How to avoid distractions while preparing for GATE or ESE?
How to avoid distractions?
All prepared to study, ready with your books and notes for the GATE/ESE Examination? Do you find it hard to read beyond a particular point? Do the things around you start to distract you? Well, this is a very common observation in most of the students. With the changing times and the age of technology hovering over us, we find it difficult to concentrate. The distractions around us take hold of our sincerity and before we know instead of sitting and studying for hours like we planned we end up daydreaming, watching videos, or most commonly sleeping. This hampers our study and later we repent about the time we wasted as we could not avoid distractions.
GATE/ ESE is one of the toughest examinations in the country which requires the full and sincere efforts of the students. While the way to achieve success in this examination is a little tedious owing to the vastness of the syllabus and the investment in terms of the time it requires. For such immense concentration, it is necessary that we first learn to avoid distractions. Thus to address the same issue today we would like to talk about how we can avoid these distractions.
Let us start our discussion with what are the common forms of distractions that we face during our GATE/ ESE Preparation.
Common Distractions
1. Phone
No matter how important mobile phones have become in our lives; they are the most important reason for our distractions. If once you have opened your phone you are less likely to keep it down before 1-2 hours. Thus the 1-2 hours which could have been fruitful were spent merely playing games, watching videos, or any other activity. Though phones are a blessing during exam preparation.
You can keep your notes and books handy in it and also you can find motivational videos on the phone. Your phone and the internet will help in clearing doubts and keeping you updated on what’s going on around the world. Thus phones have to be used very meritoriously to make the best of it.
2. Laptop
A laptop similar to a phone is your best friend during the preparation but it too contributes heavily to the distractions. While your laptop is the keeper of all your books and notes, toppers talk it also has a lot of memories like old photos and movies which can distract you. If you have an internet connection, then there is no stopping the number of distractions your laptop can create. Thus efficient and judicious use is important.
3. Friends and family:
Preparing for an exam like GATE/ ESE requires you to be emotionally isolated and on your own where you can concentrate and have no distractions. While candidates who have prepared for this exam understand the intensity of the exam, others find it difficult to come in sync with you. Thus many times friends and family can also act as distractions with their constant calling and messaging. So to avoid this make sure you fix the timing of talking with friends and family.
4. Social Media:
Social media today is a platform that does the best job of distracting everyone. From Facebook to Instagram to YouTube, people use these platforms to showcase how amazing their life is which makes them feel bad and thus distracts them immensely. A friend going to a party, a cousin going for a trip, or your colleagues enjoying while shopping, makes you feel bad and you wish your life would be something beyond the four walls of your room. Well always remember nothing great comes easy so your life might be miserable right now but once the exam is done it is going to be better than many others around.
5. Sleep
This list couldn’t be complete without giving due regard to the one distraction we have no clue how to get over with. This distraction is sleep. Late-night studies are very common for engineers but what it takes away is your sleep. If you sleep late and wake up early you will surely be sleepy all night through, which clearly is not a good decision. So manage your sleep well and make sure you take 7 hours of sleep minimum in a day.
These are the elements that are your main source of distractions, so now let’s discuss ways to avoid distractions.
How to Avoid Distractions during exam preparation?
1. Understand why?
We never get distracted while watching movies or series on Netflix. Have you ever wondered why? Because we know why we are watching it. Similarly, during preparation, know why you are doing it and what you are doing. Once your motive for clearing the exam is known, concentrating will be a piece of cake. So write down why you want to clear the GATE/ ESE Examination and you are good to go.
2. Stay away from social media platforms:
While you are preparing for your exam, make sure you stay away from social media. This will keep you away from all the fun and parties your friends are having. This helps in keeping your concentration intact.
While it may be difficult for you at the start to stay away from WhatsApp and Facebook, once you get busy with the Exam preparation you will get accustomed to a lifestyle without social media and you will love it.
3. Make a schedule:
Whether it is about life or studying for an exam, a plan always helps. So before you start your preparation make sure you have a plan in place about how you plan to study all the subjects, when you have to revise, when solving questions, and everything. So right till the last detail of the day like eating food and sleeping, plan everything out so that you do not wake up in the morning all blank with nothing to do. When you have an agenda in place for the day you concentrate more and are sincere in your efforts.
