ESE 2024 Prelims: 3 Things to Do a Day before the Exam

For Indian engineering graduates, Indian Engineering Services (IES) continues to be the most coveted career. UPSC organizes the Engineering Services Examination (ESE) every year to hire engineers for technical managerial positions in the following four domains: Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, and Telecommunications.

Aspiring engineers have an incredible opportunity to secure highly desired & prestigious roles in an array of government departments and agencies. There will be an interview after the two-stage written exam (Mains & Prelims). Because of its distinctive difficulty level and restricted number of available positions, the Engineering Services Examination is a prominent and demanding exam in India. IES officers have a high degree of respect and status due to their highly competitive selection process, and they are required to oversee and carry out tasks in a broad spectrum of technical and managerial domains.

Following the final selection, these applicants are assigned to the Indian Railways, Telecom, Border Roads Organization, CPWD, CWC, CPES, NHAI, Naval Armaments, IDSE, MES, Indian Ordnance Factories, and other Ministries and Departments of the Government of India.

Exam Day for the ESE 2024 Prelims is quickly approaching. Are you feeling that those tiny butterflies in your tummy are still present? While taking this extremely difficult competitive exam, you must be feeling the want to snuggle up beneath a rock and avoid the inevitable circumstance. That being said, every student preparing to take the GATE 2024 exam feels the same way. Every student fears that in the exam room they will forget every formula. Take a deep breath, relax, and center your attention on the exam’s motivation.

The ESE 2024 preliminary, or ESE Prelims 2024, will be administered by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on February 18, 2024. Exam candidates from throughout the nation will show up for the two exam papers in this preliminary phase in an attempt to get the best possible scores and rank to move on to the Mains and Interview phase.

We at MADE EASY make sure that students receive the required exam motivation with subject-related guidance. Now that we are with you, let’s discuss the things that are absolutely necessary to complete before the exam. Throughout the exam, these items will support your ability to remain composed and comfortable. It makes little sense to ignore the natural feelings of worry and anxiety that arise the day before an exam. However, you have to avoid the dreaded overthinking, which will suck your confidence and demotivate you just when you need it most.

You must have a strong belief in yourself and keep yourself motivated even until the last day before the Engineering Services Examination (ESE). ESE 2024 preparation without proper execution simply negates the effort that you have put into your competitive exam preparation. So let’s discuss the top 3 things to do the day before the exam so that you may execute your exam strategy correctly and ace the test before starting to prepare for the ESE Prelims 2024.

Strategy is Important for ESE 2024 Prelims:

We all know how important it is for competitive exam aspirants to memorize all the facts and formulas for ESE Prelims 2024. However, the ESE 2024 preparation also requires timely development and application of analytical skills. A common mistake made by candidates is to dedicate the final few days to a week to memorize key formulas from their particular disciplines. They believe that doing this will help them in remembering those formulas the following day. Sounds like a great plan. Yes? However, it is not. The smart candidates, the ones who will get to see their names on the final merit list, keep the last day to make a strategy about the next day, i.e., a plan that will make you ensure to deal with the actual question papers with ease.

You must have practiced and experienced the competitive exam environment in the form of the Offline/Online Test Series. It applies to Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering streams. Now is the time to sit down, focus, and think about that particular strategy once again. Brainstorm and find out the aspects that worked for you and the ones that did not work as expected. Make a robust plan and prepare your brain for the same. Your brain needs a certain amount of calmness to get prepared for the final battle. Therefore, rest, and keep rehearsing with the exam-related concepts inside your brain.


Make sure you have all the essentials with you a day before the ESE 2024 Prelims. Get the printout of your admit card well in advance before the exam day. Most preferably, get it done in the morning itself as the outlets for printouts get crowded in the evening, as most students prefer to get the printouts in the evening time. Read the ESE 2024 Prelims admit card carefully to know about the specific details related to the exam. It includes the reporting time, guidelines/instructions, venue details, essential document(s), and other important information required for the exam. It is always a good idea to go to your exam center in advance so you can estimate how long it will take to get there on test day. Even if the majority of students frequently overlook such minute things, you need to keep them in mind and in written format to avoid unnecessary panic on exam day.

Give well-deserved attention to your body:

The competitive exam pressure creates a lot of chaos and panic among most exam takers. Apart from this, the first thing that all students tend to neglect is taking good care of their health. In the above two points, we talked about the ways to keep the mind calm with the right way to stay composed on exam day. To perform to the best of their abilities in the forthcoming competitive exam, candidates for the ESE 2024 preliminary exam must maintain good health. The night before the exam and the morning on the day of the exam are the two crucial periods. You have to take special care of yourself and stay in the best frame of mind. Make sure you eat healthy and nutritious food for your breakfast and dinner.

Go for productive walks and relax. Go to bed early in the night so that you can have an ample amount of sleep before the exam. Sacrificing sleep a day before the exam to read something new or revising things that you have already revised several times is not a fruitful idea. Take proper care of yourself and make sure that you go fresh and healthy into the exam room. In this way, you can keep track of the ESE 2024 prelims performance in the best possible manner.

Now, let us find out the answers to some questions associated with the ESE 2024 Prelims.

