ONGC Recruitment 2025 in Engineering at E1 Level Through CBT
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)
ONGC Recruitment 2025 in Engineering at E1 level through Computer Based Test, Apply now
JOB ALERT Engineers! ONGC is recruiting young and talented skilled engineers. Eligible and interested candidates are invited to apply for the post of Engineers and other posts in Oil and Natural Gas Corporation.
*Keep reading further to get an overview of the ONGC vacancies.
Company Profile
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, ONGC is the largest government owned Crude Oil and Natural Gas Company. About 70% of county’s crude oil production and 84% of natural gas production comes from ONGC. It was founded on 14th August 1956 by the Government of India. The head quarter of ONGC is located in the National Capital of India, New Delhi. Government of India awarded “Maharatna” status to ONGC in the November 2010. It is one of the highest profit making PSU of country. For the FY 2024, ONGC registered annual growth of 54,705 Crore after taxes which is 61% more than the profit after tax of FY 2023. The organization is on the path to an even greater glory.
Table of Contents
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates meeting eligibility criteria as below may apply for the advertised positions:
- AEE (Production) Mechanical: Graduate Degree in Mechanical Engineering with 60% marks.
- AEE (Production) Petroleum: Graduate Degree in Petroleum Engineering/Applied Petroleum Engineering with minimum 60% marks.
- AEE (Production) Chemical: Graduate Degree in Chemical Engineering with minimum 60% marks.
- AEE (Drilling) Mechanical: Graduate Degree in Mechanical Engineering with minimum 60% marks.
- AEE (Drilling) Petroleum: Graduate Degree in Petroleum Engineering with minimum 60% marks.
- AEE (Mechanical): Graduate Degree in Mechanical Engineering with minimum 60% marks.
- AEE (Electrical): Graduate Degree in Electrical Engineering with minimum 60% marks.
- Courses offered by the Institutes/University through regular as well as distance mode should be recognized by the relevant statutory body for the employment to the post and services under Central Government like Association of Indian Universities (AIU)/UGC/AICTE etc.
- No equivalent qualification will be accepted, i.e. AMIE won’t be considered where the minimum qualification is Graduation degree in Engineering.
- Candidates who are in final year of engineering are also eligible for ongc recruitment 2025. However, they should have obtained minimum percentage of marks or more in essential qualification by 31st July 2025.
- Percentage of marks are calculated as per university rules.
- Change in the name of Degree other than prescribed name will not be accepted. Qualification of B.E/B.Tech in Chemical Science and Technology will not be accepted for the post of AEE (Production)-Chemical.
Pay Scale, Emoluments and Other Financial Benefits
Candidates would be selected in the E1 grade with basic pay scale of ₹60,000-₹1,80,000/ with annual increment @3%. Along with this the employee is entitled to allowances @ 35% of Basic Pay under Cafeteria Approach, Dearness Allowance, HRA/Company Accommodation, Contributory Provident Fund, Conveyance Maintenance, Leave Encashment, Performance Related Pay (PRP), Medical Facility for self and dependents, Gratuity, Post Retirement Benefit Scheme and Composite Social Security Scheme etc. as per Company rules.
Details of Post:
S.No. | Posts | Domain specific paper for CBT | Number of Posts | |||||
UR | OBC | SC | ST | EWS | Total | |||
1 | AEE(Production) Mechanical | Mechanical Engineering | 5 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 11 |
2 | AEE(Production) Petroleum | Petroleum Engineering | 8 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 19 |
3 | AEE(Production) Chemical | Chemical Engineering | 9 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 23 |
4 | AEE(Drilling) Mechanical | Mechanical Engineering | 12 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 23 |
5 | AEE(Drilling) Petroleum | Petroleum Engineering | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | – | 6 |
6 | AEE-Mechanical | Mechanical Engineering | 3 | 2 | 1 | – | – | 6 |
7 | AEE-Electrical | Electrical Engineering | 5 | 2 | 1 | 2 | – | 10 |
Some posts are suitable for PwBD candidates. For detailed information, aspirants can click here.
Age Limit for various posts
Category | Age Limit | |
Unreserved/EWS | 26 | |
OBC (NCL) | 29 | |
SC/ST | 31 | |
PwBD | General/EWS | 36 |
OBC | 39 | |
SC/ST | 41 | |
General/EWS | 31 |
OBC | 31 | |
SC/ST | 31 | |
Departmental Candidates | Relaxation as per respective category and further relaxation to the extent of service rendered in the ONGC |
Ex-Serviceman candidate may avail the age relaxation available to ex-servicemen or ONGC departmental (if applicable) or reserved category. Such departmental candidates who are also ex-servicemen will get the age relaxation of either Ex-Servicemen or Departmental candidates whichever is maximum.
