THDCIL Recruitment 2024 for 55 Executive (Tech & Non-Tech)
(Schedule “A” Mini Ratna Government PSU.)
Recruitment for Filling Up Executive Posts (Technical & Non-Technical Positions) On All India Regular Basis
THDCIL Recruitment Profile:
A prominent player in the power sector and a profitable public company, THDC India Limited was established as a public limited company in July 1988 in accordance with the Companies Act of 1956. The Indian government granted THDCIL “Mini Ratna” Category-I Status in October 2009, then in July 2010 the government upgraded the company to Schedule “A” PSU. Previously, the Government of India and the Government of the United Provinces shared 75:25 of the company’s equity. The President of India and NTPC Limited signed a Share Purchase Agreement on March 25, 2020, in accordance with the terms of the Strategic Sale, to acquire the President of India’s beneficial and legal ownership of the stock held in THDC India Limited. Following the Strategic Sale, NTPC Limited and the Government of Uttar Pradesh split the equity in THDC India Limited in a ratio of 74.496% and 25.504%.
The Authorized Share Capital of the Company is ₹ 4000 Cr. and paid up capital as on 31 Mar’2024 is ₹3665.88 Cr. THDC India Ltd. started earning profits from first year (2006-07) of commercial operation of its maiden project i.e. Tehri HPP (1000 MW) and THDCIL has been a consistently profit-making company since then.
THDC India Limited was constituted with the sole objective to develop, Operate & Maintain the 2400 MW Tehri Hydro Power Complex (Tehri HPP-1000 MW, Tehri PSP-1000 MW and Koteshwar HEP-400 MW), and other Hydro projects… Read More >>
THDCIL (THDC India Limited) is looking for bright, committed, goal-oriented, dynamic, and enthusiastic applicants with strong academic records & experience to join us in different Technical and Non-Technical posts on Regular Basis:
Details of Post & Eligibility Criteria
THDC India limited was constituted with the sole objective to develop, Operate & Maintain the 2400 MW Tehri Hydro Power Complex (Tehri HPP-1000 MW, Tehri PSP-1000 MW and Koteshwar HEP-400 MW), and other Hydro projects.
Table of Contents
- (A) Business Development
- (B)Coal Mining Project
- (C) Renewable Energy Projects
- (D) Corporate Planning
- (E) Contracts and Procurement
- (F) Safety
- (G) Project Monitoring
- (H) North East Hydro Projects
- (I) Thermal Projects
- (J) Environment
- (K) Medical
- Upper Age Limit for each posts grade-wise
- Post Identified Suitable for PwBDs Category
- Vacancies earmarked for PwBDs
- Relaxation and Concession
- Selection Process
- Weightage of Different Parameters
- Health Standards
- Compensation Package
- Executive Post
- Registration Fees
- Placement
- General Information and Instructions
- How to apply?
- If CGPA is not applicable then upload the scanned copy of the Marksheet
- How to make payment?
- Important Points
(A) Business Development
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Post | Essential Qualification | Post Qualification Experience |
1 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 02 [1-UR and 1-OBC (NCL)] | Full- Time B.E/B.Tech (Electrical/Mechanical/Civil/EE E) Engineering with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India. |
Minimum 09 years of post -qualification experience in Executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade/scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 or equivalent level/ post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent Level (Private Sector): Rs 18 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 09 years post qualification Executive/Officer experience in Power Sector Company/Consultancy Company out of which minimum 05 years in area of Business Development/Marketing Functions/Tendering Process/ Bid Management in Power sector. Preference shall be given to candidates working in consultancy business/company and conversant with financial/Tariff modeling, Bidding Guidelines, Bid management. Project appraisal, statutory & regulatory approval, govt. guidelines, applicable regulations, sensitivity analysis, acquisition of power plants, due diligence related to asset acquisition etc. |
2 | Assistant Manager in E 3 Grad | 2 (UR) | Full- Time B.E/B.Tech (Electrical/Mechanical/Civil/EE E) Engineering with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India. |
Minimum 01 year of post-qualification experience in Executive/Officer in IDA Pay scale IDA: 50,000-3%-1,60,000 or equivalent level/ post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent Level (Private Sector): Rs 12 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 01 years post qualification Executive/Officer experience in a Power Sector company/Consultancy Company in area of Business Development/Marketing Functions/Tendering Process/ Bid Management in Power sector. Preference shall be given to candidates working in consultancy business/company and conversant with financial/Tariff modeling, Bidding Guidelines, Bid management, design consultancy, Project appraisal, statutory & regulatory approval, govt. guidelines, applicable regulations, sensitivity analysis. |
(B) Coal Mining Project
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Post | Essential Qualification | Post Qualification Experience |
3 | Deputy Manager in E-4 Grade | 1 (UR) | Full-Time Degree in Mining Engineering with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India with Valid First Class Mine Manager’s Certificate of Competency in Coal from DGMS. |
Minimum 05 years of post-qualification experience in Executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade/scale (CDA/IDA).IDA: 60,000-3%-1,80,000 or equivalent level/ post profile (Private Sector).Equivalent Level (Private Sector): Rs 15 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 5 years post qualification Executive/Officer experience in the field of coal mines. Preference shall be given to candidates: Conversant with safety aspects, statutory & regulatory requirements, handling mine contracts, material management etc. |
4 | Assistant Manager in E-3 Grade | 5 (3-UR, 1- OBC (NCL) and 1-SC) | Full-Time Degree in Mining Engineering with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India with Valid First Class Mine Manager’s Certificate of Competency in Coal from DGMS. |
Minimum 01 year of post-qualification experience in Executive/Officer in IDA Pay scale IDA: 50,000- 3%-1,60,000 or equivalent level/ post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent Level (Private Sector): ₹ 12 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 1 year post qualification Executive/Officer experience in the field of coal mines. Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with safety aspects, statutory & regulatory requirements, handling mine contracts, material management etc |
(C) Renewable Energy Projects
(Note: An electricity producing station that uses renewable energy sources—such as water, wind, sunlight, biomass, bagasse, municipal solid waste, and other sources authorized by the MNRE—is referred to as a “renewable energy project.”)
