UPSC ESE 2024 Cut Off | Engineering Services Examination
UPSC ESE 2024 Cut off Released
On 22nd November 2024, UPSC announced the final results of the Engineering Services Examination (ESE) – 2024. Following the results, UPSC also released the category-wise cut-off marks for each branch.
ESE has three stages and each stage is a knockout stage. In ESE a candidate has to score minimum qualifying marks in every subsequent stage from Prelims stage in order to reach to the final and third stage of the exam i.e. the interview. Hence qualifying Prelims is very important. After prelims there is sufficient gap of six months for Main examination. Candidates scoring well in Main are called for the Personality test. Then the final result is declared out of total marks 1300. The marks secured by last recommended candidate are the cut off marks for Engineering Services Exam.
Cut-off marks of three stages of ESE-2024 for respective branches are as follows:
Civil Engineering
S. No. | Category | Vacancy | PwBD candidates | PwBD candidates | Non-PwBD | ESE(P)(Out of 500) | Written Exam (Out of 1100) | Final Stage (Out of 1300) |
1. | General | 50 | 02 | 48 | 27 | 174 | 510 | 691 |
2. | EWS | 10 | – | 10 | 10 | 167 | 478 | 641 |
3. | OBC | 31 | 01 | 30 | 30 | 172 | 480 | 667 |
4. | SC | 15 | 01 | 14 | 14 | 151 | 411 | 576 |
5. | ST | 07 | – | 07 | 07 | 160 | 437 | 626 |
Total | 113 | 04 | 109 | 88 | ||||
Candidates belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability | ||||||||
a. | PwBD-1 | 04 | 04 (02 Gen, 1 OBC, 1 SC) | NIL | – | 71 | 202 | 391 |
Total | 04 | 04 | NIL |
Reserve List
21 | 02 | 16 | – | 03 | 42 |
Mechanical Engineering
S. No. | Category | Vacancy | PwBD candidates | PwBD candidates | Non-PwBD | ESE(P)(Out of 500) | Written Exam (Out of 1100) |
Final Stage (Out of 1300) |
1. | General | 10 | – | 10 | 05 | 217 | 537 | 725 |
2. | EWS | 02 | – | 02 | 02 | 202 | 519 | 702 |
3. | OBC | 06 | – | 06 | 06 | 217 | 521 | 701 |
4. | SC | 03 | – | 03 | 03 | 184 | 450 | 658 |
5. | ST | 02 | – | 02 | 02 | 153 | 348 | 491 |
Total | 23 | – | 23 | 18 |
Reserve List
05 | – | 05 | – | – | 10 |
Electrical Engineering
S. No. | Category | Vacancy | PwBD candidates | PwBD candidates | Non-PwBD | ESE(P) (Out of 500) |
Written Exam (Out of 1100) |
Final Stage (Out of 1300) |
1. | General | 14 | 01 | 13 | 10 | 199 | 489 | 655 |
2. | EWS | 03 | – | 03 | 03 | 180 | 432 | 632 |
3. | OBC | 07 | 01 | 06 | 06 | 198 | 444 | 625 |
4. | SC | 02 | – | 02 | 02 | 178 | 415 | 601 |
5. | ST | 03 | – | 03 | 03 | 159 | 407 | 568 |
Total | 29 | 02 | 27 | 24 | ||||
Candidates belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability |
a. | PwBD-1 | 01 | 02@ (01 Gen, 01 OBC) | – | – | 106 | 231 | 361 |
b. | PwBD-3@ | 01 | – | – | – | 077 | 203 | – |
Total | 02 | 02 | – | – |
* Subject to minimum 15% marks in each paper for non-PwBD candidates and minimum of 10% marks in each paper for PwBD candidates.
# Subject to minimum 20% marks in each paper for non-PwBD candidates and minimum of 10% marks in each paper for PwBD candidates.
@ 01 PwBD-3 backlog vacancy has been interchanged with PwBD-1 in terms of DoP&T OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt. (Res.) dated 15/01/2018 due to non availability of PwBD-3 candidate.
