Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is one of the biggest Maharatna companies in India. ONGC is the largest crude oil and natural gas company in India. It contributes around 70 % to Indian domestic production and used by companies like IOC, BPCL, and HPCL for producing products like petrol, diesel, and cooking gas.
This public sector undertaking company ranks 11th among global energy majors. The ONGC limited ranks 18th in “Oil and Gas operations” and 183rd overall in Forbes Global 2000 and has numerous other crowns to its head. ONGC is one of the biggest global giants and the highest profit-making public sector undertaking.
ONGC company recognizes its role as a responsible leading company. It has initiated various activities to fulfill this responsibility. In FY’ 17 ONGC company spent around INR 5,259 million for its CSR initiatives. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation limited continues to cater to the developing needs of welfare, societal growth and environment conservation. Such as Education including vocational courses, Health Care, Entrepreneurship (self-help & livelihood generation) schemes, Infrastructure support, Environment protection, ecological conservation, Water management including groundwater recharge are some of the areas of its focus.
Protection of heritage sites, UNESCO heritage monuments etc., Promotion of artisans, craftsman, musicians, artists, etc. for the preservation of heritage, art & culture is another way to contribute. ONGC limited also promotes Women empowerment, and gender-sensitive projects, and has initiatives in place for physically and mentally challenged and Promoting sports and sportspersons.
In the arena of CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited has ensured multi-layered checks and balance system to promote transparency. Besides this, ONGC company has implemented the Whistle Blower Policy, Annual Report on working of the Audit & Ethics Committee, MCA Voluntary Guidelines on Corporate Governance, Enterprise-wide Risk Management (ERM) framework, so that transparency would not be compromised in any situation.
Table of Contents
Here are some of the most commonly asked questions related to ONGC:
What is the full form of ONGC?
If you are wondering what is ONGC, then you need to understand that ONGC stands for Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd.
How to get job in ONGC?
Most engineering graduates dream to secure a high-paying job in ONGC. The candidate who gets selected at ONGC secures a decent paying ONGC salary through GATE A candidate in the open category must secure a rank within the top 600 in the GATE exam to become eligible for the ONGC’s interview round. Once the candidate successfully clears the interview round, he secures the aimed job at ONGC. As per the latest available details, the ONGC salary through GATE exam starts from 7 lacs INR per annum and increases with the level of position and work experience. The ONGC subsidiaries include some of the popular brands in India such as Hindustan Petroleum, which signifies the brand value of ONGC.
What is petroleum engineering?
Petroleum engineering primarily involves activities associated with exploring and producing petroleum. Petroleum is a well-known upstream end in the energy sector. Students enrolling in the stream of petroleum engineering study several topics such as geophysics, geochemistry, geomechanics, oil drilling, and seismology. Other topics include oil and gas production, tectonics, reservoir development, and knowledge management.
How to become a petroleum engineer?
Students must follow the following steps to become a petroleum engineer:
- The first step towards becoming a petroleum engineer is to choose and complete 10+2 with subjects such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The student must secure at least 50% marks in the 10+2 board exam to secure successful admission to the college for graduation.
- After completing 10+2, students need to enroll in petroleum, chemical, or mechanical engineering at a decent college. It is a crucial step towards securing a good job with a high petroleum engineer salary in India. Some of the degree courses involve only graduation courses. Some of the courses include a combination of both graduation and post-graduation courses. The duration of such courses is 5 years. You must note that some of these courses comprise internships. It helps students receive quality exposure to the profiles, which is useful for students during their next internships and full-time jobs.
- If your college degree does not include an internship or fieldwork opportunities in the curriculum, then you need not worry. You must become proactive and search for the best internship opportunities outside the college or university. It will ensure that you receive exposure to positive work culture and best industry practices. These internship and fieldwork opportunities form a strong base to secure a decent petroleum engineer salary in India.
