Why you should not be disappointed after your first failure in ESE?
“Rome was not built in a day”, yes, this is exactly why you should not be disappointed after your first failure in ESE. If you wish to narrate a grand success story, you should remember that no success story comes without a struggle story. No doubt it’s disheartening to not succeed at an exam, you put all your efforts for, but then we all know that all good things take time. Sometimes it’s because of a silly mistake you committed, sometimes you come to know that you’ve been following a wrong strategy all this time, sometimes your approach to the questions is not correct and sometimes it’s just about luck. The good news is it does not matter, what matters, in the end, is to analyze, know where you went wrong, rectify it and gear up again to head for your goal. What really matters is not stopping. In this blog, we will try to address all the issues that an aspirant face after failure in ESE Exam and how they should tackle them:
- Disappointment and grieve following a failure are natural and human nature. This cannot be avoided. What should not follow this period of grief is demotivation or discouragement. Moving forward is more important than the pace with which you move. Always remember the reason that motivated you to start. Whenever you decide to quit, just try to remember why you started in the first place. Was this your dream, your ultimate goal, your parents’ dream, then there’s no stopping you? This is one thing that you would find in interviews of All ESE Toppers. They were all sure of what they were doing and it was their only aim at that time. This clarity of goals led them to achieve great heights of success. Just introspect yourself if you are determined enough to achieve your goal. If you find the answer to this question is yes, then you can always find the motivation to lace up again and work hard for your goal. It’s never the end until you decide so.
- Generally, it’s observed that students start doubting their choice of career itself along with their caliber to pursue it. They are in a dilemma that whether choosing ESE as a career option was the right decision or is it time to rethink and change their path career altogether. . Also, since ESE exam is a year-long process, some students think to withdraw as they cannot afford to go jobless for another year. Here what you need to do is a deep session of introspection, if ESE is what you wanted to do all your life, then you do not need to doubt your career choice or caliber for doing that. Though if you started your preparation under some different circumstances like pressure from family, peer pressure, lack of options, then you are not responsible for your failure. And in any case, ESE is not the end of the world or of opportunities. There are so many opportunities out there waiting to be explored. If you’re good with your technical IQ but cannot dedicate another year to preparation again, you can go for GATE. Once you clear the exam, join a PSU, or an M tech institute and continue with your preparation. Just introspect and decide upon your career choice but whatever you decide, work for it with full commitment.
- Among the various dilemma that students who decide to reappear for the ESE exam face, another one is regarding coaching. There is a number of questions that one tries to find answers to, If one has prepared for the first attempt through coaching, then is it necessary to join coaching again? Should I join different coaching or continue in the same one? If someone has prepared first time by self-studying, then is coaching necessary, or do I continue self-studying? Here, again the only person who can answer all your questions is YOU.
Examine first on which stage of the exam did you fail. If you could not qualify for prelims, it’s recommended that you join a coaching like MADE EASY and prepare systematically. If the main stage was your weak target, go for only the Main exclusive batch and in the meantime, enhance your writing and technical skills. If you could not qualify in the last stage of PI, you need to work on your communication skills and practical knowledge whilst you brush up on your technical and GS part. For this, you can enroll for an exclusive ESE Interview Guidance Course. If you are considering changing your coaching, go through their results for this year, if they are promising enough, stick to your current coaching. If not, take a call based on the teaching methodology.
- When students watch their colleagues/friends/roommates, who used to study together qualify ESE Exam, they feel left out and it adds to their disappointment. This is quite natural. They start feeling incapable of clearing the exam since with the same strategy, same study hours, and the same approach, some other students could qualify but they could There is nothing to worry about, here also. There is a popular story of a hare and a tortoise, you would have surely come across. The latter despite its unbelievably slow speed wins. It could succeed only because it kept moving and did not worry about its pace. The same applies to your preparation. The time they required and the time you would require may not be the same but you can both complete it if you keep moving towards your goal. The same strategy or approach that worked out well for your friends may not be fit for you. They worked it out according to their pace, knowledge, intellect, and comfort. You need to find yours and work it out for yourself.
