JKSSB JE Recruitment 2022 | Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board
Recruitment of Junior Engineers
JKSSB JE Recruitment 2022: The J&K Services Selection Board invites online application forms from eligible candidates for participation in the selection process for UT Cadre posts as contained in Annexure “A” of the official notification.
JKSSB JE Vacancy Details
The vacancy breakup is as follows:
S. No | Reference of Indent | Indenting Department | No. of posts received |
1. | PWD-Adm/122/2021- (Comp.No.118431) Dated: 06.04.2022 | PWD (R&B) Department | 855 |
2. | PWD-Adm/122/2021- (Comp.No.118431) Dated: 06-04-2022 | PWD (R&B) Department | 190 |
Grand Total | 1045 |
- The appointment and other service conditions in respect of the candidate selected through this selection process, shall be governed in terms of extant rules/regulations.
- The reservation for the posts under this Advertisement Notification shall be applicable following the provisions of the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation Rules, 2005, notified vide SRO 294 of 2005 dated 21.10.2005, read with S.O. 127 of 2020 dated 20.04.2020 and as amended from time to time.
The details of the posts advertised are given in Annexure “A” of the official notification. However, the number of posts can undergo increase or decrease without any notice before the completion of the selection process, if so, communicated by the concerned indenting department.
The candidate should be a domicile of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir as defined in terms of the Notifications issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India vide S.O. 1229 (E) dated 31.03.2020 and S.O. 1245 (E) dated 03.04.2020, read with Notification Issued by the General Administration Department, Government of Jammu and Kashmir vide S.O. 166 dated 18.05.2020 and as amended from to time.
The candidate must possess a Domicile Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the format prescribed for the purpose, on or before the last date of submission of the online application form.
Age Limit Criteria for JKSSB JE Recruitment
The maximum age required as of 01/09/2022 for the post of Graduate Engineer Trainee is 28 years. However, relaxation in age for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-servicemen categories shall be as under.
S. No | Category | Age limit in years | Not born before | Not born After |
1. | OM | 40 | 01-01-1982 | 01-01-2004 |
2. | SC | 43 | 01-01-1979 | 01-01-2004 |
3. | ST | 43 | 01-01-1979 | 01-01-2004 |
4. | RBA | 43 | 01-01-1979 | 01-01-2004 |
5. | ALC/IB | 43 | 01-01-1979 | 01-01-2004 |
6. | EWS (Economically Weaker Section) | 43 | 01-01-1979 | 01-01-2004 |
7. | PSP (Pahari Speaking People) | 43 | 01-01-1979 | 01-01-2004 |
8. | Social Caste | 43 | 01-01-1979 | 01-01-2004 |
9. | Physically Challenged Person | 42 | 01-01-1980 | 01-01-2004 |
10. | Government Service/Contractual Employment | 40 | 01-01-1982 | 01-01-2004 |
11. | Every Ex-Servicemen having served in the Armed Forces shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post by more than 3 years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age Limit. |
Educational Qualifications for JKSSB JE Recruitment
- As per the Indents received from the Indenting Department, the qualification prescribed for the posts advertised are shown in Annexure “A” to this Advertisement Notification.
- The candidates who are declared qualified by the Board for Document Verification will be required to produce relevant certificates such as mark sheets, provisional certificates, etc. for completion of 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering from Government recognized institute/Indian university degree in civil engineering or AMIE Section (A&B) INDIA/3 years diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Government recognized institute/Indian university degree in Mechanical engineering or AMIE Section (A&B) INDIA./Indian University degree/3 years diploma from Government recognized institute in aeronautical/automobile production engineering in original as proof of having acquired the prescribed educational qualification on or before the cutoff date fixed for filling the online application form. If the candidates fail to do so, the Board cancels the candidates’ candidature. The Board also considers the candidates that can prove with documentary evidence that the result of the qualifying examination was declared on or before the cut-off date i.e., 20.12.2022 and he/she has been declared passed the respective examination.
- Candidates may note that their candidature will remain provisional until the Appointing Authority verifies the genuineness of their documents relating to educational qualification.
- In case of candidates claiming possession of equivalent educational qualification (where it is applicable/required), it shall be mandatory to produce a relevant Equivalence Certificate or seek equivalence from the concerned competent authorities as and when required by the Board. However, the Board takes the final decision regarding the selection of such candidates, in light of relevant rules, and the candidates must bind to the respective rules.
- Any candidate having his/her qualification other than the specified ones will not be eligible for posts advertised in this notification.
- Reservation/Horizontal Reservation for various categories, wherever applicable and admissible, would be as determined and communicated by the Indenting Department. This step is performed in accordance with the provisions of SRO 294 dated 21-10-2005 and S.O 127 dated 20-04-2020.
- A candidate seeking his/her consideration under Reserved Categories must ensure that he/she possesses a valid (Category) certificate as of the cut-off date.
- Candidates may note that their candidature will remain provisional till the genuineness of the Reserved Category Certificate is verified by the Appointing Authority.
- Candidates are cautioned to note that in case a claim for reservation is made based on a false/fake/fraudulent certificate, he/she shall be debarred from the examination(s) conducted by the Board, in addition to any other action as may be deemed appropriate.
