Myths About GATE Exam
Myths about GATE Exam: People’s inhibitions give rise to great myths and similar is the case with the GATE examination. There are a lot of myths that surround the GATE examination all the time, while some of them maybe true, most of them exist because of people who fail to work hard and thus surround themselves with a bubble of myths that further stop them from achieving something big in life. Today we would like to discuss those myths and provide a solution for each. Some myths which have no relevance will be broken while some which may be true corrected.
GATE examination is a national level examination conducted every year by the GATE committee which consists of various IITs along with IISC Bangalore. They work under the Ministry of Human Resource Development and every year one of the institutes under the GATE committee conducts the exam.
Table of Contents
- Myths about GATE Exam 2023
- The GATE exam is very Tough
- Attempt maximum questions
- Read all the subjects of graduation
- Do not worry about the non-technical syllabus
- Study for the entire night right before the exam
- No guidance is required for the examination
- You must start preparing from the college to crack the exam
- Refer to as many books as you can
- Always do group study
- Only students from IITs and NITs crack the GATE examination
Myths about GATE Exam 2023
The myths about GATE are widespread and we are sure all the students may have some time or the other heard about them. Today we would like to discuss some of these myths surrounding the GATE exam and provide proper reasons as to why students should not be worried about it. So the myths are:
- The GATE exam is very Tough: Some students are under the impression that the GATE examination is too tough and a normal student with an average score cannot crack the GATE examination. Well, to clear the air, every year hundreds of students clear the GATE examination and get good jobs in PSUs or move on for further studies. Though the success rate may not be too much, still the GATE examination is not an impossible task. You can easily crack the exam if you work hard towards it with dedication and sincerity.
- Attempt maximum questions: Most of the students think ‘The more the merrier. Well, this is not true for the GATE examination. More questions are only good when you are sure that they are correct. Otherwise, instead of gaining marks, you may lose out on some marks due to negative marking. These extra questions will not only cost you marks but also affect your rank. So, do not attempt the questions if you do not know the answer. In the first go only attempt the questions that you are sure you know the answer to. In the second round, you can actually spend time on the questions to which you think you might know the answer. The more correct answers, the more your score and the better the rank. Well, though solving the maximum number of questions is not wrong, attempting questions just for the sake of it is wrong. As more questions only result in more marks when the answer that you have marked is correct. If the answer is wrong, it will result in negative marking and hence lesser marks.
The best way to solve the question paper in order to reduce your negative marking is that in the first go answer the questions that you are sure about and mark the questions you think you might know. In the second round, you can go through the questions marked for review and answer them only if you can come to a conclusion after careful analysis and thinking.
So instead of concentrating on more questions, focus on more correct answers and get the maximum of what you can. You can attempt more of the non-technical syllabus as it will give you good marks and increase your score.
- Read all the subjects of graduation: In graduation there are various subjects, but not all are equally important for the GATE examination. Before starting your preparation, go through the syllabus and then read the subjects that are specified in the syllabus and only the topics that are needed for the GATE examination.
- Do not worry about the non-technical syllabus: The non-technical syllabus is an integral part of the GATE examination and not giving proper time to it can cost you heavily. So do not listen to what people have to say around, and concentrate fully on the non-technical syllabus of the GATE examination as it will help you score the extra marks and help you achieve a better rank.
- Study for the entire night right before the exam: Lot of students and seniors will advise you to read and revise the entire syllabus one day before the exam. Well, there are two problems with this myth. Firstly, we are talking about the GATE exam syllabus which is huge, so revising it in a day is an impossible task. Also, the second part is that if you revise the entire syllabus, then by the end of the day you will be completely exhausted and would not remember anything that you read. This fatigue, mental and physical, will hamper your exam the other day and you will not be able to give your best shot in the examination.
- No guidance is required for the examination: Well, this is not totally a myth, and yet it somehow is. So guidance is not dependent on someone to crack your examination. It is taking help of some experienced personnel to guide you through the exam, and help you know which books to read, how to complete the syllabus and much more. For this guidance you can take help form your teachers, seniors or coaching counsellors who will help solve all your queries and be the guiding light in your preparation.