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Post | Essential Qualification | Post Qualification Experience |
5 | Senior Manager in E-6 Grade | 1 (UR) | Full Time BE/B-Tech (Civil) Engineering with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India. Preference will be given to candidates with M-Tech Degree. |
Minimum 13 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 80,000-3%-2,20,000 or equivalent level / post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 20 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Out of total Post Qualification Executive/Officer experience of 13 years, the candidate should have at least 6 Years of experience in the field of either A) Construction or Erection in Renewable Energy projects of minimum installed capacity of 100 MW OR B) Design Engineering/Execution of minimum 300 MW Solar Parks Preference shall be given to candidate: A) Experience in Solar PV B) Conversant with Necessary Approvals, TBCB Guidelines, MoP & MNRE Guidelines, CERC Regulations, Grid Code, CEA regulations etc |
6 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 3 (1-UR, 1- OBC (NCL) and 1SC) | Full Time BE/B-Tech (Civil) Engineering with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India. Preference will be given to candidate with M-Tech Degree. |
Minimum 09 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 OR equivalent level / post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 18 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Out of total Post Qualification experience Executive/Officer of 9 years, the candidate should have at least 5 years of experience in the field of: A) Either Construction or Erection in Renewable Energy projects of minimum installed capacity of 100 MW OR B) Design Engineering/Execution of minimum 300 MW Solar Parks Preference shall be given to candidates: A) Experience in Solar PV ) B) Experience in Floating Solar PV C) Knowledge of Google sketch up, (.kmz File), google earth. D) Conversant with Necessary Approvals, TBCB Guidelines, MoP & MNRE Guidelines, CERC Regulations, Grid Code, CEA regulations etc |
7 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 3 (2-UR and 1-SC) | Full Time BE/B-Tech (Electrical/Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India. Preference will be given to candidate with M.Tech Degree. |
Minimum 09 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 OR equivalent level / post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 18 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Out of total Post Qualification Executive/Officer experience of 9 years, the candidate should have at least 5 years of experience in the field of either Construction or Installation or commissioning or Operation & Maintenance in Renewable Energy projects of minimum installed capacity of 100 MW. Preference shall be given to candidate: A) Experience in Solar PV B) Experience in Floating Solar PV C) Conversant with Necessary Approvals, TBCB Guidelines, MoP & MNRE Guidelines, CERC Regulations, Grid Code, CEA regulations etc |
8 | Assistant Manager in E3 Grade | 2 (1-UR and 1-SC) | Full Time BE/B-Tech (Civil) Engineering with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India. Preference will be given to candidate with M-Tech Degree. |
Minimum 01 year of post-qualification experience in Executive/Officer in IDA Pay scale IDA: 50,000- 3%-1,60,000 or equivalent level/ post profile (Private Sector).Equivalent Level (Private Sector): Rs 12 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: The candidate should have post qualification Executive/Officer experience of 1 year, in the field of: A) either Construction or Erection in Renewable Energy projects of minimum installed capacity of 100 MW OR B) Design Engineering/Execution of minimum 300 MW Solar Parks Preference shall be given to candidate: A) Experience in Solar PV B) Conversant with Necessary Approvals, TBCB Guidelines, MoP & MNRE Guidelines, CERC Regulations, Grid Code, CEA regulations etc |
9 | Assistant Manager in E-3 Grade | 2 (1-UR and 1-OBC (NCL) | Full Time BE/B-Tech (Electrical/Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India. Preference will be given to candidate with M-Tech Degree. |
Minimum 01 year of post-qualification experience in Executive/Officer in IDA Pay scale IDA: 50,000- 3%-1,60,000 or equivalent level/ post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent Level (Private Sector): Rs 12 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: The candidate should have post qualification Executive/Officer experience of 1 year, in the field of either Construction or Installation or commissioning or O&M in Renewable Energy projects of minimum installed capacity of 100 MW Preference shall be given to candidate: A) Experience in Solar PV B) Conversant with Necessary Approvals, TBCB Guidelines, MoP & MNRE Guidelines, CERC Regulations, Grid Code, CEA regulations etc |
(D) Corporate Planning
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Post | Essential Qualification | Post Qualification Experience |
10 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 2 (1-UR and 1-OBC (NCL) | Full Time BE/B-Tech (Electrical/Mechanical/Civil/Ele ctrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering) Engineering with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India. Desirable Qualification: Full time MBA/PGDM in Energy Management/ Power Management/Strategy with minimum 60%or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute |
Minimum 09 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 OR equivalent level / post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 18 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 09 Years post qualification Executive/Officer experience in a Power Generation company with minimum total installed Capacity of 1000 MW out of which minimum 5 years in planning deptt. Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with formulation of corporate medium and long term growth plans of the organization, Legal, Risk Management, MOU Finalization, Monitoring of MOU, Annual Reports, Coordination with Ministry of Power, Central & State governments, CEA, CWC, CERC, Submission of replies from Statutory & higher Authorities etc |
(E) Contracts & Procurement
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Post | Essential Qualification | Post Qualification Experience |
11 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 2 (1-UR and 1-OBC (NCL) | Full Time BE/B-Tech (Electrical/Mechanical/ Civil/Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering) Engineering with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India.
