipline advertisedPrescribed full time degrees in Engineering/Technology


2.Electrical & Electronics

3. Power Systems & High Voltage Engineering.

4.Power Electronics




2.Mechanical & Automation

3.Industrialand Production Engineering

4.Mechanical Production

5.Production Engineering

6. Mining Machinery

3.Mining1. Mining Engineering
4.Materials Management1. Electrical/Mechanical/Mining


  1. All qualifications must be from UGC recognized Indian University/UGC recognized Indian Deemed University or AICTE approved courses from Autonomous Indian Institutions/concerned statutory council (wherever applicable).
  2. Candidates having 05 years B.E/B Tech + ME/M Tech integrated dual degree in engineering in relevant disciplines shall also be considered.
  3. The minimum percentage of marks in the above Degrees shall be 60% of marks in aggregate for Un-Reserved (UR) and OBC (NCL) category.
  4. For Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD category, the minimum percentage of marks in their respective Degree shall be 50%.
  5. For Departmental candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD category, the minimum percentage of marks in their respective Degree shall be 45%.
  6. For Departmental candidates belonging to Un-reserved category and OBC, the minimum percentage of marks in their respective Degree shall be 55%.
  7. Candidates who are currently in the final year (2020-21) of their Engineering Degree (or dual degree) and belonging to UR/OBC(NCL)/EWS category must have secured minimum 60% marks and the candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWBD must have secured minimum50% marks in aggregate up to the last semester/year at the time of application.


Candidates are required to appear for GATE 2021 paper as detailed below:

Sl. NoEngineering Discipline as advertised by NMDCDisciplines / Branches of Engineering to be considered equivalent against NMDC DisciplineCorresponding GATE -2021 PaperCorresponding GATE –2021 Paper Code
1.Electrical1. Electrical

2. Electrical & Electronics 3.Power Systems & High Voltage Engineering.

4.Power Electronics

Electrical EngineeringEE
2.Mechanical1. Mechanical

2. Mechanical & Automation 3.Industrialand Production Engineering

4. Mechanical Production 5.Production Engineering 6.Mining Machinery.

Mechanical EngineeringME
3.Mining1.Mining EngineeringMining EngineeringMN
4.Materials Management1.Electrical/Mechanical/MiningElectrical Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/Mining EngineeringEE/ME/MN


Age Limit

Upper Age limit for NMDC Recruitment through GATE 2021 is 27 years as on last date of online application as described in point no. 6(b). Upper age limit is relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) and as per Govt. of India Guidelines for PwDs/Ex. Servicemen on the maximum age of 27 years. For Departmental candidates (NMDC) age relaxation will be given up to 10 years.


Application Process

Sl. NoOn-line mode

For detailed information on GATE 2021, candidates may log on to


The candidates, who have applied online GATE 2021, will receive their GATE –2021 Registration Number printed on their admit card. On receipt of GATE registration number, the candidates need to apply online for NMDC RECRUITMENT OF EXECUTIVE TRAINEES-2021 THROUGH GATE 2021on the website (link available on the “Careers” page of the website).The site will be available/activated from 10:00AM on 01.03.2021to 12:00 PM on21.03.2021


Please ensure that the GATE registration number, which is mentioned on your GATE Admit card, is filled up correctly. Name should also be filled up as appearing in GATE Admit card. No request with respect to the change in any data entered by the candidate will be entertained once the application is submitted successfully.


A candidate can apply for one post/discipline only for NMDC Recruitment. Candidates applying for more than one post/discipline will not be considered. 

5.Helpline email [email protected] will be available between 10 AM and 6 PM on all working days to assist Technical aspect of online mode.
6.Candidates are required to fill all the details on-line and upload all the relevant documents/ certificates as per the requirement of Notification.
7.In case of any clarifications, typographical errors or omissions, Corrigendum etc. to the notification shall be issued in the above NMDC Website only.
8.Before applying on-line, candidates are advised to read the detailed instructions of notification carefully which will be available at NMDC web-site and fill-in the online application form giving accurate information including the GATE –2021 registration number etc..
9.An amount of Rs.500/-(Rupees Five Hundred only) is to be paid by all the candidates as application fee which is non-refundable.

Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD/Ex-servicemen categories and Departmental Candidates of NMDC Ltd. applying for the post will be exempted from paying Application Fee. Proof for fee exemption is to be enclosed as stated at point no. 15.11(A). In the absence of above certificate or fee payment details his/her application will be rejected.


The payment can be made by using UPI/credit card/on-line net banking through SBI-Collect using Internet Banking integrated with on-line application. Transaction charges, if any, will be borne by the candidate. On successful completion of transaction, application form with Unique Transaction number and application number will be generated which is to be printed for record. If the candidate does not receive the application form with Unique Transaction number his/her on-line application will not be considered complete and he/she will have to make payment again. Failed transaction will be automatically refunded to the same account from which payment was originally made, within 10 working days.


Application fee for NMDC Recruitment once paid will not be refunded OR adjusted against any further notifications, also in case of cancellation of the notification for which application fee paid.


