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PSPCL Recruitment 2024 for Assistant Engineer/OT (Electrical Cadre)

Punjab State Power Corporation Limited

CRA-311/24 (GATE-2024 Marks Based)

Recruitment for the Post of Assistant Engineer/OT (Electrical Cadre) in the discipline of Electronics & Communication Engineering in PSPCL

CIN No: U40109PB2010SGC033813, GSTIN No.: 03AAFCP5120Q1ZC, PAN No. AAFCP5120Q

Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) invites applications for the post of Assistant Engineer/OT (Electrical Cadre) in the discipline of Electronics & Communication Engineering. This is an excellent opportunity for aspiring engineers to join PSPCL, a leading power generation and distribution organization. Candidates with a strong academic background and relevant qualifications in Electronics & Communication Engineering are encouraged to apply.

PSPCL, a Power Generating and Distribution company owned by Government of Punjab, which has played a key role in implementation of Punjab Government plans for 24*7 uninterrupted quality power supply in the State of Punjab, is looking for young & dynamic candidates with brilliant academic record for the post of Assistant Engineer/OT (Electrical Cadre) in the discipline of Electronics & Communication Engineering.

Pay- Scale

The Pay-Scale will be as per Punjab Govt. Letter no. 1/647144/2023 dated 21.04.2023. The minimum Pay admissible as per 7th CPC/Pay Matrix will be Rs. 47600/- per month after the appointment/joining.”

*During the probation period mentioned in the offer of appointment or extended probation period whichever is more, newly appointed candidates shall be paid ‘minimum admissible pay’ only as per Department of Finance (Finance Personnel 1 Branch) Chandigarh, letter No. 7/42/2020-5FP1/741-746, Chandigarh dated 17.07.2020  and it will not include any Grade pay, Dearness allowance, annual increment or any other allowance except the travelling allowance and medical reimbursement if any, as per the entitlement of the post held by such candidate. However, in case of appointment of candidates already in service of PSPCL, their pay shall be protected, if the ‘minimum admissible pay’ in the offer of appointment is lower than the pay actually drawn by them on the post they actually hold lien. But they will not be given any increment or allowance except TA and medical reimbursement during the probation period.

**The probation period for these posts will be 3 years or as per instructions issued by Govt. of Punjab from time to time.”

Total number of vacancies to be filled for the post of Assistant Engineer/OT (Electrical Cadre) in the discipline of Electronics & Communication Engineering are 25

 Tentative category-wise detailed breakup of vacancies is given below:

S. No. Category Sub-Category Total vacancies Post reserved for Women out of Total vacancies
3SCSC (MB)21
SC (MB) (XSM-Self/Dep.)10
SC (OT)41
5XSM (Self/Dep.)XSM (Self/Dep.)11
6PWDDeaf, HH11
Locomotor Disability10
7Sports (SP)10
Total 25 10


Abbreviations for Categories

Gen=General , EWS=Economically weaker section , SC=Scheduled Caste , SC (MB)=Scheduled Caste (Mazhabi Balmiki) , SC (MB-XSM-Self/Dep.)=Scheduled Caste (Mazhabi Balmiki) (Ex-servicemen- Self/Dependent) , SC (OT)=Scheduled Caste/Others , BC=Backward Class , XSM (Self/Dep.)=Ex-servicemen (Self/Dependent) , PwD=Person with disability , D, HH=Deaf, Hearing Handicapped


The category wise breakup of vacancies is according to Roster register/points as per   Punjab Govt. Rules & Regulations.

Reservation for Women:

  • Vacancies reserved for women will follow Punjab Civil Services (Reservation for Women) Rules, 2020.
  • If no eligible woman candidate is available, the vacancy will be filled by eligible candidates of the respective category.

Open Vacancies:

  • Non-reserved vacancies will be filled based on merit, irrespective of gender.

Application Guidelines:

  • Categories/sub-categories selected in the application are final and cannot be changed.
  • Applying under the wrong category will result in rejection without notice.

Vacancy Changes:

  • PSPCL can modify the number, category breakup, or conditions of vacancies at any stage without prior notice.
  • Actual vacancies may vary.