Horizontal Reservation
- The Horizontal Reservation for Ex-Servicemen and Physically Challenged Persons to the extent as communicated by Indenting Department is applicable for the respective candidates. The Horizontal Reservation means the reservation that would cut across the vertical reservation and the candidates selected shall have to be placed in the appropriate category after making necessary adjustments. In respect of Physically Handicapped persons, the reservation shall be available only for services, posts, and types of disability identified for the purpose by the competent authority.
- In terms of S.O. 361 dated 20.10.2021:
- The Horizontal Reservation as per rules shall be maintained for the available vacancies and provided to the Ex-Servicemen for the Direct Recruitment posts borne on subordinate service under the Government, which carry the pay of and up to the Level 6E (35900-113500).
- An Ex-Serviceman on joining any post after having availed Horizontal Reservation, cannot avail of the benefit linked with the reservation as Ex-Servicemen for any subsequent employment.
- Ex-Servicemen must produce a certificate in form-XIV duly signed by the competent authority as provided in rule 18 of Jammu and Kashmir Reservation Rules, 2005.
- In case, sufficient numbers of candidates belonging to the Ex-servicemen are not available based on the General standard to fill all the vacancies reserved for them, the candidates belonging to the category of Ex-servicemen may be selected under the relaxed standard of selection to make up the deficiency in the reserved quota subject to the condition that such relaxation will not affect the level of the respective candidates’ performance.
- Permissible Disabilities for PwD Candidates:
The suitability of disabilities/eligibility of Persons with Disabilities for these posts under Horizontal Reservation shall be governed by the extant rules/regulations.
Center of Examination
The J&K Services Selection Board shall notify the Venue/Centre(s) of the examination separately. No representation/request for change in this regard shall be entertained, whatsoever be the reason.
Scheme of Examination
- The Examination will consist of Objective Type, Multiple Choice Questions. The questions will be set in English Language only.
- There will be a Negative Marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
- Marks scored by candidates in the written test will be normalized to determine final merit and cut-off marks.
If any candidate is found indulging in any irregularity/misconduct/malpractice at any stage of the selection process, such candidate shall be debarred from the examinations conducted that the Services Selection Board conducts for such period as may be deemed appropriate, and apart from cancellation of candidature for the instant examination any other action as would be necessary and expedient, shall be taken.
Application Process for JKSSB JE Recruitment
The necessary instructions regarding filling up online applications are given herein below:-
- Candidates are required to apply online through JKSSB’s online Application Portal-https://ssbjk.org.in No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
- The candidates who have not registered earlier on the portal are first required to go to the said Portal and register themselves by clicking on the “Candidate Registration” link.
- The candidates are required to have a valid Email ID and Mobile Number for registering and creating login credentials for the respective application. One Time Password (OTP) based verification also takes place during the application process.
- After creating login credentials, candidates need to login with these credentials by clicking on “Candidate Login”. Candidate can update their information like mobile number, email id, and password from time to time, but cannot change their First Name, Last Name, and Gender.
- Once successful Login, the candidate can check under “Latest Openings” for all available advertisements and click on “Apply Now” against “Application Form for Appointment to the Post applied.”
- Candidate should carefully fill in all the information in various sections and click on “SAVE & CONTINUE”.
- The candidate is required to upload the images of a recent photograph and signature.
- Size of the photograph (passport size) (Max size–1 MB) (Ht. X Wd. = 4.5 X 3.5 cms.).
- Size of the signature (Max size–1 MB) (Ht. X Wd. = 4.5 X 3.5 cms.).
- The candidate needs to ensure that all the required fields are filled up with correct information. The system shall check that all required fields are filled up, before the final submission of the application.
- Candidate shall be personally responsible for filling in the details in the online application form and the information/details furnished by the candidate shall be treated as final to determine the eligibility/claims of the candidates. No claim on account of wrong/non-filling of information shall be entertained subsequently.
- Once submitted, the Application Form cannot be edited by the candidates, unless EDIT OPTION is enabled by the Board after the cut-off date for editing some permissible fields. However, a candidate can cancel his/her application if wrongly filled at any time before the last date of submission of forms, but the fee of such canceled application form will not be remitted. In such a case, a candidate can apply afresh till the last date after paying a new fee.
- The respective department will not consider the candidate’s application if the fee is not paid for that application.
- Fees decided by JKSSB can be paid only by Net banking/Debit Card/Credit Card Options.
- After successful completion of the form, the candidate shall be shown the “Pay Now” link for making the online application fee payment. Once the candidate submits the fee successfully, the application ID shall be generated.
- The options will be available after clicking on the ‘Pay Now’ link. The candidate can pay using Net banking, Debit Card, or Credit Card, as online payment options.
- Payment will not be accepted and will not be considered valid after the cut-off date mentioned in the Advertisement Notification, i.e., 20.12.2022 (the last date for submission of application forms).
- Candidates should not submit a printout of the application/fee payment receipt to JKSSB until it is sought for some verification/clarification purpose.
- Candidates must note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would be rejected.