Candidates are advised to keep the soft copy of the documents i.e. (i)recent passport size photograph (ii)10thcertificate (iii)Certificates in support of Qualification (iv)Caste/Category Certificate, SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWS/Disability Certificate etc. as applicable (v)GATE 2021 Admit Card (vi)Scanned signature etc.


After applying online, the candidate is required to download the hard copy of filled in application form and send the same by mentioning the Unique Registration Number appearing on the online application, the Employment Notification No., Name of the post & discipline on top of the envelope, affixing recent passport size photograph along with copies of all the Certificates and Testimonials(self attested)along with copy of GATE-2021 Admit Cardin support of his/her application, by Post to “Post Box No. 1382, Post Office, Humayun Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana State, Pin-500028” so as to reach on or before 05.04.2021 Downloaded applications received after the last date of receipt of application or received without supporting documents shall be summarily rejected.

15.Call letters/admit cards will be sent through post/email. Call letters/admit cards can also be generated from Careers page at NMDC website. NMDC will not be responsible for any loss of email sent due to invalid/wrong email id provided by the candidate or postal delay/ non-receipt of information by post. Only those candidates will be allowed to appear for Group Discussion & Interview of NMDC Recruitment who will produce valid call letter/admit card.
16.Candidates are required to mention their date of birth and name as per 10thclass certificate issued by the recognized Board.
17.Please ensure that the GATE registration number, which is mentioned on your GATE Admit card, is filled up correctly. No request with respect to the change in any data entered by the candidate will be entertained once the application is submitted successfully.
18.Candidates are required to keep the printout of the Registration form which will be generated by the system after successful registration.


Application Fee

An amount of Rs.500/-(Rupees Five Hundred only) is to be paid by all the candidates as application fee, which is non-refundable.


Selection Process

Eligible candidates must have appeared for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE –2021). Based on the GATE 2021 marks and requirement, candidates will be shortlisted discipline wise, category wise for further selection process (GD & Interview). The final merit list of NMDC Recruitment will be prepared based on following weightage of marks. Please note that for NDCM Recruitment of Executive Trainee-2021, GATE marks of 2021 will only be valid and GATE Score of 2020 or prior to that is not valid.

Sl. NoComponentWeightage (marks) Out of 100
1.GATE -2021score in concerned discipline70
2.Group Discussion (GD)15


Training and Probation

Candidates selected as Executive Trainees of NMDC Recruitment will be placed on training for one year. After successful completion of training the candidates shall be placed under probation for one year.


The selected candidates shall undergo one-year training at various places. The selected candidates will be posted in any of the Mines/Units/offices of NMDC Ltd. as per requirements at any stage and they may be assigned job/function/assignments as per the business requirement of the Company.


Before joining, candidates will have to undergo Pre-Employment Medical Examination by NMDC recognized hospital(s) and the decision of NMDC Management will be final and binding. No relaxation in health standards is allowed.


The Executive Trainees will be offered Basic Pay of Rs.50, 000/-plus Dearness Allowances (IDA) as per rules of the Company. On successful completion of training of one year, the Executive Trainees will be designated as Assistant Managers in the scale pay of Rs.60,000-1,80,000/-and initial Basic Pay will be fixed at Rs.60,000/-per month. On successful completion of training, they will be entitled for Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance, perquisites under Cafeteria Approach, PF, Gratuity, PRP and other allowances and benefits as applicable as per rules of the Company. Being direct recruitment on initial basic pay, the Company will not bear any liability on account of Salary/leave salary/pension contribution etc. of previous employment, if any.


Important Dates for NDCM Recruitment

S. NoParticularDate
1.Activation of link on Careers page of for filling up of online application of NMDC Ltd.01.03.2021
2.Last date for submission of online application in NMDC Ltd.21.03.2021
3.Last date of receipt of Hard Copies as mentioned in 6.0(n)05.04.2021


1. Candidates are also required to super scribe the Employment Notification No., Name of the post, discipline and NMDC Registration No. generated while applying Online, GATE 2021 Registration No. to the envelope. Before sending the hardcopies of the application along with copies of all the Certificates and Testimonials (self-attested) in support of his/her application etc. to “Post Box No.1382, Post Office, Humayun Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana State, Pin-500028” so as to reach on or before 05.04.2021.

2. Candidates are advised to visit NMDC Ltd website regularly for latest updates.


For Queries / Clarifications for NDCM Recruitment

In case you require any clarifications regarding the technical aspect of online mode please send an e-mail to


Email Address[email protected]

Dear Aspirants,

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We at MADE EASY try to share most of the job opportunities related to the engineering segment like GATE, ESE, PSU’s and other Government departments so that the aspirants can get all the information at one place.

Read our blogs regarding GATE and PSUs for more insights:

  1. What is a Maharatna Company?
  2. What are the Navratna and Miniratna companies in India?
  3. PSPCL Careers: Punjab State Power Corporation Limited
  4. GAIL Career: Gas Authority of India Limited
  5. BARC Career: All about Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
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