Eligibility Criteria:


PSPCL has finalized the minimum qualifying marks (out of 100 marks) for GATE based 2024 recruitment. Applicants must ensure that they possess the minimum qualifying marks in GATE-2024 (Electronics & Communication Engineering) as given below for the respective category, to be eligible for applying against CRA311/24:

Category wise minimum qualifying marks in GATE-2024 (EC) for the post of AE/OT (Electrical Cadre) in the discipline of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Category Cut-off



Applicants must possess academic qualification and knowledge of Punjabi as per table below: –

Sr. No. Name of Post/ Cadre Academic qualification Knowledge/ Qualification of Punjabi

Assistant Engineer/OT (Electrical Cadre) in           the Discipline of Electronics and Communication  

Full Time regular BE/B.Tech/ B.Sc Engineering in Electronics & Communication Engineering with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent degree in respective discipline recognized by AICTE or AMIE         in          Electronics           & Communication Engineering with 55% marks from Institution of Engineers (India) Kolkata.

The candidates must have passed Punjabi of at least Matriculation or its equivalent level.


Note: The above qualifications are essential qualifications and the applicants must possess the above requisite qualifications up to last date of submission/registration of online application.

Age Limit

As per Punjab Govt. Notification G.S.R.20/Const./Art.309/Amd.(10)/2010 dated 24.05.2010, candidate should not be below 18 years and above 37 years of age as on 01/01/2024 to be eligible for these posts and relaxation in age will be as per Govt. of Punjab instructions.

Relaxation in Upper Age Limit

Upper age limit relaxation is as admissible under rules/instructions of PSPCL/Punjab Government adopted by PSPCL from time to time. Relaxation in upper age in different categories is subject to the condition that the candidate is meeting other eligibility criteria for the post as given below:

  1. SC and Backward class: 5 years over & above the normal maximum recruitment age.
  2. Ex-Serviceman (Self): Ex-servicemen of Punjab Domicile shall be allowed to deduct the period of his service in  the Armed Forces of Union from his actual age  and if the resultant age does not exceed the  maximum age limit prescribed for direct  appointment to such a vacancy in the Service  Rules concerned by more than three years, he  shall be deemed to satisfy the condition  regarding age limit.
  3. Physically Handicapped: 10 years over and above the normal maximum recruitment age.
  4. In case of the following, the upper age limit shall be 40 years:
  • Widow;
  • Women who are legally separated from their husbands or have been divorced;
  • Women whose husbands have been ordered by Civil or Criminal courts to pay maintenance to them;
  • Women who have, because of their desertion, been living separately from their husbands for more than two years.
  • Women whose husbands have re-married; and
  • Wives of the serving military personnel and wives of those who are disabled while in Military service.
  1. For serving employees of PSPCL/PSTCL/Punjab Govt.: To the extent of service rendered in PSPCL or erstwhile  PSEB/PSTCL/Punjab Govt.


  • Only those candidates who fulfil the criteria w.r.t. GATE-2024 qualifying marks, qualification, age, etc. and other requirements as mentioned in this CRA are eligible to apply against this recruitment. The candidate not meeting the above criteria will be rejected during checking of documents or at any time thereafter if found ineligible.
  • The candidates must possess the above requisite qualifications up to last date of submission of online application & shall submit the proof in this regard at the time of document checking. Candidate who fails to do so, shall not be considered even if he/she has qualified the GATE-2024 test and no relaxation shall be given in this regard.
  • Candidates who have appeared/are appearing in the relevant examination/certificate, but their result is awaited, can also apply but he/she must acquire the requisite qualifications upto the last date of submission of online application and shall produce the proof for the same.
  • Candidate, who fails to do so even if he/she has qualified the GATE-2024 test, shall not be considered and no relaxation shall be given in this regard.
  • The candidates whose result has been declared recently and the certificate is yet to be issued, then the date of declaration of result shall be considered as date of completion of his that qualification. However, candidates have to submit proof in this regard.
  • Detailed instructions, given on the PSPCL website (, may be referred at the time of filling online application.

Online application fee: 

Fees Details (Non-Refundable):
Sr. No. Category Application fees Applicable GST @ 18% Total
A B C D E (C+D)
1All Categories except SC,           Person with DisabilityRs. 2000/- per Application360

Rs 2360/-+ Bank Charges (if applicable)

2SC Category/ Person with Disability Category.Rs. 1400/- per Application252

Rs 1652/- + Bank Charges (if applicable)

 *GST rate shall be applicable as per GoI norms issued from time to time.