4. Laptop and phone-only study material:
While everything these days related to preparation is available online having a laptop and a smartphone is a blessing but make sure you let it remain so. Therefore, before starting your preparation are sure to clean everything from your laptop and phone and keep just the study-related material. When you have nothing on your phone or laptop you surely are less likely to be distracted.
5. Restrict usage of the internet:
While planning your day keep time for browsing the Internet too. While studying a subject if you feel like you need to search for a topic on the internet write it down on a piece of paper and search for it when you have allotted the time for it. Thus maintain the discipline to not be using the internet always and instead live a balanced life.
Some More Tips:
1. Take Breaks:
Sitting on the study table engrossed in your book is a good thing but doing it all throughout the day will bring your fatigue and after one time your brain will stop concentrating. Therefore, it is necessary that during the preparation include breaks in your plan. In the beginning, you can start by taking a smaller 5 minutes break every hour or half an hour. Once you become used to sitting for long hours you can increase your study hours and take breaks for a longer duration. One a week or once a month reward yourself and you can also plan for an outing with your friend. This will freshen up your mood and help you get back to studying with full sincerity.
2. Utilize your breaks effectively:
While it is necessary to take breaks, it is important to how you spend your breaks. Browsing the internet and taking solace in social media is a bad way of taking breaks instead you can read, listen to music, watch inspirational videos, or simply go for a walk. The break should be refreshing which encourages you to study further.
3. Stop procrastinating
Do the work when it is supposed to be done, delaying only adds up to the work and you end up not doing anything at all. Procrastination is bad not just during preparation but also in daily life.
4. Concentrate on the smaller steps ahead instead of the end results
Most of the students get distracted thinking about how amazing their lives will be when they clear the exam. Well, thinking about it is good but not at the cost of your short-term goals. So, don’t worry about the final result, i.e., GATE/ESE final result, instead, concentrate on the near future goals of sticking to the plan and not completing everything on time.
5. Stay happy and do not pity yourself
Preparing for the GATE/ESE Examination was your decision so while in the preparation phase stay happy and do not pity yourself. Your life was your choice and repenting it will just make things worse. Preparation time is a tough phase but giving up is being a loser so be a warrior and fight this phase too. You can watch toppers talk of various toppers who will tell you how to study effectively and avoid distractions.
Now that we know the best ways to avoid distractions, let us find detailed solutions to some crucial aspects associated with the GATE or ESE exam preparation.
How to avoid distractions while studying online?
According to recent surveys, more than half of the total students find it easier to study online. This mode of study is highly beneficial for students, but it is important to keep a check on distractions while studying online. It is because the online mode often distracts students to concentrate on their studies. If you are wondering how to create interest in studies, then here are some recommended ways to avoid distractions and focus on studying in the digital world:
- Keep mobile phones away: Yes, you heard that right! If you want to secure a decent rank in the GATE and/or ESE exam, you will have to say goodbye to the old bonding between you and your phone. Gadgets such as mobile phones pose to be an obstacle in the path of realizing one’s potential and moving towards achieving their goal.
- Use apps to keep you on track: Digital apps are a boon for students who are presently preparing for competitive exams such as GATE or ESE. Therefore, to stay on track and avoid getting distracted, you must prioritize using apps such as to-do list apps and time management apps in your exam preparation journey. It will help you keep your progress on track and help focus on studying in the best possible manner.
- Ditch your smartphone: It might seem like an extreme step, but if you can do it, you will thank yourself later. Try to change your smartphone to a basic phone and get a phone detox for good. In this way, you can stay away from unmindful scrolling and focus on learning and performing better in your practice tests.
- Tweak your mind: Unproductive but interesting aspects attract our minds like a magnet. Therefore, it is essential to keep a check on the information we consume in our daily routine. Make it a point to stay away from sources that provide negative information. So, tell yourself to focus on your goal and avoid entertaining unnecessary matters to achieve the best results.
- Meditate: As a GATE or ESE exam aspirant, you must ensure that your mind is calm during study hours to avoid distractions. It is because a calming mind is an asset for every exam aspirant. Regular meditation helps achieve a calming mind that aids secure excellent results in exams.
How to stay away from the phone while studying?
Staying away from the phone while studying is much more difficult in the present digital era. This is because everyone around us is glued to their smartphones, thus making us conscious about not using phones at that particular moment. Therefore, as a GATE or ESE exam aspirant, you must prioritize to take the best efforts to stay away from the phone and avoid distractions. Here are some smart hacks that you can use to stay away from your phone while studying for your competitive exam.