Desirable Qualification: Full time MBA/PGDM in contract Management/ with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute. |
Minimum 09 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 OR equivalent level / post profile (Private Sector).Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 18 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 09 Years post qualification Executive/Officer experience in Power Generation company with minimum total installed Capacity of 500 MW out of which minimum 5 years of experience in Contract dept. Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with Standard bidding guidelines, Sourcing, Procurement, Tender Evaluation, award of tenders, arbitration and dispute resolution mechanisms, Govt Policies & Guidelines, post award management of contracts etc. |
(F) Safety
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Post | Essential Qualification | Post Qualification Experience |
12 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 3 (2-UR and 1-OBC (NCL) | Full time Degree in Engineering from a recognized University/Institution by appropriate statutory authority in India with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute and Full time Diploma/PG Diploma/PG Degree in Industrial Safety from Regional Labor Institute/Central Labor Institute/Institution recognized under the Factories Act/Rules OR Engineering Degree in Industrial Safety/Fire & Safety with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from University/ Institute recognized under the Factories Act/rules.
Desirable Qualification: Full time MBA/PGDM in safety Management or Full time MTech in Industrial Safety with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute. |
Minimum 09 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 OR equivalent level / post profile ( Private Sector).Equivalent level (private sector) :₹ 18 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Out of total Post Qualification Executive/Officer experience of 9 years, the candidate should have at least 5 Years of experience in a Power Generation company of minimum installed capacity of 1000 MW in safety dept.
Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with Compliance of safety regulations under the Factories Act/Relevant Act, development and implementation of safety inspection/monitoring and audit systems; implementation of safety norms, enforcement of preventive safety measure, organizing safety and firefighting training, Mock exercise etc. |
(G) Project Monitoring
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Post | Essential Qualification | Post Qualification Experience |
13 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 02 (1-UR and 1- OBC (NCL) | Full Time BE/B-Tech (Electrical/Mechanical/Civil/Ele ctrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control / Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering) Engineering with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India.
Desirable Qualification: Full time MBA/PGDM in Project Management with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute |
Minimum 09 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 OR equivalent level / post profile (Private Sector) Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 18 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 09 Years post qualification Executive/Officer experience in Power Generation company with minimum total installed Capacity of 500 MW out of which minimum 5 years of experience in Project planning & Monitoring field Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with Govt Monitoring Guidelines, Mechanism, Online Portals, Preparation of Project Schedules, Planning and monitoring progress, Proficiency in Project Planning & Monitoring softwares Primavera/MS Projects etc |
(H) North East Hydro Projects
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Post | Essential Qualification | Post Qualification Experience |
14 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 02 (1-UR and 1- OBC (NCL) | Full Time BE/B-Tech (Civil) Engineering with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India.
Desirable Qualification: Full Time PG Degree/ PG Diploma/ PG Program in Rural Management/ Rural Development/ Displacement/ Resettlement/ Rehabilitation/ Community Development/ Local Governance /Local Development/ Livelihoods /Social Entrepreneurship/Social Development/ Social Administration/ Sustainable Development/ Development Policy & Practice/ Development Studies or MSW with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute |
Minimum 09 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 OR equivalent level / post profile ( Private Sector).Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 18 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 09 Years post qualification Executive/Officer experience with minimum 05 years of experience in the relevant field in Hydropower Plant of installed capacity of 500 MW or more Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with conducting, reviewing, analysing, monitoring of socio economic surveys (SES), Study and analysis of viability of various rehabilitation & resettlement options, preparing and implementation of RAP plan, handling R&R matters, handling of land acquisition matters under RFCTLARR Act, implementation of CSR Activities or projects, etc. |
(I) Thermal Projects
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Post | Essential Qualification | Post Qualification Experience |
15 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 01 (UR) | Full time regular degree in Electrical / Electrical & Electronics/ with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade Engineering from a recognized University/Institution by appropriate statutory authority in India. |
Minimum 09 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 OR equivalent level / post profile ( Private Sector).Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 18 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 09 years in a Thermal power out of which 5 years’ Executive/Officer experience in O&M of Thermal Power plant including 3 years’ experience in supercritical Power plant Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with O&M of 400 KV or above switchyard and SCADA system. |
16 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 01 (UR) | Full time regular degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Institution of India with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India. | Minimum 09 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 OR equivalent level / post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 18 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return.