  • Fee will be accepted by online mode only. No other mode for depositing fee is acceptable.
  • Submission of application shall be considered complete only if the requisite application fee has been deposited. Application without deposit of requisite fee shall be rejected.
  • The fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor the fee can be held in reserve for any other recruitment or selection.
  • The candidates shall deposit the requisite fee at the same time as & when the application form is submitted and shall not wait for the last date of fee deposit. PSPCL shall not be held responsible, if any candidate is not able to submit application and fee due to last time rush or any internet issue or any other reason whatsoever.


Refer to the official PSPCL official for information on “Reservation”

Official PSPCL Job Notification


  1. The merit list of candidates, who fulfils the eligibility criteria mentioned above, shall be prepared on the basis of marks scored in GATE-2024 exam and only those candidates shall be considered in merit list who have minimum qualifying marks in GATE-2024 exam as mentioned above.
  2. The category-wise final merit shall be prepared based on the marks secured in GATE-2024 exam only except for Sports person category candidates whose final merit shall be prepared by the O/o Director/Sports, Punjab as per Sports gradation policy no. 47/26/83-5Edu. /2036 dated 10.12.1997 and Punjab Recruitment of Sportsman Rules, 1988 with applicable amendments, if any. The O/o Director Sports, Punjab is the competent authority to issue Sports Gradation Certificate and any other Sports Certificate issued by any other authority will not be accepted as valid Certificate for claim of reservation under the Sports Person, Punjab Category). The Sports Gradation certificates of Sportsperson category candidates will be sent to the O/o Director/Sports, Punjab for verification and for issue of final list of Sports persons.
  3. Further, if two or more candidates have secured same marks in GATE2024 exam, then their relative merit shall be determined by their age where higher age candidate shall be placed at higher merit.

Selection Process

Candidates who fulfill the criteria w.r.t. GATE-2024, qualification, age, etc. as detailed above, are eligible to apply for recruitment against CRA 311/2024 in PSPCL. All the candidates are informed that only GATE-2024 (EC) marks will be valid for the current recruitment process under CRA 311/24. The candidates shall be called for document checking as per merit list according to the no. of vacancies.

Process of document checking:

 On the basis of result/merit list prepared on the basis of GATE-2024 marks, only  those candidates who fulfil the criteria w.r.t. qualification, age, etc. as per  information filled in the application form shall be called for document checking.  Candidates must produce original documents/certificates before the document  checking committee wherein their fulfilment of eligibility criteria w.r.t. to  qualification, age, reservation etc. as per CRA shall be checked and the original  documents shall be returned to the candidates on the same day after checking.  However, the candidates must submit one photocopy of all the documents, duly  self-attested, to the document checking committee.


  1. Candidates must produce the GATE-2024 scorecard which will be checked by PSPCL during the time of document checking.
  2. It is clarified that mere calling of any candidate for document checking doesn’t entitle him/her for selection/appointment to the said post.
  3. Candidate shall be notified about the date of document checking through Registered E-mail ID (as mentioned by the candidate in his/her online application form) and on PSPCL’s website ( only. Thus, candidates are advised to mention their email IDs very carefully and to visit the PSPCL site frequently. In case candidate does not appear on the 1st scheduled date, then 2nd chance (final chance) would be given to such candidate and in case he/she again fails to appear for document checking even on 2nd chance (final chance), then no further chance would be given & his/her candidature shall be cancelled/forfeited without any further notice.
  4. Candidate has to himself/herself appear for the process of document checking. Nobody on candidate’s behalf can appear in the document checking. In case candidate himself/herself fails to appear before the document checking committee within stipulated time, then his/her candidature will be cancelled/forfeited without any further notice.

Offer of appointment/Joining

The successful candidates qualified in the GATE-2024 as per CRA and have successfully completed the process of document checking relating to the various qualifications and eligibility criteria such as age, academic qualification, passing of Punjabi language and reservation etc. and have been found eligible after checking of their documents, shall be considered on the selection panel as per the merit and no. of vacancies to be filled.