- Those who are seeking SC/ST/OBC and PwBD reservation will have to submit, the required documents at the time of document verification in the prescribed format.
- Prescribed format of SC/ST/OBC and disability certificate for PwBD is available on the online application site.
- OBC (NCL) certificate must have been issued after 1 April 2024 by the competent authority. The certificate must contain the date of issue along with the name of the caste spelled exactly in the same manner
- Candidates seeking reservation under EWS will have to submit at the time of interview, an Income and Asset Certificate issued by a competent authority.
Selection Procedure:
Eligible candidates have to appear for CBT. There would be 4 sections in CBT viz, General Awareness, Technical Knowledge, Aptitude test and English. The total time for CBT is of 2 hours.
Those who qualify CBT will be called for further selection process. For each post, 5 candidates will be called for interview. While shortlisting in the ratio of 1:5 in the respective categories, in case multiple candidates secure minimum cut-off marks, all of them will also be shortlisted in relaxation of the specified ratio. The shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a Group Discussion.
Parameter | Marks |
CBT | 85 |
Interview | 15 |
Total Marks: 100 |
In order to be empanelled, candidates are required to qualify in the CBT and thereafter again in the personal interview separately, in addition to fulfilling qualification criteria. To qualify in the CBT, General, EWS and OBC candidates are required to score minimum 45% marks & SC/ST/PwBD candidates are required to score a minimum of 40% marks. To qualify in the Interview, General, EWS and OBC candidates are required to score minimum 60% marks i.e. 09 marks out of 15 & SC/ST/PwBD candidates are required to score a minimum of 40% marks i.e. 06 marks out of 15 marks in Interview.
Format of CBT
S.No. | Subject | Number of questions |
1 | Concerned Domain | 40 |
2 | English | 10 |
3 | General Awareness | 10 |
4 | Aptitude | 25 |
Total questions: 85 |
- The test paper shall consist of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) and shall be of 2 hours duration. However, PWBD candidates may get the provision of compensatory time i.e. 20 minutes per hour. PwBD candidates in the category of Locomotor disability who are compelled to avail Scribe due to their disability, shall be allowed to bring the scribe. The provision of scribe can be allowed on production of a certificate from the Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government Health Care Institution as per proforma prescribed by the GOI to the effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write/ operate computer and help of scribe is essential to appear at the examination.
- There will be No negative marking in the CBT.
- In case the exam is held in more than one session, the scores across various sessions will be equated (normalized) to adjust for slight differences in difficulty level of the sessions. In such case normalized marks shall be used for all practical purposes.
- All the SC/ST/PwBD candidates attending CBT & All the candidates attending Personal Interviews whose mailing address is out of the Test city/ Interview centre city, will be reimbursed single second class to & fro rail fare (inclusive of sleeper charges / reservation charges if paid) by shortest route or actual fare paid whichever is less. In case the situation is not conducive for physical interviews, due to HMPV or any other pandemic like situation, the Interview may be conducted virtually. If the interview is conducted virtually, the mode of interview (Skype/ Cisco Webex / Google meet / Whatsapp/Zoom/ Microsoft Teams etc.) will be intimated to all the shortlisted candidates in advance. In this case, no TA will be paid to the candidates
Finalization of Merit list
- Candidates who qualify in the interview shall be empanelled in the Merit List.
- Offer of appointment shall be issued to the candidates based on their relative rank in the Merit List prepared on the sum total of marks scored by the candidate in CBT and interview.
- In case of a tie in the total marks scored between two candidates, candidate who gets more marks in performance (CBT Score) is considered senior and if equal marks are scored in performance, the one older in age is considered senior for release of name.
- Departmental candidates shall be given first consideration in matters of selection.
- Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their passing the company’s Medical Examination as per standards laid down under ONGC Medical Examination of Employees Rules, 1996. Details of the rules are available on ONGC’s Website at
- Those selected candidates who are already employed elsewhere will be required to resign from their respective organization only after being declared medically fit as per extant Medical rules of ONGC. If any candidate resigns from his/her present employment before being declared medically fit for joining in ONGC, then ONGC shall bear no responsibility, whatsoever, on this account.
How to apply and application fee?