- Uninstall time-consuming apps: Apps are a boon in the digital space, but not all apps. Exam aspirants must make conscious efforts to find the apps that consume a lot of valuable time and uninstall them at the earliest. In this way, you will utilize useful apps during your exam preparation journey and avoid time wastage.
- Use a timer: You can keep yourself entertained but avoid wasting time with proper time management. In this way, you can concentrate on your studies with the help of a timer. Similarly, you can use a timer to take breaks during your study sessions. Therefore, you will be accountable for your activities in the best possible manner.
- Turn off push notifications: The push notifications in the form of pop-ups take up most attention of exam aspirants. Therefore, you must turn off push notifications on your smartphone to avoid rising curiosity and focus on studying.
How to study without getting distracted?
Most exam aspirants find it difficult to avoid distractions. If you are searching for a proven way to study without getting distracted, here are some effective ways to study without getting distracted.
- Limit your study resources: Most GATE and ESE exam aspirants are often confused with their study resources. You can be different from such aspirants. Consult your coaching faculties to understand the best study materials for your exam preparation.
- Be present now: We often tend to think of the future. However, you must remind yourself to focus on studying during that hour and avoid thinking of the future. You must understand that staying in the present moment helps to keep overthinking at bay, thus helping you achieve the best possible results.
- Distract yourself intentionally: Sounds weird? No, it’s not. Competitive exam preparation requires dedication and consistent focus to concentrate on studies, which needs an active mind. Our minds get tired with continuous usage. So, choose to distract yourself intentionally and see your mind recharge in no time. Pick up a hobby or an interesting hobby to achieve the same.
Therefore, these expert tips will help you avoid distractions and concentrate on your studies, thus helping you to perform the best in competitive exams.
While overcoming these distractions will be a little difficult at first but nothing good comes easy. Before you start wondering how to follow so many guidelines there are some important notes you need to know:
- Avoiding distractions is tough. When it comes to distractions, you’re not the only one. It’s not easy to stay on task when you need to work for hours at a time. However, some people are able to avoid distractions. The question is: why them and not you? Well, it is the practice that has helped them to avoid distractions.
- No one taught you how to focus. It’s funny yet ironic that all throughout our school days we were never taught how to learn and be focused. Even though that’s all we did there. It was just assumed, and ultimately it was hit or miss on whether or not you ended up knowing how to do those things at all. So while it didn’t happen earlier it’s never too late to start. So begin your journey of avoiding distractions today.
- The tools to help master your ability to focus. Since everyone’s left to their own devices, it’s up to you to find ways to master your focus ability. That’s what these tips are for, so you can finally stay focused and on track with what you want to accomplish for yourself.
These tips will make things clear in your mind. It will solve your problem of being distracted when studying. So make sure you sit and analyze what is it that distracts you the most and then find a solution for the same. Making a plan always comes in handy so schedule everything down and paste it in front of your study table. So that it reminds you daily.
Going off track is not a problem, but not coming back on track is a problem. So whatever has happened in the past let it go. Give a new beginning to your preparation keeping all the above points in mind and give your best. Always remember that successful people are not gifted, they just work hard and succeed on purpose.
We hope this article helps you in your preparation. Feel free to write to us if you have any queries.
Keep Reading.
Dear Aspirants,
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So, hurry up, subscribe to the MADE EASY: ESE, GATE, and PSUs YouTube channel now, and never miss an update on new videos.

Very informative lesson,
Thank you made easy team
Dear Student,
Thanks for writing to us. We are glad to know that the article was helpful for you. Please keep visiting our blog to get more helpful content.
Thank you for this article. I learned some tips to avoid distraction from this.
Keep writing.
Dear Student,
Thanks for writing to us. We are glad to know that the article was helpful for you. Please keep visiting our blog to get more helpful content.
Thank you made easy team. Really it is a good article .. I learn some tips.
Thank you made easy team.
Really Good article.i learned some tips from this.
Dear Candidate,
Thanks for writing to us. We are glad to know that this article was useful to you. Please keep visiting our blog to get more article like these.
Really the blog was quite well, from this I learnt many thing and sure I will make these changes in my preparation strategy. Thank you Made Easy
Dear Candidate,
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Thank-you sir 🙂
Thank you sir really helpful