Experience: Minimum 09 years in a Thermal power out of which 5 years’ Executive/Officer experience in O&M of Thermal Power plant including 3 years experiences in supercritical Power plant
Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with O&M of Boiler & its associated auxiliaries of Supercritical Power Plant. |
17 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 01 (OBC (NCL) | Full time regular degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Institution of India with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India. |
Minimum 09 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 OR equivalent level / post profile ( Private Sector).Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 18 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 09 years in a Thermal power out of which 5 years’ Executive/Officer experience in O&M of Thermal Power plant including 3 years’ experience in supercritical Power plant Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with Quality & maintenance of Thermal Plant components including CHP & auxiliaries, CHP Operations of Supercritical Power Plant |
18 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 01 (SC) | Full time regular degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Institution of India with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India. | Minimum 09 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 OR equivalent level / post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 18 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return.
Experience: Minimum 09 years Executive/Officer in a Thermal power out of which 5 years experiences in O&M of Thermal Power plant including 3 years’ experience in supercritical Power plant
Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with Erection & Commissioning/Operation & Maintenance of Chimney, FGD & AHP including associate components of Supercritical Power Plant |
19 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 01 (UR) | Full time regular degree in Electrical / / Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Engineering with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized University/Institution by appropriate statutory authority in India. |
Minimum 09 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 OR equivalent level / post profile ( Private Sector).Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 18 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 09 years Executive/Officer in a Thermal power out of which 5 years’ experience in O&M of Thermal Power plant including 3 years’ experience in supercritical Power plant Preference shall be given to the candidate: Conversant with O&M of Generator, Excitation system & associated system of Supercritical Power Plant. |
20 | Manager in E-5 Grade | 01 (ST) | Full time regular degree in Electrical / Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Engineering with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized University/Institution by appropriate statutory authority in India. | Minimum 09 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 70,000-3%-2,00,000 OR equivalent level / post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 18 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return.
Experience: Minimum 09 years Executive/Officer in a Thermal power out of which 5 years’ experience in O&M of Thermal Power plant including 3 years’ experience in supercritical Power plant
Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with O&M of CHP system & associated auxiliaries of Supercritical Power Plant. |
21 | Deputy Manager in E-4 Grade | 01 (UR) | Full time regular degree in Electrical/Electronics/ Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Engineering with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized University/Institution by appropriate statutory authority in India. |
Minimum 05 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 60,000-3%-1,80,000 or equivalent level / post profile ( Private Sector). Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 15 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 5 years Executive/Officer in a Thermal power Plant out of which 3 years’ experience in O&M of Thermal Power plant including 2 years’ experience in supercritical Power plant Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with Control Room Operations of Supercritical Power Plant. |
22 | Deputy Manager in E-4 Grade | 01 (SC) | Full time regular degree in Electrical/Electronics/ Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Engineering with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized University/Institution by appropriate statutory authority in India. | Minimum 05 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 60,000-3%-1,80,000 or equivalent level / post profile ( Private Sector). Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 15 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return.
Experience: Minimum 5 years Executive/Officer in a Thermal power Plant out of which 3 years’ experience in O&M of Thermal Power plant including 2 years’ experience in supercritical Power plants
Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with O&M of Balance of Plant & associated systems of Supercritical Power Plant. |
23 | Assistant Manager in E-3 Grade | 01 (UR) | Full time regular degree in Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Engineering with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized University/Institution by appropriate statutory authority in India. |
Minimum 01 year of post-qualification experience in Executive/Officer in IDA Pay scale IDA: 50,000- 3%-1,60,000 or equivalent level/ post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent Level (Private Sector): Rs 12 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 1 year O&M/Construction / Erection & Commissioning Executive/Officer experience in supercritical Thermal Power plants Preference shall be given to candidate: 1) Conversant with O&M of AHP & associated Auxiliaries of supercritical Power plants |
24 | Assistant Manager in E-3 Grade | 01 (ST) | Full time regular degree in Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Engineering with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized University/Institution by appropriate statutory authority in India. | Minimum 01 year of post-qualification experience in Executive/Officer in IDA Pay scale IDA: 50,000-3%-1,60,000 or equivalent level/ post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent Level (Private Sector): Rs 12 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return.
Experience: Minimum 1year O&M/Construction / Erection & Commissioning Executive/Officer experience in supercritical Thermal Power plants
Preference shall be given to candidate: 1) Conversant with O&M of Generator, excitation system & associated system of supercritical Power plants. |
25 | Assistant Manager in E-3 Grade | 01 (SC) | Full time regular degree in Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Engineering with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized University/Institution by appropriate statutory authority in India |
Minimum 01 year of post-qualification experience in Executive/Officer in IDA Pay scale IDA: 50,000- 3%-1,60,000 or equivalent level/ post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent Level (Private Sector): Rs 12 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 1year O&M/Construction / Erection & Commissioning Executive/Officer experience in supercritical Thermal Power plants Preference shall be given to candidate: 1) Conversant with O&M of CHP/CHP Operations & associated auxiliaries of supercritical Power plants |
26 | Assistant Manager in E-3 Grade | 01 (UR) | Full time regular degree in Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Engineering with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized University/Institution by appropriate statutory authority in India | Minimum 01 year of post-qualification experience in Executive/Officer in IDA Pay scale IDA: 50,000- 3%-1,60,000 or equivalent level/ post profile (Private Sector).Equivalent Level (Private Sector): Rs 12 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return.
