Exam Tips: UPSC IES/ESE or GATE Preparation

How to stay engaged in IES/ESE or GATE Preparation throughout the year?

This can be the biggest question if you are going to start preparing for Exams. IES/ESE or GATE preparation can be a daunting task for any student.

Any work that brings you success requires a lot of dedication and consistency. For that to happen it is extremely necessary that one remains engaged in that particular task all the time. Similar is the case with IES/ESE or GATE preparation. These are national level exams where the competition is increasing in leaps and bounds every year.

To stay relevant for the examination and crack the exam it is mandatory to put your heart and soul into it. One needs to be dedicated towards the examination and be consistent for the one year or more that your prepare for it.

Though it is easy to say that one should be focused, it is not an easy task to actually remain focused for such a long duration for IES/ESE or GATE preparation.

After a certain amount of time one loses the rhythm and falls in the trap of giving up on the examination and settling for something lesser.

While that might seem the best situation at that particular time, you may later regret not fighting for the exam till the end and letting your guards down halfway. Not being able to stay focused for a very long time is a very common situation that most of the students encounter.

In this video, we would help you provide ways in which you can overcome the situation and stay engaged in your preparation throughout the year.

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