- To increase your chances of securing better opportunities, you can opt for a Master’s degree in your respective field of specialization. A post-graduate degree offers a significant competitive edge over other candidates eligible for the recruitment.
- Once you complete the post-graduate degree, you must focus on gaining relevant work experience in your field of interest and expertise. Joining a junior role helps to gain hands-on training and relevant experience during the job tenure. Then, the candidate is finally ready to appear for the GATE exam to secure a high-paying job with an ONGC salary through GATE.
ONGC Recruitment Through GATE
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) initially started recruiting through GATE from 2016. Before that, it has its own different criteria for selection, but joined league in 2016 as GATE provides a hassle free platform for companies to select candidates.
Every year after 2016, ONGC has been recruiting through GATE examination.
Before applying for ONGC, candidates have to take care of certain factors, which are as follows-
Eligible Disciplines
The eligible disciplines for the ONGC company is as follows:
- Graduate degree in Electrical engineering
- Graduate degree in Mechanical engineering
- Graduate degree in Instrumentation engineering
- Graduate degree in Electronics engineering
- Graduate degree in Petroleum Engineering
- Graduate degree in Chemical engineering
- Graduate degree in Civil engineering
- Graduate degree in Telecom Engineering
- Graduate degree in E&T Engineering
- Graduate degree in Computer Engineering
- Graduate degree in Auto engineering
- Graduate degree in Information Technology
- Applied Petroleum Engineering
- Post Graduate degree in physics with electronics
- Post Graduate degree in geology
- Post Graduate degree in chemistry
- Post Graduate degree in geophysics
- Post Graduate degree in mathematics
- Post Graduate degree in physics
- Post Graduate degree in petroleum technology
- Post Graduate degree in computer applications
- Sc or M.tech in petroleum geoscience
- Sc or M.tech in petroleum geology
- Tech in geology technology
- Tech in geophysics technology
Candidates need to have 60% marks in their respective degree.
Job Profile
ONGC Ltd. recruits for the position of Graduate Trainees at E-1 level in Engineering & Geo-Sciences through GATE.
ONGC company has been recruiting in large number as it has large number of vacancies. In the year 2016, it had 417 vacancies and the number shot up to 1032 in the year 2018. It has shown a remarkable increase in vacancies
Weightage of each round:
Stages | Marks |
Weightage of GATE score | 60 marks |
Interview | 15 marks |
Qualification | 25 marks [20 marks for essential qualification and 5 marks for pursuing Ph.D. (if completed or documentary proof has been shown in the interview)] |
Total = 100 marks |
Candidates need to qualify GATE exam and then need to qualify interviews, separately. For the candidates belonging to General and OBC categories, candidates need to get 60% marks in the interview i.e. 9 marks out of 15 marks. And the candidates belonging to SC and ST categories, candidates need to secure 40% marks i.e. 6 marks out of 15 marks.
Generally, ONGC company requires candidates to have GATE Score of the year of which they are going to apply for the position.
Salary Structure
The Trainees will get the basic salary of INR 60,000- 1,80,000/- with 3% rise annually.
Apart from the basic pay, candidates will also get an allowance @ 35% under Cafeteria Approach, House Rent Allowance (HRA), dearness allowance, Mining Allowance, Contributory Provident Fund, Conveyance Maintenance, Performance Related Pay, Gratuity, Medical facilities for self and dependents, post-retirement benefit scheme, and Composite Social Security Scheme under company rules.
ONGC 2019
ONGC company has announced the recruitment for the year 2019. In 2019 also, candidates have to appear in GATE 2019, in order to be eligible for ONGC. Further, candidates must have first-division degree. ONGC company, in total, will be recruiting for the 21 posts. The candidates from the disciplines stated above can apply for the positions given below. One candidate can apply for one post only.
