UPCL (Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd.) Recruitment for Assistant Engineers – 79 Posts
(A Govt. of Uttarakhand Undertaking)
Advertisement No. UPCL/2021/Rectt. -01
Recruitment of Assistant Engineer Trainee
Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to the following positions Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd.
UPCL Vacancy Details
S. No | Name of the Post | Pay Scale | Category | Total Vacancies |
1. | Assistant Engineer
(Electrical & Mechanical) (Trainee) |
15600-39100 (Grade Pay- 5400) [According to 7th Pay Commission ] 56100-177500 (Level 10) | GEN/UR | 16 |
OBC | 26 | |||
SC | 24 | |||
ST | 02 | |||
EWS | 04 | |||
Total | 72 | |||
2. | Assistant Engineer
(Civil) (Trainee) |
15600-39100 (Grade Pay- 5400) [According to 7th Pay Commission ] 56100-177500 (Level 10) | GEN/UR | 02 |
OBC | 03 | |||
SC | 01 | |||
ST | 01 | |||
EWS | 00 | |||
Total | 07 | |||
1. Vacancies are provisional and may vary. 2. Maximum Age limit 42 years as on 01.01.2021. |
Essential Qualification
Besides having thorough knowledge of Hindi in Devanagari Script, the post-wise essential
Qualification shall be as follows-
For Assistant Engineer (Electrical and Mechanical) (Trainee):
Qualification & Experience:
Applicant should have obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Power Engineering, Power System Engineering or those Engineering Branches which have the word Electrical, Electronics or Mechanical from a recognized institution or should have completed AMIE- Sections A&B examination.
General/OBC/EWS category candidates should have minimum 65% marks or equivalent grade. SC/ST of Uttarakhand State/Departmental candidates (SC/ST working in Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd.) should have minimum pass marks or equivalent grade. The departmental candidates (Working in Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd.) of General/OBC category should have minimum 50% marks or equivalent grade.
For Assistant Engineer (Civil) (Trainee):
Qualification & Experience:
Applicant should have obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil or those Engineering Branches, which have the word Civil or should have completed AMIE – Sections A&B examination.
General/OBC/EWS category candidates should have minimum 65% marks or equivalent grade. SC/ST of Uttarakhand State/Departmental candidates (SC/ST working in Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd.) should have minimum pass marks or equivalent grade. The departmental candidates (Working in Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd.) of General/OBC category should have minimum 50% marks or equivalent grade.
Selection Procedure:
Assistant Engineer (E&M/Civil) (Trainee)
Selection to the posts of Assistant Engineer Electrical & Mechanical/Civil (Trainee) will be done on the basis of objective Written Test of 3 hours duration containing part I & part Il in the concerned subjects followed by Interviews of Shortlisted candidates on the basis of qualifying criteria (40% marks for General, OBC & EWS Category, 30 % for SC & ST Category in both the papers separately) in the objective written test. There will be a negative marking @ reduction of ¼ mark for each incorrect answer. No marking will be given for un-attempted question(s).
- The final selection will be based on merit list in each category determined on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in the written test (88%) and interview (12%).
- For Electrical & Mechanical cadre the part II of written test will consist of one common question paper based on Electrical, Electronics & Mechanical Engineering branches.
(i) Part-I: Bilingual Objectives type question paper with Multiple choice having one correct answer for 50 marks having 50 questions on following topics : General Awareness, Aptitude & Reasoning etc. for Electrical & Mechanical cadre and Civil cadre.
(ii) Part-II: Bilingual Objectives type question paper with multiple choice having one correct answer for 126 marks having 126 questions separately for Electrical & Mechanical cadre and civil cadre.
Age Criteria:
Minimum 21 years, General Category maximum 42 years age as on 01.01.2021.
Upper Age Relaxation:
- There will be 5 years relaxation in upper age limit for the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH/Ex Servicemen of Uttarakhand State and dependents of Freedom Fighter.
- For AEs E&M/Civil (Trainee) according to provisions in Govt. order no. 17/2/1981-Karmik-2 dated 28.2.1985 Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned Officers including Ex-Servicemen & Commissioned Officers who have rendered at least five years continuous Military Service will get maximum of 5 years relaxation in Upper Age Limit. This relaxation will also be admissible to those servicemen/officers whose assignment is due to completed within 6 months from the last date of receipt of application. For such servicemen/officers have to enclose/attach certificate of the same along with the application form.
Written Test Centre
Written Test Centres will be at Dehradun, Haridwar, Srinagar, Pantnagar and Almora.
Application Fee
For all above mentioned posts Non-refundable application fee along with Transaction Charges shall be as follows:-
- Rs.800/- only for General/OBC/EWS candidates.
- Rs.400/- only for SC/ST Category of Uttarakhand State.
No other mode of payment of application fee would be acceptable. Fee once paid will not be refunded or adjusted.
Applicants are advised to go through the advertisement thoroughly and ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria before making payment of fee and transaction charges as fee once paid will not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstance
Submission of Form:
The advertisement & online application format shall be hosted on UPCL (Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd) website www.upcl.org or GBPUAT’s website (www.tscpantnagar.com). The Candidate will have to submit their application online and get printed application of the same, which shall be submitted to GBPUAT along with documents & fee receipt to:
“Coordinator (Test & Selection), Lambert Square Guest House, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, District- Udham Singh Nagar-263145, Uttarakhand”.
General Instructions:
- The last date of online application is 16-04-2021 (Midnight).
- No Hand Written application would be entertained.
- In case any candidate wishes to apply for more than one post as per his/her eligible qualification, he/she has to submit separate online application forms and fees.
