RRB JE 2024 CBT-2: Last-Minute Tips for ME, CE, EE, ECE

The Railway Recruitment Board has declared the result of CBT 1 for RRB JE 2024 on 5th March 2025. Congratulations to all those who cleared CBT 1 of RRB JE. After the announcement of results, aspirants are completely engaged in the preparation of CBT 2. For the ease of aspirants, we are providing some last minute tips for RRB JE 2024 CBT-2. These tips would be useful for the aspirants who are preparing for RRB JE CBT 2 and are looking for last minute guidance.

RRB-JE 2024 CBT-2 last minute tips

Railways are one of the largest employment-providing sectors in the country. Many aspirants wait every year for railway recruitments. Being a highly technical organization, railways are the most preferred choice for engineering graduates who are looking for employment in the government sector.

In 2024, the railway recruitment board released a notification for 7951 posts: junior engineer, depot management supervisor, chemical and metallurgical assistant, chemical supervisor (research), and metallurgical supervisor (research) in various railway zones. As per the schedule, CBT 1 was conducted on 16th-18th December 2024. The result of CBT 1 was announced on 5th April 2025. Those who cleared CBT 1 would appear in CBT 2; however, the dates for CBT 2 have not been announced yet. The exam pattern and syllabus for CBT 2 are given here.

After going through the exam pattern and syllabus, readers must be eager to find out the last-minute preparation tips for RRB JE CBT 2. Without wasting any time, let us look at the last-minute tips for CBT 2 so that aspirants can increase their chances of securing good ranks in RRB JE by following these tips.

  • Get the detailed syllabus: To perform well in any exam, it is very important to find the detailed syllabus and exam pattern of that exam. Aspirants can check the exam pattern and syllabus from here.
  • Clear all concepts: Aspirants should clarify concepts as their first priority to clear exams like GATE, RRB JE, and ESE, etc.
  • Avoid reading new topics: Starting a new topic just a few days before the exam is not a good idea. Aspirants should avoid reading anything new in the few days before the exam. Rather, they should revise what they have studied till now.
  • Practice previous year paper: Solving previous year papers would provide an idea of the level of examination. Aspirants should practice previous year’s papers on a regular basis to get the idea of the questions.
  • Attempt regular mock tests: Attempting regular mock tests ensures that the preparation is going in the right direction. Mock tests also make aspirants familiar with their mistakes and weak concepts. Those aspirants who are going to attempt RRB JE-2024 CBT 2 can check MADE EASY’s test series for RRB JE CBT 2 from here. These tests are designed as per the latest syllabus and format of RRB JE. Aspirants can attempt these tests to strengthen their preparation.
  • Don’t avoid mistakes: After attempting mock tests, analyze them, note down your mistakes, and note down those questions that took a lot of time so that you don’t make those mistakes again in the exam hall.
  • Don’t go for GATE/ESE level preparation: RRB JE is a junior engineer level job, and therefore going for GATE/ESE level preparation isn’t needed for this exam. Generally, theoretical questions are asked in this exam. But that doesn’t mean that aspirants don’t need to prepare for numerical questions. Aspirants should also prepare some basic numerical questions that don’t require many complex concepts.
  • Revise from short notes: Short notes are a great source of quick revision. In the last few days before RRB JE CBT 2, aspirants should revise from their short notes instead of revising from their complete notes.
  • Don’t ignore the non-technical part: In exams like RRB JE and SSC JE, non-technical portions play a very important role in the selection of aspirants. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that aspirants should also focus on the non-technical part.
  • Focus on high-scoring areas: Aspirants should try to score maximum marks in high-scoring areas like Physics and Chemistry, Basics of Computer Applications, Basics of Environment and Pollution Control, etc.
  • Stay calm: Only a few days are left for RRB JE CBT 2, and aspirants are wholeheartedly engaged in their final preparations. In such a time, it is important for aspirants to stay calm and believe in their preparation.
  • Take care of health: Aspirants should take good care of their health. Getting ill in the last minute of preparation is something that aspirants should avoid at any cost. Aspirants should eat healthy food, adopt a healthy lifestyle, and avoid junk food and unhealthy lifestyles.
  • Stay motivated: Motivation is the biggest weapon of aspirants. RRB JE CBT 2 aspirants should stay motivated even if they are not getting desired results in the mock test, even if they are not able to focus on studies, even if they are forgetting the concepts, or even if they are feeling low due to any other reasons. Staying motivated in the last minute of preparation is very important.

These are some last minute tips for aspirants preparing for RRB JE CBT 2. These are some general last minute tips and aspirants are free to change them as per their requirement and condition. For more details about the last minute preparation strategy, students can visit here.

RRB JE 2024 CBT 2 exam date

After the declaration of RRB JE 2024 CBT 1 result, aspirants are worried about the CBT 2 exam date. As per the recent update, RRB has not declared the exact date for CBT 2. But the date for CBT 2 will be out soon, therefore aspirants should keep preparing for CBT 2. The admit card will be released before four days of the exam. However the exam city will be intimated before the release of admit card.

MADE EASY wishes all the best to every candidate for RRB JE 2024 CBT 2.

Check More RRB JE Links:
What is CBT 1 and CBT 2 in RRB JE Exam 2024? How to crack RRB JE Exam 2024?
RRB JE Recruitment 2024 for 7951 Junior Engineer Posts All You Need to Know About RRB JE 2024
Live Online Course for RRB JE CBT 1 & CBT 2 Buy RRB JE CBT Books: Solved Papers and Study Materials
How to Prepare for RRB JE CBT 2? Subject-Wise Weightage & Strategy 10 Reasons to Join RRB JE 2024 Online Test Series



1. Which topics should be revised at the last moment for CBT-2?

Answer: Aspirants can revise important topics from various subjects like General Awareness, Technical subjects, Physics and Chemistry, Basics of computer and applications, Basics of environment and Pollution control.

2. Is it necessary to solve previous year questions for RRB JE CBT-2?

Answer: Yes, previous year questions are very important for RRB JE CBT 2. Solving previous year’s questions gives an idea about the level of questions that are being asked in the RRB JE CBT 2.

3. How to do time management in CBT-2 so that all questions can be attempted?

Answer: Aspirants should try to solve the easier question first and mark up those questions that require a lot of thinking or complex calculation.

4. What should be read new or just revised at the last minute?

Answer: Nothing new should be read at the last minute instead of reading new topics and concepts, aspirants should focus on what they studied till now and keep revising the previously studied topics.

5.  What should be done a day before the exam and on the exam day?

Answer:  On the day before the exam, aspirants should revise the syllabus from their short notes, relax, and take adequate sleep. On the day of the exam, aspirants should wake up on time, reach the exam centre on time with all the documents, stay calm, and attempt the easy questions first.

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Dear Aspirants,

Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).

So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

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