How to cope up with Long hours of Classroom Program?
As the preparation for the GATE 2023 and ESE 2023 examinations has already started, all the students are reading, revising, solving, and concentrating on their books/courses. While some students might be preparing from their home through Online Classes or Self-study, others have joined the Classroom Program. This is to supplement their studies and understand the subjects better.
Each year thousands of engineering graduates join MADE EASY Classroom Program as there is no substitute for the preparation through classroom courses. The kind of attention and exposure that students get through the classroom program is unmatchable. They are able to raise their doubts with the faculties in real-time to get a resolution. On top of it studying under the guidance of the most renowned and experienced faculties of GATE & ESE in India is something that is unmatchable.
However, we need to understand that the syllabus of GATE and ESE is quite vast, due to which the students have to study for long hours in order to complete the syllabus on time. Some students are able to properly manage their time wherein there are a lot of students who are not able to manage their time in an effective and efficient manner. So, it becomes a matter of concern.
In this article, we will talk about how to cope up with the long hours of the classroom programs.
Long study hours of the classroom program:
As the syllabus for the exam is huge and the time available is limited, the coaching institutes make sure that they do not leave out anything. They try to cover every inch of the syllabus to the best of their capability. Ensuring that the students do not face any problem during the examination and are thorough with their subjects. In order to ensure proper coverage of the syllabus some methods used are:
Long classroom timing: Unlike college, where classes were for 45 minutes to 1 hour. The classroom teaching in coaching institutes can exceed up to 4 hours as well. Sometimes there are back-to-back classes and you are studying for some 7-8 hours straight. This can be really exhausting as these long duration classes plays with your mind and you may lose focus midway.
Extra classes: In order to ensure that the students have no issue in a particular subject, sometimes faculties take extra classes for the grooming of the students.
All these, along with the study hours you take out for your personal study, make it difficult for students to cope up. Some students accept this schedule while some give up their classes in order to fully concentrate on their personal study. Giving up on your classes is a bad decision and it is important that the students learn how to cope with the busy and long hours of the classroom program.
Coping up with long hours of classroom program:
1. Make sure you make notes:
While sitting in the class do not just listen to what the teacher is saying as it can lead to losing focus. Therefore, ensure that you make notes of what the teacher is trying to say. Most of the teachers give notes after the explanation. During the explanation, also try to make short notes so that you stay focused and are listening to the teacher with full concentration.
2. Ask questions:
While in the classroom, make sure that you clear your doubts in the classroom itself. Many a time students get stuck with a doubt in their head and are shy to ask that to the teacher. They can’t clear the doubt and they lose their focus and before they know they miss out on the entire lecture and get stuck with their doubt. Thus clear the doubt as it oops up do not wait to run behind the teacher after the class to the faculty room to clear your doubt.
3. Try to get a brief idea about the topic:
Before you leave for the class make sure that you get a brief idea about what the teacher will be teaching that day. Pick up a book of the particular subject and just for a brief moment brush through the topic. As you might have already read it in graduation, it will refresh your memory and you will be able to better concentrate in the classroom if you have an idea about what the teacher is talking about. Not doing so will easily distract you and you may not be able to cope up with the long hours of the classroom program.
4. Avoid Gossip-Mongers :
While in the classroom, your environment plays a major role. So make sure that you are not sitting with someone who is constantly talking. Such students will for sure distract you with their gossip. Before you know you will be more involved in what your neighbor has to say than what your teacher is explaining. Therefore, try to sit among unknown people or with serious students during the classroom. This will help you concentrate better in the class.
5. Be the frontbencher:
Backbenchers are not necessarily losers but if you are finding it hard to cope with the long duration of the classroom, try to sit in the front benches. When sitting right under the teacher’s nose you are always attentive and you make sure to listen to things carefully. Thus avoid backbenches.
6. Consistency is the key:
The key to cope up with long hours of study in the classroom is consistency. No matter how many techniques you apply, consistency will be the only thing that will keep you going. The one reason why students find it hard to cope with long hours is that they can not cope up with this routine. So the only way to cope up is to make this routine your life till the time you are studying. To become consistent what is important is that you need to attend the classes daily and sit for the entire classroom session. In the start, it may be difficult for you and you might become fidgety at first but later in a week or two you will get used to it and before you know you can sit for hours studying not only in the classroom but also at home. Thus make sure you do not leave the class or the coaching in the middle. Fight till the end and only then will you see the results of cracking the GATE or ESE examination.
