Puducherry JE Recruitment 2024 for 99 Civil Engineers
Government of Puducherry
Public Works Department
Advt. No. 1-1/PW/CE/EC1/DR/2024
Puducherry Recruitment 2024 for 99 Junior Engineer (Civil) Posts
Puducherry JE Recruitment 2024: For the position of Junior Engineer (Civil) in the Public Works Department, Puducherry, qualified Indian citizens who are native to or residing in the Union Territory of Puducherry are asked to apply for a common written competitive examination, as follows:-
Total No. of Direct Recruitment Vacancies | Reservation | |||||||||
Vertical | Horizontal | |||||||||
UR | OBC | BCM | MBC | EBC | SC | ST | EWS | PwBD | ||
99 | 43 | 10 | 2 | 17 | 2 | 15 | 1 | 9 | 4 |
UR-Un-reserved, OBC-Other Backward Classes, MBC – Most Backward Classes, EBC- Extreme Backward Classes, BCM – Backward Class Muslims, SC-Scheduled Castes, ST-Scheduled Tribes EWS- Economically Weaker Section, and PwBD- Person with Bench mark Disabilities
The positions that have been notified are existing positions. However, the government retains the authority to halt the hiring process for administrative reasons and to increase or decrease the number of positions announced based on the real need at the time of selection. Interim inquiries will not be answered.
Eligibility Conditions for Puducherry JE Recruitment 2024:
i) Educational/ Technical qualifications for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil)
Educational and Technical qualifications required | |
1. | Essential
Civil engineering diploma from accredited university or institute, or civil engineering bachelor’s degree from accredited university or institute. Note : The candidates who were enrolled for Associate Member of Institution of Engineers in Civil Engineer (AMIE) up to 31-05-2013 are only eligible for consideration to the post of Junior Engineer(Civil) for direct recruitment and candidates who have enrolled on or after 01-06-2013 for AMIE are not eligible for consideration to the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) (direct recruitment) |
Age Limit
Not exceeding 30 years as on 31.08.2024 the last date for applying through online.
Age limit is relaxable for applicants belonging to the categories of OBC/ MBC/BCM/EBC/SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/PwBD/In-service applicant as detailed below:-
Category | Relaxation of Upper Age Limit |
OBC/BCM/EBC/ MBC | 3 years |
SC/ST | 5 years |
Persons with Bench Mark Disabilities (For Physical requirement & categories of disabilities suitable for this job refer Part 11 of general Instructions to candidates |
10 years (13 years for OBC/MBC/EBC/BCM & 15 years for SC/ST) |
Ex- Servicemen | Period of Military service plus 3 years |
Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in disturbed area and released as a consequences thereof | 3 years (8 years for SC/ST) |
In-service applicant (Refer para 12) | 5 Years (Government servants working for not less than 3 years in the posts which are in the same line or allied cadres and where a relationship can be established that the services rendered by them in Department will be useful for efficient discharge of duties in the post for which selection is made.) |
Requirement of age for candidates belonging to various categories are given in last page (Part IV) of this notification.
Residence Certificate:
Only those who are native to the Union Territory of Puducherry or who have lived there continuously for the five years prior to the notice closure date are eligible to apply for the positions.
The applicants on selection should furnish the Nativity/Residence Certificate issued by an Officer of the Department of Revenue and Disaster Management not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar at the time of certificate verification.
Community Certificate:
The selected applicants belonging to OBC/MBC/BCM/EBC/SC and ST categories should produce fresh Community Certificate obtained in the prescribed form issued by an Officer of the Department of Revenue and Disaster Management not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar, at the time of certificate verification.
Certificate for EWS Candidate
The Candidates selected under EWS category should submit Income and Asset Certificate obtained in the prescribed form issued by an Officer of the Department of Revenue and Disaster Management not below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar at the time of certificate verification. The crucial date for submitting income and asset certificate by the candidate will be the closing date for submission of online application i.e 31.08.2024. The certificate should have been issued for the financial year 2023 -2024 and shall be valid for the year 2024-2025.
