SSC JE (Junior Engineer) 2024 CBT 1 Result declared
Greetings, SSC JE Aspirants! The wait is over. SSC has officially declared the SSC Junior Engineer 2024 CBT 1 Result. Our Heartiest congratulations to all those students who have been successfully selected.
Staff Selection Commission conducted Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical & Electrical) Examination, 2024 (Paper-1) in the Computer Based Mode from June 5th, to June 7th, 2024, at various examination centres across the country.
The result for SSC JE CBT 1 (SSC JE Paper 1) 2024 were posted on August 20th, 2024, on the official website, showcasing details such as students’ name, date of birth, roll numbers, ranks, and more. These results signify the fulfilment of 1765 vacancies for junior engineers across government departments in engineering streams including civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering.
*The official result pdf is linked below to see the results.
Category-wise cut-off details and number of candidates shortlisted to appear in Paper-II of the Examination are as follows:
Category | Cut-off Marks | Candidates Available |
SC | 101.85006 | 2602 |
ST | 97.83364 | 1233 |
OBC | 116.82650 | 4499 |
EWS | 109.20412 | 1896 |
UR | 122.92909 | 1111 |
OH | 84.29586 | 181 |
HH | 40.07098 | 188 |
Others-PwD | 48.88704 | 55 |
TOTAL | — | 11765 |
Note: In addition to the UR candidates shown above, 399-SC, 194-ST, 2764- OBC, 785-EWS, and 05-OH candidates qualifying at UR standards have been shown under their respective categories.
Category | Cut-off Marks | Candidates Available |
SC | 112.97309 | 990 |
ST | 101.37117 | 398 |
OBC | 131.27256 | 1546 |
EWS | 120.13213 | 761 |
UR | 132.06654 | 551 |
OH | 86.18973 | 102 |
HH | 43.62910 | 88 |
Others-PwD | 58.92633 | 22 |
TOTAL | — | 4458 |
*The linked official PDF contains the provisional list of candidates who have successfully secured positions in the departments based on their performance in Paper 1. For additional information, please refer to the linked PDF.
How to download the SSC JE 2024 CBT 1 Result?
- Visit the official website of SSC:-
- Go to the ‘Results’ section on the top of the homepage.
- A new page will open on the screen, click on the “JE” section and proceed with the link indicating “Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical & Electrical) Examination, 2024 (Paper-I) Result PDF”.
- The SSC Junior Engineer result PDF file will appear on your screen.
- Using CTRL+F search for your roll number in the SSC JE 2024 Result PDF file.
- Download the SSC JE Result 2024 for future reference.
*For easy access, we have linked the official result PDF below.
- SSC JE Paper 1 Write Up
- SSC Junior Engineer Paper 1 (Civil) Examination, 2024
- SSC Junior Engineer Paper 1 (Mechanical & Electrical) Examination, 2024
The SSC Junior Engineer (JE) exam is divided into two parts, i.e., Paper 1, which consists of general awareness, and the exam was conducted from June 5th to June 7th, 2024. The result of Paper 1 was announced on 20th August 2024. Students qualifying for Paper 1 will be eligible to appear for Paper 2, which consists of engineering questions of the respective streams. The students clearing the final exam will be called out for the verification of documents.
Paper 1, which is a computer-based test, carries a weight of 200 marks, incurring a negative marking of 0.25 marks, and the exam duration is 2 hours. On the other hand, Paper 2, which is also a computer-based test, carries a weight of 300 marks, incurring a negative marking of 1 mark, and the exam duration is 2 hours.
SSC JE Selection Process 2024
The SSC JE Selection process consists of three stages: Paper 1, Paper 2, and document verification. To get recruited as a junior engineer in several central departments of the government of India, an ambitious applicant must pass all three stages.
All selected candidates called for document verification by the departments will be required to produce the requisite certificates, such as mark sheets for all years/semesters of Graduation/ Provisional Certificate/ Degree of Graduation, etc., in original, as proof of having acquired the essential educational qualifications and experience in respective fields, wherever required, on or before the cut-off date, failing which the candidature of such candidates shall be canceled by the department.
For more information regarding the SSC JE exam, like the syllabus and details of the tentative vacancies in various organizations, you can visit the MADE EASY site:
👉🏻 SSC JE (Staff Selection Commission Junior Engineer)
Now, we are further moving to commonly asked questions about SSC JE.
1. When was the SSC JE CBT 1 Result for 2024 released?
Ans. The SSC JE Result 2024 for CBT 1 exam has been released on August 20th, 2024 on the official website.
2. What will be the next phase after SSC JE Tier 1 Result 2024?
Ans. Shortlisted candidates will have to appear for Tier 2 exam.
3. In how many phases is the SSC junior engineer exam conducted?
Ans. SSC JE exam is conducted in three phases that includes paper 1 and paper 2 and the final phase is document verification.
4. Is SSC JE tough?
Ans. The SSC Junior Engineering examination conducted by the Staff Selection Commission is the most challenging yet opportunity-creating exam in India.
5. What is the age limit for SSC JE?
Ans. The age limit for the SSC JE is based on the posts and selected categories. Generally, the age varies between 18 to 32 years.
6. Who is eligible for SSC JE Exam?
Ans. Candidates having a diploma or degree in CE/ ME/ EE Engineering are eligible for SSC JE exam.
7. What is the salary of the SSC junior engineer?
Ans. The basic salary for junior engineers varies between 35,000/- to 1,13,000/- approximately. The salary totally depends on the posts and the department.
Again a big congratulations to all the students who have achieved their success.
May this be the beginning of a fulfilling and rewarding career ahead!