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GAIL India Recruitment for Executive Trainee through GATE 2021



GAIL India Recruitment: GAIL (India) Limited, a Maharatna PSU and India’s flagship Natural Gas Company integrating all aspects of the Natural Gas value chain (including Exploration & Production, Processing, Transmission, Distribution and Marketing) and its related services. In a rapidly changing scenario, GAIL is spearheading the move to a new era of clean fuel industrialization by creating a quadrilateral of green energy corridors that connect major consumption centers in India with major gas fields, LNG terminals and other cross border gas sourcing points. GAIL is also expanding its business overseas to become a formidable player in the International Market.

GAIL is looking for committed, vibrant and passionate young Graduate Engineers for filling up following posts as per category wise GAIL India Recruitment indicated against each post by using GATE-2021 score.

GAIL India Recruitment Details:

Sl. NoPostGradeUREWSSCSTOBC (NCL)Total Vacancies
1.Executive Trainee (Chemical)E-2811313
2.Executive Trainee (Instrumentation)*E-25122212
Note* 01 Vacancy of Executive Trainee (Instrumentation) is reserved for Multiple Disability among HH and OH (OL) category.

Minimum Educational Qualifications

Sl. NoPost/DisciplineMinimum Essential Qualification
1.Executive Trainee (Chemical)Bachelor Degree in Engineering /Technology in Chemical/ Petrochemical/ Chemical Technology/ Petrochemical Technology with minimum 65% Marks
2.Executive Trainee (Instrumentation)Bachelor Degree in Engineering /Technology in Instrumentation/ Instrumentation & Control/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Electrical & Instrumentation/ Electronics/ Electrical & Electronics with minimum 65% Marks
Note* Only full time Regular courses will be considered.


Relaxation in Minimum Educational Qualifications

Relaxation in minimum percentage of marks in essential qualification will be provided in respect of SC, ST and PwBD category candidates as per following –

  • Wherever minimum percentage of marks have been specified as 65%, relaxed minimum percentage of marks in educational qualification in respect of SC, ST and PwBD category candidates is 60%.
  • SC/ ST /PwBD category candidates applying against unreserved posts shall be considered under general standard of merit and no relaxation in minimum qualifying percentage of marks in education qualification shall be available to them.

Age Limit and Relaxation for GAIL India Recruitment

  1. The upper Age Limit is 26 years as on 16.03.2021 for the posts of Executive Trainee in all disciplines.
  2. The upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years for SC/ST category candidates and 03 years for OBC (NCL) category candidates. It is relaxable by 10 years for PwBD-General/EWS, 13 years for PwBD-OBC (NCL) and 15 years for PwBD-SC/ST category candidates. The above relaxation in upper age limit is applicable only in respect of posts, which are reserved for SC/ ST/ OBC (NCL) candidates. SC/ ST/ OBC (NCL) candidates applying against unreserved (UR) posts shall be considered under general standard of merit and no relaxation in upper age limit shall be available to them. Relaxation in upper age limit shall be applicable for PwBDs irrespective of the fact whether the post is reserved or not, provided the post is identified suitable for PwBDs. The upper age limit is also relaxable by 05 years for candidates domiciled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir between 1.1.1980 and 31.12.1989.
  3. In case of Ex-servicemen who have put in not less than six months continuous service in the Armed Forces of the Union, they shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service (actual service rendered in the Armed Forces) from their actual age. And if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the posts/ services for which a candidate seeks appointment by more than 3 years, he/she be deemed to satisfy the conditions regarding the age limit.
  4. Maximum upper age of the applicant shall not exceed 56 years including all possible age relaxations.

Pay Scale / Emoluments for GAIL India Recruitment

  1. Selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of Rs.60, 000 – 1, 80,000/- at the Basic Pay of Rs.60, 000/- during one year training cum probation as Executive Trainee in E-2 grade. On successful completion of their Training cum Probation Period, they will be absorbed in the same Pay Scale of Rs.60, 000 – 1, 80,000/- in E-2 grade.
  2. Pay and Allowances: Basic Pay as applicable in the grade, Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) at the applicable rates and perks & allowances under cafeteria approach.
  3. Variable Pay: Performance Related Pay based on individual and organizational performance.
  4. Other Benefits: Company Accommodation / Leased Accommodation / HRA, medical facility, group insurance, etc.
  5. Superannuation Benefits: Besides Contributory Provident Fund, Gratuity and Pension, employees who superannuate from GAIL after rendering a minimum of 15 years of service will also be entitled to Post-Retirement Medical Benefits.

All the above benefits will be governed by the policy of the Company in force & amended from time to time.

Placement / Assignments

During the Training-cum-Probation period and/ or after absorption, the candidates may be posted at any of the installations/ projects/ offices, etc. of GAIL (India) Limited or any of the subsidiaries/ Joint Ventures of GAIL (India) Limited or deputed to any Department of Government of India/ other PSUs, etc. The selected candidates may be assigned jobs/ functions/ assignments as per the business requirements of the company including shift operations.


Dear Aspirants,

Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).