  1. The candidature of a candidate will be rejected without any notice if any information, certificate or document provided by the candidate is found to be wrong/fake/fictitious/forged or bogus or does not meet with the eligibility criteria(s) as mentioned in the CRA. The candidate must acquire the requisite qualification upto the last date of submission of online application and shall produce proof for the same. Candidate, who fails to do so even if he/she has qualified GATE-2024 shall not be considered and no relaxation shall be given in this regard.
  2. The offer of appointment, for the number of vacancies to be filled, shall be issued by the appointing authority to the candidates brought on the selection panel.
  3. Those candidates who has been issued appointment letter shall be given 21 days to join the services of PSPCL. In case, candidate does not report for joining on scheduled date, then final/last notice of maximum 21 days will be given to such candidates. In case, any candidate fails to join PSPCL within stipulated time period, his/her appointment letter shall be cancelled automatically without any further notice.
  4. Candidate has to deposit all his/her original documents at the time of joining in the office of appointing authority for getting the same verified by appointing authority.
  5. Validity of selection panels for above said post will be one year from the date of approval of 1st selection panel by the competent authority. After the expiry of validity of panel, waiting list shall cease to exist and candidates in waiting list will not be considered for selection. Even if document checking process of a candidate has been completed, he/she will not be considered for selection/issuance of appointment letter after expiry of validity of panel as mere calling of any candidate for document checking doesn’t entitle him/her for selection/appointment to the said post.
  6. Candidates working in Government/Semi-Government, public sector undertakings or Cooperative organizations shall have to submit “No objection certificate” from their organization after resigning and before joining PSPCL, failing which their candidature may not be considered.
  7. Educational qualifications must be from a recognized Institution/University/Board. Candidates who have appeared/are appearing in the final year examination (2023-24 sessions) but their result is awaited, can also apply but he/she must acquire the requisite qualifications upto the last date of submission of online application and shall produce the proof for the same. Candidate, who fails to do so even if he/she has qualified the GATE 2024 test, shall not be considered and no relaxation shall be given in this regard. The candidature of a candidate will be rejected without any notice if any certificate or document provided is found to be fake or forged or does not meet the eligibility criteria.


PSPCL may depute the selected candidates to undergo training at Technical Training Institute, PSPCL, Patiala or any other institute in India.

Guidelines for submission of online application visit official notification below

Official PSPCL Job Notification

Other terms & conditions:

  1. Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode of application shall be accepted.
  2. On successful registration of online application, candidates are advised not to attempt for re-registration for the same post since multiple registration number and password may create problem for candidates in future. The applicants who submit multiple applications for the same post should note that only the latest application (i.e. application with Highest/Latest Application Number) shall be entertained by the PSPCL and also note that the fees paid against one Application Number shall not be adjusted against any other Application Number.
  3. Candidates are advised to keep a copy of application form and receipt of online payment which will be checked by PSPCL during the process of document checking.
  4. Candidate should note that his/her candidature is purely “PROVISIONAL” subject to eligibility verification/checking during document checking. Mere registration for PSPCL recruitment will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the PSPCL. Before submitting the application, the candidate must ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility criteria as laid down in this advertisement or amendments if any issued subsequently.
  5. Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online much before the closing date and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on the PSPCL’s website on account of heavy load during last hour rush or internet issue or any other reason whatsoever.
  6. PSPCL does not undertake any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the stipulated period on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason whatsoever.
  7. Candidates serving in Govt./Quasi Govt. offices, public sector undertakings are required to submit “No objection Certificate” from their employer at the time of joining, failing which their candidatures may not be considered.
  8. The decision of the PSPCL about the mode of selection to the post and eligibility conditions shall be final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
  9. I) No TA/DA will be paid for the journeys performed for the document checking/ counseling etc.
  10. Candidates are requested to carefully mention their sub-category viz-a-viz Caste in their online application form.
  11. All information including qualifications, category, age etc. declared by the candidate in their application is presumed to be correct subject to its checking conducted by documenting checking committee later-on in respect of those eligible candidates who may be called for document checking before their appointment for joining PSPCL. There is no mechanism to verify the information/data during the online application. If, at any stage (during document checking, before issue of appointment letter or even after his/her joining the PSPCL), any information of the candidate is found to be wrong forged/fictitious/bogus, the candidature of such candidate will be cancelled ab initio and action may be taken against him/her according to law.
  12. Only those Government employees, if selected shall be eligible to join who are certified by the Head of the Department (where he/she is working), as not having any pending disciplinary proceedings or undergoing punishment under Punjab Civil Services (Punishment & Appeal) Rules, 1970, or any other applicable rules, as the case may be, not undergoing any trial/ prosecution or any other material disqualification in terms of integrity and professional misconduct and necessary NOC should be obtained from the Head of the Department.
  13. The selected candidates will be governed by PSPCL Rules & Regulations amended from time to time.
  14. In case the candidate fails to deposit the requisite fee, his/her application shall stand automatically cancelled/rejected and shall not be considered for further processing.
  15. For any clarifications regarding the online filling of the form, the candidate can contact through email: [email protected].
  16. In case, if a candidate is unable to register himself, he/she may contact personally at the O/o of Dy. Secy./Recruitment, PSPCL, PSEB Head office, The Mall, Patiala.
  17. The venue, date and time of document checking/counseling of the candidates in merit will be available on the website Candidates will be informed individually about the document checking schedule only on their registered email id filled in application form. So, candidates are advised to register email id in application form that is personally used by them.
  18. Candidates are advised to regularly visit PSPCL official website ( for any updates regarding this advertisement.
  19. In case of any ambiguity/dispute or interpretation, decision of the PSPCL shall be final and binding on the candidate. Legal jurisdiction shall be subject to Local Courts at Patiala only.
Start date of online registration/submission of application and fees Deposit28.11.24
Last date of online registration/submission of application18.12.24
Last date of deposit of Fee* 20.12.24