- Also, as you see new faces coming up which are full of energy and confidence. Preparing again with the new lot takes a heavy toll on one’s emotions sometimes. Here you may start to feel lonely and try to isolate yourself. Why this is wrong is because you don’t need to feel so. The nature of the ESE exam is such that only time and hard work can not suffice for its preparation and one thing that adds up is PATIENCE. Also, now you have got an added advantage over the newcomers that you already are aware of all the basics, practiced every stage of the exam have been through the exam pressure once. What you need to add is just a little more effort and you are there. You definitely need to isolate yourself for your preparation. So, living alone is ok but being lonely is not. Make sure you take regular breaks, catch up with friends and be in touch with all your loved ones.
- Sometimes, to add to the existing disappointment grief, and disapproval, some students face a decreased support from family, friends or relatives. It may be due to a number of factors like maybe they had put a lot of confidence in you, they over expected, maybe sometimes because of economic conditions at home. What you need to remember is that this emotion of theirs is temporary. They are as disappointed as you are because they have been with you through your struggle. However, some people deliberately bring negativity into your life. There are people who just aim to pull you down from your endeavors. What you need to make sure is to cut off these people from your life because nobody needs that kind of negativity in their life. People who truly care are just concerned even when they show disappointment. You need to assure them of your determination and your success.
- This phase of low confidence, pushes a candidate to a stage of self-doubt where one starts to analyze their strategy, methods of approach and become worrisome. You start thinking that you have already put all your effort and hard work and there is no scope for improvement Now, this is one part that needs serious consideration. Whatever the reasons have been, but not qualifying implies a lack of something somewhere. But since not qualifying is past now and the preparation needed for the future is an analysis of your shortcomings. Before you start to prepare again what you need to know is where your strategy or approach went wrong in the first place and how it can be rectified now. Look at your score and analyze where you lagged.
- If you lagged in the GS section, check your sources. Did you follow good study material? Did it suffice for your preparation? Could you not apply the knowledge you had? Then maybe you need to practice more questions. If you practiced enough but could not find them in the exam, change your question bank. You can join an exclusive batch for GS at some coaching like Made Easy, which has produced enough ESE toppers, who score very well particularly in paper-1. If not, you can at least go for the annual edition of the current affairs magazine by Made Easy which will be a great help and you can chase some near about 12-14 questions easily by reading current affairs.
- If your technical field was your shortcoming, see if you failed at remembering formulae, then go for framing micro notes for each subject. If the application of concepts was an issue, go for more practice.
- If you see fewer marks in the conventional paper, try to find which particular subject would have caused the problem and focus more on its preparation and write more elaborate answers for it. Next time you write answers for this subject, try to include diagrams, flowcharts, etc.
- If you think that your score lowered because of the PI stage, work on your interpersonal skills. Appear for more mock interviews next time and also, practice your own answers to questions that have already been asked in
- Also, take and follow test series more seriously than before. Do a proper analysis of each test and simultaneously do value addition to your existing notes each time. Do not give all the subject tests of a subject at Keep taking subject tests in a mixed and balanced approach.
- Work well on your revision schedule, it’s very likely that in spite of studying each topic very thoroughly individually, you could not retain all of it till the ESE Exam date due to lack of a good revision strategy.
- Try to revise subjects more often. Maybe, after completion of any new subject, come back and revise the previously studied subject.
- Go through interviews of various ESE toppers read their success story, learn and plan yours accordingly. But avoid following their complete strategy blindly. Follow a unique strategy for yourself while you take notes from theirs.
“Winners are not people who never fail, but the ones who never quit.” They have their priorities set, their goals sorted and just the perfect level of required dedication. You are the only hero of your success story and the only one in charge of what happens in your career and life. Just religiously follow, “first things first”. Set your priorities. Work for them and success will not keep you waiting. Apart from being clear in what is required to be done, also be very clear in what not to do. Avoiding the wrong things is as important as doing the right things, it saves your time, effort, energy. Channelize your energy and potential well. Your hard work, efforts, your time all will be worth it once you can achieve your goal, because, in the end, only success matters. So, leave all your apprehensions behind, they are a thing of the past now.
All the best for ESE 2021!
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