7. Always remember your why:
During the exam preparation, the long study hours and the monotonous life sometimes makes people crib about it. Some of the students also leave their journey in between settling for something lesser. In such cases always remember why you started it all. Unable to cope up with the long hours of the classroom programs, some students forget why they are doing it. Therefore, make sure that you keep reminding yourself that why you are here. If your goals and ambitions are clear, small hurdles like these will be a piece of cake for you. Always remember that the main war is fighting the examination and clearing it with flying colors. Being able to cope up with the long study hours of a classroom program is a mere battle that you have to fight to be prepared for the main examination.
8. Understand the need the long hours:
The GATE examination is conducted once a year for a duration of 3 hours. For straight 3 hours, you have to sit in the examination hall and keep your brain running. Similarly, the ESE examination is conducted in 3 phases. In the first phase, two papers are conducted for 2 hours and 3 hours respectively. Whereas, in the second phase 2 papers are conducted for a 3-hour duration each. If a student plans to crack the GATE or ESE examination, he /she must get into the habit of sitting for long hours. This is the reason why institutes take long classes to prepare the students for the final examination. Thus, if you feel it is getting difficult for you to sit for so long in the classroom, then remember that the final examination also requires this patience and you will be good to go.
9. Keep yourself hydrated:
Sometimes students do not realize this but water is the one thing that really helps in keeping you going. Therefore, even when in the classroom, keep a bottle of water with you. Keep yourself hydrated and you will be able to fight the lethargy you feel in the classroom.
10. Physical exercise or Meditation:
Life during the preparation of the exam gets pretty tough with all the pressure from family and peers. There is so much going on in the mind that sometimes we forget to breathe and take time out for ourselves. In this situation, it gets difficult to concentrate on just one thing. Well to get rid of it and concentrate better in the classroom make sure you take care of yourself. Include some physical exercise or meditation in your routine. This will keep you calm and will help you cope up better with this lifestyle.
How to reduce exam stress?
Exam pressure can help an exam aspirant build or spoil his career depending on the way in which the candidate handles exam pressure. Therefore, it is essential to learn exam stress management strategies and learn the art of coping with exam pressure in an effective way. If you are a competitive exam aspirant, it is crucial to understand that you must learn exam stress management in the best possible manner to yield the best results in the respective competitive exams.
Here are some expert-recommended stress control tips that will aid in effective exam stress management for respective competitive exams.
Learn to relax: Most exam aspirants panic when they start with their competitive exam preparation. To excel in these exams, it is important to avoid panicking and stay calm. A calm mind is of utmost importance during exam preparation. So, keep your mind calm and see stress fading away from your life for the good.
Don’t bottle up: If the question ‘how to cope with stress’ pops up regularly in your mind, you must know that it is not a healthy indication. Usually, young and adult students hide their feelings when they feel stressed. Such actions often lead to the bottling up of emotions related to stress, thereby leading to a steep rise in stress levels.
Prepare well: Exam preparation majorly influences the stress levels in the exam aspirants’ lives. If you want to become the exam aspirant who scores the top exam scores, you must learn the real art of coping with exam pressure in an effective way. Proper exam preparation under the guidance of experienced faculties is one of the prime exam stress management strategies.
Attempt practice tests as real exam: Practicing mock tests proves to be highly beneficial for the exam aspirants who are preparing for the competitive exams. Therefore, it is crucial to attempt every test in the form of an actual exam. Make sure that you create the actual exam surrounding during each practice and mock test. This is one of the most effective exam stress management strategies available for exam aspirants.
Keep distractions away: It is quite natural to get distracted by social networking and engaging in different activities with friends during the exam aspirants’ sensitive stage of life. Therefore, if you want to reduce stress and excel in the exam at the same time you need to choose your immediate friends circle wisely. It will also reduce both peer and exam pressure significantly. Choosing the right set of people around you during exam preparation will contribute to successful exam stress management.