Experience: Minimum 1year O&M/Construction / Erection & Commissioning Executive/Officer experience in supercritical Thermal Power plants
Preference shall be given to candidate: 1) Conversant with C&I of Turbine & generators of supercritical Power plants. |
27 | Assistant Manager in E-3 Grade | 01 (UR) | Full time regular degree in Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Engineering with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized University/Institution by appropriate statutory authority in India. |
Minimum 01 year of post-qualification experience in Executive/Officer in IDA Pay scale IDA: 50,000- 3%-1,60,000 or equivalent level/ post profile (Private Sector).Equivalent Level (Private Sector): Rs 12 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 1 year O&M/Construction / Erection & Commissioning Executive/Officer experience in supercritical Thermal Power plants Preference shall be given to candidate: 1) Conversant with C&I of Balance of Plant and other associated system of supercritical Power plants |
28 | Assistant Manager in E-3 Grade | 01 (OBC (NCL) | Full time regular degree in Electrical/ Electrical & Electronics/ Instrumentation & Control/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Engineering with minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade from a recognized University/Institution by appropriate statutory authority in India. | Minimum 01 year of post-qualification experience in Executive/Officer in IDA Pay scale IDA: 50,000- 3%-1,60,000 or equivalent level/ post profile (Private Sector).Equivalent Level (Private Sector): Rs 12 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return.
Experience: Minimum 1year O&M/Construction / Erection & Commissioning Executive/Officer experience in supercritical Thermal Power plants
Preference shall be given to candidate: 1) Conversant with Control Room operations of supercritical Power plants |
29 | Assistant Manager in E-3 Grade | 01 (UR) | Full time regular degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Institution of India with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India. |
Minimum 01 year of post-qualification experience in Executive/Officer in IDA Pay scale IDA: 50,000- 3%-1,60,000 or equivalent level/ post profile (Private Sector).Equivalent Level (Private Sector): ₹ 12 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from the private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 1 year O&M/construction/ Erection & Commissioning Executive/Officer experience in supercritical Thermal Power plants Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with Erection & Commissioning/Operation & Maintenance of Chimney, FGD & AHP including associate components of Supercritical Power Plant. |
30 | Assistant Manager in E-3 Grade | 01 (OBC (NCL) | Full time regular degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Institution of India with minimum 60% or equivalent grade from recognized University/ Institute by appropriate statutory authority in India. |
Minimum 01 year of post-qualification experience in Executive/Officer in IDA Pay scale IDA: 50,000- 3%-1,60,000 or equivalent level/ post profile(Private Sector). Equivalent Level (Private Sector): ₹ 12 Lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return. Experience: Minimum 1 year O&M/Construction/ Erection & Commissioning Executive/Officer experience in supercritical Thermal Power plants Preference shall be given to candidate: Conversant with O&M of CHP/CHP Operations & associated auxiliaries of supercritical Power plants |
(J) Environment
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of PostEssential Qualification | Post Qualification | Experience |
31 | Senior Manager in E-6 Grade | 02 (UR) | Full-Time B.E/B.Tech with M.Tech. in Environmental Engineering from recognised Indian university or Institute recognized by appropriate statutory authority in India with not less than 60% marks |
Minimum 13 Years post qualification experience in executive/Officer cadre out of which minimum 3 years in immediate lower grade /Scale (CDA/IDA). IDA: 80,000-3%-2,20,000 or equivalent level / post profile (Private Sector). Equivalent level (private sector) : ₹ 20 lacs p.a CTC. The candidate from private sector should also submit Form 16 of Previous employer of FY 23-24 related to income tax return.
Experience: Minimum 13 years post qualification Executive/Officer experience in a Power Generation out of which minimum 6 years in relevant field |
(K) Medical
Post Code | Name of the Post | No. of Post | Essential Qualification | Post Qualification Experience |
32 | Senior Medical Officer on Regular Basis E-3 Grade | 05 (UR-04 and OBC (NCL)-01) | MBBS Degree from institutes/colleges recognized by Medical Council of India. AND Registration in Medical Council of India. | Post Qualification experience of 3 years. (Internship training shall not be counted as experience) |
Upper Age Limit for each posts grade-wise:
Sl.No. | Designation and Grade | Upper Age Limit as on 17.07.2024 |
1 | Senior Manager -E-6 Grade | 48 years |
2 | Manager-E-5 Grade | 45 years |
3 | Deputy Manager-E-4 Grade | 40 years |
4 | Senior Medical Officer-E-3 Grade | 34 years |
5 | Assistant Manager-E-3 Grade | 32 years |
Post Identified Suitable for PwBDs Category:
Post Code | Post Identified Suitable for |
1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30. | b) D, HH
c) OA, OL, LC, Dw, AAV d) SLD, MI e) MD Involving (b) to (d) above |
5, 6, 8 and 14 | b) D, HH
c)OA, OL, CP, LC, Dw , AAV d) SLD, MI e) MD involving (b) to (d) above |
15 | b) D, HH
c) OA, OL, BL, OAL, CP, LC, Dw, AAV d) SLD, MI e) MD involving (b) to (d) above |
31 | a) B, LV
b) D, HH c) OA, OL, AAV, Dw, LC d) SLD, MI e) MD Involving (a) to (d) above |
32 | c) OA, OL, BL, OAL, LC, Dw, AAV
d) SLD e) MD involving (c) to (d) above |
3, 4 and 12 | Post not identified for PwBDs candidates |
Abbreviations: B=Blind, LV=Low Vision, D=Deaf, HH=Hard of Hearing, OA=One Arm, BA=Both Arm, OL=One Leg, BL=Both Leg, OAL=One Arm and One Leg, CP=Cerebral Palsy, LC=Leprosy Cured, Dw=Dwarfism, AAV=Acid Attack Victims, MDy= Muscular Dystrophy SLD=Specific Learning Disability, MI=Mental Illness and MD=Multiple Disabilities.
