How to Prepare for GATE Exam 2025 While Working a Job?
Stuck under a pile of official work, are you dreaming of succeeding in the GATE exam? Are you moving closer to your future goals? Have you been working full-time or part-time while planning to take the GATE exam since your college days, but can’t find the time to study? Well, congratulations—you’ve found just the guidance you need. With complete positivity, let’s discuss how to succeed in the GATE exam while managing a job.
Being engineering graduates, when at work, we often search about the GATE Exam. About its syllabus, how to prepare for the exam and end up reading about toppers who have been preparing for a long time and then manage to prepare GATE Exam. This leaves us disheartened, negative and we feel that this exam is fresher oriented. Being out of touch with the syllabus makes it challenging to succeed, especially while managing a job.
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Well, while some part of your thought process is true that students prepare for a really long time for this exam. Nonetheless, it is not impossible to clear the exam with a job. So, if you are prepared to ace the GATE exam this year, let’s discuss some do’s and don’ts for the GATE exam.
Let’s start with what one should avoid and then dig into what we are supposed to do to keep ourselves motivated.
Things to AVOID to Succeed GATE Exam:
Well, we have all heard that ‘Winners never quit and quitters never win’. So if you are thinking of quitting your job as you think it is impossible to prepare for the exam with a job, drop that thought right now. Every year we have toppers who prepared for the exam with a 9 to 5 job. When they can, you surely too have the potential; what is needed is not a brilliant mind but self-confidence which will drive you towards your goal.
Now that you are a working professional, let’s talk about something you encounter every day after work. Night out with friends, office parties, ‘Chai Pe Charcha’, some ‘Gyan Gurus’, etc. Well if you are sincere about this exam, you will have to, though not completely, remove and slowly cut down on such distractions. So you need to be careful about what you do in your spare time. You must take some breaks, but you don’t have time to waste talking about your office gossip.
Wasting Office time
While we agree that you have a lot of work in hand, make sure to carry a book or some notes. Instead of listening to music or dozing off while travelling make sure to revise whatever you have read. You Should be utilizing every minute of your time. You must always make a plan before you start your day. Decide on the topics you plan to cover during office hours. Make sure whenever you have some spare time (in between meetings, travelling, breaks) you are utilizing it for your studies as this will help you to prepare for the exam ahead.
Well having discussed the things to avoid during your preparation, let’s talk about the prerequisite for this exam and things that you must do during your preparation time for the GATE exam.
Things to DO to Succeed GATE Exam:
Know your exam:
Before we start the preparation for any exam the basic and most important point to be kept in mind is the exam syllabus, so before you leave for work today make sure to take a printout of the GATE syllabus of your particular branch and go through it on your way home. Also, make sure to paste it on your room wall as it would be very important to inline your preparation with what the exam demands.
GATE is a national-level exam that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in engineering and science. It is conducted by the GATE committee which comprises faculty from IISC Banglore and the IITs. Unlike the IES Exam which is about the application of various concepts, GATE is an online objective exam that tests and examines your concepts. Thus, it requires good command over your branch subjects. While every branch has almost more than 10 subjects, it is necessary that we know about our core subjects.
Total Questions: 65 (General Aptitude, Technical, and Engineering Mathematics)
Total marks: 100
Time Duration: 3hrs
To know more about the exam visit us at:
Selection of books:
The market is flooded with books for GATE preparation; therefore it is necessary that you choose your books with utmost care. Being a concept-based exam, just one book will suffice your preparation as more books will require more time and can also lead to more confusion. So stick to one book, and make sure to make notes from the book to make revision easier. A much easier strategy is to buy study material of good coaching institutes for GATE. Supplement it with one book which can be used to clear any doubts you encounter. You can always opt for the postal course of a good institute, this will make your work easy and will be an effective method of preparation with job.