- The application printout along with the fee payment receipt and required copies of documents should be kept ready for submission if shortlisted for the subsequent stage of Selection as per the notified Criteria. Candidates can take a printout of the application submitted and fee payment receipt from the “My Applications” link available in the Portal. Application printouts can be taken by selecting Application ID/No and clicking on Download Application. Similarly, select the application ID/No. and click on the ‘Download Receipt’ button available to take a receipt printout.
- Any person who finds difficulty in submitting of application form due to technical issues or for any other reasons must send a self-explanatory mail to [email protected] for seeking guidance, clarification, etc. The respective department does not take consider any other mode of grievance submission in this context. Moreover, the concerned department replies only to grievances pertaining to the active application through e-mail.
In Service Candidates
In-service candidates must submit a printout of the filled online application form along with a duly filled, signed, and stamped Certificate given at the last paragraph of the application form through the proper channel viz; the concerned Head of the Department (as defined in the JK Book of Financial Powers). The Head of the Department concerned shall forward the application form of the In-service candidates to the office of the Secretary, Services Selection Board by or before the date of scrutiny of documents/documents verification. Such candidates shall also indicate the same while submitting an online form.
Application Fee
- Fee payable: Rs.550/-(Rupees Five Hundred and Fifty only) for General Category etc. and Rs.450/- (Rupees four Hundred and Fifty only) for SC, ST, PWD, and EWS Categories.
- Fee can be paid only online through Net Banking, Credit or Debit cards.
- The respective department summarily rejects the applications received without the prescribed fee. No representation against such rejection will be entertained. Candidates do not receive any fee refund under any circumstances nor adjusted against any other examination or selection.
- All the disputes related to refund of excess payment, if any, are the subject matter of the J&K Service Selection Board. Candidates must apply for a refund of excess payment, if any, through the official e-mail [email protected] only. No chargeback request shall be entertained.
Important Instructions for JKSSB JE Recruitment
- Candidates are advised to fill the application form carefully and diligently, as no claims for making changes in any entry/field shall be entertained at any later stage.
- The Board will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for eligibility and other aspects at the time of written examination. Therefore, the candidature will be accepted only provisionally. The candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification, age, etc., and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post(s). The respective department asks for copies of supporting documents at the time of Document Verification. When scrutiny is undertaken, if any claim made in the application is not found substantiated, the candidature will be cancelled and the Board’s decision is the final one.
- Candidates seeking reservation benefits available for RBA/SC/ ST/ OSC/ EWS/PSP/ALC/IB must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per the eligibility conditions prescribed in this notice. They should also have the certificates in the prescribed format in support of their claim.
- Candidates with benchmark physical disability only would be considered as Persons with Disabilities (PwD) and entitled to reservation for Persons with Disabilities.
- When an application is submitted successfully, the candidates must understand that the application is accepted on a provisional basis. Candidate must take a printout of the application form and submit the same at the time of the documents verification process. The respective department advises the candidates NOT to submit the hard copies of the online application form in the office of the Services Selection Board either in person or by post/email.
- A candidate can submit only one online application for the post of the same item number. Therefore, the candidates are advised to exercise due diligence at the time of filling out their online application forms for submission. In case, more than one application of a candidate is detected for the same item number, the Board will consider the candidate’s latest application. If a candidate submits multiple application forms for the same post and appears in the examination (at any stage) more than once for the post of the same item number, his/her candidature will be cancelled and he/she will be debarred from the examinations of the Board as per the specified rules.
- The respective department does not entertain the request for modification or change in the preferences related to the Cadre and Department after the candidate fills in the application form.
- The candidates must write their father’s name and mother’s name strictly as given in the Matriculation Certificate. If not, then their candidature may be cancelled at the time of document verification or as and when it comes to the Board’s notice.
- The respective department summarily rejects applications with blurred Photographs/Signatures.
- Apart from this, the respective department does not entertain the request for change/correction in the application form under any circumstances. Therefore, the applicants are advised to fill all the fields of the online application form with due diligence and after carefully reading the terms and conditions given in the advertisement notification.
- The candidates must carry two passport-size recent color photographs and the latest photo-bearing identification proof such as an Aadhaar Card/printout of E-Aadhaar, Driving License, Voter Card, PAN Card, Identity Card issued by School/College/University/ Employer (Government or any other office, where the candidate may be working, etc) in original to the Examination Venue. If the respective candidates fail to do so, they cannot appear for the same. PwD candidates using the facility of scribe must also carry the required Medical Certificate/Undertaking/Photocopy of the Scribe’s Photo ID Proof, as specified therein.
- In case of fake/fabricated application/registration by misusing any dignitaries name/photo, such candidate(s)/shall be held responsible for the same and liable for suitable legal action under the cyber/IT Act.
- For single-stage examination posts: Fee payable: Rs.550/- (Rupees Five Hundred and Fifty only) for General Category, etc., and Rs.450/- (Rupees Four Hundred and Fifty only) for SC, ST, PwD, and EWS categories.
Important Dates for JKSSB JE Recruitment
Last date for submission of the online application | 20/12/2022 |
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