Vacancies earmarked for PwBDs:
Post Code |
PwBDs Category | |||
Category a | Category b | Category c | Category d & e | |
6 | NIL | NIL | 01 | NIL |
9 | NIL | 01 | NIL | NIL |
11 | NIL | 01 | NIL | NIL |
Relaxation & Concession
- Wherever a post is reserved, preference shall be given to OBC (non-Creamy Layer)/SC/ST/PwBDs (Degree of Disability 40% or above)/Ex-Servicemen /J&K Domiciled/Victims of Riots candidates in accordance with Government of India directives/guidelines.
- Category (SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBDs/ Ex-Servicemen /EWS) once filled in the online Registration form will not be changed and no benefit of these categories will be admissible later on.
- For Departmental Candidates (only THDCIL Regular Employees) relaxation/concession shall be as per THDCIL Recruitment Policy & Procedures.
- For SC/ST candidates only “Pass Marks” is required in Essential Qualification wherever the vacancy is reserved.
- Relaxation/concession to OBC(NCL)/SC/ST/ PwBDs/ EWS/ Ex-Servicemen/J&K Domiciled/Victims of riots shall be as per Government of India Directives wherever the vacancy is reserved.
Selection Process
- Eligible candidates shall be shortlisted category wise for Personal Interview.
- The Selection process consists of marks obtained in Personal Interview.
- A candidate cannot be considered for empanelment until they have passed the personal interview. The following lists the qualifying percentage marks for each category at the interview:
Category | Qualifying Percentage Marks |
Unreserved (UR)/EWS | 50% |
OBC(NCL)/SC/ST/PwBDs/Ex-Servicemen* | 30% |
4. Weightage of Different Parameters:
For calculation of final score of the candidate for empanelment, the weightage of marks obtained in Personal Interview shall be considered as indicated below:
S.No. | Criteria | Weightage |
1 | Personal Interview | 100% |
5. The offer of appointment shall be issued to the suitable candidates in the order of category wise merit.
Note: The Management reserves the right to undertake an online screening, shortlisting, or selection test, or to enhance the minimum eligibility criteria as needed, in order to limit the number of candidates who will be invited for an interview, if necessary.
Health Standards
Applicants should have sound health. Before joining, candidates will have to undergo medical examination by CMO of any Govt Hospitals. No relaxation in Medical Norms is allowed. For details of norms and Standard of Medical Fitness, please visit “Medical Norms” on recruitment of our website
Compensation Package
The organization offers a very attractive pay package and is one of the best in the Power Sector Industry.
The selected candidates for will be placed at respective minimum basic pay in the following pay scale:
Executive Post
Grade | Scale of Pay |
E-6 | 90,000-3%-2,40,000 |
E-5 | 80,000-3%-2,20,000 |
E-4 | 70,000-3%-2,00,000 |
E-3 | 60,000-3%-1,80,000 |
Protection of Basic Pay in case of PSU and Govt. Employees as per DPE Guidelines issued from time to time.
The compensation package must contain the following: base salary, dearness allowance, perks and allowances (at a rate equivalent to 35% of basic pay in the cafeteria), performance-related pay, company-leased housing (also known as company quarters or HRA), According to business policies that are periodically in effect, compensation for monthly transportation, expenses, mobile device facilities, communication costs, etc., will be permitted.
The Corporation also offers excellent facilities like short and long term Loans & Advances including House Building Advance, Car Loan, Computer/ Laptop Loan, Medical facilities, Group Insurance, PF, NPS, Gratuity and Pension, Post-Retirement Medical Benefits etc.
Registration Fees
₹ 600/- (Rupees Six Hundred Only) shall be payable by candidates belonging to General and OBC/EWS category through online mode.
No fee for SC/ST/PwBDs/Ex-Servicemen/Departmental candidates/Candidates belonging to Doob Kshetra/ Project Affected Area Families of THDC Projects.
The selected candidates are liable to be posted/transferred to any of the Projects, Stations, Offices, JV’s, Subsidiaries of THDCIL within India and abroad.
General Information and Instructions
- Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
- The applicant must confirm that they meet all qualifying requirements and other standards outlined in this posting. An applicant will not be permitted to participate in a personal interview if, after being shortlisted based on the information provided, they do not match the requirements.
- All qualifications should be from an Indian University/Institute recognized by appropriate statutory authority and should be only Full-Time & Regular.
- Computation of age and experience shall be done as on 17.07.2024.
- Training, apprenticeship, internship, and teaching period are not considered forms of experience.
- While applying for the post, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned above, as on the specified dates and that the particulars furnished are correct in all respects. In case it is detected at any stage of THDCIL Recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material facts, his/her candidature will stand automatically canceled. If any of the above shortcomings is/are detected even after appointment his/her services are liable to be terminated without any notice. Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate.
- The mere fact that a candidate has submitted an application against the advertisement and apparently fulfilling the criteria as prescribed in the advertisement would not bestow on him/her the right to be definitely called for interview/considered further for the selection process.