So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

MADE EASY : ESE, GATE & PSUs Youtube ChannelLive Online Classes for GATE and ESE 2023  

Selection and Application Process for GAIL India Recruitment

  1. GAIL will be utilizing Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering–2021 score (GATE-2021 Score) for recruitment of Executive Trainees in the disciplines of Chemical and Instrumentation during the year 2021.
  2. Eligible candidates who wish to apply for the position of Executive Trainees in GAIL will be required to first register for GATE-2021 and thereafter, appear in GATE-2021 as per instructions and timelines notified by GATE-2021 Organizing Institute in one of the following relevant GATE Examination Papers:
Sl. NoPost/ DisciplineGATE PaperCode
1.Executive Trainee (Chemical)Chemical EngineeringCH
2.Executive Trainee

( Instrumentation)

Instrumentation EngineeringIN


List of disciplines/ branches considered equivalent to each of the above 02 disciplines advertised is given below:

GAIL DisciplineDisciplines/ Branches of Engineering to be considered equivalent against GAIL DisciplineCorresponding GATE-2021 Paper to be appeared by the candidateCorresponding GATE-2021 Paper Code
Chemical1. Chemical

2. Petrochemical

3. Chemical Technology 4. Petrochemical Technology

Chemical EngineeringCH
Instrumentation1. Instrumentation

2. Instrumentation & Control

3. Electronics & Instrumentation

4. Electrical & Instrumentation

5. Electronics

6. Electrical & Electronics

Instrumentation EngineeringIN
Note* It may be noted that candidates having Engineering Degree in a branch/discipline other than as specified above are not eligible to apply.
  1. Based on the GATE-2021 score and requirement, candidates will be shortlisted for Group Discussion and/ or Personal Interview for the position of Executive Trainee in the above disciplines. Please note that only GATE-2021 score is valid for GAIL India Recruitment exercise. GATE score of 2020 or prior to that is not valid.
  2. The candidates who have registered with GATE-2021 are required to download the admit card from GATE Official website upon its activation. On receipt/ downloading of GATE-2021 Admit card with registration number, candidates will have to separately apply online in GAIL indicating their GATE 2021 Registration Number in the “Careers” section of GAIL website For this purpose, the relevant link will be made available in the “Careers” section of our website It may be noted that application without valid GATE-2021 registration number will be rejected.
  3. Please ensure that the GATE-2021 Registration number which is mentioned on your GATE-2021 admit card, is entered correctly in the online application. Name should be filled up as appearing in your GATE-2021 Admit card. No request with respect to making changes in any data/ particulars entered by the candidate in the online application will be entertained, once the application is submitted successfully.
  4. CANDIDATES WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPLY ONLINE THROUGH GAIL WEBSITE: only, indicating their GATE-2021 Registration Number. No other means/ mode of application shall be accepted. The relevant link will be made available from 1100 hrs. on 15.02.2021 till 1800 hrs. on 16.03.2021.
  5. A candidate can apply for one post/ discipline only. Candidates applying for more than one post/ discipline will not be considered.
  6. After successful submission of online application by the candidate, a unique registration number shall be generated by the system and a message shall be displayed in the system that the online application has been submitted successfully. And an auto generated email mentioning the unique registration number shall reach to the candidate informing that his/ her application has been submitted successfully.
  7. After applying online, candidate is required to take a printout of the Application Form generated by the system with unique registration number. The candidate has to affix his/ her recent passport size colour photograph in the space provided in the application and put his/ her signature as per instructions provided and keep it with him/ her safely. Candidates called for Group Discussion and/ or Interview will be required to produce the same application form at the time of Group Discussion and/ or Interview. Candidates should not send print out of the online application to any office of GAIL (India) Limited.
  8. There is no separate fee for applying for the above posts of Executive Trainees in GAIL.
  9. 9 List of candidates shortlisted for Group Discussion and/ or Interviews and also the list of selected candidates for appointment for the above posts will be displayed on GAIL Website for the information of the candidates in due course of time. Candidates are advised to visit GAIL Website for latest updates.
  10. Candidates can go through the “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)” available in the “Careers” section of GAIL Website In case, any particular query is not covered in the FAQs, the candidates can write to GAIL at

Important Dates for GAIL India Recruitment


Sl. NoActivityDate
1.Opening of GAIL website for online submission of application by candidates indicating GATE-2021 Registration Number


(11:00 hours onwards)

2.Last date for submission of online application in GAIL by candidates


(Up to 1800 hours)


1.       For detailed information regarding GATE-2021, interested candidates may log on to or website of IISc, Bangalore and IITs (Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee)

2.       Candidates are advised to visit GAIL Website regularly for latest updates. 


For Queries / Clarifications

Helpdesk Contact Number011‐26172580


Must Read:

  1. Job Notification Download
  2. GATE 2025 Response Sheet Released
  3. GATE 2025 Rank Predictor

Dear Aspirants,

Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).

So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

MADE EASY : ESE, GATE & PSUs Youtube ChannelGATE 2024: Exam pattern and Syllabus 
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