- Candidates will be allowed to appear for the Written Test/Personal Interview only with the Admit Card/Call Letter.
- Candidates should retain Applicant’s copy of Payment receipt and a photocopy of their Registration Slip for future reference.
- Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd reserves the right to cancel/ restrict/ enlarge/ modify/ alter the recruitment process, if required, without issuing any further notice, reference or assigning any reason thereafter.
- Candidate employed in Govt. Departments/ PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies shall have to produce NOC at the time of interview, failing which their candidature may be cancel led at that stage.
- In case of any ambiguity/dispute on account of interpretation in versions other than English, the English version will prevail.
- Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be in Dehradun.
- While applying for the above posts, the applicant must ensure that he/ she fulfills the eligibility including academic and professional qualifications as per advertisement and other norms mentioned above. ln case, it is detected at any stage of recruitment/ selection (i.e. during written test/ interview/ verification of documents etc.) that a candidate does not fulfill the prescribed eligibility norms and/ or that he/ she has furnished any incorrect I false/ wrong information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/ her candidature will automatically stand cancelled. If any of the above shortcoming(s) is/are detected even after appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated without any notice. No application/prayer for relaxation of eligibility norms will be entertained by the Corporation.
- Candidates are requested to go through the prescribed qualifications and other particulars carefully before registration and depositing examination fees and other documents.
- It will be the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria before applying.
- Candidates must remain in constant touch with Corporation’s website www.upcl.org or GBPUAT’s website (www.tscpantnagar.com) for information regarding dates of Written Test I Interview etc.
- Category [SC/ ST/ OBC/ EWS/ DFF/EXS/ Physically Challenged etc.] as submitted in the application cannot be changed thereafter and no benefit of other category reservation will subsequently be made admissible at any stage of the selection process. Category as mentioned at the time of submission shall remain unaltered during the recruitment process. Before filling up category, candidates must ensure that he/she actually belongs to SC/ST/O BC/ EWS etc.
- All correspondence with candidates shall be done through SMS only. All information regarding examination schedule/ downloading of admit card/ interview call letters etc. shall be uploaded in Corporation’s/GBPUAT’s websites and will be provided to the concerned candidate through SMS. Candidates will be responsible for receiving downloading and printing of admit card and any other information. Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd /GBPUAT will not be responsible for any loss of SMS sent, due to invalid Mobile No. provided by the candidate or for delay/ non receipt of information if a candidate fails to access his/ her mobile in time.
- No request for change of examination centre shall be entertained. However, UPCL/GBPUAT reserves the right to cancel or add any centre depending on the response of the candidates in that areal centre.
- Application Form not properly filled in or incomplete in any respect or without requisite documents would be summarily rejected. Willful suppression of any material fact will also be similarly dealt with.
- Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate.
- Candidates must fulfill the essential qualification as per layout as shown herein above by the closing date of Online Registration. Application from Candidates who will acquire the prescribed qualifications after the closing date of online registration will not be entertained.
- UPCL (Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd)/GBPUAT shall take no responsibility in case of failure in registration, failure to download Admit Card for appearing in the various stages of selection test.
- This .is to be noted that mere submission of application or receipt of Admit Card/ Call Letter or appearance in examination does not guarantee in selection/ appointment in the respective post. Selection of candidates will be made strictly based on merit position, available vacancy, verification of original documents/ certificates, clear police verification report and medical test.
- Mobile No. & Email ID once given cannot be changed by the candidate under any circumstances. All correspondence/ communication/ information to the candidates will be made through their Mobile No. Candidates are advised to regularly get in touch with concerned websites. Candidates are further advised to regularly visit Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd’s website (www.upcl.org)/GBPUAT’s website (www.tscpantnagar.com) to get updated information.
- Fees once paid cannot be refunded under any circumstances. No other mode like Postal Order/Pay Order/Demand Draft etc. for submission of application fees will be accepted.
- In case of multiple registrations by a candidate the last registration will only be considered for subsequent processing.
- A candidate must abide by the instructions as may be given by the supervisor/ invigilator of the Examination Hall I Room. If the candidate fails to do so or indulges in disorderly or improper conduct, he/ she will render himself/ herself liable to expulsion from the examination hall or such other punishment as the authority fit to impose.
- Candidates of Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd Recruitment will not be paid any Travelling Allowance for appearing in Written Test & Interview
- Relaxation in the Upper Age Limit will be admissible to the Reserved Category Candidates of Uttarakhand State against the Reserved Post only as per the prevailing orders of Government of Uttarakhand. Reservation/ Age relaxation will not be admissible if the requisite certificate issued by the Competent Authority of Uttarakhand State is not attached with the application.
- Hard Copy of the application with self-attested copies of enclosures to be submitted directly on the Postal address of Coordinator (Test & Selection), Lambert Square Guest House, G.B.Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, District- Udham Singh Nagar-263145, Uttarakhand by Registered Post/Speed Post.
- Candidates serving in Govt./Quasi-Govt. Deptt. shall have to produce No Objection Certificate at the time of interview which should also clearly indicate that there is no vigilance/disciplinary enquiry/case pending against him/her.
- Disclaimer: Terms and conditions given in the advertisement are guidelines only. In case of any ambiguity, the existing/prevailing policies, Rules and Regulations of UPCL (Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd) will be final.
Important Dates
S. No | Activity | Date |
1. | Start Date of Online Application | 17-03-2021 |
2. | Last Date of submitting Online Application | 16-04-2021 (Midnight) |
3. | Last date of submitting bard copy of application with self-attested copies of enclosures through Registered Post/Speed Post. | Within 10 Days after last date of online submission of application form |
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