- You must start preparing from the college to crack the exam: If you are sure right from college that you want to give the GATE examination, then of course you should start preparing right from college. But if you have decided after college to prepare for the GATE examination, you obviously cannot go back in the time. So it is not necessary that if you start preparing in college only then you will be able to crack the exam. As long as you are eligible for what you are trying to aim for whether PSU’s or Post Graduation you can give the GATE exam with equal probability of success as that of a fresher from college.
- Refer to as many books as you can: Every branch of the GATE examination has a lot of subjects and within those are the various topics. Every topic can have subtopics and they have dedicated books for each subtopic. If you start reading all the books, then you may not be able to complete the syllabus in the given time period. So this is a complete myth.
Yes, one must refer to books but only those which are extremely necessary and not all the books. This is where the guidance comes into picture, your mentor will help you choose which book to read for which subject or topic. You can also avoid the bookish hustle by referring to the coaching study material, where you will get the best material. The coaching experts research and read all the books and then make their study material. So instead of reading all books, a simple study material will help cover the entire syllabus of the GATE examination.
- Always do group study: Group Study has always been a very dicey topic, while some students believe group study helps the others are happy preparing in solitude. So group study does not always help. There are factors in group study, which can or cannot be a support in your preparation. These factors are:
Group: Depending on the students you are making a group with, the group study outcome will vary. If you have all the sincere students in your group, who will equally contribute to the discussion that your group is doing, then it will really help you in the preparation. However, some students who are just fooling around, may actually disturb your preparation as well, by not studying and causing unnecessary nuisance. So the second kind of group study will not be helpful, while the first kind will be.
Type Of Discussion : There is a possibility that you may all either decide on one topic and then discuss it or all read different topics and then explain that to each other. The second kind discussion will be more helpful. However, if you sit and discuss strategies and only make plans when you meet, then it will not be of any help.
Group Vibes: The one important thing about groups is the vibes. If all the members of the group are positive and encouraging, then they will transfer this energy to the others and make the group vibes happy. Every time the group meets, you will be encouraged to work harder and be more dedicated. However, if the group members are negative and in a very competitive mood with each other then it will create negative vibes and instead of focusing on your studies, you will be more interested in knowing what the others are studying, wasting unnecessary time. Thus there are factors which determine whether group study is important or not and whether it will help you in your preparation or slow it down. A good and positive group always helps and acts as a step bringing you closer to your dreams.
- Only students from IITs and NITs crack the GATE examination: This is a myth that stops lot of the students from even appearing in the examination. Well, this is a complete misnomer and makes no sense at all. There have been lot of GATE toppers who have been from tier 2 or 3 colleges. There are also lot of toppers who failed in the graduation but managed to score top 10 rank in the GATE examination. If you listen to the toppers talk you will realize how hollow this myth is and that the only key to success in the GATE examination is sincerity and dedication not college, branch or your GPA.
Similar to the above ones, there are other myths about the GATE examination too. One should remember that these myths are only excuses that unsuccessful students in the past have made for not cracking the exam. So make sure that instead of listening to the myths shut down the noises and concentrate on the exam, its syllabus, and what is needed for the exam. You may believe some of the myths but once you crack the exam you will know the difference between myths and reality.
If you too have any myths or confusion regarding something, feel free to write to us and we will break those myths. You can comment below with your query. Until then stay dedicated, work hard and all the very best for your exam.
Dear Aspirants,
Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).
So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

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I am a btech final Yr student and decided to apply for GATE next year, as my GPA is too low I underestimate myself to be a below average student and from that I always get confused how to start with and with that fear I fail to start my preparation. My confidence gets down and sometimes I doubt whether I will be able to clear it with good result.
Dear Candidate,
Thanks for writing to us. Regular practice can help in boosting your confidence. Join Online Test Series and continuously keep evaluating our results and keep working on it. Eventually, as your score starts improving, you will keep getting confident about your preparation.
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂
Sir, I think there is a mistake in the marks allotted for a question from General Aptitude (Mechanical set-2), GATE 2020. Question id is : 2672365615. In the GATE paper, 2 marks were allotted for it while MadeEasy is considering it to be a 1 mark question and evaluation in the Rank Predictor has been done accordingly. Please rectify it !
Dear Candidate,
Thanks for writing to us. The bug has been removed.
If someone has done his/her graduation in 2017, will he/she still eligible for the Gate-2021?
yes,gate has no age limit