- The candidate will be disqualified for any kind of canvassing.
- Candidates claiming to belong to any particular category shall/ necessarily furnish valid EWS/ OBC (NCL)/SC/ST/ PwBDs Certificate, as the case may be, from Competent Authority. For posts where there are identified vacancies for OBC (NCL)/SC/ST/ PwBDs/EWS candidates, are required to submit requisite certificate in the latest prescribed format of Government India, issued in the current year only (i.e 2024-2025) .Relaxation can be extended in case of vacancies identified for SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/PwBDs/EWS candidates. The upper age limit shall be relaxed by 05 years for SC/ST/, 03 years for OBC (NCL) candidates. It shall be relaxed by 10 years for PwBD-General/EWS, 13 years for PwBDs for OBC (NCL) and 15 years for PwBDs- SC/ST/ candidates. The OBC candidates who belong to “Creamy Layer” are not entitled for concession admissible to OBC-category and such candidates have to indicate their category as General. Upper age is relaxed by 05 years for the candidates who had ordinary been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989 in addition, the age relaxation for Ex-Servicemen (ExSM) will be as per Government of India guidelines/directives.
- Format prescribed for furnishing certificates for SC/ST, OBC, EWS and PwBDs (as applicable for the relevant PwBDs category), formats are available in THDCIL website
- The closing date for receipt of application will be treated as the date reckoning for SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/EWS/PwBDs status of the candidate and the candidate should be in possession of necessary certificates as on this date.
- In case Caste /Category Certificate is issued in a language other than Hindi or English, candidates are advised to produce a certified translation of the same in either Hindi or English language at the time of document verification
- Candidates belonging to Doob Kshetra/THDCIL Project Affected Area Family the certificate shall be valid only if the same is issued by Special Land Acquisition Officer (SLO) duly verified by concerned District Authority.
- Candidates shall be required to bring a valid photo ID to the interview. Photocopies of the original identification document shall not be acceptable. Candidates will not be permitted to appear for the Group Discussion/Personal interview if original and valid photo identification is not presented.
- Candidates are advised to keep their email ID, Mobile No. active at least for one year. No change in e-mail ID and Mob. No. will be allowed once entered. All future correspondence shall be sent via e-mail/ or SMS only.
- All information regarding this recruitment process shall be made available in the recruitment section of our website and no separate communication shall be made. Applicants are advised to check the website periodically for updates related to the recruitment process.
- Candidates working in Govt./PSU are required to produce a “ No objection Certificate” from the present employer at the time of Group Discussion/Personal Interview.
- Internal (Departmental) Candidates may apply as per the provision mentioned in THDCIL THDCIL Recruitment Policy and Procedures. Applications not received as per procedure mentioned in the THDCIL Recruitment Policy and Procedures shall not be considered.
- Candidates employed with Government Departments/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies will be required to submit a relieving letter from the current organization at the time of joining if selected for the post.
- Depending on the requirement THDCIL reserves the right to cancel / restrict /curtail/enlarge / modify / alter the recruitment/ selection process and number of vacancies, if need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning anyreason thereafter.
- For any queries, regarding this recruitment process, please send email to [email protected].
- Any proceeding in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and/or an application response there to can be instituted only in Dehradun (Uttarakhand) and Court/tribunals/ forums at Dehradun (Uttarakhand) only shall have sole exclusive jurisdiction to try any such cause/dispute.
- In case any ambiguity/ dispute arises on account of interpretation in versions other than English, the English version will prevail.
- Application registered without/ incomplete documents shall be summarily rejected even though registration number has been generated. Candidates should not send any documents/certificates or print out of Registration slip/form through post.
How to apply?
Before applying for Online Registration Form candidates should possess the following:
- Valid and active Email ID and Mobile No. (A valid email ID and mobile number are mandatory for online registration. If you don’t have an email ID, create one before applying. Keep them active for at least one year, as no changes will be allowed after entry. All correspondence will be via email and/or SMS.)
- Scanned copy of recent passport size color photograph of the candidate with white background (Size-50 KB & Format-JPG/PNG/PDF)
- Scanned signature of the candidate. (Size-20 KB & Format-JPG/PNG/PDF).
- (Scan and upload your signature (in black ink on a white background) in the designated space on the online registration form. Ensure your uploaded signature is clearly visible and identifiable.)
- Scanned copy of Marksheet of Class Xth and XIIth Marksheet (Size-125 KB & Format-JPG/PNG/PDF)
- Marksheet & Degree (Full-Time/Regular) of respective essential qualification. (Size-500 KB & FormatJPG/PNG/PDF).
Note: Candidates having Additional Qualification are supposed to upload the supporting documents along with documents of essential qualification as one file. - Scanned copy of Experience Certificate. (Size-500 KB & Format-JPG/PNG/PDF). (if applicable) (Candidates should ensure that they have uploaded all their experience certificates as one file)
- Scanned copy of Caste/ Category Certificate (if applicable in case of SC/ST/OBC(NCL)/PwBD/J&K Domiciled / Ex-Servicemen/ Victims of riots /Doob Kshetra of THDC Projects) in a format prescribed by the Government of India. (Size-125 KB & Format-JPG/PNG/PDF)
- Scanned copy of Proof of norms adopted by University/Institute to convert CGPA/OGPA/DGPA into percentage. (Size-125 KB & Format-JPG/PNG/PDF)
If CGPA is not applicable then upload the scanned copy of the Marksheet.