Reserve List
03 | 01 | 01 | 01 | – | 06 |
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
S. No. | Category | Vacancy | PwBD candidates | PwBD candidates | Non-PwBD | ESE(P)(Out of 500) | Written Exam (Out of 1100) |
Final Stage (Out of 1300) |
1. | General | 39 | 03 | 35@ | 23 | 129 | 343 | 546 |
2. | EWS | 09 | – | 09 | 07$ | 082 | 280 | 461 |
3. | OBC | 16 | – | 16 | 15$ | 129 | 343 | 545 |
4. | SC | 14 | – | 14 | 14 | 076 | 225 | 426 |
5. | ST | 08 | – | 08 | 08 | 076 | 230 | 389 |
Total | 86 | 03 | 82 | 67 | ||||
Candidates belonging to Persons with Benchmark Disability | ||||||||
a. | PwBD-1 | 02 | 02 (02 Gen) | – | – | 054 | 159 | 499 |
b. | PwBD-2 | 01 | 01 (01 Gen) | – | – | 062 | 318 | 455 |
c. | PwBD-5 | 01 | – | 01@ | – | – | – | – |
Total | 04 | 03 | 01@ |
* Subject to minimum 15% marks in each paper for non-PwBD candidates and minimum 10% marks in each paper for PwBD candidates.
# Subject to minimum 15% marks in each paper for non-PwBD candidates and minimum 10% marks in each paper for PwBD candidates.
@ Due to non-availability of PwBD-5 candidate, 01 PwBD-5 vacancy shall be carried forward to the next recruitment year as backlog vacancy in terms of DoP&T OM No. 36035/02/2017-Estt. (Res.) dated 15/01/2018.
$ Result withheld in terms of para 3 of the Press Note dated 22.11.2024.
Reserve List
12 | – | 11 | 01 | – | 24 |
Cut Off marks for ESE is decided by UPSC which is set on the basis of number of factors namely total number of vacancies, total number of candidates appeared, reservation rules of government of India, etc.
Seeing high cut off marks it’s quite obvious every aspirant should put in their best efforts from beginning itself and score high in every stage for a better cumulative total and thereby a sure shot selection for the prestigious engineering services of our country.
👉🏻 UPSC ESE 2024 Final Result Out | Toppers’ Talk

Why cut off marks is of OBC candidate is higher than general candidate in ESE Mechanical 2018 resut ( UPSC).
I am studying 3rd year everyone. Am I eligible to write ese/ies exam in my fourth year
Dear Vineeth,
Thanks for writing to us. Yes, you are eligible to apply for ESE/IES in the final year of your graduation. The only clause regarding this is that you should have completed your graduation while fulfilling the required eligibility criteria at the time of joining.
For detailed information regarding the eligibility criteria, please visit the following link:
There has been no guidance for 3rd students from MADE EASY team of how to start sidewise;for ese !
Like starting preparation in your 3rd year because most of the subjects are from your 3rd year if college ;please do make a video on that
Dear Muzamil,
Thanks for writing to us. We will take your suggestion into consideration while making future videos.
Please correct it. Cutoff for civil engg ST candidate is 188 not 169 in prelims.
Dear Pushpendra,
Thanks for writing to us. Your observation is correct. There has been a slight mistake from our side. We will rectify it at the earliest.
Sir, why did there is no cutoff provided for ECE in PH3 category for last two years in IES.
Sir one eyed person are eligible for ese in ee
Dear Candidate,
Thanks for writing to us. The following is an excerpt from the medical standards required by UPSC:
“If a person has one eye or if he/she has one eye which has normal vision and the other eye is ambiopic or has subnormal vision, the usual effect is that the person lacks stereoscopic vision for perception of depth. Such vision is not necessary for many civil posts. ”
The medical board may recommend as fit such person provided the normal eye has
(i) 6/6 distant vision and J-I near vision with or without glasses, provided the error in any meridian is not more than 4 diopters for distance vision.
(ii)full field of vision
(iii) Normal colour vision wherever required”