* Note:

  1. Submission of application shall be considered complete only if the requisite application fee has been deposited. Application without deposit of requisite fee shall be rejected.
  2. Candidates are advised not to wait till the last date & time and should submit their application well within the stipulated time. Further, the candidates shall deposit the requisite fee at the same time as & when the application form is submitted and not to wait for the last date of fee deposit. PSPCL shall not be held responsible, if any candidate is not able to submit application and fee due to last time rush or any internet issue or any other reason whatsoever.
  3. Candidates are required to upload their GATE 2024 score card (for the discipline of Electronics & Communication Engineering-EC) while filling online application form for the said post.
  4. In case of any difficulty or query related to online application only, please contact through email id: [email protected] by quoting the registration number.


Eligibility of Persons With Disability For The Post Advertised

AGAINST CRA NO. 311/24 (GATE 2024 marks based)

Sr. No. Post Functional Requirements Suitable category of Benchmarks Disabilities
1AE/OT (Electrical Cadre) in Electronics & Communication disciplineS, ST, W, BN, L,


a)    D, HH

b)    OL, CP, LC, Dw, AAV, SD/SI (without any associated neurological/limb dysfunction)



Note: Persons with SD/SI with associated limb dysfunction shall be covered under the respective sub-category mentioned above.

Abbreviations for Categories of Disabilities

D=Deaf, HH=Hard of hearing, OL=one Leg, CP=Cerebral Palsy, LC=Leprosy Cured, Dw=Dwarfism, AAV=Acid Attack Victim, SD/SI=Spine Deformity/Spine Injury.

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So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.


Dear Aspirants,

Take your GATE, ESE, and PSUs Interviews preparation to the next level with the MADE EASY YouTube channel. This popular YouTube channel comprises a lot of content for exam aspirants preparing for the ESE and GATE exams with PSUs interviews. It includes Current Affairs, Previous Years’ Questions (PYQs), GATE through Questions (GTQs), Toppers Talk (ESE & GATE), Tips and Tricks, and Job Notifications (Job Box).

So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

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2 thoughts on “PSPCL Recruitment 2024 for Assistant Engineer/OT (Electrical Cadre)

  • Gollapally Koushik Arya

    Can other state people apply for PSPCL?

    • Neeraj Kumar Ravi

      Dear Student,

      Yes, students from other states are eligible for the application for this job vacancy. The criteria to be fulfilled for the same is that Punjabi Language has to be one of the subjects in your standard 10th exam.

      Team MADE EASY

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