Persons with benchmark disability (PWBD)
The applicants who apply against the horizontal reservation provided for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD), on selection should necessarily submit fresh Medical Certificate issued by District Medical Board, Government of Puducherry at the time of certificate verification.
- Certificate issued by any other authority will not be accepted.
- The categories of disability suitable for the post are detailed in Part-Il of General Instructions to candidates.
- Provision of Compensatory Time and assistance of scribe:
In case of persons with benchmark disabilities in the category of cerebral palsy, the facility of scribe is provided, if opted by the candidate in their online application.
The facility of scribes will be provided to the PwBD candidates only if he/she has opted for the same in the online application form.
In case of remaining categories of persons with benchmark disabilities, scribe will be provided on production of a certificate at the time of examination to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write, and scribe is essential to write examination on his behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government health care institution as per proforma at Part-Ill of this Notification.
The Persons with Benchmark Disability belonging to categories other than cerebral palsy has to submit their request letter for scribe along with required certificate as mentioned above to the Examination Cell, DP&AR, Chief Secretariat, Puducherry one week before the date of conduct of exam. Last minute request will not be entertained.
Arrangement of own scribe will not be permitted. Official scribe will be provided by the Examination Cell, DP&AR, Chief Secretariat, Puducherry.
- A compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination will be provided to the persons who are allowed use of scribe as described above.
- The candidates referred at above who are eligible for use of scribe but not availing the facility of scribe will also be given compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination.
- The only person permitted inside the examination hall will be the scribe for qualified candidates.
- The PwBD candidates who have availed the facility of scribes and/ or compensatory time must produce relevant documents for the eligibility of scribe/ compensatory time at the time of Certificate Verification. Failure to produce such supporting documents will lead to cancellation of their candidature for the examination.
Explanation: An ‘ex-serviceman’ means a person:
(a) Who has served in any rank whether as a combatant or non-combatant in the regular Army, Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union, and
- Who either has been retired or relieved or discharged from such service whether at his own request or being relieved by the employer after earning his pension; or
- Who has been relieved from such service on medical grounds attributable to military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or other disability pension; or
- Who has been released from such service as a result of reduction in establishment;
(b) Who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagement, otherwise than at his own request, or by way of dismissal, or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency and has been given a gratuity; and includes personnel of the Territorial Army, namely, pension holders for continuous embodied service or broken spells of qualifying service; or
(c) Personnel of the Army Postal Service who are part of Regular Army and retired from the Army Postal Service without reversion to their parent service with pension, or are released from the Army Postal service on medical grounds attributable to or aggravated by military service or 8 circumstance beyond their control and awarded medical or other disability pension; or
(d) Personnel, who were on deputation in Army Postal Service for more than six months prior to the 14th April, 1987; or
(e) Gallantry award winners of the Armed forces including personnel of Territorial Army; or
(f) Ex-recruits boarded out or relieved on medical ground and granted medical disability pension.
The applicants under the Ex-Servicemen category to the Department of Sainik Welfare, Puducherry, must submit the Discharge Certificate and Registration Details.
Age relaxation is not admissible to sons, daughters and dependents of Ex-Servicemen. Therefore, such candidates should not indicate their category as Ex-Servicemen.
Mode of Recruitment/Pattern of Examination:
a) Written Examination:
The vacancies in the above said posts will be filled through a Common Written Competitive Examination. The Question paper will be of Diploma standard of objective type consisting of two papers (Paper-I and Paper-Il) with 100 marks each in forenoon and afternoon sessions with duration of 2 hours having 100 questions carrying one mark each.
The Question paper will be in English only. The allocation of marks for different domains will be as follows:
100% |
Every incorrect response will result in a negative mark of 0.25, and multiple responses will be regarded as incorrect answers.
Weightage of marks
25% Weightage will be given for Paper-I
75% Weightage will be given for Paper-Il
The applicants may take a carbon copy of their answer sheets and question booklet. Responses must be provided by shading the correct response using a black ballpoint pen only.
