Everything about Engineering Exams in India
Most students who opt for PCM in class 11 think of building a fulfilling career in the field of engineering after they complete their graduation. Engineering exams play a crucial role in helping engineering students and recent graduates gain the best opportunities in their respective engineering streams. In this particular blog post, we will learn about the different engineering entrance exams that engineering students and recent graduates can refer to plan their engineering careers in the best possible manner.
Competitive exams after B.Tech:
Right after passing the B.Tech exam, it becomes important for engineering graduates to look for opportunities that will help them land the opportunities they always deserved.
The best competitive exams after B.Tech include the following:-
- Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE): It is one of the top competitive exams for engineering graduates and students that aims to test the required understanding of the subjects associated with the specified streams, including engineering. It helps to provide admission to the Masters’ program across different premier colleges across the country. Apart from this, the GATE scores are also beneficial for securing a prestigious job in one of the top Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) in the country.
- Union Public Service Commission (via ESE): Engineering Services Examination (ESE) is one of the best options for engineering students and graduates eligible for this government exam. If you want to serve your nation and have an interest in technical services, then you must prepare and apply for the Engineering Services Examination, earlier known as Indian Engineering Services (IES).
- Staff Selection Commission – Junior Engineer (SSC JE): This is a prominent exam that helps deserving engineers get a government job with the Staff Selection Commission at the post of Junior Engineer. It is an ideal role for engineering students in their later semesters of the degree or who have recently completed an engineering degree. Based on the performance of the respective candidate, he receives a promotion to Executive Engineer and later to Senior Section Engineer.
- State Engineering Services (SES): The concerned state authorities conduct the State Engineering Services (SES) for the respective state in India. For instance, UPPSC and MPPSC are the State Engineering Services exams for Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, respectively. These exams are conducted once a year. Therefore, eligible candidates can apply and sit for the exams to secure the respective state’s exam for the particular session.
- Railway Recruitment Board (RRB): Recently, the Ministry of Railways announced the recruitment of eligible candidates in the engineering stream via a separate exam called as Indian Railway Management Service (IRMS) examination. Therefore, if you are an engineering student or professional, you can appear for such engineering exams including competitive exams for engineering graduates.
- Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO): Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) recruits engineers for the post of Scientist or Engineer according to the requirements of the respective department. Candidates belonging to the engineering streams such as Computer Science, Electronics, and Mechanical Engineering can apply and appear for the respective role at ISRO.
Now, let us find out the best resources for engineering exams associated with government exams after engineering.
Books for engineering exams: If you are an engineering student or recent graduate and worried about where to get started with your engineering exams preparation, then here is a detailed list of books for engineering exams that you must refer to before getting started with full-fledged preparation for government exams after engineering. These engineering exams associated with the government sector have gained a significant amount of popularity from the student end in recent times.
1. Graduate Aptitude Test Engineering (GATE):
- General English for GATE and PSUs 2023
- GATE 2023 Civil Engineering Previous Years Solved Papers (available for other engineering streams as well)
- Engineering Mathematics for GATE and ESE 2023
- Reasoning and Aptitude for GATE and ESE 2023
2. Engineering Services Examination (ESE):
- General Studies Books 2023 for UPSC SSC, PSUs
- ESE 2023: Preliminary Exam: Civil Engineering Objective Vol-1
- ESE 2023: Preliminary Exam: Civil Engineering Objective Vol-2
- GS and Engineering Aptitude 3300+ MCQs
- ESE 2023 Mains Examination Civil Engineering Conventional Paper-I
- ESE 2023 Mains Examination Civil Engineering Conventional Paper-II
3. Staff Services Commission – Junior Engineer (SSC-JE):
- General Studies Books 2023 for UPSC SSC, PSUs
- SSC-JE 2022: Civil Engineering Previous Years Conventional Solved Papers 2
- SSC-JE 2022: Electrical Engineering Previous Years Conventional Solved Papers 2
- SSC-JE 2022: Mechanical Engineering Previous Years Conventional Solved Papers 2
- General Intelligence Reasoning Objective Solved Papers
The books specified for the civil engineering stream are also available for other engineering streams that are eligible for competitive exams such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, electronics, and communications engineering, to name a few.
4. State Engineering Services (SES):
- Exceling in interviews
- MPSC General Studies 2022 (for Maharashtra Engineering Services)
- UPPSC-AE Civil Engineering Previous Year Objective Solved Papers
- State Engineering Services Exams Previous Years Conventional Solved Papers (Civil Engineering)
- State Engineering Services Exams Previous Years Objective Solved Papers (Civil Engineering)
5. RRB-JE:
- RRB-JE CBT-1: Mathematics and General Intelligence
- RRB-JE CBT-1: General Awareness and General Science
- General English for GATE and PSUs 2023
- ISRO: Computer Science Previous Solved Papers
- 2650 MCQ: GATE/PSUs: Computer Science
Thus, these are the most beneficial books for engineering exams available for competitive exams for engineering graduates and students.
Now that we have a fair idea about engineering exams including competitive exams for engineering graduates and books for engineering exams, let us find out the most commonly asked questions among engineering students and professionals.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):
1. Can I get a government job after engineering?
Ans: Absolutely! You can secure a government job after completing your degree with proper preparation for government exams after engineering and focusing on balancing your college studies and competitive exams for engineering graduates.
2. What are the competitive exams for engineering?
Ans: In the present times, the competitive exams for engineering include GATE, ESE, SSC-JE, RRB-JE, and ISRO. Apart from this, there are several competitive exams for engineering graduates that you can refer to during your exam preparation.
3. What are the best books for engineering exams?
Ans: The best books for engineering exams for different engineering streams are listed above. Choose one of them to get started with your journey for competitive exams for engineering graduates.
4. What is the salary after B.Tech?
Ans: The salary after B.Tech varies with the position and role at which the respective candidate joins a particular firm. Another factor that influences the salary after B.Tech is the existing skillset and willingness to upskill as and when required. The average salary after B.Tech varies from 3.60 lakhs to 6 lakhs.
5. What are the most in-demand engineering streams?
Ans: The most popular engineering streams include civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electronics and communications engineering, electrical engineering, production and industrial engineering, instrumentation engineering, and chemical engineering. Therefore, if you are aiming to prepare for government exams after engineering, then you can choose one of these engineering streams.
6. When should I start preparing for competitive exams for engineering graduates?
Ans: If you are serious about scoring a top rank followed by successful recruitment in one of the government firms, then you must kickstart your preparation for engineering exams after B.Tech right from the initial years of the engineering degree.
Thus, engineering exams for engineering graduates will be beneficial in creating the engineering career you aimed for while joining the engineering college.
Hope you found this blog post useful.
All the best for your competitive engineering exams!
Feel free to write to us or call us in case of any queries.
Dear Aspirants,
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