Weekend Coaching
All coaching institutes have weekend coaching batches specially designed for working professionals, so joining one will be a helping hand in your preparation. Coaching’s have experienced faculty who along with clearing your concepts, helps you in getting back on track with your subjects. They will also provide you with a better insight into the exam and its demands through their guidance and counseling. Before choosing your coaching institute, make sure to visit the institute first. Discuss your situation, check out their prospectus, and then choose wisely which institute meets your demands. The coaching along with teaching also provides study material that will come in handy during revision.
If you want to make us a part of your journey do visit us at
Other Resources:
In this digital age of internet, preparation for any exam is only a click away. The internet is filled with various resources where coaching institutes, previous year toppers and some other experts make your GATE preparation effortless. We have websites like NPTEL where professors of various IITs teach subjects of various branches. You can choose your preferable mode and start working right from today. If you have some idea about the exam then, these video lectures and other blogs can help strengthen your preparation. So type ‘GATE Preparation’ on Google tab and you are good to go.
- Self Study: While you will find various sources for the GATE examination preparation, nothing really works without ‘YOU’. So in the end we want to discuss about the need and importance of self study. Effective self study is an amalgamation of various small components which we tend to forget or ignore but are integral part of the preparation strategy.
Keeping in mind the syllabus, the core subjects and most importantly the date of the exam, you must formulate a plan. This must include your study hours, office hours, revision and practice hours. At first you may face some difficulty in making a plan and putting it into action. Always remember ‘Success doesn’t just happen. It’s planned for’.
Breaking your plans into months, weeks and days will help you formulate your goals. We must remember that it isn’t the final aim that matters. The little goals we set, determines our success therefore it is mandatory that every morning or at the start of the week you formulate goals, inclined to your plans so that the journey to success in the GATE exam seems easy and approachable to you.
As mentioned earlier , it is necessary to make notes. Be it from books, in coaching institutes or from study material. Note making is an art, an art that takes you a long way in your life. It is a ‘short term pain, which gives you long term gain’. Notes come in handy and useful during revision work right before the exam day.
‘Knowledge is of no use until put in practice’. Here, practice refers to solving questions. Be it previous years questions or joining some test series which helps you practice what you have read. This will introduce you to new concepts if you have missed out on them. You should join online test series of some coaching institutes as it helps you to get your preparation on track by providing real-time feedback of where your preparation stands among other competitors and how much more work and in which area is needed.We can help you in practicing by providing you best in market test series, visit us at
It’s not an easy task, but it’s totally worth it. Just reading a concept, book or notes doesn’t suffice, what is important and key in the GATE Exam is revision. Before the exam, it is necessary that you revise notes, test series, and previous year questions at least twice. So if not all maximum concepts and theories are engraved in your brain, which is only possible by consistent revision.
We are sure our blog has inspired you and now you are positive about conquering the GATE Exam. You are all set to get your studies back on track starting tomorrow. Always remember, every year, working professionals succeed in the exam. To inspire yourself you can also listen to some words of wisdom:
Instead of making your job your weakness and a hindrance in your success, make it your strength. Utilize your work experience by thinking practically and precisely.
Dear Aspirants,
Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).
So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

good approach. .very useful
Dear Mudasir,
We are really happy that the blog helped you. We hope to help you further in your preparation as well.
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I bought the gate cse 2019 made easy postal study package, can you please tell me how to study from them.. Like should I make short notes or just underline in the book.. Which subject to study first. Tell a study plan using the postal study package,it will be very helpful to the students to bought the package. Thanks in advance
I have purchased made easy gate cse 2019 postal study package. Can you please provide a study plan using that and how to use the package efficiently like should I make short notes or just underline in book, which subject to go for first, in what sequence to go for theory book, practice book, previous year’s and 2650+ mcq book.
Dear Jyoti,
Thanks for writing to us. With regards to your question about short notes, it is always advisable to make short notes as it helps in revision in the later stages of preparation. You can learn more about the art of note making by reading our blog .
With regards to the subjects, you should prefer starting with the core subjects and then moving forward, as this will make the basics of your subject strong, which is a must in the GATE examination. Please visit us at to know about the core subjects of your branch.
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