The answer key will be published on the official recruitment website after completion of examination process.
(b) Selection procedure
i. Minimum qualifying marks prescribed for the written examination:
A list of candidates will be provisionally shortlisted from the merit list based on the marks obtained by the applicants in the written examination subject to reservation as per the rules in force. Overall, minimum qualifying marks (Paper-I & Paper-Il) to be secured by the various category of candidates (after giving weightage) are as follows:
Minimum qualifying marks:
The candidates shall secure minimum qualifying percentage of marks in the Common Written Competitive exam as follows:
- Unreserved: 30%
- SC/ST/PwBD: 20%
ii. Mode of Selection:
Merit list will be prepared based on the performance of candidates in the Common Written Competitive Examination. Final selection of candidates, in each category will be made based on marks scored by them in the Common Written Competitive Examination and ‘preference of post’ given by them in the application. Once candidate is selected for a post as per his/her merit in the Common Written Competitive Examination and first preference opted by him/her in the online application, he/she will not be considered for the post opted by him as second preference. Candidates are, therefore, required to exercise preference of posts very carefully.
The validity of operation of wait list, if drawn, will be two years from the date of declaration of the results/publication of select list. The wait list will be operated in the event of occurrence of vacancy caused in the select list due to rejection of candidature, for non-production of required certificates, nonappearance of candidate for certificate verification, non-joining of candidate within stipulated time allowed for joining the post or when a candidate joins but resigns or dies within a period of one year from the date of joining.
(c) Resolution of Tie Cases:
In the event of tie in scores of candidates in the examination, merit will be decided by applying following criteria, one after another in the given order, till the tie is resolved:
(i) Date of birth, with older candidate placed higher
(i) Alphabetical order in which the names of the candidates appear.
Date and Location of Examination
Only the Union Territory of Puducherry’s Puducherry region will host the Common Written Competitive Examination. The Recruitment website, PWD website, and the major newspapers will all provide updates on the exact date, time, and location of the test in due course.
How to apply and Last Date for Application?
The application fulfilling the eligibility criteria as mentioned above may apply online only through official website https://recruitment.py.gov.in from
07.08.2024 (10.00 A.M) to 31.08.2024 (05.00 P.M.)
Applicants opting for more than one post should register only one online application form by indicating their order of preference for the posts for which they are opting
Submission of Online Application:
The applicants have to register with their Mobile Number in the online portal “https://recruitment.py.gov.in” for applying through online.
- They will receive Username and Password through SMS in the mobile number provided. The applicants may login the online portal using the Username and Password and apply for the post.
- The applicants are advised to change the default Password received in their mobile after first login.
- The candidates has the duty of maintaining the password confidential and should not share it with anybody.
The applicants may view, print & check the status of their application and download the Hall Ticket by logging in the online portal using the username and password. Hence, they are advised to keep the user name and password safe for future reference until the recruitment process is over.
Photograph & signature uploading:
- Candidates are instructed to scan their recent passport size colour photograph & signature in an A4 sheet with 200 DPI resolution, dimensions should be minimum of 600 x 600 pixel and the file size should be less than 150 KB.
- Applicants are instructed to scan their Photograph in JPEG format with 238 x 306 pixel dimension and the file size should be less than 50KB. Signature file format should be JPEG, dimensions should be 350 x 150 pixel and file size should be less than 30KB.
- The photograph must have been taken recently, preferably within three months.
- Read / View the Photograph & Signature (Text / Video) guidelines in the instruction page of online portal https://recruitment.py.gov.in for guidance.
- Preview facility is available to view the details entered and please verify it before submitting the application.
- After checking the information provided, Click Submit button without fail.
- If the applicant fails to submit the application by clicking, Submit button after Preview, the application will remain in preview stage only, it will not be considered as a valid application, and it will be rejected, for which the Government will not be responsible.
- Candidates whose application remains in preview stage, he/she will not be allowed to write the examination.
- Even after submission of application, corrections, if any, can be done before the closing date.
- Kindly save a copy of the online-generated application for your future reference.