1. What do I study a week before the ESE 2024?

Ans. For those preparing for the ESE 2024, the week leading up to the exam is crucial. The following are some strategies you should use to perform exceptionally well on the test and receive the necessary scores:

  • First, filter your mind.
  • Then, you need to ensure that you do not get many books for the final study and revision phase.
  • Keep your focus on the ESE 2024 attempt.
  • If possible, isolate yourself until your exam gets over. In this way, you will ensure that external factors/aspects do not distract from the respective exam goals and efforts.
  • You must utilize your revision notes to stay on track with the right set of resources.

2. What are the three stages of the ESE 2024?

Ans. The three stages of the ESE 2024 include the Prelims exam, Mains exam, and Interview round.

3. When is the ESE Mains 2024?

Ans. The ESE Mains 2024 will be conducted on 18th February 2024.

4. What is the marks weightage of the ESE 2024 Prelims?

Ans. The marks weightage of the ESE 2024 Prelims exam is 500 marks. (Paper-I and Paper-II maximum marks – 200 marks and 300 marks, respectively).

5. What are the two papers of the ESE 2024 Prelims?

Ans. The ESE 2024 Prelims comprises General Studies and Engineering Aptitude and Engineering Discipline as Paper-I and Paper-II, respectively.

6. What are the eligible engineering streams for the ESE 2024 ?

Ans. The four eligible Engineering streams for the ESE 2024 include Civil Engineering (CE), Electrical Engineering (EE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), and Electronics and Telecommunications Engieering (E&T).

7. What is the timetable for the ESE 2024?

Ans. The ESE 2024 timetable is as follows:

Date and DayTimeSubject
18th February 2024 (Sunday)10.00 AM to 12.00 PMGeneral Studies and Engineering Aptitude Paper (Paper-I) (Objective)
2.00 PM to 5.00 PMCivil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, and Telecom Engineering (Discipline-related paper) (Paper-II) (Objective)

8. How do I prepare for the ESE interview round?

Ans. Reaching the ESE interview round takes a lot of patience and dedication. Therefore, it becomes more important to take the right guidance to clear the ESE interview round with the required scores. If you want to prepare for the ESE interview round and stay updated, you must ensure that you opt for the MADE EASY Interview Guidance Program.

9. How do I download the ESE Prelims 2024 admit card?

Ans. To appear for the ESE 2024 Prelims, you will need the ESE Prelims 2024 admit card. If you have not yet downloaded the admit card, you must follow certain steps to download it. Firstly, you need to visit the official website of the UPSC e-Admit card where there are two options. You can either use your ESE Preliminary 2024 registration ID or roll number. If you have forgotten the registration ID, you can refer to the respective ID from the Forgot ID segment on the same official website.

10. What benefits will I get with the help of the MADE EASY Interview Guidance Programme for ESE and PSUs?

Ans. MADE EASY Interview Guidance Programme for ESE and PSUs offers several benefits in the form of its most beneficial features. This includes personality development, Human Resources (HR) sessions, Detailed Application Form (DAF), personal profile, and previous interview questions. Apart from this, sessions on General Awareness and Current Affairs, Mock Interviews, and Feedback Analysis are also included in the MADE EASY Interview Guidance Programme for ESE and PSUs.


Thus, you can utilize the above-mentioned things to give your best shot and prepare yourself for the ESE . Always remember that one who can keep himself focused on the ESE 2024 preparation and execute the decided strategy in the exam hall efficiently is the one who will emerge victorious in the exam.

We believe that if you have given the required time to read this blog post, then you are one of them. You must believe that you are in the right direction and we are here to guide and support you throughout your preparation journey. Take action and implement the above-mentioned activities with the required focus and energy. After this, you will observe significant improvement in your ESE preparation and attempt at the same time. These small tips and tricks will give you a certain edge over other exam takers, thus helping you achieve the desired scores in this competitive exam.

Keep in mind that — a war is won through many small battles before the actual war is fought and one emerges victorious in the ultimate battle.

All the best for the ESE 2024 Prelims!


Dear Aspirants,

Take your GATE exam, ESE exam, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).

So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

MADE EASY : ESE, GATE & PSUs Youtube ChannelMADE EASY Classroom Course 

8 thoughts on “ESE 2024 Prelims: 3 Things to Do a Day before the Exam

  • Bhavesh Nehete

    Thankyou whomsoever it may concern!

    • Neeraj Kumar Ravi

      Dear Bhavesh,

      Thanks for writing to us. We are glad that you liked our article. Keep visiting our blog for similar content in the future.

      Team MADE EASY

  • sreekanth

    We are very thankful to MADEEASY..
    Thank you so much sir..

    • Neeraj Kumar Ravi

      Dear Sreekanth,

      Thanks for writing to us. We are very glad to hear that you like our article. Please keep visiting our blog to get similar content.

      Team MADE EASY

  • Feeling tensed!!! But now relaxed after reading this blog😀

    • Neeraj Kumar Ravi

      Dear Asif,

      Thanks for writing to us. We are very glad to hear that you like our article. Please keep visiting our blog to get similar content.

      Team MADE EASY


    Thank you so much

    • Neeraj Kumar Ravi

      Dear Candidate,

      Thanks for writing to us. We are very glad to hear that you like our article. Please keep visiting our blog to get similar content.

      Team MADE EASY

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