AEE (Cementing)- Mechanical | AEE (Production) – Petroleum |
AEE (Cementing) -Petroleum | AEE (Reservoir) |
AEE (Civil) | Chemist |
AEE (Drilling) -Mechanical | Geologist |
AEE (Drilling) -Petroleum | Geophysicist (surface) |
AEE (Electrical) | Geophysicist (Wells) |
AEE (Electronics) | Material management officer |
AEE (Mechanical) | Programming officer |
AEE (Production) – Mechanical | Transport officer |
AEE (Production) – Chemical | AEE (industrial engineering) |
AEE (instrumentation) |
The online application forms for the ONGC Recruitment through GATE open tentatively in March/April.
So if you wish to be a part of ONGC, start preparing for GATE exam and you can also take help a coaching institute to lead the way.
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is a public sector undertaking company which gives you the opportunity to work in one of the biggest oil and gas companies where you continuously learn and grow and enjoy exciting opportunities like traveling throughout your career with new experiences and professional freedom.
Right from the start employees enjoy professional freedom and have the satisfaction of their roles in their respective areas. With no hardcore formal environment, it gives you an environment freely to work.
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited is the largest E&P company with manpower of over 33,500 energy-soldiers devoted to the Energy Security of India.
Apart from this encouraging atmosphere for professional growth, the ONGC company offers a remuneration package to its employees, which makes it the best Maharatna companies PSU company to work with.
It includes Basic pay, Variable Dearness Allowance, 47% of Basic pay as Cafeteria Allowance, Conveyance Maintenance Reimbursement, House Rent Allowance, Contributory Provident Fund unparalleled medical facilities for self and dependents, Gratuity, Self-Contributory Post-Retirement Scheme, Composite Social Security Scheme, and soft loans, apart from a loaded Performance-Related-Pay.
The basic pay scale for different grades of the executive is as follows:
Grade/Level Pay Scale (all figures in INR)
E-0: 50000-160000
E-1: 60000-180000
E-2: 70000-200000
E-3: 80000-220000
E-4: 90000-240000
E-5: 100000-260000
E-6: 120000-280000
E-7: 120000-280000
E-8: 120000-280000
E-9: 150000-300000
Director: 180000-340000
CMD: 200000-370000
ONGC Ltd has announced several welfare schemes for its employees and their dependents.
These are some examples of its Employee Welfare Initiatives:
Medical Facility: All regular employees and their dependents (family members) are given free medical facility through the dispensaries/hospitals of ONGC. Retired employees and their spouses, as well as dependents of employees, also get the benefits, who die in harness like regular employees.
Loans and Advances: loan facility is also available to employees. Employees are also entitled to Children Education Loan to pursue higher education both in India and abroad.
Housing Facilities: ONGC has also established townships at most of its work centers. In addition, ONGC also takes houses on lease for its employees.
Grievance Management System (GMS): ONGC has a well-organized online Grievance Management System for the regular employees encompassing of a three-tier structure at the work center level and an independent Appeals Committee at the corporate level.
There is also various Training Program running on Work-Life Balance for working employees like Programs on stress management for handling stress at physical mental and emotional intelligence levels.
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is a Women-Friendly Workplace as there are many specific women-friendly policies in ONGC company like:
- 180 days Maternity leave/15 days of Paternity leave
- 730 days Child Care Leave
- Special consideration in transfers, postings & job rotation
- Nomination of senior women executives in all Selection panels during the recruitment
- Sensitive Complaint committees for dealing with cases of sexual harassment
- Sexual harassment has been seen in ONGC Disciplinary Rules as a misconduct
- Various Training programs are organized for the professional development of women at top Management Institutes like IIMs/MDI at intervals.
- The Compulsory nomination of women in all training programs
- Encouraging women to take up challenging assignments including postings in operational areas
- Provision for Creche facilities at all work centers.
These are the reasons making Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is favorite public sector undertaking to be a goal of career.
Dear Aspirants,
Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).
So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

it is very helpful to me
it was really helpful for us,we would be glad if you would add ongc cutoffs of previous years too 🙂