- Please logout / sign out after submission of application.
- Online-generated applications can be viewed in any standard PDF readers.
- Use latest web browser for better compatibility, and user experience.
- In order to avoid the possibility of being disconnected, unable to log in, or failing to access this website due to a heavy load during the closing days, candidates are urged to submit their online applications in ahead of the deadline rather than waiting for the last minute.
- The Department does not accept any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date because of the previously mentioned reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the Department.
- Application with incomplete data / information and improper photograph and signature is liable for rejection.
- The information / data furnished by the applicants in the online application are final and cannot be altered after the closure of the application on 31.08.2024 (05.00 P.M.)
- Requests for change of date of birth, category, etc. will not be entertained on any account later.
Procedure for In-Service Applicants:
- The candidates working in the line of promotion in Public Works Department, Puducherry and allied cadres under various Departments in the Government of Puducherry will allowed appearing as in-service candidates by availing the permissible age relaxation mentioned in the statement under “Age Limit” of this notification.
- The In-Service applicants should have completed three years of regular service to avail age relaxation.
- Applicants working in Government Department/Offices and applying as in-service applicants availing the age concessions should forward the copy of the online-generated application through their respective Head of Office/Department within the due date i.e. on or before 5.00 P.M. on 13.09.2024 to “The Chief Engineer, Public Works Department, No. 34, LalBahadur Shastri Street, Puducherry-605 001”. The applications of in-service candidates which are not duly forwarded by the Head of Office/Department within the due date and time of 5.00 P.M on 13.09.2024 will be summarily rejected. Transit delay will not be entertained. Advance copy of the online application for in-service candidates will not be entertained.
- Other applicants who are working in the Government Departments/ Offices who are within the age limit and applying as open candidates may intimate the fact of submission of application to the post of Junior Engineer to their Head of Departments / Offices, so as to have the benefit of “Technical Resignation” on selection to the post of Junior Engineer in the written examination.
General Instructions to Candidates
Applicants should read the following instructions carefully before applying:
- Only online applications will be accepted for the Competitive Examination for Direct Recruitment to the Junior Engineer (Civil) job. It is advisable to register just one online application rather than several. If more than one person applies online, only the most recent application will be accepted; all other identical applications will be returned.
- The applicants have to select their order of preference for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) in their online application. The option /preference once exercised by the candidates will be treated as FINAL and IRREVERSIBLE. Subsequent request for change of post by candidates will not be entertained under any circumstances/ reasons.
- All applicants who register in response to this advertisement by the deadline and whose applications are taken to be complete will be considered provisionally accepted within the guidelines of this Notice of Examination.
- Candidates need to confirm their eligibility for the position by reviewing the qualifications, which include age, experience, and educational background.
- The Department will not undertake any detailed scrutiny of applications to check eligibility and other aspects at the time of written examination and, therefore, admission to the examination will be provisional only, which will not confer any right on such provisionally admitted candidates to claim appointment based on such provisional admission.
- Candidates are cautioned that they must ensure that they belong to the category as filled in the application form and are able to prove the same by furnishing the requisite certificate from the competent authority when this Department at the time of certificate verification, failing which their candidature will be cancelled, seeks such certificates. For example, candidate X filled OBC in his application form. However, during certificate verification, he is unable to produce the valid OBC certificate. In such scenario, candidature of X will be cancelled.
- The Candidates who mention their category as MBC-Migrant / OBC-Migrant / BCM-Migrant / EBC-Migrant / SC-others/ST -Migrant in their online application will be considered only under unreserved category.
- The certificates/documents in support of their educational qualifications and caste/category, etc. shall be sought from the provisionally selected candidates at the time of Certificate Verification only. After verification of the certificates/ documents of educational qualifications/ caste/ category, etc., if certificates / documents do not substantiate any claim made in the application, the candidature of candidate will be cancelled/rejected, without any notice.
- Any correspondence related to this recruitment will be available on the https://recruitment.py.gov.in website. Applicants are advised to regularly check the website and the news in the newspapers for information. It is recommended that they continue to receive SMS related to this recruiting using the mobile phone they provided in the online application.