- Scanned copy of Form 16 of Previous Employer of FY 2023-2024.
(Size-125 KB & Format-JPG/PNG/PDF)
Steps to Fill in Online Registration Form:
- The relevant link will be made available on THDCIL website →Career Section→ New Openings. No other means/ mode of Registration Form shall be accepted. Candidates shall only apply through online registration link. Before filling the Online Registration Form please read eligibility criteria and essential qualification required carefully.
- Candidates must fill in their Basic Information. Candidates must enter the same name in the same configuration as mentioned in their certificate.
- You must carefully complete the Basic Information areas. For example, the state of residence, category, religion, and other requested information.
- Fill in the details of Academics & Professional Qualification as per your marksheet and certificate only. Provide marks as per your marksheet. In case of CGPA provide correct marks in percentage after conversion.
- While filling in the Languages Known remember to tick the boxes provided in that section as well. Next fill in Address details and other information.
- Fill in the details of your experience with proper mention of the period of service.
- Please upload all documents in the specified size and format. Verify that every document uploaded is readable and clear.
- Upon completing the filling of the details in Registration form, candidate has to click the Save button and then proceed further:
- For the candidates belonging to General, OBC(NCL) and EWS, the Payment Now option will appear before the final submission of the Registration Form, the candidate has to click on Payment Now and complete the payment process. After completion of Payment process, the candidates shall complete the application form by filling up of Payment details and then shall click on the Submit Button at the bottom of the page.
- For ST/SC/PwBD/ J&K Domiciled / Ex-Servicemen/ Victims of riots /Doob Kshetra (Project Affected)/ Department Candidates (THDCIL Employees only) need not pay the Registration Fee and no Payment Now option will appear, for such candidates, they have to directly click on Submit button at the bottom for Final Submission.
IMPORTANT NOTE: After clicking of Submit button (subsequent to successful payment of application fees and filling of payment details in the online form) the Registration Form will be considered complete and submitted for Final Submission
- The candidate needs to print off the completed application form and preserve it in a safe place for future use. (This print out of application should be kept in safe custody of the candidate. Candidates must not send this printout to any office of THDCIL)
- Other Points:
➢ All Information regarding this recruitment process shall be made available in the career section of our website and no separate communication shall be made.
➢ Applicants should keep sufficient copies of same photographs in reserve for future use, which they are using in the Online Registration.
➢ Applicants can send their Query related to Recruitment to e-mail ID: [email protected]
➢ After submitting their application, candidates are advised to often visit the website and their registered email address for any updates regarding this THDCIL Recruitment.
How to make payment?
➢ For GENERAL, OBC(NCL) & EWS CANDIDATES- Candidates have to click on the payment now link and make payment of Registration fee-₹ 600/- (₹. Six Hundred only)
➢ For ST/SC/PwBDs / Ex-Servicemen/Doob Kshetra of THDC Projects/Departmental Candidates the Registration fee is exempted.
- Visit SBI Collect from
- Select Category———-> PSU-Public Sector Undertaking.
- Search for PSU- Public Sector Undertaking and type—- THDC INDIA LIMITED
- Fill in the details like a. Name, b. Application No. (THDC Registration No.), c. Mobile Number, d. Father’s Name and e. Email ID. (Please fill in the same details as entered in the online application) f. Advertisement No. (Fill-03/2024), g. Post (Fill Postcode),h. Discipline (Fill Post Name) and i. Amount (Fill Rs 600/-)
- Enter your details——-> Click on Individual and fill details like Name, Date of Birth, Mobile No., Email ID. (Please fill in the same details as entered in online application)
- Click on the Check Box- I have read and agreed to Terms & Conditions.
- Enter the Captcha and Click on Next.
- Verify payment details and Click on Next.
- Select the payment mode and make payment of fees.
Important Points:
- On making the payment a unique number will be generated and the candidates will receive it on their Registered Mobile Number through SMS.
- Candidates should take print out of receipt of Registration Fee and keep it with him/her safely for future reference. Candidates must not send this printout to any office of THDCIL.
- If Registration Fee is deducted from the bank account and candidate receives failure payment message, after submitted the Registration Form and Payment Now displaying on the Registration form then candidates are advised to read instructions carefully under “Steps for making payment of Registration Fee” and accordingly once again make the payment of Registration fee or contact his/her bank.
- Bank Commission charges will be borne by the candidates. In case the fee is deposited in the wrong account then THDCIL will not be responsible.
- Registration fee deposited after the Last date of Online Registration will not be valid.
- Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to ensure their eligibility before applying for any post and payment of Registration Fee.
Important Dates:
Sl.No. | Particular | Date & Time |
1 | Opening of Online Registration | 17.07.2024 (10:00 AM) |
2 | Closing of Online Registration | 16.08.2024 (06:00 PM) |
- Applicants are advised to check the Recruitment section of our website regularly for any updates.
- In order to avoid last minute rush, the candidates are advised to apply early enough. THDCIL will not be responsible for network problems or any other problem in submission of online applications.
- Registration Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- According to point number 24 of the General Information and Instructions, an application form that is submitted without the Registration Fee will be considered incomplete and will be summarily rejected.
Dear Aspirants,
Take your GATE, ESE, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).
So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

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