Get rid of shyness: If you are a proactive person or comfortable with asking questions, then it is a great aspect that will help you in your GATE and ESE exam preparation. Do not worry if you have a shy personality as you can evolve into a proactive one, especially in case of asking doubts while studying for the GATE, ESE, or state services exams. Always remember that you must ask your doubts promptly and get answers for the same. You will see a significant reduction in your stress levels if you stay on top of your exam preparation routine.
How to manage stress and anxiety?
Exam stress management takes significant time and effort on the part of every exam aspirant. It becomes important to focus on the exam stress management strategies to manage stress and anxiety properly during the exams. If you are presently facing difficulty to manage stress and anxiety, you can utilize the following:
Eat well: If you want to manage stress from the roots, you need to start with the basics. This mainly includes building the habit of eating healthy during the entire exam preparation. Exam aspirants who want to work towards successful exam stress management must intentionally choose a healthy diet for the best results. Some recommended foods include dark chocolates, dry fruits (mainly walnuts), fruits, and vegetables. Stress-busting foods such as dark chocolates work best to deal with the increased cortisol hormone levels that are responsible for causing stress.
Make exercising fun: Exercising plays a critical role in exam stress management. One of the recent studies indicates that a 20-minute brisk walk can give a break and charge up the brain significantly. So, take routine brisk walks especially in the morning to recharge yourself and reduce your stress levels significantly.
Meditation: Most students and adult exam aspirants find it difficult to sit in one place quietly for long without looking into their smartphones. However, if you want to crack your aimed competitive exam, you have to put effort to ditch this habit. Meditation will help you achieve this in the best possible manner. Start with 5 minutes every day and take it to 20 minutes every day in a month’s time.
Prioritize sleep: Sleep is a critical part of our lives. If you take ample rest, you will feel energized every day. It will help you to focus better on your exams and prepare well throughout the exam preparation journey. Good quality sleep leads to proper cell repair and saves the use of body energy. So, if you are looking for stress control tips, ensure that you sleep well every night and wake up recharged every day. With the newly gained energy, you will ensure proper execution of your study timetable, thus keeping exam pressure away.
Take expert help: Most exam aspirants avoid sharing their stress and anxiety-related problems with their family members or friends. If you feel that stress is bothering you and you do not want to share it with your close ones, you can consult counseling experts and take guidance from them on exam stress management. Initially, you will feel hesitant to speak to the counselors, but then you must trust the process and go ahead with consulting an experienced counselor.
Therefore, follow these expert-recommended stress control tips and see your life getting rid of stress and anxiety for the good. This will significantly improve your performance in the exam.
MADE EASY Classroom courses: A way to success
MADE EASY (India’s Best Institute for ESE, GATE and PSU’s) Since the past 2 decades has dedicated itself to the success of Engineering graduates. We have designed our courses in synchronization with the latest syllabus & pattern of GATE, ESE, and other competitive exams to enable a sound preparation for the aspirants.
Our classroom courses are a combination of expertise and vast experience carried by India’s most renowned faculties for GATE and ESE domain. In addition, our study material is comprehensively designed to ensure that there is no requirement for multiple reference books and our workbooks empower the aspirants with a thorough revision. In other words, we can say that MADE EASY Classroom course is the complete package from the competitive examination perspective.
MADE EASY has launched classroom courses for ESE 2023 and GATE 2023. The course is designed keeping in mind the long-term preparation needs.
Special offer for Ex-MADE EASY and MADE EASY PRIME Students.
The above points will help you in coping with the long hours of the classroom program. Always remember this golden rule ‘Take time to find ways to fight it instead of hurrying into something and ruining it.
Whenever in life we face any problem, always take a moment to analyze it. Understand why the problem exists and find ways to fight it. Running away or giving up on yourself is for weak people. Thus, concentrating in the classroom can be tough at the start. However, once you start practicing something for a long time it becomes a habit. Practicing something for 3 to 4 weeks is all the time you need to make a habit automatically.
We hope these tips help you in your studies and with the help and guidance of amazing teachers, you achieve your goal of cracking the GATE or ESE examination.
Dear Aspirants,
Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).
So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

As a ex-made easy student (Ese 2018 G-Batch Ghitorni) i would like to point out one more point.
The chairs provided in the classroom doesn’t have much support for the upper body part. In longer classes duration it caused us much back pain. Pls take a look into this matter.
Dear Uttam,
Thanks for writing to us. Your valuable suggestion will surely be taken into consideration.