- After submitting an application, any changes regarding an address or mobile number have to be notified to the department via registered mail with acknowledgement due. If not, the Department will not be responsible for any letter or SMS message delays or non-delivery.
- If candidates are found to indulge at any stage in any of the malpractices, their candidature or this examination will be cancelled and they will be debarred from the Government examinations in future for a period as may be decided by the Government.
- The decision of the Government as to the eligibility or otherwise of the applicant for admission to the Examination shall be final.
- A separate press note will be issued in leading regional news dailies regarding the issue of hall tickets through online. The eligible applicants can download their Hall Ticket from the Website https://recruitment.py.gov.in by using the “User Name and Password”.
- The applicant, after applying can also make corrections in their on-line application, if any error occurred while entering the data. They are allowed to avail this facility until 5.00 p.m. on 31.08.2024.
- The information/data furnished by the applicants in the online application are final and cannot be altered after the last date of applying i.e. 31.08.2024.
- Before submission of the applications candidates must check that they have filled correct details in each field of the online form. After the closing date for receipt of online application i.e. 31.08.2024, no change / correction / modification will be allowed under any circumstances.
- The applicants are advised to have a copy of the online-generated application for their reference.
- The candidates applying under the category of In-Service are instructed to submit the online-generated application through their respective Head of Department/ Office on or before 13.09.2024 (05.00p.m.).
- Candidates seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ST/OBC/MBC/EWS/BCM/EBC/ PwBD must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the Notification.
- After scrutiny, the status of the application will be indicated on the official Website.
- No correspondence will be entertained with regard to the recruitment process. Candidates are advised to verify the status of their Application/ Hall Ticket etc, through online only.
- The admission to the examination is only provisional. Success in the examination confers no right to appointment. The appointment is subject to verification of educational qualification/residence/community and any other special category claimed by the individual including medical fitness.
- No request for change of examination Centre for written test will be entertained.
- Make sure there is no TA/DA will be paid for attending this Competitive Examination.
- The Chief Engineer, Public Works Department, Puducherry reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process, if necessity arises on administrative reasons. The decision of the Government shall be the final regarding the eligibility of candidates or otherwise.
- Help line: For any clarification, if needed, in filling online application, please contact the Help Line Number 0413-2336394 on all working days between 10.00am and 5.oopm.
Physical requirement for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) for the category of persons with Benchmark Disability:
Sl.No. | Physical Requirement |
1. | Sitting |
2. | Standing |
3. | Walking |
4. | Bending |
5. | Lifting |
6. | Kneeling & Crouching |
7. | Pulling & Pushing |
8. | Manipulation with Fingers |
9. | Reading & Writing |
10. | Seeing |
11. | Hearing |
12. | Communication |
Categories of Disability suitable for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil) for the category of persons with Benchmark Disability:
S.No | Category of Disability |
1. | Deaf, Hard of Hearing |
2. |
One Arm, One Leg, Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy cured Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims |
3. | Specific Learning Disability, Mental Illness |
4. | Multiple Disabilities involving (1) to (3) above |
Requirement of age for candidates belonging to various categories:
No. | Category | Candidates must have been born | |
Not earlier than | Not later than | ||
1. | General/Unreserved | 01.09.1994 | 31.08.2006 |
2. | MBC/OBC/EBC/BCM | 01.09.1991 | |
3. | SC/ST | 01.09.1989 | |
4. | Persons with Benchmark Disabilities &
General/Unreserved |
01109.1984 | |
5. | Persons with Benchmark Disabilities &
01.09.1981 | |
6. | Persons with Benchmark Disabilities & SC/ST | 01.09.1979 | |
7. | In-service candidates | 01.09.1989 | |
8. | Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in disturbed area and released as a consequences thereof & General/Unreserved/
01.09.1991 | |
9. | Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in disturbed area and released as a consequences thereof & SC/ST | 01.09.1986 |
Dear Aspirants,
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