- Eligible and interested candidates need to visit here from 10th January 2025 to 24th January 2025 for online application. No other mode of application would be accepted.
- Candidates can apply for one post only.
- If there is no vacancy in a post for reserved category, candidates belonging to reserved category can still apply for unreserved posts. However age relaxation will not be extended to them.
- Before registering/submitting their online applications on the website the candidates should keep the following ready:
- Mobile number & E-mail ID in which the OTP will be sent for completing the registration process.
- Scanned copy of recent passport size color photograph of the candidate with white background in jpg / jpeg format. (20kb–50 kb only)
- Scanned copy of the signature of the candidate in jpg / jpeg format (10kb – 20kb only)
- Class 10th Certificate.
- Degree Certificate of Essential Qualification.
- Consolidated Marksheet of essential qualification for all semesters or years.
- Photo identity proof (like Aadhar card, Passport, Driving License, Voter Id Card). The above documents are required to be uploaded in pdf format (not more than 500 kb for each file).
Registration fee:
S.No | Category | Registeration Fee |
1 | General/OBC/EWS | Rs 1000/- |
2 | SC/ST/PwBD | No charges |
The Registration fee exclude the convenience fee / Bank’s Commission plus GST.
- Registration fee is non-refundable.
- Registration Fee has to be deposited online.
- Departmental candidates from ONGC would also be required to deposit the applicable registration fee. However, the same will be reimbursable.
General Instructions
- All applicants must fulfill the essential requirements of the post and other conditions stipulated in the advertisement. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained.
- Applicants are required to apply online only. No manual/ paper application will be entertained.
- Screening and selection will be based on the details provided by the candidate; hence it is necessary that applicants should furnish only accurate, full and correct information. Furnishing of wrong / false information will be a disqualification and ONGC will NOT be responsible for any consequence of furnishing of such wrong/false information.
- Candidates should have the relevant documents like percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying examination; email id and mobile phone readily available with them before they commence the ONLINE application process. This information will be required at the time of filling – in the ONLINE application.
- Candidature of the registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of ONGCrecruitment process or after recruitment or joining if any information provided by the candidate is found false or is not found in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
- Requests for change of mailing address / discipline / Test Center as declared in the online application or mode of interview, will not be entertained.
- Candidates should retain the copy of their ONGC Registration Slip and Admit Card for future reference. Print out of the same should not be tampered with. No documents including copy of Registration slip etc. are to be sent to ONGC unless specifically asked for.
- Candidates in employment of Public Sector Undertaking/ Govt. Service will be required to produce No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their employer at the time of document verification / interview. In case NOC is not submitted at the time of interview the candidate may be provisionally allowed to appear subject to submitting an undertaking that he/she will submit the NOC within a stipulated time frame or will get proper relieving from the existing employer before joining ONGC, if selected.
- ONGC departmental candidates must ensure filling their own CPF Number of ONGC in the appropriate field in the online form, failing which they shall not, repeat SHALL NOT, be screened/ considered as departmental candidates from ONGC.
- If more than one application is received from a candidate, the latest application will be considered as final.
- Disputes, if any, are subject to Delhi Jurisdiction only.
- The candidates applying for the ONGC Recruitment 2025 should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions for the post against which they apply. Their admission at all the stages of the selection process will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of unique ID for online application/ interview call letter to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by ONGC. ONGC takes up verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents only after the candidate has been shortlisted for Interview.
- The selected candidates are liable to be posted anywhere in India or abroad (Asset/Basin/Institute/Plant/HQ etc).
- For more information about the Company, you may visit ONGC website
- In case of any difficulty please register your query at
- Candidates not found to be meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria shall be rejected at any stage of the selection process or after selection. Any candidate submitting false/incorrect information shall be rejected during any stage of the selection process.
- Canvassing in any form or influencing the officials related to the selection / recruitment process would result in immediate disqualification of the candidate. In case of any dispute, the decision of the management of ONGC will be final and binding on all candidates.
- Candidates are also advised not to respond to unscrupulous advertisements appearing in any newspaper. For authenticity of any communication/advertisement in this regard, the candidate must check on ONGC’s website
- ONGC Management reserves the right to cancel the recruitment exercise fully/ partially at any stage at its discretion
These were some of the important points regarding this recruitment by ONGC. Interested candidates are highly advised to read the detailed official notification link below to avoid any confusion:
ONGC official notification [link]
Dear Aspirants,
Take your GATE, ESE, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).
So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

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